Turn 36
I'm no mechanic, and I'm certainly no puzzle solver, but is it possible for our demonic friend here to pass through as smoke, then reconstitute on the other side and I jam the mechanism from there? The alternative is we try to find another way around, since trying to force our way through is out of the question. Worst case, we will have to travel on the surface and find another way into the passages. - Reynald suggested.
That is a great idea, inquisitor guy! - Pguhyuh shouted, and ordered his companion to use infravision, to determine if there is any enemy on the other side of sealed passage or something wrong with mechanism.
[1] Smoke approached the exit and gazing through rock walls in search of mechanism, he saw that it's broken parts were lying strewn around the passage. He also saw some shape closing in, and after a while he recognised it as a demon. A humanoid, taller and bulkier than Seymour, it's body covered with obsidian and basalt. The creature had two small horns on it's head, and it's mighty hands had enormous claws that illuminated the area with electric charges. Smoke hastily made a few steps back and shouted:
A demon lord! - as he ran away, the demon broke through rock gate. It was a Maelstorm, demonic lord possessing power of lightnings!
[Dennis: 6, Darkfallen: 5 -2]
That's enough of that! - Duke screamed and charged at darkfallen, but the dark spirit parried his attack with dark bolt.
[Vivian: 4, Darkfallen: 1 -2]
AAAAAAAGGGHHHHHH!!!! - Vivian shouted, still shocked after dark spirit nearly strangled her. She dodged the wave of dark energy rolling closer to dark spirit, then stabbed it with her rapier.
[Lysander: 2, Darkfallen: 2 -2]
This may not be killing you, but it is certainly satisfactory. Naablvat, kill the lady. - Despite losing his strenght, Lysander still held the darkfallen.
[Naablvat: 6, Darkfallen: 2 -2] Following demonologist's order, horned demon firecharged at dark spirit and literally ripped it into pieces and got thrown back by dark explosion!
[5] The emission of dark energy didn't hurt anyone. The darkfallen revealed it's weaker energetical body, it's host turning into dust.
[2] Aaron couldn't return to corporeality due to sudden shift in dark energy around himself.
[5] White Dragon's Heritage reminded of itself and caught the dark spirit in a snow storm, immobilizing it and wounding!
[Aaron: 3, Darkfallen: 4] Then wanderer proceeded with a slashing attack, but missed.
[1] It didn't take long for Alexander and Sightless Ghatzu following him to get in trouble. Two zombies left a nearby room and approached them!
Maelstorm: [512/512]
Darkfallen's Host: Dead
Zombie: 2x[40]
Darkfallen: Immobile, -20 HP [40/60]
Naablvat: Stunned
Aaron: 2 turns to corporeality
Some enemies are blends of main enemy types, like Darkfallen is zombie/dark spirit. I called it dark spirit due to it being the dominating type in this enemy. When another enemy blend appears, I'll post info about what enemy types it uses and which one is dominating to avoid confusion.
Skipping on Tiruin this time, sorry.