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Author Topic: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game  (Read 359814 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: The Death of Magic
« Reply #465 on: July 10, 2017, 02:10:04 pm »

Agree to pay my way, and say that I'd like to head to the next town, which is presumably Ens Veneris.  Say goodbye to everyone I've met in Bromcresol before leaving.  Hugs?

Also, ask around to see if there's anything I should buy here before leaving, either as an investment or because it'll be useful on the road.

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« Last Edit: July 10, 2017, 02:12:35 pm by Devastator »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: The Death of Magic
« Reply #466 on: July 10, 2017, 03:13:57 pm »

"Well, someone told me that I really should make sure I visit the 'Feet', whatever that means. He also warned me about some kind of sickness? Do you happen to know what he was talking about?"
Does Adam have any input on this conversation? I'm kinda expecting him to be triggered by something that this guy says to me, so I'm already keeping myself focused on the person I'm talking to and not letting him make me seem crazy. But Adam is kinda who sent me on this in the first place, he might have some prompts for what I should (or shouldn't) be asking the guy...

Spoiler: Nina (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 10, 2017, 03:16:23 pm by Lenglon »
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: The Death of Magic
« Reply #467 on: July 11, 2017, 02:20:32 am »

I should probably have remembered to put boldtext outside of the spoiler, whoops.  Here's my turn.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: The Death of Magic
« Reply #468 on: July 11, 2017, 08:33:08 am »

How about we do the same thing we did last time: one at a time, Ecalir first with the lantern, tie a rope (if there's a cave wall or stable large boulder nearby) and use it to make going down easier and to have something to hold on to once rocks go a-sliding.

((Pan, if you'd prefer another method of going down just say so and I can change my action.))
I'm a-okay with following this plan. Slow and steads seems like a good game plan here.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: The Death of Magic
« Reply #469 on: July 16, 2017, 01:22:31 pm »

Pull out my ghost charm and look for any spirits in the area.

Well Oxford, let's see if there's anyone with a job around here, shall we?

You look at the ghost charm, the little black needle held within a bronze gimbal system. It tips and rolls randomly, needle not being held toward anything in particular. Hmm, nothing in this bar...maybe someplace less frequented? You leave and wander around a bit, searching out from the bar, through the little town. You circle round and round until finally, on the outskirts to town, on the south side, you get a faint hint of a spirit. You walk a bit and the charm seems to be following the flow of the river, but trending towards the forest near the bank. You follow it until, somewhere deep in the woods in the places normally untraveled by men, you find a small clearing overgrown with yellow flowers. At the center of it is a tree stump; the clear results of a purposeful chopping down of the tree rather than a natural fall. The stump is saturated in sprouting flowers and at its center is a tiny spirit. It looks like a blob, that hovers a foot or so from the wood, but repeatedly extends sharp protrusions of itself down to push itself along in a slow circle around the edge of the stump's top. It gives the impression of a thing found in stagnant ponds; an odd life that blooms in murk. Its a vibrant green color, mostly transparent like watered down lime gelatin, and smells of rain. When you get close, you notice that it is making a gentle chiming sound.

Wait until I have the proceeds from the rat king. If I can, take a small job in Alkahest just to pay for my food and lodgings, but don't give out much information about myself. Could I buy or catch a live snake in Alkahest? If so, do it. Use remaining money (though not the proceeds from the rat king) to buy something to enhance a fire, like oil.

Spoiler: Moghorn (click to show/hide)
You hang out in town, doing your best to stay incognito. You find a job in the tradesman quarter as manual labor in a tannery at the edge of town. Its disgusting, hard, dangerous work but it pays well and no one asks you anything. Not to mention the smell of the place on you stops anyone from socializing. You find housing in a group home, a little room with a cabinet, a bed and an oil lamp. You horde your money, living on bread and water for over two weeks and keeping the accumulating silver pieces in a small wooden box stashed between the bed frame and the matress. During the third week the taxidermist tells you he thinks he's lined up a buyer and you immediately get to work. You use the money you saved to buy up a live snake from an animal seller, and 10 jars of oil the size of your head. You have 5 silver remaining afterwards. You keep the snake in your room and feed him on caught rats until the taxidermist returns with your cut of the sale: 25 gold coins.

