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Author Topic: Grunts  (Read 132802 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Grunts
« Reply #825 on: December 08, 2016, 01:42:26 pm »

Spoiler: HC006 (click to show/hide)

Spawn as a Corporal of whatever class I unlocked with my CP. Slap these lower grunts into shape, and shoot a thing in the face if the opportunity presents itself.
Science is Meta gaming IRL. Humans are cheating fucks.


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #826 on: December 08, 2016, 02:41:17 pm »

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Carefully retrieve Gun.


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #827 on: December 09, 2016, 02:27:09 pm »

((Oops, my armour was destroyed earlier and the strikethrough failed to carry when I copied over the sheet - sorry about that. Is the wound upgraded to a maiming or death?))
I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #828 on: December 09, 2016, 11:06:12 pm »

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subdue him and drag him away from the enemies.
23:31:46 <pancaeks> "Today on mystery science with the eggheads: we created these sentient crystal people, now we're going to find out if they explode!"

MainPiston: Epilogue.


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #829 on: December 10, 2016, 12:31:46 pm »

((Oops, my armour was destroyed earlier and the strikethrough failed to carry when I copied over the sheet - sorry about that. Is the wound upgraded to a maiming or death?))
The personified Death may chase you for cheating it; then you can have wacky keystone kops antics.

Believe nothing you hear. Or everything. Have fun. Love when?

I frequently use PMs to contact people if I think they would miss a post in the deluge.


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #830 on: December 10, 2016, 02:30:01 pm »

((Oops, my armour was destroyed earlier and the strikethrough failed to carry when I copied over the sheet - sorry about that. Is the wound upgraded to a maiming or death?))
Let's call it a 0/3 bleedout counter and maiming. you have three turns to do something useful with what I gave you.


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #831 on: December 11, 2016, 05:00:54 pm »

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Let's see about driving those tree monsters into the enemy camp, then. Should be a fun show.

((Three turns it is, then. Or less, as it'll probably turn out.))
I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Grunts
« Reply #832 on: December 13, 2016, 11:11:09 pm »

Battle 3: Round 4

Brick 1

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Wear the dead eel like a scarf. Scream to the heavens in a battle cry
That eel is bigger than you are! -grumble- (1) You go to cut off a dorsal fin to wear as a scarf, and in the middle of your battle cry, the living eel splashes swamp water into your mouth. It tastes like every toilet in the world got together for a New Years' Eve party, got thoroughly wasted, and puked on a vintage shag carpet from the seventies. And also eel. Gross. Your battle cry turns into a nauseated gurgle, and you end up butchering the dorsal fin. Your eyes are watering and the world is spinning.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Help this man through throwing him at the last eel.
Platoon: "I'm with these guys."
Unit number: MG003
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"Just one left?This, I can do!"
Put my LAST GUM in my mouth, and look cool while chewing with a gun in one hand and a knife on the other. Dive and attack the final eel.

Scavenge the bodies for gum. At least one of the dead guys still had his gum, and maybe others too... I want it all!

Your gum gets the status "chewed." kh008 helps target you to your foe. (5) He kneels and puts his hands into a stirrup position, and you run, step into his hands, and are launched! The sun glints off your standard issue, regulation, UV filtering faceplate and you sail onto the back of the living eel! (2) you lose your knife as the eel starts thrashing, but you grab it by the gills and hang on tight!

as for looting the bodies, That's gonna have to wait. shame, too, that would have been grounds for an excellent CP. as it is, you get the CP "YeeeeeeHAH!"

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Shoot the swamp thing. Shoot shoot shoot. Then scream for a MEDIC!
(*5) you are really lucky on those seizure rolls. You're a survivor. (3) you wound the eel, but can't get a clean shot with your teammate riding it like an unbroken bronco.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Carefully retrieve Gun.
People are wearing eels like accessories, riding them like wild stallions, throwing each other into the swamp, and shooting into melee, and here you are, talking about careful? "Calm under pressure." That's what you are. That or "weirdly timid during a routinge mission." Really depends on the outcome, and how much the person filing the paperwork hates your face. Spoiler: it's 'a lot."

(5) hah. Fuck that guy, you got your gun back!

Brick 1 death rolls
Death's just gonna wait and see how this one plays out.

Brick 3

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Communicate the success of this batch of the serum then advance towards the woods
"Success? Serum? Hooookkay, pal." You get the distinct feeling that not everyone is fully briefed on this one.
(4) you make your way into the woody part of the swamp, in the general direction of hat008 and his flying monkeys.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Climb Tree. Take up Sniping Position. Chew Gum with Renewed Vigour.

(6) you chase an angry marmoset out of an ostrich nest, and settle in. You get a good bead on The Other Guys'TM camp. too bad your laser carbine isn't rated for these distances. Ah, if only they'd given you the sniper hormone mixture at week seven of your gestation period. And also a sniper rifle. That'd have been sweet! Well, you can make do with a standard grunt laser, you guess.

Spoiler: HC006 (click to show/hide)

Spawn as a Corporal of whatever class I unlocked with my CP. Slap these lower grunts into shape, and shoot a thing in the face if the opportunity presents itself.
You spawn as an electrolaser Heavy Grunt. You get an electrolaser carbine, an electrolaser bat, a suit of insulated armor: one layer, and are more sturdily built than your acverage grunt. the carbine is for close range work, primarily on living things and sensitive electronic devices. The bat is to royally fuck shit up in melee. half your platoon is in the woods now, so we'll have you spawn in that group, heading toward the enemy encampment.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Let's see about driving those tree monsters into the enemy camp, then. Should be a fun show.

