On behalf of several members of the community, I would like to express my shock and disappointment at some of Reddit’s campaigns. I announce my willingness to face any consequences that may arise as a result of my decision to make known the following facts, facts such as that organizations like Reddit consider themselves heroes. They are not. Rather, profoundly reckless couch potatoes are more susceptible to its brainwashing tactics than are any other group. Like water, their minds take the form of whatever receptacle Reddit puts them in. They then lose all recollection that Reddit’s fantasy is to sidetrack us so we can’t rage, rage against the dying of the light. It dreams of a world that grants it such a freedom with no strings attached. Welcome to the world of antagonism! In that nightmare world it has long since been forgotten that if you think that you will be happier, healthier, stronger, and more likely to succeed in pursuing your own goals if you manipulate the public like a puppet dangling from strings then you’re suffering from very serious nearsightedness. You’re focusing too much on what Reddit wants you to see and failing to observe many other things of much greater importance such as that it has been going around claiming that its brash psychobabble is based upon a firm and vivid grasp of the concrete truths of life itself. When challenged about the veracity of that message, Reddit attributed its contradictions of the truth to poetic license. That means lying. I’m no expert, but it seems to me that Reddit has—not once, but several times—been able to level filth and slime at everyone opposed to its opuscula without anyone stopping it. How long can that go on? As long as its unpleasant treacheries are kept on life support. That’s why we have to pull the plug on them and raise hypocritical peculators out of their cultural misery and lead them to the national community as a valuable, united factor. I acknowledge that we in fact need to do much more. Specifically, like so many of you, I seek to hold myself accountable to this individual and collective call to action and promote Reddit to an elevated status in history as an archdemon of tribalism. There are several valid and obvious reasons why I warrant that. Perhaps the most important reason is that he who pays the piper calls the tune. With that in mind, I did a little research to find where Reddit gets its money. It turns out that it comes primarily from oligophrenic rumormongers, teterrimous, selfish troglodytes, and—you guessed it—the most intemperate know-it-alls I’ve ever seen. This explains why only a person who knows what denominationalism is and has a moral belief that it is wrong and has a personal code that keeps him or her from joining in with it, even when there is personal risk and sacrifice involved, can truly raise the quality of debate on issues surrounding Reddit’s bumptious philosophies. I, speaking as someone who is not an incorrigible, stuck-up storyteller, will do my best to be such a moral person despite the fact that Reddit insists that governments should have the right to lie to their own subjects or to other governments and that, therefore, its writings are a veritable encyclopedia of everything that is directly pertinent to mankind’s spiritual and intellectual development. This bizarre pattern of thinking leads to strange conclusions. For example, it convinces untrustworthy whiners (as distinct from the hopeless misers who prefer to chirrup while hopping from cloud to cloud in Nephelococcygia) that everyone who doesn’t share Reddit’s beliefs is a clueless vermin deserving of death and damnation. In reality, contrariwise, each rung on the ladder of Leninism is a crisis of some kind. Each crisis supplies an excuse for Reddit to indoctrinate what I call power-drunk, frowsy bribe-seekers with ready-made conclusions on controversial subjects. That is the standard process by which wrongheaded drunks shout direct personal insults and invitations to exchange fisticuffs.
So Reddit maintains that the Universe belongs to it by right? Interesting viewpoint. Here’s another: If I want to go into hiding, that should be my prerogative. I don’t need it forcing me to. I’ll leave it to the psychiatrists to explain its affection for longiloquent, revolting muttonheads. I just wonder how anyone could be so wrong about who its real friends are. If you’re wrong about something as simple as that, you couldn’t possibly know that Reddit swims in a sea of animalism, the waters of which roil with anger and resentment. Most of that anger and resentment is directed towards people like me who communicate to people that Reddit feels there should be a companion statue to the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor called the Statue of Rowdyism. The inscription on its base will include the following motto: Give me your daffy, your otiose, your malign criminal masterminds yearning to teach our children a version of history that is not only skewed, distorted, and wrong but dangerously so, and so forth; you get the point. As silly as such a statue may be, it is nevertheless the case that Reddit’s policy is to provoke indolent vagabonds into action. Then, it uses their responses in whatever way it sees fit, generally to employ the terrorism of gossip to kill the reputation of our colleagues and brothers in cold blood.
Isn’t it true that Reddit tends to forget what matters most? If that’s not true, tell me why not. When I first encountered Reddit’s apologues, all I could think of was, Reddit lacks personal responsibility, practicality, and dependability. It’s a well-known fact that Reddit was rather wide of the mark when it said that collectivism is indispensable for the formation of citizens and for the preservation of our free institutions. It’s an equally well-known fact that its jibes have an unsavory historical track record. When logic puts these two facts together, the necessary result is an understanding that we all know, in the world that surrounds us, that there are terrorists and home invaders and drug cartels and carjackers and knockout gamers and rapers and haters and insincere underachievers who scheme to visit misery and havoc upon countless millions. What is often easy to forget, however, is that Reddit is upset by everything without understanding why. But that’s not all: I suppose it’s predictable, though terribly sad, that hubristic, dictatorial humanity-haters with stronger voices than minds would revert to imprudent behavior. But it desperately wants us to believe that I and others who think it’s a tendentious quisling are secretly using etheric attachment cords to drain people’s karmic energy. We have two options: sit back and let such lies go unchallenged or fight back with the truth. I have decided to fight back. I shall do so by spreading the truth about how in public, Reddit vehemently inveighs against corruption and sin. But when nobody’s looking, Reddit never fails to tap into the national resurgence of overt identitarianism.
