Battle 3: Round 3Brick 1Platoon 1
Designation: KH008
Unit type: Werewolf, Exterminator class
Health: maimed arm
Status: alive
Inventory: Flamethrower, Fuel tank (dented),Gasmask,gum.
Character points Hates bugs, first aid, Mutilate corpse
Get our medic to patch me up staying in the back of the brick while the other grunts do there damn jobs
(4) your injuries are [treated] You are good to get back in the action!
Platoon: 1
Designation: Sn003
Unit type: Grunt
Health: Perfect
Status: Alive!
Inventory: Gun, Gum, Helmet, Military backpack, Goggles
Character points: (not) Darwin's finest; Just along for the Drag
Rank: Private
Continue firing into the swamp
(6) one of the monsters rears up, blood pouring from it and lashes at you in retaliation for being hit! (5) You clobber it in teh snout with teh butt of your rifle. It crashes sideways into the edge of the Brick, shaking it a little. You [stunned] it!
Unit type: Grenadier
Health: Serious Wound.
Inventory: Gun. Helmet. Armor. Backpack. Gum. 1 Incendiary Grenade. 1 EMP Grenade. 5 Frag Grenades
Character Points: "Honor", "Follows Orders", "In the Shadow of Giants"
Character Traits: None
Rank: Corporal
If those other two monsters are close together, yet not close enough to a teammate for friendly fire to be a problem, toss a frag at them.
If not, take potshots at one of the ones near the brick.
(2) You miss, but you get a free shot at the [stunned] one, since it is like, taking up half the opening right now. (1) You attempt to replicate Sn003's attack, but end up throwing your gun at it. your gun falls with a clang, bounces off the floor of the brick and lands with a splorp in the swamp. But you see that it is caught on the Brick by the strap! You can juuuuuuust reach it, maybe.
Platoon: 8
Designation: AIG001
Unit type: Grunt
Health: Back for more
status: Seriously injured
Bitten by something
1/6 chance seizure with a pacemaker
inventory: gun, helmet, backpack, gum.
character points:
takes a beating, and gives it right back.
13 support bug kills
teamed up to kill +6 bugs
character traits:
Counter Grapple while holding down the trigger of my gun to hopefully hose down whatever is biting me.
You are in platoon 1, Grunt. O.N.E. One(1). Yer killing me. (2) No seizure this round. (4) you break the grapple, but were unable to fire this round. That's the nature ofthe grapple, sometimes.
Unit number: MG003
Unit type: Grunt
Inventory: Military backpack. Gum. Helmet. Broken Fixed No Gun. Combat knife.
Health: Still in one piece.
Status: Tetanus shots still good. Serum stricken out.
Character Points: Respect.
K/D ratio: Won't be causing divide by zero errors.
Climb back into the brick, or up a tree, or onto the dead monster, whatever is quicker. Fire at the monsters if attacked or once I got to safety.
Last round you had your platoon right and everything. You are giving Brass a headache, Grunt. Let's see, you fell out of the Brick, so back that way is probably quickest. (2) nah, that one giant eel monster rears up, blood spraying everywhere, and knocks you away as it attacks the Brick. You are now ten feet away from the Brick, waist deep in the Swamp.
Brick 1 death rolls(6)(3)(6)(4)(6) You all say a hearty Fuck You to the universe, kick death in the balls, and retaliate with a vengeance, getting three additional shots at the Swamp Eels this round. Let's see how they play out:
(4)(2)(2) Well, that [stunned] Eel is down, floating on it;s side and stinking of ... dead eel. The other two shots were a bust though, splashing water and making steam.
Brick 3
Platoon: 3
Wounds: Nothin!
Health: Slightly Grumpy. Bad Taste in Mouth
Stuff: Gun, backpack, gum.
Head towards Other Guys. Climb Tree that looks sufficiently climbable.
(3)You grab a low hanging branch and lift yourself, feet kicking wildly at its trunk. You are out of the swamp, but dangling, swinging your feet up toward the branch occasionally and swearing at nature with every gasping breath. Careful you don't spit out your artificial gum flavored chewing resin, yo.
Zii009, platoon 3 "Gunbane"
Unit Type: Soldier
Inventory: gun, helmet, military backpack, military headset, grenade, Body armor, experimental serum.