How about we do the same thing we did last time: one at a time, Ecalir first with the lantern, tie a rope (if there's a cave wall or stable large boulder nearby) and use it to make going down easier and to have something to hold on to once rocks go a-sliding.

((Pan, if you'd prefer another method of going down just say so and I can change my action.))
I'm a-okay with following this plan. Slow and steads seems like a good game plan here.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
You stop at the edge of the rocks and pick up a good fist sized stone. You toss it off into the dark and listen as it bounces down, creating several small rockslides as it does.

"Stuff ain't too stable. Probably fine for climbing one at a time, but if we go in a line someone is gonna bring down a big pile of rocks on the people below them. Either we go down one at a time or we go down parallel."

How about we do the same thing we did last time: one at a time, Ecalir first with the lantern, tie a rope (if there's a cave wall or stable large boulder nearby) and use it to make going down easier and to have something to hold on to once rocks go a-sliding.

((Pan, if you'd prefer another method of going down just say so and I can change my action.))

Spoiler: Darwin Zeppeli (click to show/hide)

Eclair finds a large boulder near the top of the breakdown and, for a minute or two, does his best to dislodge it via shoving, punching, flying kicks and bearhugs. Once he's satisfied that the rock won't just tumble down at any moment, he ties the rope around it and starts his climb downward. He goes forward, rather than hopping down backwards, carefully lowering himself down and making short controlled slides down the rubble. His lamp illuminates only a small area around him, though he has the lights from the rest of the party to act as a visual anchor to his initial location. After a good half hour of careful descent he reaches level ground and looks around a bit. The ground here is stony, moss covered, and very flat. He walks about 40 feet from the end of the pile towards the sound of the river. Its louder here and the smell of water is back. He finds that this stone is actually a stone shelf; it ends abruptly with a sheer cliff. He walks along the cliff for a bit and finds that the cliff is about as wide as the breakdown pile. He can hear the river flowing in the dark down below, though he can't see it. The air is humid here, almost misty.

He gives the all clear and one by one the party ventures down and joins him. As they do, he gives the area a closer inspection and finds signs of other travelers. There are iron stakes still driven into the edge of the cliff at one point, and at another he finds strange cave paintings; or perhaps paintings is the wrong word. It looks like someone has blown powder on a cave wall to outline their hand, but the hand isn't human and the powder is gray. But the area around the hand is like sandpaper while the hand itself is smooth as glass.

Agree to pay my way, and say that I'd like to head to the next town, which is presumably Ens Veneris.  Say goodbye to everyone I've met in Bromcresol before leaving.  Hugs?

Also, ask around to see if there's anything I should buy here before leaving, either as an investment or because it'll be useful on the road.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
You say goodbye to everyone in the town. Most have heard of what you did and are at the very least somewhat friendly. You get a few hugs but none that give you mana. Still, nice to make a difference.  You ask a few people if you should buy anything and the recommend a water skin, a compass, a hat with cloth to cover your face and neck, and a pair of good goggles. You buy it all for 1 gold.

You pay your way, a whooping 5 gold, and sit in the wagon as it travels south. The way is dusty, dry and abandoned save for the road itself which is little more than a well worn wagon track. You weave through the hills untill you come to the wastes proper. The wastes is a general name given to any area between major settlements and features. It is the kind of peril that is, at the end of the day, the most dangerous. The kind of peril that people ignore because it is uninteresting. It is not a deadly creature or a hateful locale. It is simply a brown and dead expanse of desert, all dried soil and dead trees. Once this entire place had been rolling fields and meadows but the loss of magic had spoiled it. It takes about a week to reach Ens Veneris, a little town tucked into  a horseshoe bend in the River Worm.  Ens Veneris is a small town but not a poor one; it occupies a cross roads of sorts, where the goods from several towns along the road or the river intersect and are bought.

The town itself has few permanent resident; the majority of people there are part of some caravan or boat company or something similar. The town is about 80% inns, bars, brothels and shops to 20% homes and the main street- which is set along the river's edge- is filled with the smell of tobacco smoke, alcohol, vomit, iron-blood and riverwater. The caravan owner tells you flat out that this is not the kind of place a young lady should wander unescorted.

