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Author Topic: Intercontinental Arms Race: Finale  (Read 593300 times)


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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Spring 1942 (Strategy Phase)
« Reply #5625 on: March 21, 2018, 03:40:34 pm »

The War This Turn:
This season, Cannala is attempting to press their advantage on both the fronts where they advanced last season, the Tereshkova Jungle and Forenian Jungle. Forenia is attempting to beat them back on the same fronts.

The Battle at Sea
Once again a new weapon is seen first where Forenian bomber groups travel overseas. The Forenian 51st Bomber Division acts under strict orders: "Do not divert course when enemy aircraft deploy missiles. Maintain your current heading, and flip Breaker 6A to engage power to the UF-RJ-42 Fair Fight Module." The Cannalans engage in their usual tactic: Fire missiles, turn away and climb to avoid Forenian fighters, then linger just long enough to confirm kills. This time however, the Forenian fighters stay close to their escorts instead of scrambling to retaliate. Hellfire missiles streak through the sky... and then detonate in mid-air, hundreds of meters from their targets. The shocked Cannalan pilots retreat, to report what they've seen.

The Fair Fight Module doesn't render the Cannalan radio-detonated artillery shells ineffective against aircraft, however. Fighters don't carry it, and when bombers have come close enough to AAA fire to test it, it has proven not to be completely effective- many shells still detonate close enough to the aircraft to cause damage.

The general state of sea warfare otherwise is still that Forenia has a greater volume of long-range cannon fire (thanks to their relatively inexpensive Vodka) and sinks some ships by torpedoes (the Dolphin torpedo remains extremely effective), but suffers significant losses to small torpedo boats, mines, and Cannala's superior tactics at sea.

Cannala has an advantage at sea.

The Battle for the Tereshkova Jungle
Attacking: Both
The wet season continues.

It is a fresh battle, with Forenian numbers no longer suffering from a failed attack on Cannalan shores. Cannala continues to have a naval advantage, granting them shore artillery support and ready deployment of small aircraft by carrier where land runways are unavailable, or even at sea behind enemy lines. Forenian bombers operate without fear of reprisal from Cannalan aircraft, since they're practically immune to missiles, but radio-detonated artillery shells are a threat to them. Nightstorm Howitzers fire these on land, but the greatest volume of fire from these shells is by Seaweed Cruisers. The Cannalan navy advances along the shore, creating an exclusion zone in which Forenian aircraft can only attack while suffering great losses, and the land army follows under their protection.

Further from the shore, Forenia still has air superiority: Their fighters are still better, and they make great use of it. Large bombers drop incendiary bombs to burn swaths of the jungle, and Haasts drop the Firecracker bomblets which are very effective against Cannala's APCs. Forenia's Salamander APCs are also still very effective against Raiders. However, Cannala has a new weapon: The Vengeful Charlotte Bomber. The Charlotte carries a large bomb load, and it flies at an altitude high enough that existing jet fighters have difficulty intercepting it. By the time it comes up on Forenian radar, a Lightning Streak needs to already be on patrol nearby, and in between the Charlotte and its objective. While high-altitude bombing from the Charlotte is not very accurate, these attacks still manage to do damage to Forenian camps as well as shore defenses, the latter of which in particular is very valuable for Cannala.

Ground combat is still mainly focuses on infantry and APCs which move infantry easily over muddy roads and rivers. Forenia's Explosive Reactive Armor helps the survivability of their Salamanders in infantry attacks, but not every Salamander is equipped with it. Forenia also makes surprisingly good use, even in 1942, of Tiger Armor Infantry: The idea of armoring soldiers in metal seems antiquated but it is very effective against the assault rifles and shotguns which are used by most soldiers here, curbed only by the use of grenades and grenade launchers. Cannala uses artillery armed with radio-detonated rounds to increase the effectiveness of their artillery against infantry, but this is ineffective against Forenian emplacements, where Fair Fight Modules are used. What Cannala lacks somewhat in infantry punch -their regular guns are about as good as Forenia's, but they don't have Tiger Armor or flamethrowers- they make up for at night, targeting key locations and making up lost ground in daring night-time raids. Forenia's slightly improved Overcompensator guns are the main target of land attacks, giving Cannala access to more shore.

Overall, Forenia still has an advantage in land combat, but the Cannalans are able to use the sea to great advantage here. Control of the shoreline gives them quick and mobile access to deeper parts of the continent by river, and they manage to gain ground. It's still a close thing either way.

