Don't misunderstand me. The thing is, if we can't muster that massive public shaming (
and so far we aren't), then other courses of action become not unreasonable.
Because violence IS what's explicitly at stake. And if the situation progresses as it is without ever turning back, the only question left for each of us in the end will be which side we choose to be violent for.
I stand by my past statements that white nationalism and similar ideologies cannot be allowed to feel comfortable proclaiming their beliefs in public. The counter-protests should be 4x as large and the boos from random observants should be deafening. But the problem is our country's cultural make-up is such that we don't have that going on. The United States could fall back into its history very quickly (the last public lynchings still being in living memory) if we don't get this under control. We just need to allow people to feel like it's culturally acceptable to be openly bigoted in public again.
And if we can't prevent this with deafening shame, then I stand by my support for nazi punching. Don't let them fucking feel safe spreading their message in public space. Get away with it if you can. If not, it still must be done. The whole true victim narrative is a smokescreen to distract from the agenda to make their message publicly acceptable again.
In life there are not always good solutions. In politics, even more rarely so. Sometimes all you can do is side with the lesser evil.
In this case, you want to deny other people their right to believe what they choose to believe and say what they choose to say, just because you don't like it. But you need to understand that establishing such a policy means that it may be used against you one day, and then you would be forced to change your beliefs and manner of speech to accommodate someone else's world view. If you value your own freedoms, you must be willing to extend those same freedoms to others. And if you don't...well, I guess you're free to talk about it all you want.
At some point, issues like this pare down to the fact that ideas can be so fundamentally at odds with each other that conflict is simply the root nature of the situation. It's just a fact of life. Some things are win or lose. If I value freedoms, then I act in opposition to those who proclaim their intent to undermine them. It's more important than philosophical tidiness. You said it yourself. There aren't always good solutions.