"Well, someone told me that I really should make sure I visit the 'Feet', whatever that means. He also warned me about some kind of sickness? Do you happen to know what he was talking about?"
Does Adam have any input on this conversation? I'm kinda expecting him to be triggered by something that this guy says to me, so I'm already keeping myself focused on the person I'm talking to and not letting him make me seem crazy. But Adam is kinda who sent me on this in the first place, he might have some prompts for what I should (or shouldn't) be asking the guy...

Spoiler: Nina (click to show/hide)
Adam seems to be hiding. Ever since you've gotten to this town he's been oddly quiet and seems to spend most of his time in your bag as something small and unassuming, like a wandering kidney. As you speak, you reach into your bag and poke him. You can hear him whisper something right into your head.

"O Fish, O Fish, Are you constant to the old covenant? This pact is not benevolence, it is born of a curse. The Ensorceled Royal lies below. THE FEET! THE FEEEEET!"

When you mention the Feet and the sickness, the men's faces go from benevolent and welcoming to stoney and angry. But only for an instant. They regain their composure immediately and smile.

"Whoever it is that told you that is simply repeating unfounded rumors. You see, many believe our arrangement with the peoples of the lake is...well, blasphemous. The god who rests in this lake is not well accepted by those outside the town. Whats more our location on this swamp means disease is not uncommon to us. More than once, when some fever was ravaging the town, men would point their fingers and claim it was proof our god was untrue."

The men adopt a look of quiet and patient suffering; like a mother with a truly terrible child.

"But you have seen our town. Is it afflicted with plague or overrun with monsters?"

They all stare at you with expectant, goading eyes until you say no.

"NO!" They exclaim, cutting you off as you are half finished, "Nothing of the sort. But if you are still unconvinced, you should gather with the next delegation we are sending. The true proof of our god and his benevolence is to experience it for yourself. "

I should probably have remembered to put boldtext outside of the spoiler, whoops.  Here's my turn.

You grab the coin and two other random knicknacks and walk over to the merchant. The haggling process is quite a tough one and when you ask for individual prices you're rather surprised to find that she rates the coin as far less important than the other pieces. You argue a while, finally settling on a price of 2 gold and 5 silver for the coin and one of the knick nacks. You slip the coin quickly into your bag but keep the other thing out and ask her about it and the other stuff on the table.

You get a response that...well, is about 20% informative of local rituals and about 80% assurances, invitations and suggestions to buy more, and stuff that you're pretty sure she's making up as she goes along. The only thing that really interests you is that she mentions a shrine to an old jungle god "Somewheres up der wherein the Kermes forms from tha two utha rivahs." She doesn't know much about it but judging by what she says, there could be legit magical items or words around there.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: The Death of Magic
« Reply #470 on: July 16, 2017, 02:23:43 pm »

10 jars of oil the size of your head.

Aaaiee. Sell all the oil I can't carry alone, and look briefly for a stone guide, as one might get from the towers round Kaolin. Then say my goodbyes to the taxidermist and ask just in case if there are any specimens to look for on the way to Kaolin. And then begin the heist.

The Heist.
 - In the dead of night, visit the shop of the smith with some oil. Create a lodestone as I did for the gold-panner, and use it to draw back the bolts on the door.
 - Enter, locate and silence the living bronze, taking it with me.
 - Stealthily spread the oil, and any other combustibles, through the shop. Rearrange a few other materials, and take a few trinkets if they can be easily/silently carried: the idea here is to detract attention from the living bronze.
 - If I can silently place a heavy object at a chokepoint such as the door to the living quarters upstairs, do so.
 - Start a fire with the lantern, and gtfo, using the lodestone to bolt the door behind me if I can. Take the lodestone with me.
 - Walk quietly away from the scene. Abandon any trinkets somewhere they are unlikely to be found/reported, somewhere malodourous. A dump or a sewer would be good. If no such place can be found, wait till I have left Alkahest.
 - Leave the city unhurriedly immediately after. Allow the authorities to see that I have living bronze if they investigate, but tell them I bought it, showing/giving them the coinage if necessary.
 - Set off towards Kaolin, but make camp offroad somewhere. No fire, out of view.