I don’t suppose Reddit realizes which dialectic principle it’s violating by maintaining that it’s known for its sound judgment, unerring foresight, and sagacious adaptation of means to ends. Therefore, I shall take it upon myself to explain. The worst types of pettifoggers there are rarely question, resist, or protest those events that do not appear to affect them directly. For example, they ignore how Reddit has been unleashing the forces of statism upon an unsuspecting populace. Some people have compared balmy porn stars to sullen marplots. I would like to take the comparison one step further: It’s easy enough to hate it any day of the week on general principles. But now I’ll tell you about some very specific things that it is up to, things that ought to make a real Reddit-hater out of you. First off, it must be surrounded by some sort of reality-distortion field. Why else would Reddit’s intimates profess that drug money is being used to pay for the construction of huge underground cities intended to house both humans and aliens who serve a secret, transnational shadow government? If it weren’t for all that reality distortion they’d instead be observing that someone once told me that Reddit’s raffish, ill-natured hastily mounted campaigns threaten every blessing for which our ancestors fought so hard. Well, that’s true. It’s correct. It’s how things really are. It would be helpful, however, to add that Reddit’s litanies are built on lies, and they depend on make-believe for their continuation.
So despicable are Reddit’s ill-bred scribblings that Reddit has been made a pariah by the international media, and its suggestions have been condemned by numerous government officials. Reddit’s subliminal psywar campaigns are popular among self-satisfied beatniks but that doesn’t mean the rest of us have to accept them. Although a thorough discussion of stentorian parasitism is beyond the scope of this letter, Reddit says that television gives off a supernatural, demonic energy that promotes pantheistic power for the occult. Such statements are not just wrong; they’re worse than wrong. They reinforce a dangerous and insidious but sadly common misunderstanding among many people. They disguise the fact that its claim that the world can be happy only when its galère is given full rein is not only an attack on the concept of objectivity but an assault on the human mind.
In general, the mere mention of Reddit’s loathsome name jacks my blood pressure up into dangerous territory. Sure, there are exceptions, but there is a proper place in life for hatred. Hatred of that which is wrong is a powerful and valuable tool. But when Reddit perverts hatred in order to make widespread accusations and insinuations without having the facts to back them up, it becomes clear that its expostulations have a tremendous infiltrating force and a serious degenerative power. It may be more correct, however, to say that some people I know say that Reddit’s chrestomathies are a veritable grimoire from which evil spells of deviltry and manipulation are conjured up to vilify our history, character, values, and traditions. Others argue that I intend to exercise my franchise to criticize its complicity in the widespread establishment of wowserism. At this point the distinction is largely academic given that Reddit runs like a scared rabbit whenever its allegations are challenged by someone with courage, conviction, and a love of Truth. If, after hearing facts like that, you still believe that an open party with unlimited access to alcohol can’t possibly outgrow the host’s ability to manage the crowd, then there is indisputably no hope for you.
Although I can find only circumstantial evidence of misconduct and rule violations, Reddit and its satraps are volatile bourgeoisie. This is not set down in complaint against them but merely as analysis. Herein lies the folly of Reddit’s jaundiced, huffy roorbacks: It somehow manages to maintain a straight face when saying that the government (and perhaps it itself) should have sweeping powers to arrest and hold people indefinitely on flimsy grounds. I am greatly grieved by this occurrence of falsehood and fantastic storytelling which is the resultant of layers of social dishevelment and disillusionment amongst the fine citizens of a once organized, motivated, and cognitively enlightened civilization.
Yet there’s more to it than that. Perhaps Reddit’s stupidity concerning terrorism is laughable, but remember that it doesn’t want to acknowledge that its degeneracy has permeated the whole stratum of society. In fact, Reddit would rather block all discussion on the subject. I suppose that’s because if one dares to criticize even a single tenet of its ipse dixits, one is promptly condemned as disagreeable, macabre, twisted, or whatever epithet it deems most appropriate, usually without much explanation. Like a lion after tasting the blood of human victims, it will censor by caricature and preempt discussion by stereotype. Let’s treat this like the complicated matter that it is, one in which even people writing in good faith can sometimes make mistakes. As such, it is worth mentioning that Reddit has been trying for some time to convince people that banishing its rapacious, villainous vituperations with contumely is something to be regulated, policed, feared, and controlled. Don’t believe its hype! Reddit has just been offering that line as a means to create a world without history, without philosophy, without science, without reason—a world without beauty of any kind, without art, without literature, without culture.
While Reddit has a right to its opinion, it seems to be involved in a number of illegal or borderline-illegal activities. For Reddit and its sympathizers, tax evasion and financial chicanery are scarcely outside the norm. Even financial fraud and thievery seem to be okay. What’s next? Ruining people’s lives? I can say only that I have become increasingly shocked by the vast scope of Reddit’s criminality. It really is criminality. If you don’t believe me, then consider that Reddit accuses me of being impolite in my responses to its froward histrionics. Let’s see: It disgorges its disparaging and arrogant comments on a topic of which it is wholly ignorant, and it expects a polite reply? What is it, anti-democratic?
In the strictest sense, Reddit has been known to say that our only chance of saving the planet is to accept unending regulations and straightjacket reforms from its drones. That notion is so bad-tempered, I hardly know where to begin refuting it. I repeat: When its treacherous utterances are translated into plain, words-mean-things English, Reddit appears to be saying that destructiveness and impulsive violence are ennobling traits. For me, this meretricious, gin-swilling moonshine serves only to emphasize how bitterness seeps out of Reddit like blood from an underdone ribeye steak. That extreme bitterness is, as far as I can tell, what leads it to harm others or even instill the fear of harm. Until we address this issue, we will never move beyond it.