Design: Spire top vats
It is well known that the aether is stronger the higher into the atmosphere you go. By building or Crystal vats at the highest points in the spires we can grow crystals under much better conditions. The resulting crystals are formed with a much greater attunment to the aether, allowing for much faster and more precise control. Additonaly, the crystals grow with far fewer natural flaws, and grow much faster.
Design: deep spire forges
aether naturaly degrades our strongest materials, and while this can be prevented by coating then with copper or other substances, the initial foraging proccess will still suffer. The solution to this is to forge the materials where the aether is almost non existent, and coat them with protective metals before bringing them to the upper layers. This provides us with much stronger materials and equipment, and allows us to create much more complex designs with traditional metals.
Thoughts on future airships
thinking of aether craft as ship analogues is inherently wrong. A traditional ship is built to sail in water. It expects far greater resistance in specific areas over others. It is designed to overcome these resistances. Additonaly, when building a ship, if you decide to make it 2 feet longer, you can expect an additional two feet of contact with the water. 2 feet of buoyant force pushing back on the hull. With an aether craft, you can not expect that. The only upwards force you receive is centralized in your lift Crystal. An ideal ship design would not be a long rectangle, but a circle centered around the lift Crystal, with trim crystals lining the edges. The deck extends an equal distance in all directions from the lift Crystal, maximising deck area and minimizing strain on the frame, allowing for larger ships and more efficient use of materials. The ideal ship frame should be either a half sphere or a squashed cylinder.
Your webbing should be extended down underneath the craft, to keep it from obscuring vision, and place it out of the way of enemy fire.
The end result would be something looking some what like a jellyfish, trailing long tendrils of webbing beneath it, with a circular base at the top.
It would be just as fast as a traditional ship, but sturdier and more adaptable.