I have always loved the whole "REAL civilization" type rhetoric-- like any group of people who form an organized society is not "real civilization"-- No, it always boils down to "They have organized differently than OUR group has, and have different views and opinions-- our group is bigger than theirs, so obviously, OURS is the REAL civilization!!" in its mindset.
Such thinking of course, gave us the native american genocide, because east coast natives, despite living in freaking log cabins, and having written language, were of course "heathen savages" because they were less powerful than the Europeans, who naturally thought that living in abject servitude to a single person who just inherited the position by privileged birth was the only TRUE civilization-- Then, it was of course, the emancipated new American culture, who felt that of course, THEIRS was the only TRUE civilization, and continued the genocide westwards...
So no. Sorry kids. The people in the midwest have different opinions and different needs, which is why the culture there is different. That does not mean they are ignorant savages, or in any way less a part of modern civilization.
Long rant short-- Please refrain from using the phrase "real civilization"-- Thanks.