Cannala gains ground! [Cannala 2/4, Forenia 2/4]

The Battle for the Forenian Jungle

Attacking: Both

This is also a jungle, so just like West Tershkova, the same things can be said about the infantry, armor, and air support. However a notable difference is that as the fight pushes deeper inland, there is no shoreline for Cannala to control. Without the benefit of missiles to protect them from bombers, the Forenians bomb the Cannalan Army right back up to the shore where Cannala has their fire support ships. The Cannalans are literally kept at bay.

Forenia takes back their land. [Cannala 0/2, Forenia 2/2]

Events outside the War:

The Outside World:

The Germans test the A-4 Rocket. It reaches a height of 84 kilometers, becoming the second man-made object to reach space, after the AS-SS1935X rocket.  The Americans defeat Japanese forces on Guadalcanal, near Australia. The Red Cross, meeting in Geneva, holds a special session to consider internationally condemning the German practice of holding civilians in concentration camps, but they ultimately decline to do so. In response to Operation Basalt, a British Commando raid in which reportedly resulted in German soldiers being shot being held prisoner, Hitler issues the Commando Order, commanding his men to execute any captured Commandos, even if they are wearing uniforms. He recommends this be extended to Cannalan night-vision raiders as well. US and British troops invade French North Africa, and a coup against Vichy French government in Algiers ensures the mission's success. French Admiral Darlan, who helped facilitate this, is assassinated shortly thereafter. Throughout the season, allied navies see serious losses to U-boats. USAAF bombers begin to raid italy, the attacks are ineffective in the face of resistance German jet aircraft. The Battle of Stalingrad continues as Germany tries in vain to break the Soviet siege of German-held Stalingrad.

The movie Casablanca is first shown in theaters. Gasoline rationing begins in the United States, and in Cannala, El Presidente follows suit, much to the chagrin of citizens who complain it's "an offense to free capitalism."

Local Events:
The Secret Police arrested Piratejoe. An investigation of his home has found that he has been acting as a liason for Vlanladosian spies in Forenia, he may even be their ringleader. Besides large amounts of foreign money, technical documents pertinent to arms manufacturing machinery and even transport schedules for such machinery have been discovered. Several other individuals are implicated in correspondence as supplying him with machinery to smuggle overseas, they have been arrested as well. It is unclear if any other Engineers are involved, but we believe that this will end Vlanlados spying for now. In other news, the Astronomy Society has been cleared of allegations of harboring secret jews: Their choice of a six-pointed blue star has been chosen for Newton's six laws of motion (including the three less well-known ones- "What goes up must come down unless it goes really fast", "A force which hits Sergei when he's drinking will be hit back twice as hard", and the extremely disputed quote of "You can never have enough rocket fuel"). The fact that they meet in synagogues is simply because the buildings have been recently abandoned and are very inexpensive real estate.

In Cannala, El Presidente has issued a public statement condemning the Forenians' treatment of the Jewish people. "I am told that if you travel to Forenia now, there are no jews at at all to be found. Germany is detaining their jewish population, and that of the countries they've invaded, in camps, which are very cruel if the rumors are to be believed. Now where are missing the Forenian jews? Our informants and reconnaisance see no camps in Forenia. We can only guess what cruel fate may have befallen them. We Cannalans, too, know the feeling of scorn that comes with religious persecution. There are still some of you living now who remember the day our entire nation was declared excommunicated from the Catholic church by the vile, pro-union Pope Leo the Eighth. But we persevered, we never gave in to his demands, and I want any any Forenians who have been harmed by the Nazi regime to know that if they come here, they can help us take their country back. Try to steal as much as you can on the way out."

Turn 21, Commence!

You may now begin voting for your design phase!
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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Summer 1943 (Design Phase)
« Reply #5626 on: March 21, 2018, 04:51:08 pm »

B3A-1 Vengeful Charlotte Strategic Bomber: [Expensive] The Charlotte is a large, swept-wing bomber aircraft intended to fly faster and higher than enemy craft which would intercept it. It's powered by two new JAB.42 Vengeful turbofan engines, with a low bypass that serves to keep the engine cool. They're larger than those on the spearhead, but more powerful and get better performance at altitude. The engines are flush to fuselage with a broad semi-circular intake. The wing surface is very long and broad, almost resembling a delta wing, with a low aspect ratio, and include strakes and a reduction in sweepback angle down the length of the wing. It also has a tall, swept T-tail. The aircraft is constructed from aluminum as much as possible, to reduce its weight. It has a total bomb carrying capacity of twelve tons, which can be entirely within the bomb bay or on the four wing hardpoints which support two tons each. The cockpit is entirely pressurized, and the bomb bay is is pressurized while the doors are closed, with oxygen masks available for all crew (a pilot, co-pilot, radio operator, bomber, and bring-your-kid-to-work-day seat) in the event of depressurization while dropping bombs or any other reason. Durability is aided by segmented fuel tanks, and redundant hydraulic control lines. [5 Ore (2 Al), 5 Oil]

This design seems to be ridicously cheap to me.

