For US, great lakes.
Has derelict but rebootable heavy infrastructure, farmland, and fresh water.
How would other areas rank?
In terms of self sufficiency? Most of the farming midwest would be fine as far as food goes, but.... farming is pretty much all they've got. States can afford to specialize their economies with no risk, nations can't with absolutely no risk.
Unless you're a city-state like Singapore maybe. edoot: wrong city.
Alaska could actually go it's own just fine much of it's food is gained from fishing, and has oil and other resources to trade with, except that it'd be immediately at risk of being annexed by Russia.
Honestly, northern midwest, besides it's manufacturing base, actually has a lot of coal, uranium, and iron ore, Assuming it gets Iowa and Nebraska, that sits there because a lot of it is under farmland which is seen as more valuable being used as farmland than tearing shit up to mine, when more accessible deposits are in the mountain states, and cleaner coal deposits are found south and east. Iowa has a lot of radon issues due to uranium decay, so.. yeah. Plus there's feldspar, gypsum, plenty of minerals that are mined in Iowa and Nebraska that people forget are central to an economy.
Also, everyone gets their cheese from us in Wisconsin. Tell me this; what would you do without our cheese, eh? We'll toss in an export tax and make it rich off the golden goodness. BLESSED BE THE CHEESEMAKERS!