Guys, I can't fault the uni for doing something like that. You folks talk about toughening up and whatnot but for a chunk of our country we just elected a VP that wants to legalize and fund with taxpayer's money their torture, to say nothing everything else the GOP wants to do and all the others they want to do it to, as well. I'm not going to fault them a bit of shock.
People have said that since the fuckin' sixties. 'Once the old people die, it's all peaches.' There will always be old people. Young people voted for Trump quite a bit, this election, compared to how much they voted for Obama. The world is never as simple as that.
... well, yeah. People have been saying that since the sixties, and more or less every time an older generation politically marginalizes we get gains in... most things, really, so far as I can recall (though given these last few generations and how bloody much has
happened in them, that's kinda' understandable). Except the manufacturing sector, I guess. Still second in the world but we got too good at it, and those that got left behind wanted to suffer and wreck everything around them instead of allow themselves to be helped so :V Not that I don't understand the motive. Pride and whatnot, I get it. Got no use for it m'self, but I know it motivates other people.
Not saying kill 'em off or anything but those of us paying attention have been painfully aware we're waiting for people to die more than just about anything to get done what we think needs done, culturally, economically, and so on. There'll still be red (or blue, or whatever), but it'll be a different one, almost certainly with significantly more in the way of shared experiences and grounds to connect and communicate, forge agreements and ways forward. Above and beyond everything else, it's pretty astoundingly different to get older folks to change behaviors they've been practicing for longer than you've been alive. It's possible! Definitely possible. But you're talking about time and effort investments to get that change to occur that can ultimately be less efficient use of your time than just waiting for them to die and directing your attentions to wherever else you can make gains in the process; to accept that they may be a friend or loved one or whatever but they're not going to be your political ally without significantly more effort than they're practically worth on that front. You can spend all that time getting changes to occur in a demographic that's going to work against you in the process and then still die not long after you're done, or you can just let the latter happen and build bridges with the younger generations or others among your own and have coalitions that might actually agree in the process even somewhat and still be with you another decade down the line. Time investment's roughly the same, but the gains involved are notably different.
And it bloody sucks, by the by. It is one of the most intensely saddening, painful, frustrating, etc., things to know there's no way you're going to be able to get a friend or loved one or just fellow citizen to work with you. To see them doing stuff that has demonstrably made things worse both for yourself
and them, and to try, and try, and try, and get nothing, and nothing, and nothing, all the while they're doing stuff to actively make your life worse, even if that's not really their intention. Y'try anyway but after a point it gets really obvious you're just kinda' pissing away your effort, that could be spent mitigating how they're screwing you over instead of failing to get them to stop.
Though yeah, at what isp said a bit back, point doesn't seem to be that they're all of it. Just that without 'em it would've been a lot easier to go a different path. Greater portion of the population made up of folks actually willing to listen, or at least that younger folks are able to talk with the right way (i.e. not be relatively young), without the same sort of cultural/historical baggage, that sort of thing.