A couple of obviously still relevant (FCVO 'relevant', but definitely non-zero) xkcds, in line with the "There's an xkcd for everything" mantra...
https://www.xkcd.com/463/ (From August 2008, a Presidential year)
https://www.xkcd.com/2030/ (From August 2018, a mid-term year)
(...hmm, given the dates, I wonder if there'll be an apt comic, number approaching 3400, in the August 2028 run-up to the next potential term of Donald. I mean, if he gets in this time, it
shouldn't be, though I wouldn't put it past the powers behind his throne somehow getting past the 22nd if it already all rolls his way
this time.)
What gets me is the reports of people asking (demanding!) to open up a voting machine and have a look at its insides. Even 'opened up', it's a bit of a Black Box that the casual "concerned (sovereign-)citizen" really could not work out is (or is not) working correctly. And if they even spot a discrepancy, and it turns out to be in
their favour, are they honestly going to report it like a true supporter of democracy, or at least allow someone of the opposite flavour come along and discover that the "vote bias against <foo>" jumpers have accidentally been set, or the USB stick labeled "test votes, all for <bar>" has for some reason been left plugged into the mobo backplane?