Status: Fine.
Character Trait: None
Achievements: Friendly Fire: Victim
Inject serum charge towards the woods ready to shoot the snake if it appears
More serum, eh? Let's open Pandora's Pillbox, shall we? (4) ooh, you got a Good Effect! Now I gotta see what it does. You bend over in pain for a minute, missing the rest of your action for this round, as something that feels like fire burns throug hyour veins. AS it reaches your various organs, it does weird shit, making you dizzy, nauseous, confused, have to pee really bad, and so forth. When the Serum hits your skin, it feels like it gets super tight for a bit, locking your body into an awkward contortion. But the effects drop off before long, though you still feel some of the after effects. Otherwise, you feel pretty good, actually, vigorous. [Sturdy] You chance a look at yourself, but your skin is mostly covered by your armor, so you shrug and mark yourself as [Sturdy] this will have an effect on damage and controlled actions, like standing still and aiming a weapon. Quick actions will be as normal.
Platoon: 3 (Brick 3)
Designation: Hat008
Unit type: Grenadier
Health: Maimed [Left Leg] (prosthetic), serious wound [shrapnel], serious wound [bite]
status: -
inventory: gun [gunked], helmet, backpack, gum, body armour, 3 frag grenades, 1 emp grenade, 1 incendiary grenade, (prosthetic leg)
character points: The ten yard stare
character traits: -
achievements: Mission complete: Antibrick takedown.
rank: private
... I hate this place already.
Into the forest and out of the swamp.
It's all swamp, yo. It's just that some of it is wooded swamp. (6) you do get further in, and to a pretty stable patch of only ankle deep muddy crud. that weird hooting you hear is probably a good sign, right? You look around. Where is it coming from anyway. And then, like in all good horror films, you pan slowly upward, and there they are .. dark, leathery figures crouched in the trees, swiveling their heads slowly as they stare at you. One extends it's upper arms, stretching them to their full eight foot span, and spreads its claws out wide toward the ... things on either side.
Designation: HC005
Unit type: Grunt
Health: Prosthetic right Arm, Maimed left arm
Inventory: gun, helmet, backpack, gum
Rank: Grunt
Cp: Bug Buster Patch.
Scream, flop about, and try to throttle the snake with my robot arm. Use my screaming to call for a medic that will hopefully have some anti venom. If all that is successful, follow the other grunt to the semi-dry land.
Naw, mate. you died last round. didn't you read that part? The good news is, you can be a corporal now.
Brick 3 Death Rolls.Pork002 disturbs a nest of unpleasantly large bugs, which sting, pinch, and bite him repeatedly before flying off in an angry huff, muttering under their breaths about the rudeness of "some people." He takes a [serious wound].
Zii009 is hit by something that should be crippling, but due to his armor and thick skin, he shrugs it off into a [minor wound] his armor remains intact as well.
Hat008 is attacked by tree monsters, and his armor is shredded while fending them off. Good news is, he drives them ahead of himself toward the enemy encampment. An occasional well placed shot, and he could keep them moving as shock troops.
Brick 4Platoon 4
Designation: OcE006
Unit type: point man
Health: Serious Wound x2 (right leg, left arm)
Status: None
Inventory: Lascarbine, Fancy shmancy pointman sensor helmet, Scout knife, backpack full of arbitrary shit
Achievements: Mission complete: Antibrick takedown
Classes unlocked: grunt, heavy grunt, soldier, grenadier, point man, shooter, assault gunner, pyro,
Character points: Honor, From Matilda, I MEANT TO DO THAT, Sergeant in Training, Generous
Character traits: None
Life kills: 1
Total kills: 17
Total deaths: 5
K/D ratio: 3.4
Rank: Corporal
"Yippie ki a, motherfuckers! Come eat some photons!"
Rock and roll all over someone's face.
I can't tell you how not entirely unhelpful your collecting of your squadmates has been.It's earned you a little leeway. Make some good use of it, before I change my mind.
(1)whichever weapon you rock and rolled with gets lodged, shorts out, or misfires.
By "one of my systems" do you mean a limb? Or some more cyborg-y type thing?
I'm assuming a limb now, but if I get an answer before the next round I'd like to change it.