It carries 12 tonnes of bombs, at high altitude and high speeds. It's also made of complex metals and stuff like that.

In comparison, the Ice Giant is optimized for fuel effeciency, uses turboprops, flies slower, and is largely made of wood.

Somehow, the Ice Giant uses both more fuel and more ore than their bomber.

UFAF-HAT-41 "Ice Giant" B: [Very Expensive] This is an enormous transport aircraft, powered by eight turbo-prop engines. Each of these engines is based on the aT-J04b, but drives a shaft which powers a propeller, which is more efficient for low-speed applications. The final result is engines which are relatively efficient, but each of them is small, as designing larger turbines would have taken too long. Most of the effort is poured into the enormous airframe, constructed largely of wood. The wing spar and some important reinforcements use aluminum beams. The majority of the frame is arranged in a geodetic structure, but it's still much less resilient to damage and fire than a metal frame. It can carry a single fully loaded Salamander, or about 13 tons of cargo. Compared to smaller bombers, it's slow and flies with the grace of an emu. It lands on eight large, partially-retracting wheels to support its weight. [6 Ore (1 Al), 2 Wood, 7 Oil]


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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Winter 1942 (Revision Phase)
« Reply #5627 on: March 21, 2018, 05:44:34 pm »

Well, while Sensei is answer for his Bias Crimes™, we should discuss our design for this turn.  I would like to propose:

Design: UFN-SNR-42 "Clickbait"

You won't believe how this device works! Using this ONE WEIRD TRICK, this device will render a local factions sea mines completely useless! 

Click below to see the SHOCKING description that YOU WON'T BELIEVE!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Why you should pick the Clickbait:
  • It defeats their seamines.
  • It defeats their torpedoes.
  • It makes their torpedoboats and minelayers useless - two designs for one.
  • We won't lose ships during landings any more.
  • It gives us the option to build sonar-guided torpedoes.
  • It gives us the option to build submarines.
  • It's been demonstrated the entire game that you cannot do anything unless you have a naval advantage.
  • It has a great name.


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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Summer 1943 (Design Phase)
« Reply #5628 on: March 21, 2018, 06:52:58 pm »

Sonar doesn't quite defeat torpedoes. Can it give us prewarning against their position? Yes. But given that I'm fairly certain that we keep eyes on enemy ships and therefore have an idea where torpedoes are coming from. It'd help for sure, but by no means anywhere close to a hard counter. A torpedo spread can very much still force us to maneuver disadvantageously in order to dodge them, and there will be those who wouldn't be physically capable of making the dodge and getting hit anyway.

Their mines on the other hand... Due to their more lackadaisical demeanor (as in, not being propelled at our line)...
But something to consider: why make a SONAR on its own when it could be attached to a DD whose main innovation is the SONAR and actually being worth a damn (the later accomplished difficulty wise by all of our rather excellent naval experience accrued since designing the Archer) that could screen our task forces from torpedo boat attacks.

Glory to United Forenia!

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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Summer 1943 (Design Phase)
« Reply #5629 on: March 21, 2018, 09:45:50 pm »

It has a kindof cringy name IMO, but I would be in support of it if we then went on to go for sonar guided torpedoes and maybe a sub (not as sure on the latter).  Would be potentially powerful tech, and we could potentially then use the torpedo guidance system for anti ship missiles assuming they work on the same principle.
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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Summer 1943 (Design Phase)
« Reply #5630 on: March 21, 2018, 10:24:22 pm »

It has a kindof cringy name IMO

On one hand, I am cut to the very bone.

On the other hand, I am bad at names.  Just look at the Reckless Effect. So thank you for the honest, brutal, opinion. :'(


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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Summer 1943 (Design Phase)
« Reply #5631 on: March 21, 2018, 10:47:49 pm »

Develop Turbohaast with insane carrying capacity, use Turbohaast to deliver ASMs or ship-sized (several kilometer range) sonar-guided torpedoes. Turns our air advantage into an even larger sea advantage. We won't even have to enter flak range to kill them.

