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Author Topic: Roll to create a supersoldier! Bloody air resistance  (Read 139697 times)

Harry Baldman

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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier! Singularity: Resistance is futile
« Reply #450 on: September 19, 2016, 04:53:34 am »

OPERATION: WE HAVE WAYS concluded, result: TG-R and TG-T altered and recreated as WHW-R and WHW-T, considerably more useful designs with fewer side effects.


Step Ten, cont'd: explain to HR that paying the test subjects is in their best interest, considering they are prospective employees (as well as prospective dimensional sorcerers). An experimental ape costs like $60k a pop, you numpties, and these guys cost $210k a year! To say nothing of the other materials! Point is, just write the test subjects off as an additional expense. Not even a particularly large one. Give them company accounts. Offshore bank accounts that can be remotely frozen in case of rebellion, even. Honestly, do I have to explain the notion of compensating a valuable asset (especially given that it's a paycheck they'll see if they survive Mad Science Thunderdome)?

Step Eleven: start adapting TG-B into a new form of communication module, WHW-B, with the hypothetical goal being impregnable communication between the hivemind modules. Go minimalist, see if I can figure out how to upgrade the hivemind modules to utilize this mode of communication.

Report all this to the Doc. If he has any things he wants me to do, do it. Otherwise, spend my time making sure our stuff is secure and training my bodies to be in optimal shape.

Also inquire about the one female. Did he do something to her to enhance her perception of green that much?

Step Twelve: see if I can figure out what happened to the woman's vision and perceptions. As for the Executive Producer, training is still highest priority.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier! Singularity: Resistance is futile
« Reply #451 on: September 19, 2016, 05:21:46 am »

Assassinate the first 2 targets and moving to the 3rd and 4th. (Still a prank)
((Batshit evil, pessimistic neutral and clumsy good cover nearly entire spectrum. Sadly, but optimists are a rare breed, that is currently running into extinction.))
((That tends to happen when you're optimistic enough to wait out the apocalypse. I wish them plenty of luck, but chances are they'll need it.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier! Singularity: Resistance is futile
« Reply #452 on: September 19, 2016, 10:35:24 am »

Work on not swearing as much. Ask politely for access to the camera feeds. Might as well watch the lab while I'm here.
Well, it only hates Linux for now. If we could condition it to hate computer viruses, than hooray! Free, brutal virus protection! Unless you have Linux!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier! Singularity: Resistance is futile
« Reply #453 on: September 19, 2016, 03:30:30 pm »

11 days until deadline.

Brain 1:
* Quantum brain mass production
* Mind Editing

Brain 2 & 4:
* Build the fifth Meshanblov Brain. Brain Five will build itself a remote body.
* Modular autonomous drones
* Stealth Systems

Brain 3:
* Nuclear II: Do a short feasibility study to consider if fusion has the potential for better performance. Either way, focus on simply improving the fission. It's fine if less waste heat is produced. That said, research into Heat Application will be suspended until it is determined if it is needed.
* Particle Beam II

Brain mass production finished! Took a sweet long time, but now it is done and you can churn out ten brains every day. Which you are not going to use to make more Meshanblov copies. Or you could, but work efforts must be combined so you have only six active projects going on any given time. That I can probably manage.

Editing memories is easy, simply change any particular reference in the memory sequence to point something else. Constructing and implanting new sequences should be easy too, just plop it down somewhere into the digital data. Adding new languages, and other skills, is a bit harder. It seems like you have to actually observe other digital brains performing task related to skill and then copy related parts. Implanting new skills too seems to be mildly difficult because each individual brain is different, so there won't be universal "do this to add new skills" method. You could develope "do this to understand how to add new skills into this individual" methodology.

Runner ups:
Another brain built as a joint project. Another brain left to fend for itself.

#2 Finishes modular drones and returns to help #4 who takes on stealth systems. #4 has idea for going to the hard end of stealth, which is electromagnetic radiation transparency. Fuck those photons, man! At least those on the most relevant wavelengths. Two of you take head first dive into mad science figuring out why photons with certain wavelength range pass through certain materials and not others. Why material is transparent and most importantly, how to make opaque materials transparent.

Bronze medalist:
Well yeah fusion could totally be an option. You already have particle accelerator, you know? Just add another six meters tall pole on back of your soldier so you can mash hydrogen atoms together at dangerous speeds. Highspeed collisions cause fusion and produce energy free for grabs. Fully plausible. Maybe not a lot of power, but power is power regardless of quantity.

