I will live 24/7 in that stupid fire spotting hut you have, Mr BLM guy-- and I will gladly tell you all about any fires I see, and will perform forestry services for you without delay. In exchange, I want you to never demand taxes out of me, and I want you to otherwise leave me alone.
Or they could just pay you a bit, and you use that to pay the taxes. Functionally the same thing as having you perform service to stay on the land. You could actually manage that with a fair degree of probability, really, iirc. There's occasionally job openings for live-in type park rangers and whatnot. Folks make a life out of living in fairly shitty conditions mostly detached from civilization, even these days.
Pretty sure there's other places you could have a go at that, too, though. Just tend to be in areas where you'd be a bit more likely to be shot by non-government people instead of evicted by the folks claiming charge.
Maybe I'm off here but didn't we largely un-desertify much of the sw US with the hoover dam? We can just do that, build dams everywhere! No need to relocate if there are no more deserts!
Being partially facetious here, but surely that isn't the only place in the world where that can work.
Heh. It's amusing, but there's plenty of places that just won't work, iirc. Takes a lot more than that to get back farm converted rainforest after it finishes becoming unusable for growing most things of note, ferex.
If we globally decided that sustainably supporting as many humans as possible was what we wanted to attain, and put resources towards accordingly, we could support a very much larger population than even the most extreme forecasts for peak human population numbers. Capitalism, of course, has simply decided we should be using those resources to build billionaires bigger yachts.
Well, and some chunk of us smaller people things like climate controlled houses and computers and whatnot. Non-septic water, stuff like that. We can certainly keep a lot more people alive than our current population, but I'm not sure how much of a point there would be after a certain extent. Bloody everybody would be miserable, and if we wanted that we could just bomb the major population centers, wreck civilization, and call it a species. Lot faster, roughly the same results save it being inflicted on a lot less people.
As a side note, being facetious like that is really pretty silly. How many people do you think actually live in deserts? Off the top of my head, it's mostly in parts of Australia, the southwestern US, and some people around the Sahara who were actually doing fine for centuries without air conditioning. People who would be displaced are a drop in the bucket compared to the population problem, but are disproportionately important in resource consumption.
... fine in the sense of staying alive, anyway. Somewhat. You can survive in a desert or a swamp, often fairly indefinitely for a small enough group, but life is frankly kinda' shit. We'd really kinda' like things to not go to shit on top of the whole staying alive thing.
Though that said, the statement wasn't aimed at people in deserts, methinks, but people in tropical (and otherwise extreme) zones that takes artificial heating/cooling to be particularly comfortable in. Which is somewhat more than a few people. Approaching half the human species more, heh, though plenty of that is in the less intense parts of the regions. Can survive in those places without the stuff, but there ain't any degree of dress or lifestyle change that can match an AC in those kinds of environments... unless you go underground, I guess.
Aside from all the above, will say I get pretty twitchy when people start talking about plans that end up getting rid of cooling et al for places like this hellswamp. Ain't no amount of dress or schedule change would have kept me alive through florida weather. Bloody genetics screwed me over. Kinda' rather you just shoot me than make me suffer first, y'know? Moving'd do alright, too, though. Some places on this planet that are just kinda' unpleasant to live in without some technological assistance, and the bar for that starts a lot lower than desert. Better to just gtfo and go somewhere less troublesome.