Counter-counter proposal:
Upgrade the Vodka substantially, then call it the Victorious-class battleship, to make fun of the Canners. Lengthen the hull, replace the diesels with our most powerful steam turbines, upgun to 16in/400mm, make the deck armored, integrate radar fire-control better. Should improve speed, gunpower, and protection, though we might lose speed when adding the deck armor. Oh, and add a literally ton of antiaircraft guns to the battleship, because screw you, screw your aircraft, and screw your torpedo boats too. In short, "make the Vodka not suck compared to every battleship developed since the beginning of the First World War".

I personally prefer the Turbohaast, but for kicks and giggles I'm going to write up the Victorious proposal later.
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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Summer 1943 (Design Phase)
« Reply #5632 on: March 22, 2018, 12:19:46 am »

So, fellow engineers, closest thing we could find to the Canalla bomber was from the 70s, and even then it isn't technically enough.  They have less experience with planes than us.  Sensei's refused to change the capacity of their bomber from that point, so I guess we know where the limit of where we can design planes is.
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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Summer 1943 (Design Phase)
« Reply #5633 on: March 22, 2018, 12:22:45 am »

Let it go.  The rules state he's very unlikely to change anything, so as much as I agree there's not much point in laboring in the salt mines about it. 

Best we can do is move on and hope things start to brighten up for us, because the last four turns have been very bleak.


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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Summer 1943 (Design Phase)
« Reply #5634 on: March 22, 2018, 12:36:16 am »

Given that they have A-A I.R. missiles that can is occasionally effective against both propeller and jet fighters, and we have numerous actions to our credit in Radar, rockets, and flight-surfaces, the radar-guided A-S missile is probably doable. More so considering that we actually want something huge because carriers take a lot of sinking, but generally don't like it when two tonnes of mass has an identity crisis in their deck...
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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Summer 1943 (Design Phase)
« Reply #5635 on: March 22, 2018, 01:25:14 am »

Design: UFN-AShM-43 "Wild Ride"

The wild ride is a radar guided anti-ship missile.  It contains 9 directional radar sensors configured as specified here:  The numbers in the red trapezoids specify the angle the system will sweep the missiles fins to in order to fine tune the missiles heading.  The central sensor resets the fins to a straight heading.  The sensors are tuned to receive from a directional target painting radar which can be fit to ships turret mountings, ideally the archers large turret for instance.  The missiles have a dial to tune the frequency they are most receptive to, as do the target painters, allowing for the possibility of firing salvos without the missiles being confused.  The missiles will be mounted on rails elevated 30 degrees above horizon that can be fitted onto the turrets of warships.   Two solid rocket motors on the sides of the missile activate at launch in addition to its jet engine, with the solid rocket motors intended to get it up to speed.  The missiles have winglets to give them the lift to avoid falling into the sea on approach to the target.  It contains a 500kg high explosive warhead and is intended for relatively long ranged engagements.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2018, 06:38:01 pm by QuakeIV »
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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Summer 1943 (Design Phase)
« Reply #5636 on: March 22, 2018, 01:50:45 am »

Quote from: Design Vote
Wild Ride (w/ reserach credit) (1): QuakeIV
« Last Edit: March 22, 2018, 02:34:41 am by QuakeIV »
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I wish my grass was emo, then it would cut itself.
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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Summer 1943 (Design Phase)
« Reply #5637 on: March 22, 2018, 02:06:54 am »

I like the rocket, can't we just direct them from the aircraft carriers or radar boats directly so that we can hit targets out to the limit of our radar range?

Maybe as an update later.  Then we can increase the size and range and begin bombing accurate targets on other islands.

So no one wants a submarine I guess.


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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Summer 1943 (Design Phase)
« Reply #5638 on: March 22, 2018, 02:16:11 am »

I think that would in principle be doable with what we have proposed here, the missile would just continue on its trajectory until it picked up an illuminated target I think.
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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Summer 1943 (Design Phase)
« Reply #5639 on: March 22, 2018, 03:32:06 am »

I'd like to go on record as stating that the Clickbait is a funny name, though I must refrain from discussing its potential effectiveness. I'd also like to clarify for any people reading the thread that Zanzetkuken's tantrums aside, I am considering that I may have chosen an overly-large value for the Charlotte's payload and in any case its performance is not comparable to late cold-war era aircraft.
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