But back to the fission improvements. Best way to increase power output is to replace photovoltaic receptors inside the core with more efficient version. Greater absorbtion rate equals greater output. You tinker around with that, hopefully producing something.

Particle beam's major problem is atmosphere. It's in the way, absorbing your energy. It would be great if you could get rid of that. Unfortunately that's not happening unless you first ionize air all the way to your target and then generate some sort of effect to push it out of the way. The brief moment before pressure pushes air back would mean uninhibited vacuum path to your target, which means you could power up output of your gun as high as it can take.

Ionization part is easy, powerful laser should do it and you should have enough power for do it.

...What's wrong with diesel, after all? Exo can let us carry enough fuel, and the noise that it makes is less important when everyone in a mile radius is clawing their eyes out.
Bah. Look into compact fission reactors that I could fit on there.

Power output, that's what wrong with it. Combustion based power generation is poor choice when you have so many devices each demanding a lot of power. Portable diesel generator doesn't have very high output, so if you want the exoskeleton to move, you won't be using any other power hungry machines.

Yeah, so fission reactor. Must make core. One that is not based on boiling water turbine. Because it is very ineffictive. Hmm, grinding uranium into fine dust, fed into plasma and let megnetohydrodynamic generator absorb energy from produced reaction. Yep, sounds about right.

OPERATION: WE HAVE WAYS concluded, result: TG-R and TG-T altered and recreated as WHW-R and WHW-T, considerably more useful designs with fewer side effects.


Step Ten, cont'd: explain to HR that paying the test subjects is in their best interest, considering they are prospective employees (as well as prospective dimensional sorcerers). An experimental ape costs like $60k a pop, you numpties, and these guys cost $210k a year! To say nothing of the other materials! Point is, just write the test subjects off as an additional expense. Not even a particularly large one. Give them company accounts. Offshore bank accounts that can be remotely frozen in case of rebellion, even. Honestly, do I have to explain the notion of compensating a valuable asset (especially given that it's a paycheck they'll see if they survive Mad Science Thunderdome)?

Step Eleven: start adapting TG-B into a new form of communication module, WHW-B, with the hypothetical goal being impregnable communication between the hivemind modules. Go minimalist, see if I can figure out how to upgrade the hivemind modules to utilize this mode of communication.

Report all this to the Doc. If he has any things he wants me to do, do it. Otherwise, spend my time making sure our stuff is secure and training my bodies to be in optimal shape.

Also inquire about the one female. Did he do something to her to enhance her perception of green that much?

Step Twelve: see if I can figure out what happened to the woman's vision and perceptions. As for the Executive Producer, training is still highest priority.

Project lead joins the email discussion and points out that test subjects are liability. None of them are permitted leave the project, and when project ends, so do they. Unless you happen to have a way to erase their memories with 100% certainty, then that's what going to happen. If you do have a way to erase memories, then your request for paycheck and non-termination can be seriously considered. Even more so if you happen to produce superiour product and win this friendly competition.


Eh, the thing with EPA woman's eyes turns out to be natural mutation in her both X chromosomes. Very rare recessive gene which produces fourth type of cones in retina, sensitive to wavelengths little lower than normal green sensitive cones. Badly documented because people with this mutation don't usually realize they see more than others.

TG-B has few problems to solve before it can be used safely. First is rather abysmal range, paltry 20 meters. Second is indiscriminate broadcasting to every single brain within range. Third is that it is tuned to take input from TG-R. So you work it in reverse order. Removing TG-R dependancy is highest priorty after all, and giving it ability to read language center of human brain as well as hivemind module's contact point with radio chip. Huh, that was easier than expected.

Next you solve the broadcasting issue. It must be strictly limited to brains with safe signature. You figure having few hundred neurons firing in a recursive feedback loop could function as a key, so the module broadcasts only to brains with same neuron "key". This theoretically increases effective range because of reduced amount of valid targets, but in same time reduces it because it has to look for the key. The net effect ends up being slightly more on positivite side.

But it doesn't matter as much as undoing the last part of problem. Theoretically you could increase range infinitely, but in practical theory transmission efficiency is limited by how many brains it have to scan to locate acceptable recipients. More unrelated brains it has to scan, greater toll it takes. You go sleep while pondering what's most sane range in battlefieds and great metropolises.

Quote from: HugeNerdAndProudOfIt
Automatic Research

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Quote from: NAV
Automatic Research

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I transfer a test subject brain into Tarantula, then apply my post-implantation treatment and assign it an assistant. If the new rooms are completed, I transfer it into one of them. Otherwise it can probably be in a normal room for a day or two.

