Some excellent local reporting about
Coffee City, Texas, a tiny town of about 250 people, with
expletive 50 officers...
The video is 20 minutes but covers months of the investigations during 2023 and has no fluff to it.- About 25 of those officers had been forced from other police departments for different reasons, 12 had been criminally charged during that.
- the town sits an hour east of Dallas and two hours north of Houston
- in 2022 they issued 5000 tickets and received $1 million.
- being on the books as "full-time" officers allowed them to be legally eligible for other "off-duty police" work,
and that is where the money was, doing this work in the cities.- The Coffee City police chief himself did "off-duty police" work in Houston, 200 miles away. One of his phone calls was caught on doorcam (all covered in the video...). The local news investigation and that phone call led to the Coffee City guys who worked their Houston branch to get shutdown by the Houston locals. Later, the chief was suspended by the Coffee City council. Later, the Coffee City council fired the police chief and deactivated their entire police force. There were more charges filed against them after the events covered by the video.
When you look at the Texas map through the political lenses, where the cities are blue blobs in the middle of a lot of red, you have these guys operating as "red" para-police in "blue" cities. This Coffee City police department was a for-profit para-police organization, providing mercenaries for businesses in blue cities, and adding corruption to those blue-city police departments by interacting with them as "fellow officers".
Georgia's cop-city is not just for training... Like all things "red" and suppressive, the Coffee City model has siblings hiding in other states, and training together is a good way to find out who'll accept the under-the-table offers, all to improve the profit-stream.