Folly is expressing the view of an entitled douche. He thinks that the rich and powerful man should have people flock to his defense while the woman should be questioned even though there are countless corroborating statements that yeah, Trump does treat women exactly that way. It's a horrible, horrible double standard.
So I'm going to stand up for egalitarianism just a tiny bit and say. No Folly, that shit aint cool. It's deplorable.
Thank you. That's all I was asking for.
@Folly: That's what the court cases will decide. Courts still require evidence, and with sexual assault stuff gets complicated, especially with things as fleeting as sexual harassment (what? kissing out of nowhere someone leaves very little physical evidence), but that's not a reason to hope that Trump wins the suit in and of itself. Women are always accused of lying whenever they come forward about sexual assault to actual courts (colleges are different matters). That's the first and best defense a lawyer in that situation can come up with, because it's the one most likely to be true
if the defendant is in fact innocent. But in this situation, when 10+ different women have come forward about it, and he has personally admitted to doing things that could be considered sexual harassment on video, (even if he wasn't doing it for sexual reasons, which he might have been anyway) saying that you hope he wins specifically so that victims of sexual assault lose credibility (and for the record, that is the scenario you are hoping for, indirectly; if false accusers lose power, so do actual victims, that's what makes things like these so difficult to balance).
And I say that as someone who has been falsely accused of sexual assault.