((Three turns it is, then. Or less, as it'll probably turn out.))
(4) you herd them toward the enemy camp. they burst out of the cover of hte trees, fly across the almost solid ground, and begin frying themselves on the electric fence. let's see. we'll say you started with about 20 of the suckers, and the fence took out about oh... call it 3. But they shorted the fence in one section, so you ground poiunders could get throug hthere if you can cut the wires.

Brick 3 Death Rolls.
(5)(5)(3)(3) Y'all dodge all the harm this round.

Brick 4

Ignoring the pain in his arm and leg, OcE006 carelessly lines up a shot on an enemy soldier.
"I've got you now, commie scum!"
Click. No laser?
OcE006 brings his Lascarbine up to his face, trying to determine the problem. A small LED screen reads:
"'Out of bullets'?! Laser weapons don't even use bullets!"
A passing, comically oversized, bullet rips through OcE006's left elbow, pinning his upper arm to a nearly tree.

(4) a medic runs out, under fire, and starts patching you up. that doesn't stop The Other GuysTM from shooting at you, of course. (5) on teh bright side, you figure out whatever the problem was with your laser. Or at least, if you didn't figure it out, the read out still switches to "charging."

Spoiler: CW004 'K' (click to show/hide)

I just wanted to be a stealth-artillery-cyborg!
Leap into air using supercool cyborg legs, fire regular grenade downwards at enemy, grenade explodes, land, repeat. Try to move back towards the front lines while doing this.
Or just run back towards Brick like a coward shooting grenades at the enemy if I can't feasibly leap clear of the regular grenades' blast.

EDIT: Actually try heading towards OcE006 ultimately, preferably screaming at anyone near him in an attempt to scare them away.

Changed my action a bit (see the large bold "EDIT" for more) to help out Egan.
(6) you erupt out of the swamp, trailing slime and muck like some abomination of a semi-aquatic metal baby being forcibly evicted from his spite filled mother's womb, and fire two grenades, as your cyber implants allow per turn. They hit the water, and send geysers of grime, blood, and parts flying. You kill 2 of The Other GuysTM, and land in front of OcE006 with a splash. "It's odd, seeing someone else' body parts like this. i'm used to seeing my own." You say, casually, as some entrails float by, to be pecked at by the local wildlife.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

subdue him and drag him away from the enemies.
(6) Success! You silence him and drag him over to OcE006 and CW004, popping up next to some entrails with his head under your arm. "sup, guys? That belong to anyone we know?"

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

As my Grunt goes on a suicide run, take a potshot at any Other Guystm that get distracted.
(4) You convince your grunt to run out and shoot, screaming all the while. He wades out twoard the group of badasses, whether to protect them or to hide behind that shiny metal ass, you can't be sure. (5) but he's effective at least, and takes down another of the Other GuysTM

Meanwhile, you bravely cower in the woods and shoot from cover. (6) you kill one! the others note your position, though. Looks like one of them is on the radio. Thaaaaaaat can't be good.

Brick 4 Death Rolls
-Ominous silence-

Instructions for next round
Brick One: Cowboy up, grunts!
Brick Three:  The Other Guys[supTM[/sup] camp has been spotted. it's on nearly dry land! there's an electric fence around it, but a section has been shorted. There's a big ol' pyramid in the middle of hte camp, like the Aztecs or Incas or whoever had. Fun!
Brick Four: you got about three guys to kill. Maybe a couple more. You also have a captive! For some reason. also - Ominous Silence-


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Grunts
« Reply #833 on: December 13, 2016, 11:27:55 pm »

"Hey medic, hurry up and glue my limbs back on or whatever. Judging by the lack of incoming fire, I bet that things are about to get a lot worse.
Like, with fire and screaming."

Sit tight until the medic makes me less broken.

Spoiler: CW004 'K' (click to show/hide)

"So how about you don't die, you do... something, with that prisoner of yours, and I just keep us all from dying?"
Deploy both laser arms and try to cock them menacingly. Fire at any Other Guys™ I see.
"Alternatively, I could try and get a better vantage point to see what's happening, if you want. Corporal?
« Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 12:52:56 am by Egan_BW »


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #834 on: December 13, 2016, 11:54:24 pm »

((pssst. It says 'charging'. That means it'll be ready to fire next round. That is, this round. As in, you can use it now.))


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #835 on: December 14, 2016, 12:06:59 am »

((At the end of my turn it says charging, and I get no farther information, so I can assume that it's still charging by the end of the turn. My action is in response to the conditions at the end of the last turn. Why would I assume that I can treat it as "charged" if the last I've heard of it was "charging"?))


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #836 on: December 14, 2016, 12:25:35 am »

((hmm. a fair point. sorry for the confusion. the previous turn, the weapon jammed. the way i deal with that is that it takes one round and an action to fix that. so, this round, I took your rp as an action to unjam, since you weren't really doing anything else. So, one round later, the gun is fixed. now, since you didn't explicitly say "fix my gun" I rolled for it, and got a 5, so it got fixed right away. If I had intended for it to charge for more than one turn, i'd have given it a turn counter. anyway, point is, you can use it, now.))


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #837 on: December 14, 2016, 12:40:08 am »

((Fair enuff. Action edit.))


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Re: Grunts
« Reply #838 on: December 14, 2016, 12:48:23 am »

Spoiler: CW004 'K' (click to show/hide)

"So how about you don't die, you do... something, with that prisoner of yours, and I just keep us all from dying?"
Deploy both laser arms and try to cock them menacingly. Fire at any Other Guys™ I see.
"Alternatively, I could try and get a better vantage point to see what's happening, if you want. Corporal?"
« Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 12:55:45 am by Chiefwaffles »
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Grunts
« Reply #839 on: December 14, 2016, 12:52:27 am »

"No, I think I like your shiny metal ass right where it is, thank you."
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