It gets at me personally because when it's implied that that sort of thing is simply normal sexuality, it begins to imply that the opposite is not, or is simply repressing one's own natural sexuality, which is a bit of a charge.
This bothers me immensely too. Everyone keeps saying "Guys say that". I'll ask you the same thing they asked Giuliani: "Do
you say that?" Because if you don't, it's not really fair to say "guys say this thing". It's a copout. At least admit you just grab a woman you find attractive and just start kissing her. Come on, don't say "guys" say this, someone say "I say this!".
Well since he didn't actually do that,
I mean he *said* he does that. He said it quite clearly. He said he tried to sleep with a woman who was married. And he said he can't control himself, he just starts kissing attractive women he sees, and grabs them by the pussy. Do we disbelieve him?
just talked about wanting to do that with another dude who was egging him on,
Definitely wanted to impress Billy Bush, of all people. Billy Bush was totally egging him on by... following along.
just about everyone talks shit like that occasionally. I sure as hell say some crazy shit with my friends.
BFEL let me be quite frank and say if you said what Donald Trump said, to me in private, you'd be picking up your teeth off the floor. I am very, very rarely physical, but coming from a household of abuse I have absolutely zero tolerance for such commentary. No one has ever said this much me. I've been in sports locker rooms, high school locker rooms, and all sorts, and I do not tolerate this. And no one has admitted "hey, *I* say this stuff", they've only said "oh yeah, *guys* say this". Come on people. Guys don't say that. I don't say that. Do you?
Also calling them "recent" comments is pretty ridiculous, since it happened 11 years ago and was just drudged up by Hillary's campaign now (she had an attack ad about it within 3 hours, so its pretty much guaranteed she knew in advance).
At the ripe old age of 59, and he's dragging out allegations at Bill from twice that period of time. Come now, don't get holier then thou.
As for my mom, she's a perv and all emotional trauma from the hypothetical situation would be due to her bragging and talking shit about it literally forever.
Your mother is probably too old anyway. He doesn't like old people. Anyone over 35 is off-limits.
I'll admit the comments are 100% prime douchebag yeah, but I feel bringing it into politics, or sports or shit like that is kinda silly personally. Also he's apologized for the remarks anyway. Granted he may or may not be sincere on that, but I see no reason not to let it go.
For me the issue is "I'm a powerful man and I use my power for sex", and this same man is asking to be the most powerful man on earth. And then attacking Bill Clinton for it.