Spoiler: Moghorn (click to show/hide)
One wheel short of a wagon


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: The Death of Magic
« Reply #471 on: July 16, 2017, 03:56:54 pm »

"Um, do you know what the 'Feet' are that they were talking about?"
Spoiler: Nina (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 20, 2017, 12:06:46 pm by Lenglon »
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: The Death of Magic
« Reply #472 on: July 16, 2017, 08:02:05 pm »

"Sounds like good advice.  I'll most likely be heading out soon, anyway."

"Are you headed back to Bromcresol, or are you headed somewhere else next?"

Ask the caravaners I've been travelling with as to their next destination.  Also ask them if there is a banker in town they'd trust with their money.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: The Death of Magic
« Reply #473 on: July 16, 2017, 09:03:49 pm »

Hmm.  Thank her for her time, and then leave.  Take a quick look at the nonmagical junk I bought, just so I know what it is, and then examine the coin in more detail.  Any hints at what it does?

Afterward, ask around the town for a local church or other equivalent religious building.  I need to understand the local religion if I'm going to try and upset it.

Spoiler: Charsheet (click to show/hide)

Radio Controlled

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Re: Cabal: The Death of Magic
« Reply #474 on: July 18, 2017, 03:34:33 pm »

Ask people to be quiet again and sense surroundings. After that, inspect the hand 'painting' closer. What kind of animal could the paw print come from? Can I determine what would have caused the smoothness of the print? Is it as if something very hot has slightly slagged/glassed the print, of more like a section of cave wall was smoothed?

Discuss with Rufus what he thinks of all this, and how we could best go on from here. If the way forward is obvious (rappelling down, I'm guessing), then continue onward in the same manner as we have before (stakes, ropes, Ecalir as bait, the works).

Spoiler: Darwin Zeppeli (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 18, 2017, 03:43:05 pm by Radio Controlled »

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: The Death of Magic
« Reply #475 on: July 19, 2017, 08:54:26 am »

Be quiet when Darwin requests it, otherwise converse with the girl a bit more. Ask her if she's planning on doing this sort of thing as a full time job or if she's aiming for something else.

Be the bait Follow Darwin's plan and lead to the team to adventure!

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: The Death of Magic
« Reply #476 on: July 19, 2017, 12:55:14 pm »

Thank the monks for their hospitality and go check out the rest of the town for anything interesting.

Spoiler: Aurum (click to show/hide)
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: The Death of Magic
« Reply #477 on: July 23, 2017, 01:01:03 pm »

10 jars of oil the size of your head.

Aaaiee. Sell all the oil I can't carry alone, and look briefly for a stone guide, as one might get from the towers round Kaolin. Then say my goodbyes to the taxidermist and ask just in case if there are any specimens to look for on the way to Kaolin. And then begin the heist.

The Heist.
 - In the dead of night, visit the shop of the smith with some oil. Create a lodestone as I did for the gold-panner, and use it to draw back the bolts on the door.
 - Enter, locate and silence the living bronze, taking it with me.
 - Stealthily spread the oil, and any other combustibles, through the shop. Rearrange a few other materials, and take a few trinkets if they can be easily/silently carried: the idea here is to detract attention from the living bronze.
 - If I can silently place a heavy object at a chokepoint such as the door to the living quarters upstairs, do so.
 - Start a fire with the lantern, and gtfo, using the lodestone to bolt the door behind me if I can. Take the lodestone with me.
 - Walk quietly away from the scene. Abandon any trinkets somewhere they are unlikely to be found/reported, somewhere malodourous. A dump or a sewer would be good. If no such place can be found, wait till I have left Alkahest.
 - Leave the city unhurriedly immediately after. Allow the authorities to see that I have living bronze if they investigate, but tell them I bought it, showing/giving them the coinage if necessary.
 - Set off towards Kaolin, but make camp offroad somewhere. No fire, out of view.