Then I devise tests to determine the combat bodies' physical capabilities: strength, speed, stability, endurance, carrying capacity, dexterity with weapons, hand-to-hand combat ability, and anything else that strikes me as important in a military setting. They should be tested each day, so I am able to compare the combat bodies at the same levels of implantation adaptation, and ideally extrapolate the data to predict the bodies' performance when the brain is fully used to it.
Hopefully I'll be able to use the data to make decisions sooner and get renegadelobster into his body faster.

If I have any time left, I give a test subject IR-sensing organs (probably around the eyes) and the implantation treatment. I provide the assistant with a Bunsen burner and some ceramic balls (or any set of small fire-safe objects I have around the lab), then instruct them to periodically heat up some of the balls out of sight of the subject and test whether the subject can identify the ones that had been heated by IR vision.

I also contact my agent and request some spherical iron magnets and identical-looking iron balls for magnetovision training. The assistant should be able to determine which ones are magnets, then bring them into the room with the subject and test how well they can identify them. That should speed up the process a bit via external validation.

Another test subject implanted. This one appears to be very uncooperative so it's very nice when reinforced holding rooms are finished today. He's not trying actively murder assistants, but staying in your lab doesn't seem like his favourite option. He makes sure you hear about his nightly adventures with your mother. Raunchy stories.

Testing procedure figured. Chimera should be tomorrow in good shape for tests. Subject with Tarantula body may be problematic. Almost certainly.

You have a plenty of time. More than you know what to do with. IR organs treatment given to subject and his eyes are disabled to avoid cheating. Iron balls and magnets are brought with express delivery. The subject appears to be able locate direction fairly well, but determining distance is harder depending of magnet's orientation.

With your remaining time you finish the neurotoxin and passive counter agent. Normal tranquilizer gun should be enough for delivery system. Easily shattered container will ensure target is exposed to toxin even in case armor is in the way. You prepare twelve test subjects and give six the counter agent injection. Testing effectiveness of the toxin will be left for tomorrow.

Full-ass as opposed to half-ass. Some may call it "going for broke", or "victory or bust". I call it going full-ass.

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It also could be no-ass.

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Ooh, excellent!

Report all this to the Doc. If he has any things he wants me to do, do it. Otherwise, spend my time making sure our stuff is secure and training my bodies to be in optimal shape.

Also inquire about the one female. Did he do something to her to enhance her perception of green that much?

Training, training, training. One would think that's boring, but since George told you to train you find it very nice and rewarding thing to do. Physical training it is.

Assassinate the first 2 targets and moving to the 3rd and 4th. (Still a prank)

Assassinate!? Doc said capture! Anyway, kidnapping goes as well as it can be expected, thought the part where fire from burning house causes raging forest fire was not intenteded. Well whatever. No way this will come back to bite you. Doctors are packed and send to your boss via another route while your group moves on neighbouring country. All quite like over the border. Nobody notices a thing.

Work on not swearing as much. Ask politely for access to the camera feeds. Might as well watch the lab while I'm here.

By bloody ferret's bollocks, those dumb wank lord lickers are too easy with that eight legged spunk-bubble collector! Go suck a foot butler, you bloody nut detectors!
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier! Singularity: Resistance is futile
« Reply #454 on: September 19, 2016, 07:14:12 pm »

Give the prisoners guests a few lessons in waterboarding so they will voluntarily spill all of their secrets. (Record everything for Doc. to look over when at his convenience)

The way to do this is to torture 1 prisoner in front of the other so the 2nd feels more obligated to cough up new information (and secret technologies).
((Batshit evil, pessimistic neutral and clumsy good cover nearly entire spectrum. Sadly, but optimists are a rare breed, that is currently running into extinction.))
((That tends to happen when you're optimistic enough to wait out the apocalypse. I wish them plenty of luck, but chances are they'll need it.))


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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier! Singularity: Resistance is futile
« Reply #455 on: September 19, 2016, 07:25:53 pm »

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Don't eat ghosts, that's how we got into this mess to begin with.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier! Singularity: Resistance is futile
« Reply #456 on: September 19, 2016, 08:16:57 pm »

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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier! Singularity: Resistance is futile
« Reply #457 on: September 19, 2016, 11:05:36 pm »

Give the prisoners guests a few lessons in waterboarding so they will voluntarily spill all of their secrets. (Record everything for Doc. to look over when at his convenience)

The way to do this is to torture 1 prisoner in front of the other so the 2nd feels more obligated to cough up new information (and secret technologies).
Your pager rings with a new message!
Quote from: Doktor Ocean!
Did I ask that you interrogate these doctors? Please, refrain from traumatizing the minds that I plan to plug into your brain, for you own sake.
And yes, I am watching everything you do.


