The problem with leaving it at self-defense is that it doesn't take in the entire context. It's not self-defense when you run into a conflict ready to fight. If the tables had been flipped and Rittenhouse, 17, running around a riot with an AR-15 and getting blown away by another self-proclaimed "helper", I'd be saying the same thing. I really wish the prosecution had laid down more charges like reckless endangerment, because the fact people are dead aside, that's what this is. Reckless people going into an unstable situation and shit happens. It's like walking into a bar, seeing other people fighting and pulling your gun. Self-defense has been for a while now the excuse, the bald-faced lie to what's really going on. People want to fight and they want to kill with impunity. If we keep letting gun owners shield themselves with "self-defense" when it's patently obvious they made the decision to insert themselves into a violent situation, we're asking for more and more of it. What if Rittenhouse had managed to spray someone else who wasn't armed and wasn't attacking him, in his act of "self-defense." Would we be calling it the same thing and excusing more lose of life for his right to defend himself from a battle he sought? Is it self-defense when you want war?