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Author Topic: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)  (Read 263551 times)


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #870 on: February 01, 2018, 01:13:49 pm »

Heck I might as well carry an adventure on myself!
"Men! On my count!"
"Wait!" A waitress comes running out from the kitchen. "He is the new leader!"
"Why should we believe you?"
The waitress picks up the plate of waffles, and hands it to the man.
"The flag is in the waffles."
"Oh. That works then." Zefer becoming Leader of IHOP


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #871 on: February 01, 2018, 01:19:54 pm »

Sure thing. So our gods - there might be some writing to do about them, but here goes what we have so far :

Ino Sweetdecent the Leafy Armors : Goddess of agriculture, loyalty and oath. Pretty much the goddess of the lands, also our patron deity.
Edri The Friendly Salves : Husband of Ino, god of healing, labor and crafts. God of everything man creates from the earth.
Sabu Virtuesearch : God of justice and sailors. God of everything that comes from the sea.
Bastsan the Rapidity of Champions : God of the underground, patrons over minerals, jewels, wealth and thunder. Probably the father of Ino.
Gogol Deathphantoms : Dark god of those who ended their own lifes.
Pasmug : Minor goddess of jaleousy.

Our opinion of dwarves is pretty good - as long as they are far away basically. We trade with them alot, and have in general a great deal of respect for what they do, but occasionally we compete with them for ressources. Most people regret the war we wage against the dwarves of Dezor Uzol in the west, war for which the war-leader Tis Tangledtrampled is blamed for to this day. Dwarves are also resented for sitting on the underground wealth of the world, but that aside, our relations with dwarves is very good. We'd take a dwarf over an elf anytime.

Heck I might as well carry an adventure on myself!
Aww yeah :D


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #872 on: February 01, 2018, 01:35:28 pm »

Okay, here's my vague plan.
Dwarves were the first users of runes, and through trade, the humans of The Nation of Pearls learned of their use of letters, and quickly adopted them for widespread usage, though the original dwarven letters have been switched up, dropped off, and changed a good deal though. Actual runes also had symbols for gods, which is why I asked about them, since it would be interesting for adventures and temples to have such symbols.
As for some form of runic magic, I've thought about that, and my idea is that they start a sentance with a god symbol to ask that god's help, then a curse/spell. This could be used to explain how Bronze collossi can function, as well as our large robot friend.
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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #873 on: February 01, 2018, 01:42:02 pm »

Sounds like a plan, especially since we have long term relations with dwarves. That could also explain the wierd names of blades - they would be the rune spells carved out on them


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #874 on: February 01, 2018, 01:57:11 pm »

I hate to derail the thread again but....

As a huge Star Wars nerd, I can't help thinking of Cathar every time.
Tales of the Third Age, 34.11 rp stories from Genesis Reborn

“Name none of the fallen, for they stood in our place. And stand there still in each moment of our lives. Let my death hold no glory, and let me die forgotten and unknown. Let it not be said that I was one among the dead to accuse the living.”

-Deadhouse Gates (Book 2 in the Malazan Book of the Fallen) by Steven Erikson


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #875 on: February 01, 2018, 04:42:24 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
This is a rough first draft done with shaky handwriting with a wonky ruler, I'll make a second draft tomorrow.
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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #876 on: February 01, 2018, 04:44:51 pm »

That's excellent ! When you're completely done, I'll vectorize the symbols and use them as a ressource. Thanks so much !
Also when you're done, feel free to write me what you want to be drawn in exchange, either here or in message. Doesnt have to be related to anything.

Edit : Oh, and while I'm here, can people interested in the next chapter give me a rough idea of their adventurer to come? So I can gather some ressources and give you informations beforehand
« Last Edit: February 01, 2018, 04:47:10 pm by Cathar »


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #877 on: February 01, 2018, 07:08:45 pm »

I forgot to mention: There are 27 letters in the Human alphabet in DF, with Α and Ρ being added, and with Y being excluded. I would like to mention, however, that I took the liberty of removing Q, since it only appears in one word, Qu. I don't even know what it means, but Kiu should do the trick.
I use DF interpreter to translate stuff, but it invents new words for ones that don't exist already, fyi.
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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #878 on: February 02, 2018, 03:06:21 pm »

That's excellent ! When you're completely done, I'll vectorize the symbols and use them as a ressource. Thanks so much !
Also when you're done, feel free to write me what you want to be drawn in exchange, either here or in message. Doesnt have to be related to anything.

Edit : Oh, and while I'm here, can people interested in the next chapter give me a rough idea of their adventurer to come? So I can gather some ressources and give you informations beforehand

Uhuh sure, I was gonna go with a peasant character from Watershields if possible.
Don't know how far I'll go but I know that much.
"Men! On my count!"
"Wait!" A waitress comes running out from the kitchen. "He is the new leader!"
"Why should we believe you?"
The waitress picks up the plate of waffles, and hands it to the man.
"The flag is in the waffles."
"Oh. That works then." Zefer becoming Leader of IHOP


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #879 on: February 04, 2018, 12:29:20 pm »

Well there's not much research to do on the Pearlites, everything  is already explained :D
Problem is, Watershield doesn't have a native population, since it's a player-made fort. But you can totally make a character from a neighbouring village/town like Hazelsides or Hairyoracle.

Also the update is 75% complete. Give me one more day. I hope you guys are ready for the final battle


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #880 on: February 04, 2018, 12:35:38 pm »

I made a second draft, but I spilled tea on it, and the third draft had too many mistakes to use, so I'll have it done by tomorrow, fully developed and all. Hopefully tea-free.

I will mention that I drink tea in a massive mug, so it really was an accident waiting to happen.
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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #881 on: February 04, 2018, 04:58:38 pm »

Well, to be honest your first draft was already pretty cool, I'm using it already. Here's Warmcrested Control-The-Tides, Zefer's new sword.
I think it looks pretty neat


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #882 on: February 05, 2018, 02:16:11 am »

That is awesome.
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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #883 on: February 05, 2018, 02:19:22 pm »

That is awesome.

^ Truth ^

This thread keeps getting better and better with time.
Tales of the Third Age, 34.11 rp stories from Genesis Reborn

“Name none of the fallen, for they stood in our place. And stand there still in each moment of our lives. Let my death hold no glory, and let me die forgotten and unknown. Let it not be said that I was one among the dead to accuse the living.”

-Deadhouse Gates (Book 2 in the Malazan Book of the Fallen) by Steven Erikson


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #884 on: February 05, 2018, 02:32:54 pm »

That is awesome.

^ Truth ^

This thread keeps getting better and better with time.
The final proof that this thread is, infact, a deep, daek, seemingly endless barrel of wine from which you drink every now and then, each time revelling in how much better it's gotten.

Feel free to quote that out of context.
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