Demonic Spoon

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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier! Singularity: Resistance is futile
« Reply #458 on: September 20, 2016, 12:54:32 am »

((Research on Heat Application was suspended, and Particle Beam II isn't listed in active researches?))

There are certain moments in history that are considered pivotal. Turning points that will echo throughout all of time. We are certain that this is one of them.
- Meshanblov Collective

Brain 1 & 5:
* Set up mass production of Meshanblov brains and Remote science bodies. They will be used to focused on the set limit of projects, not research a million projects at once.
* Mind-Editing

Brain 2 & 4:
* Stealth Systems
* Improved Meshanblov Co-Ordination and Co-Operation

Brain 3:
* Nuclear II
* Particle Beam II: Go ahead with the pilot laser then. It'd also be useful for the pulsed laser we were considering for expanding the weapons complement of the super-soldier.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 01:02:46 am by Demonic Spoon »

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier! Singularity: Resistance is futile
« Reply #459 on: September 20, 2016, 05:26:28 am »

It would make sense for the last remaining days to be bad days, wouldn't it? That's usually how it works.

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« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 05:31:50 am by Sean Mirrsen »
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India

Harry Baldman

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier! Singularity: Resistance is futile
« Reply #460 on: September 20, 2016, 05:43:20 am »


Step Thirteen: finish up the design of WHW-B as a communication solution, but currently prioritize communication between brains with WHW-B modules - it is preferable for them to be able to communicate untraceably between one another in the scope of the present operation, communication with other brains is a different concern.

Step Fourteen: once all three components of WHW are done, integrate them into a single module and install them into the Executive Producer. See how he adapts, and most importantly whether it functions remotely (the EP can teleport things within EPA line of sight, but not his own) once WHW-R is installed into the EPA collective.

Step Fifteen: begin work on WHW-ASE, an adaptation of WHW-B that would permit information to be drawn from nearby brains at range.


Objective: figure out a method of erasing memories reliably and unrecoverably from human subjects.

Step One: can I do this without much in the way of actual design? Does my theory permit this sort of one-time alteration as-is?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier! Singularity: Resistance is futile
« Reply #461 on: September 20, 2016, 07:33:28 am »

I test the effectiveness of the poison and my counteragent. I also instruct my assistants to test Chimera.

I also theorize whether I could provoke the Tarantula subject into taking any actions I could estimate its abilities from.
I doubt I could get data as reliable as a proper test, but right now I'm at the point where I use what I can get. With proper setup, a tantrum could be a decent display of basic coordination and strength, especially if there were some precisely-weighed objects in the subject's room for them to toss around.

I check in on the three-armed subject and the two that received extra senses. Is my post-implantation tech working well? Are there opportunities to speed it up further? This tech is kind of the glue holding my project together; it needs to be working ideally.

I spend the rest of the day planning out body armor. I'm still not sure what shape my soldier is going to end up, so for today I focus on materials. Perhaps I could grow some sort of hardened bone plates - the process could be adjusted to create whatever shapes I need, and it should be hard and sturdy but not too heavy.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 07:37:07 am by penguinofhonor »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier! Singularity: Resistance is futile
« Reply #462 on: September 20, 2016, 04:35:29 pm »

10 days until deadline.

((Research on Heat Application was suspended, and Particle Beam II isn't listed in active researches?))

There are certain moments in history that are considered pivotal. Turning points that will echo throughout all of time. We are certain that this is one of them.
- Meshanblov Collective

Brain 1 & 5:
* Set up mass production of Meshanblov brains and Remote science bodies. They will be used to focused on the set limit of projects, not research a million projects at once.
* Mind-Editing

Brain 2 & 4:
* Stealth Systems
* Improved Meshanblov Co-Ordination and Co-Operation

Brain 3:
* Nuclear II
* Particle Beam II: Go ahead with the pilot laser then. It'd also be useful for the pulsed laser we were considering for expanding the weapons complement of the super-soldier.

It appears I forgot to update public notes. No worries, it's merely visual glitch in the system.