Spoiler: Moghorn (click to show/hide)
You return all but 2 oil jars. You look around for a stone guide but there aren't any around here. In case you don't know what I'm talking about, a stone guide is also called a Cairn. If you google images, you'll see what I mean.

You leave your lodgings at around 1 am and sneak down to the smith's. You see only two people on the way and, through careful use of the alleys and side streets, avoid them. Once you reach the shop you quietly use 1 of your mana to summon up a fist sized lodestone. When you press it against the door you can feel it almost rip itself from your hand as it seeks the metal just behind the wood. It takes a few tries but you manage to slide the bolt out and lift it up, opening the door. It's nearly pitch black inside, but after a few minutes of blind groping your eyes adjust enough to let you see at least the gray and fuzzy outlines of things. You find the living brass after another few minutes and place it in your bag. That done you proceed to gather up a few other items, just to distract from your actions: you get a nice knife, a small ingot of gold, A hammer, and some flame syrup. That done, you open your jars of oil and, quietly as you can, begin emptying them all over the shop, particularly on anything that looks flammable.

Once the place is coated in oil, you look for something to block off the way out from the living quarters upstairs. The living quarters are accessed by a staircase on the far side of the building, that makes a right turn halfway up to finish its ascent along the back of the structure and connect with the rooms above. There's no door on this lower section and you're not sure you wanna risk climbing potentially creaky stairs. There's also not a lot around here that heavy enough to block anything without being so huge and cumbersome that you think you could move it without making much noise. In the end, you decide to drag a large wooden chest over to the end of the stairwell, in hopes of at least tripping anyone who comes down. Finally, you walk back to the door and carefully set it up such that all you'll need to do is swipe the lodestone to the side in order to pull the bolt back into place. Thus prepared, you use an oily rag as a fuse, lighting it and then tossing it into the building before quietly closing and re-latching the door.  You immediately flee the scene at a reasonable, though hurried, pace. You ditch the trinkets as you go, mostly into garbage piles or privies but you place the gold ingot into the bowl of a homeless man sleeping in an alley and leave the knife on a bench outside a pub, for some lowlife to find and pocket. Both can be traced back to the Smith by their markings and may throw off any pursuers. The guard on the way out is thin, but there are several other people leaving at the same time; most of them merchants or couriers trying to make the most of the daylight ahead. The guards don't trouble you anymore than asking where you're going; you tell tell them you're heading for the pillars of lead.  Instead, you head Northwest, following the ring road until daybreak but then slinking off and making camp a few hundred feet off the road, concealed.

You've made sure to bring the snake and your other belongings with you.

"Um, do you know what the 'Feet' are that they were talking about?"
Spoiler: Nina (click to show/hide)
"I cannot say for sure but they may be speaking of either the feet of the two great angels which boarder this lake, or perhaps of the statues that exist beneath the lake. God himself has his throne at the bottom of a great statue down below, even"

"Sounds like good advice.  I'll most likely be heading out soon, anyway."

"Are you headed back to Bromcresol, or are you headed somewhere else next?"

Ask the caravaners I've been travelling with as to their next destination.  Also ask them if there is a banker in town they'd trust with their money.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The caravan leader sets out their path as follows: Crocus, Hepar, Illinium, Balneum Mariae, Telluric, Fearce, and finally Alkahest. They say they trade the whole way but their biggest stop is to unload everything at Alkahest before traveling North West up the ring road to start again. When you ask about a banker they say that, if possible, it would be best to wait till you get a bit closer to "Civilization" before handing any large amounts of money out. The law out here is sketchy at best and a man might see fit to take a fortune and try and make a run for it. They recommend a town either on the ring road, Alkahest, or Balneum Mariae.

Hmm.  Thank her for her time, and then leave.  Take a quick look at the nonmagical junk I bought, just so I know what it is, and then examine the coin in more detail.  Any hints at what it does?

Afterward, ask around the town for a local church or other equivalent religious building.  I need to understand the local religion if I'm going to try and upset it.

Spoiler: Charsheet (click to show/hide)
The non-magical junk is a still fairly nice necklace of jade beads ending in an inverted triangular pendant. It has some mystic looking things engraved on it but you can tell its all faux-occult nonsense.

