Please, your own strawmen are enough. You don't have to draw on the tired old tar-pit of "hurr durr not agreeing with the regressive left means you're a bigoted fascist". Nobody with a grain of common sense buys that line - I suspect that that's why it's so popular with SJWs, considering the alarming lack of critical thinking skills and utter inability to self-examine. Incidentally, that's why Shillary supporters like yourself love the regressive left, they give you the perfect excuse to lambast progressives that don't march in lock-step behind the leaders of the corp-cap-backed centrists.
If you bitch about social justice warriors without a trace of irony you have zero right to bitch about trump.
I don't discriminate; I mock all fringe loonies equally. The source from which hateful authoritarian ideologies are derived is ultimately irrelevant in the face of what they produce - in the end it doesn't matter why people are being harangued, censored, imprisoned, &c. unjustly, merely that they are. The alt-left is just as destructive and selfish as the alt-right, the only difference is that they haven't had as long to show it.
Anyone trying to frame the current political climate in the U.S. as a binary "us vs. them" has an agenda to push.
pretty sure they don't... actually... exist, though?
it's just trolls and poes at this point, riffing off teenagers who think they have it all figured out.
Um. Except that we see things practically daily that say otherwise. That's part of the genius of the thing, though, is that they use language to shield their intent.
here's a topical example. Great, right? Sexual harassment as a hate crime if it's specifically motivated by gender, sounds good.
Except that it only applies to women being abused or discriminated against. And
[it] means abuse or harassment which might not be a crime can be reported to and investigated by the police, and support for the victim put in place.
What's that? Someone triggered you? Report them to the police, and even if
no crime was committed, even if the only proof that anything happened is your word, the police are required to investigate.
Let's repeat that. The police. Are bound by law. To investigate incidents even when they are not crimes.
Or if you prefer the personal touch, how's this? A day or two ago, someone I know (details spared because seriously the alt-left doxxing hate machine is kinda scary) went off on someone else for describing a crazy set of circumstances as "crazy", a lengthy rant about how it's demeaning and offensive to use the word "crazy", that it stifles the experiences of the mentally ill. Never mind that it was being used to describe a state of affairs disconnected from any group or individual which
was crazy in the "Why!? Why would people do this? Why is this a thing!?" sense.
Here's one that's a bit older,
how's this for twisted thinking? The imperatives of the regressive mindset are so strong that, despite a lot of these people being alleged feminists, they're willing to cover up when
they're raped, lie to the police about the ethnicity of their attackers, frame the narrative to blame a nebulous group of people who had nothing to do with it, and even attack
other rape victims as racist liars.
The head-in-sand game is getting a tad old. Just because you're not paying attention doesn't mean things aren't happening. I could spend hours accumulating material like this, but frankly I doubt it would help convince you. It's a sick, twisted ideological strain that's escalating tensions for no good reason, promoting racial and sexual hatred, fighting to bring back racial segregation, and serving the interests of the wealthy by removing the possibility of the poor and (increasingly shrinking) middle class uniting against the real enemy of liberty and collective prosperity.