I'm not asking you to agree. I'm not asking you to punch Nazis. I'm asking you (and a lot of other people) to stop treating the people who are willing to go there as part of the problem, rather than...y'know, the ACTUAL FUCKING NAZIS. Otherwise, you're no different than Trump with his "both sides are equally to blame" Charlottesville bullshit.
The main argument I've heard against the "punch a nazi" meme is that people willing to go there have an ever-extending set of people who count as "nazis", e.g. the other half of the country e.g. "every man woman and child who didn't vote for Hillary" wouldn't be an incorrect assessment of the people considered Nazi-enough to punch, by the core group most likely to go punching Nazis.
So while it's easy to justify "punch a nazi" on "purely literal terms", because actual nazis are vile and dangerous, "purely literal terms" are almost always a fallacious argument. What they actually mean by "punch a nazi" is "punch all Republicans", because bona fide actual Nazis are rare enough to not really need a lot of punching to keep them down even in the worst-case scenario.
Wow, that's one of the shittiest slippery slope arguments I've seen in a while.
1. I'm pretty sure Antifa's ranks aren't loaded with establishment Democrats. Like, you'd literally be more accurate if you had said "every man woman and child who didn't vote for Bernie Sanders". I could actually give that one a 5% chance of being a true position that someone hypothetically held. Somewhere.
2. When someone is wearing Nazi regalia? THATS A PRETTY GOOD INDICATOR.
3. Giving a Sieg Heil salute? Pretty good indicator. Sure, they could be doing it "ironically"...but then they're a hipster Nazi, which deserves a double beating.
4. Pickelhaube? Could be just a biker, or a Nazi with a shitty understanding of history.
5. Chanting slogans like "Blood and Soil" or "Arbeit Macht Frei" (or that old favorite, "Gas The Jews")? Yeah, that's probably a good indicator.
The one area where I think you have legitimate controversy around is whether the Confederate flag counts as a Nazi symbol. I would argue that no, it doesn't. But if they're happy to be carrying it while shoulder-to-shoulder with a guy carrying a swastika flag? Guess what, Skeeter, you're fair game now.
I mean, honestly, the reason this has become a thing is because it's NOT hard to play Spot the Nazi these days. If they were so few and secretive that you really had to parse someone's behavior and dress to determine it, they wouldn't need to be punched back under their rocks.