Also I can't help but notice the ATROCIOUS ABSENCE OF MY ONE-LINER.
Designation: CW004 'K'
"Platoon": Brick 4
Unit type: Cyborg Artillery
Health: Cyborg limbs. 1/2 plates of armor.
status: Minor Damage x2, Major Damage - Left Arm.
inventory: gun, helmet, 2x Integrated Laser Arms, 5x Large Ballistic Units, 3x Guided Missiles
character points: Chimera First Aid, "Eat me! Eeeeaaaat meeeee!" "Rig the bodies," "We'll call it a draw"
character traits: nope
Unlocked classes: Grenadier, Artillery
rank: Private
Note to self: (Just so I can remember what I can do)
Artillery: Fires ballistic and guided long-range, high angle attacks. standard ballistic ammo is unlimited. Carries 5 large ballistic units, for attack against buildings nad transport, and 3 guided missiles, for long range, accurate shots. Generally will require a spotter on location, or otherwise able to transmit firing coordinates.
Cyborg: A standard laser is built into each arm, but must be deployed to activate, and cannot be deployed while the launchers are active.
You have 2 layers of armor, the ability to lift about 2 tons, or carry about 1 ton, and are capable of running about 20 mph, and leaping about fifty feet horizontally or twenty vertically. You have integrated communications equipment in your head, and multiple wavelength eyes - just select normal, infrared, UV, or lowlight.
Crazy Plan 1 Part Two Contingency Plan: "Rig the Bodies 2: The Living Bomb", GO!
Make a note to self look ahead when jumping.
Stealth my way over to the most isolated (nearby) Other Guy™. Disable them, plant a primed large grenade somewhere on his body where it can't be noticed, wake him up, run away, hide, and hope he reunites with his pals before exploding.
If I can remotely detonate the grenade, do that when he's close to other Other Guys™.
If I can't remotely detonate the grenade, see if I can modify the grenade to make it last longer before exploding. Only do this if I don't have a chance of blowing myself up in the process.
If I can't do either of the above, just prime it regularly and hope for the best.
I thioought "I totally have a chance, Guys!"
was your 'cool' one-liner.
Systems could be a limb or a cybersystem. Take your pick.
You are already too much the center of attention for stealth, yo. (1) you dash over toward one of teh enemy in order to grab him, but find yourself suddenly neck deep in the swamp water, laser fire splishing all around.
Unit number: Jag005 [platoon 4] 'K'
Name: Dug, because I get dug out a lot.
Inventory: gun, military backpack, Gum, 2 sidearms, big knife
All limbs have been replaced with prosthetics. Not as badass as CWs though
Character point:
endurance: suffocation
character class: tunnel rat.
rank private
Smoldering poncho
Help with the CW 004 'K' plan by being the one who stealthily disables and drags the guy away, rather than the massive artillery cyborg.
(3) you launch up right in front of a guy, wrap your arms around him, and take him to hell with you. He struggles. it's gonna be a fight below the water, as he is not properly subdued.
Designation: Yo008
Unit type: Shooter
Health: Serious Wound [Arm] Serious Wound [Other Arm]
Inventory:Big-Ass shooty gun, fancy dancy corporal hat, a backpack the color of a rainbow, gum
Achievement: Mission: Anti-Brick weapon
CP: Power Corrupts
Rank: Corporal
Have my Grunts focus on giving K covering fire.
(6)(2)(6) They manage to suppress the enemy pretty well, keeping them in somewhat of disarray - the ones not being dragged under by the Horror From Below. They do kill one of them, so you are down to 7 known enemy units
Brick 4 Death Rolls(3)(4)(5)(6) ... (1)
Oce006 gets another serious wound. he can either bump one of his wounds to a maiming, or take a bleedout counter at 0/5
The rest of you badasses avoid death like you owe him money, though one of Yo008s Grunts is killed by return fire.
Instructions for next roundBrick One: There is at least one Swamp monster around your brick. You know what to do.
Brick Three: Dodge the snake and head into the woods, yo. The Other Guys[supTM[/sup] are encamped That Way.
Brick Four: you got about seven guys to kill. Maybe a couple more. Try not to lose too many badasses in the process, eh? this was a pretty rough round for you overall.