Collective ids 1 & 5:
First and Last complete the sciencing body production quickly. After all, bodies are much simpler in design than quantum brains so setting up production is much easier too. Number of bodies it can produce in a day is undeterminated, but more than ten. The only worry is that when collective size increases, number of available radio channels will start running out leading to various problems with body control.

Number of test subjects are interviewed, their insignificant skills listed and then prompty killed while digitalizing their brains. Then, using Mark I Quantum Brain and letting played subject borrow remote body, they are instructed to perform their skills. Data is observed, relevant portions of digital brain identified and copied. One digital test subject is chosen, his brain carefully analyzed and after good amount of tinkering, new skills are succesfully implanted.

Upgrading intelligence is a project one order of magnitude more complex than merely giving skills to people so you both decide collectively ditch it for now. Battle-mode thing likewise is troubling. It's not like the hardware is running on its limits (it is), but it's rather that the QB is designed to function as a whole. Shutting down portion of brain can be done, but it doesn't increase preformance. It would require not only total redesign of QB but also altering how mind works in first place. Not really feasible in remaining time.

Members 2 and 4:
Work on optical invisibility goes on at decent pace. To archieve invisibility you must ensure that molecules do not absorb photons, which sounds much easier than it is. It seems like you have to mess things on atomic level which almost certainly changes their chemical properties and ruins everything. Completely unfeasible. Another way would simply not be where light is, which again is not doable. Yet another thing you could do is to make light... jump ahead. And that's basically teleportation, or FTL or whatever you want to call it. Again, not happening with currently known laws of physics. This baffles you. On demand optical transparency would be a great thing, but you aren't sure if that's even possible. Makes you feel like giving up this research branch. But then again, currently known laws of physics are not how reality actually works so there may be way to archieve this. Or not.

And how to improve coordination and cooperation? That's something to brainstorm for. Upgrading self into true collective would be nice way to do this, but you are not sure if you even would be you after that. Adding direct brain to brain communication could be done as long as every brain is sitting on same shelf so they can be wired together. Wireless comms are out of question; seeing how senior and newest members have set up mass production for brains and bodies means you will be out of wireless communication channels very soon. No good ideas from this session.

More efficient photovoltaic receptors designed. With these you can probably archieve 96% effiency. You could build them, but you have no reactor to add them on. The only one you got is stuck with the combat body and won't shut down for... a year, maybe? Talking about that, a shut down feature is required. All uranium gas must be collected into specific area where it can cool down. Heat resistant material core is made of should handle direct touch with liquid uranium, but problem comes when it solidifies. It would be very bad if it were to stick into walls. It would mean replacing entire core so uranium can be fully scaped off of the walls. The problem is solved by adding heat tolerant coating of non-reactive and smooth glassy material into cooling section. Gentle tap should then be enough to get uranium loose despite of being very tight fit. Making the entire reactor even more compact is no doubt a daunting task.

Pilot laser is a simple thing. Harder part is to implement it into the particle rifle in a manner that won't interfere with particle accelerator and makes the ion tunnel straight along path of the beam. It comes down to some really clever engineering, but you pull it off. Next task is the hard one: how to repel ionized air while preventing non-ionized air flowing back long enough? And how to do that without having to build laboratory between the gun and the target on battlefield? You probably have to utilize some really weird and counterintuitive quirk of physics.

Give the prisoners guests a few lessons in waterboarding so they will voluntarily spill all of their secrets. (Record everything for Doc. to look over when at his convenience)

The way to do this is to torture 1 prisoner in front of the other so the 2nd feels more obligated to cough up new information (and secret technologies).
Your pager rings with a new message!
Quote from: Doktor Ocean!
Did I ask that you interrogate these doctors? Please, refrain from traumatizing the minds that I plan to plug into your brain, for you own sake.
And yes, I am watching everything you do.


Reactor reactor reactor reactor plasma dust plasma dust. Ion snakes! Uh, sorry I'm not watching those videos on youtube. Okay.

But nano uranium particle plasma dust is the way of future. Grinding uranium into nano dust small enough is... not easy, no, but you get it done. And start working with core shell and the generator with too long name.

And your soldier reaches site where next target is on vacation. Plans and jazz are made.


Step Thirteen: finish up the design of WHW-B as a communication solution, but currently prioritize communication between brains with WHW-B modules - it is preferable for them to be able to communicate untraceably between one another in the scope of the present operation, communication with other brains is a different concern.