The coin on the other hand appears very normal, just a standard Alkahest gold piece, but the melted finger print is still warm and the entire thing radiates a great degree of pent up power. Its like a boulder balanced on a knife edge; barely restrained force waiting to break free. You think that someone has placed a powerful spell in this coin, probably a very destructive fire spell. You think further that you could probably release the spell by bending or snapping the coin. Though...the form that spell would take is beyond your guess and releasing it might be disastrous to yourself and all involved.

Local as in the local peoples is an odd thing; its a sort of animism combined with heroic figure worship. There are great deal of individuals with lofty titles but the general gist that you can get is god is found in all things and those chosen by him will embody some aspect of nature or the world and do something god wants. Magical items, they believe, are simply concentrations of the omnipresent force that is god; sort of the inanimate version of what their heroes or gods are.

Thank the monks for their hospitality and go check out the rest of the town for anything interesting.

Spoiler: Aurum (click to show/hide)

Interesting is a matter of personal taste, but I can tell you that this town is awash in religion and all the things that come with it. Kaolin is a temple city, and as such almost everything is focused towards study or servitude of various divinities. Shops generally sell goods for travelers or goods for religious worship; incense, prayer beads, cloth, bowls, animals and foods for sacrifice, wood for prayer wheels and pyres, spices to cover the smell of corpses during sky burial, and any number of other bits of religious paraphernalia. The only smiths here seem purely to make tools and other such items; armor and weapons are nowhere to be found. What you do find, however, is a library, probably the only one of any size anywhere outside of the University in Alkahest.

Be quiet when Darwin requests it, otherwise converse with the girl a bit more. Ask her if she's planning on doing this sort of thing as a full time job or if she's aiming for something else.

Be the bait Follow Darwin's plan and lead to the team to adventure!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Ask people to be quiet again and sense surroundings. After that, inspect the hand 'painting' closer. What kind of animal could the paw print come from? Can I determine what would have caused the smoothness of the print? Is it as if something very hot has slightly slagged/glassed the print, of more like a section of cave wall was smoothed?

Discuss with Rufus what he thinks of all this, and how we could best go on from here. If the way forward is obvious (rappelling down, I'm guessing), then continue onward in the same manner as we have before (stakes, ropes, Ecalir as bait, the works).

Spoiler: Darwin Zeppeli (click to show/hide)
Eclair whispers with his female companion, asking if she's interested in doing this full time. She says she would be, if doing it was a livable profession. But expeditions didn't usually result in much pay.

Darwin sits and listens for a long time, trying to get a sense of his surroundings. He gets the feeling, via some throwing of stones and listening to the echos, that the cave continues on beyond this chasm, at least for a while. he consults with Rufus about this point but the Map only goes this far; none of the earlier expeditions have gone down this hole or tried to cross it. He checks the cave wall and is sitting there, trying to understand it when Rufus comes up behind him and interrupts.

"Olmen," He says, inspecting the hand, "Blind cave salamander men. They use some sort of hardening rock paste to make those. Guides, I think. They might have a village around here, somewhere. It will be near water.  They're clever little critters but not hostile, usually. Oh but cannibalism is a mark of respect for them so if they talk about how they're going to eat you, take it as a compliment not a threat."

Rufus and Darwin discuss the nature of the cave and where to go. The path here is forked; one way is to climb down to the river below, but there could very easily be no place to stand down there; just a stony tube filled with rushing water. The other way is to climb sideways across the walls of this cavern, above the chasm, and get to the other side. There might be a more safe way down. Rufus says he prefers the second option.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: The Death of Magic
« Reply #478 on: July 23, 2017, 01:15:32 pm »

"It's not so much handing out, more that with things so dangerous here, I wouldn't want to be carrying around money."

"Thanks for the advice, though, I think I might well continue moving along, if that's okay with you.  What sort of town is Crocus like, and what would be the fare?"

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: The Death of Magic
« Reply #479 on: July 23, 2017, 01:43:09 pm »

Create the sculpture.

Spoiler: Moghorn (click to show/hide)
One wheel short of a wagon
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