Tick 55.0: EnvyWstfgl sets out to stop the wall foolery and finds that it is dying down. Wstfgl abruptly ends it and sends nice dreams to the afflicted.
Gandtrael listens to void shriekers and information spirits and deciphers no useful information.
Katzerie has inspected herbs given by Gandtrael and found no particular mysticality about them.
Katzerie has added configurability to the couch, tested it, and finished the couches.
Death has created more Daoine.
Wstfgl's investigation revealed that TRUTH magic being in the hands of mortals may have contributed to the Wall problems. Notably, while Landria is still visible in the Wall, the blood-rock is flickering.
Frami has reawakened! Frami proceeds to hold a giant banquet of unimaginably tasty foods which is followed by a great fertility celebration. (Frami: -15E)
Frami listens to prayers:
Nautil pirate-hunter: "We have succeeded!"
Hyrran reveler: "Which way to the feast?"
Venusian botanist: "Why do people eat plants? Aren't plants people too?"
Katzerie has assembled and delivered enough
Divine Lounge Couches for Frami's grand feast! This will prove to be an excellent test of the latest model. Visalash is not amused by the decadence.
Gandtrael searches for the most intelligent beings of the Bubble and surmises that they are probably the divinities and not some random creation created exactly 27 Ticks ago.
Landria (Ruling, Technology) 33E
Katzerie (Luxury, Comfort, Smithing) 22E
Mumuski (Music, Culture) 114E
Captain Praven (Piracy, Sailing?) 160E
Wstfgl (Dreams, Sleep?) 171E
Sadiq (Friendship, Engineering) 141E
Xislo (Magic) 103E
Zenrach (Death, Chaos) 163E
LYT (Light, Truth) 98E
Gandtrael (Brains, Spirit) 35E
Fortuna (Luck) 85E
Death (Death) 141E
Frami (Life, Evolution) 41E
Kriege (Strength, Power) 91E
Visalash (Science, Empowerment) 47E
Kadden (Travel) 109E
Nobody? (Something entropic) 12E
Nameless god of Desolation and Destruction (Desolation, Destruction) 0E
Nameless god of Machines (Machine) -2E
Nameless god of Fear (Fear) 0E
Landria 109
Katzerie 75
Mumuski 31
Captain Praven 35
Wstfgl 229
Sadiq 80
Xislo 54
Zenrach 154
LYT 46
Gandtrael 101
Fortuna 34
Death 28
Frami 173
Kriege 17
Visalash 17
Kadden 2
Nobody? 0
Nameless god of Desolation and Destruction 0
Nameless god of Machines 32
Nameless god of Fear 0