Step Fourteen: once all three components of WHW are done, integrate them into a single module and install them into the Executive Producer. See how he adapts, and most importantly whether it functions remotely (the EP can teleport things within EPA line of sight, but not his own) once WHW-R is installed into the EPA collective.

Step Fifteen: begin work on WHW-ASE, an adaptation of WHW-B that would permit information to be drawn from nearby brains at range.


Objective: figure out a method of erasing memories reliably and unrecoverably from human subjects.

Step One: can I do this without much in the way of actual design? Does my theory permit this sort of one-time alteration as-is?

For WHW-B you settle on battlefield range of 300 meters. Full integration of WHW modules is suprisingly simple task, but installation is a bit tricker because WHW-B must connect to wider brain area. WHW installed on soldier. Based on your calculations it should grow fully functional state tomorrow.

Memories are encoded within neural connections in brain, so they do fell within your domain, although means of archieving such goal are very different from those reality bending modules. The thing is known how memories work, locating neurons where memory is encoded and break their connections. Memories, as you quickly learn with help of your theory, can be understood not as a video but as a sequence of references to locations, time, people, skills and many other things relevant to each memory. So merely breaking the sequence is not enough, you also have to selectively remove additional information from the brain.

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Quote from: NAV
Automatic Research

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I test the effectiveness of the poison and my counteragent. I also instruct my assistants to test Chimera.

I also theorize whether I could provoke the Tarantula subject into taking any actions I could estimate its abilities from.
I doubt I could get data as reliable as a proper test, but right now I'm at the point where I use what I can get. With proper setup, a tantrum could be a decent display of basic coordination and strength, especially if there were some precisely-weighed objects in the subject's room for them to toss around.

I check in on the three-armed subject and the two that received extra senses. Is my post-implantation tech working well? Are there opportunities to speed it up further? This tech is kind of the glue holding my project together; it needs to be working ideally.

I spend the rest of the day planning out body armor. I'm still not sure what shape my soldier is going to end up, so for today I focus on materials. Perhaps I could grow some sort of hardened bone plates - the process could be adjusted to create whatever shapes I need, and it should be hard and sturdy but not too heavy.

The six subjects without counteragent die wihtin a minute foaming from their mouth, seizuring and clawing their eyes out. Subjects with applied restive agent develope discoloration on skin contact, but that seems to be only effect. Prolonged exposure causes spasms on most affected bodyparts and gross overdose causes serious seizures and foaming, but no death. All subjects recover from effects over time, though overdosed seem to have minor permanent effects.

Test results from Chimera: Arm strength is good, progressively better on arms behind. Forearms have strength of untrained human, so arms behind have just that much more. Speed is okayish. Hulk arms behind hind legs are dragging body and tail down to ground too much. It takes effort to keep it up in motion, but tail can be used as support when staying still. Stability is subpar. It is too easy to knock it over while running due aforementioned arm/tail problem. Endurance is night infinite as long as it is belly full of food. Weapon handling (nerf guns) is acceptable with front arms, decent with middle arms, and abysmal with hulk smashers unless it is aiming directly behind. Unarmed close quarter combat bad, but that can be attributed for subject's lack of skill.
Judgement: C-.
Room to improve: Yes.

For Tarantula subject you could give it opportunity to escape. It's dumb enough that it could go through obstacle course twice before realizing it is being played for fool. And this actually brings another problem into your attention. How in the hell you are going to get that subject out of Tarantula body? It got though skin, very aggressive immune system and considerable lack of cooperation. It will simply shrug of most of the drugs in your posession.

Post implementation is going well as is evident from Chimera and your three headed monkey armed man. Speeding it up sufficiently would require entirely new brain type, or so your theory goes.

You play with idea of stacking carbon nanotubes, calcium carbonite tiles and stretchy/clingy proteins.

It would make sense for the last remaining days to be bad days, wouldn't it? That's usually how it works.

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It's getting too late, can't process soldier activity.
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier! Singularity: Resistance is futile
« Reply #463 on: September 20, 2016, 05:23:01 pm »

Capture the next target and continue to wherever I'm ordered to go next.
((Batshit evil, pessimistic neutral and clumsy good cover nearly entire spectrum. Sadly, but optimists are a rare breed, that is currently running into extinction.))
((That tends to happen when you're optimistic enough to wait out the apocalypse. I wish them plenty of luck, but chances are they'll need it.))


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Roll to create a supersoldier! Singularity: Resistance is futile
« Reply #464 on: September 20, 2016, 06:56:58 pm »

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