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Author Topic: The Story of Atölasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)  (Read 62189 times)

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #300 on: December 29, 2016, 06:44:47 pm »

̛ Huh. Would have expected you to make it partial walls. Not that building traps is all that more expensive, granted....

Walls take more dwarves, and because Dr. Urist wants to focus on engineering (Gwolfski's request), it seemed to make more story sense to do it this way.

̛ Ah, stuck visitor idiots. Usually it's the pool. Going to build him a platform?

Eventually, maybe.  It's not a priority atm.

̛ Huh. You'd prefer to make complete suits of armor instead of partials.

Just the way it happened to play out.

And you very well captured the flat-flooted feeling from an unexpected and perhaps large present. Personal experience from few days ago?

 ;D  I really like giving people stuff I know they'll love but don't expect.  Let's just say that Lotu was a faithful avatar that day.  :D

̛ Huh. You're using Dr. Urist as a device for the dwarven conspiracy. Mm. Sounds fun.

Dr. Urist writes herself.  That's the nice thing about scholars.

On a side note, having recently read the wiki on how damage is calculated I can scarcely believe how effective axes are - every calculation seems to inversely value contact area. Thankfully, once it lands on flesh, bye-bye flesh.

There's a reason my first two squads are always one of axedwarves and one of marksdwarves.  And the axedwarves get recruited up to full-ish strength quickly.

Finally, as for tales, I wonder - does Imic have any abstract thinking needs?

Not as far as I can tell.  At least, he hasn't gotten any red thoughts for it.  The only need of his that doesn't seem to get filled automatically is the crafting one, so I have him woodcraft something about once a season to keep him happy.

Unusual minecart double helixes, however. Haven't seen anything like that before - seems like you can fit at most 3 workshops into each corner, though (and only if you floor the downstairs and tear them up afterwards).

Ah - and again, I didn't expect it to be automatic and powered.

Those stairways are getting ripped out as soon as the permanent up/down construction is done.  And I always build my minecart tracks as loops, and powered if at all possible.  That seems to help cut down on the hauling necessary (given I tend to specialize in smaller forts), and my FPS doesn't appear to tank as quickly.  It does require rather more advance planning out of where associated tracks, stockpiles and routes are going to go, but the end result, imo, is worth the time investment in terms of long-term playability of forts.

I am certainly curious what you'll be fitting into this 17x17 pierce.

Piece by piece, season by season, all will become clear.

̛ Well, ultimately you never utilized caverns. Not that it'd have been enough, not without help from cavern 5 and slaughtering all the livestock.

I wouldn't have had time to produce 220 leather (in addition to the backpacks), even if I slaughtered every last tame animal and hunted out the caverns and surface.  So I decided to not even attempt it, and focus on other projects instead.  We'll see where the story goes...

- Dame de la Licorne
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur

Fleeting Frames

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #301 on: December 29, 2016, 07:44:42 pm »

̛ Eh, maybe. I mean, doesn't Dr. Urist haul too?

Nevertheless, useful longterm.

I have never used a stonefall trap yet though, due the weight and their purported lesser effectiveness, no idea how effective that is :P

Though I suppose you can load them with ‼lignite‼ boulders, unlike weapon and cage traps. (Barring a mood.)

̛ Mm. Like getting back to writing this story?

̛ Heh - myself, I usually go for picks first. I'm - perhaps overly much - worried about having the legendary dwarves end in a situation where they do no damage and die from various arena mode tests with weapons, it is moodable (mixed blessing) and it gives something useful to do for miners once they've dug out most of what needs digging to boot.

Seems to work fine enough on less-armored targets, but I haven't exactly put them through a siege. I'd like to run numbers on them getting stuck in wounds, too -  I don't know the calculations that use penetration depth and while I feel like pick acts kinda like an axe rather than a spear for getting stuck, I'd like some actual numbers.

̛ Ah well. If Imic hasn't gone into red in 6 years without a book or scholarly thought, he probably is only at "dubious" level for desire of knowledge.

̛ Minecarts always cut down on the hauling, don't they ^^;;

I used to have strong dislike of using power myself for minecart tracks, but I've squared it to distaste by now. Might still use 4x bigger setup than with power (including power generation and powertrain), but I'm willing to use rollers and pumps where more efficient.

As for the FPS effect, despite my name cannot say much. I do know that giving a job for every dwarf in just the starting 7 can bring me from capped 1k fps to 6-700 on 2x2 shrubland, so less hauling = more fps.

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #302 on: December 30, 2016, 05:41:02 pm »

02 Limestone 84

The dwarf found the bin he had been looking for.  Carefully, he started filling it with the pile of trade goods he carried, while using only a corner of his attention.  The rest dwelt on the most recent failure of his plans.

And after all that work, finding a way to lure that giant here.  Graah!  That Imic is just too damn good at his job!

His eye fell on the figurine he was about to add to the bin.  Pausing abruptly, he took a closer look at it.

Now that’s an idea.  A giant is clearly not strong or fast enough.  But if I can lure a giant here, maybe the Master can coax something even more powerful?

Excerpts from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

04 Limestone 84

A sudden shout from the carpentry drew our attention.

An artifact casket?  Where am I going to put that?  Is that a hint that I need to dig out some burial grounds?  Fine, I’ll add it to the to-do list.

Aban is, rightfully, very proud.  But I stood firm.  We need an armorer more than a third carpenter.  She went back to the forge, grumbling all the way.

09 Limestone 84

Another human entertainer petitioned today.

I said yes, of course.  After all, they’re proving to be just as crazy as we are, if in a different way.  What is it with humans wanting to live here?

17 Limestone 84


I ordered the quota moved.  Since we don’t have leather, I went ahead and substituted in cloth.  It certainly can’t make the situation worse.

21 Limestone 84

Lotu waited for Echoworked in the dining area, wishing he were anywhere else.

The two sat down in their accustomed places, across from each other.

Just what I didn’t want to hear.  Hasn’t Bomrek pissed anyone else off enough to want him replaced?

Shrugging the plaintive thought away, he pulled out his list.  “We need more steel stuff, anything Theaterknowledge can spare, and some leather.”  Especially given Bomrek’s predilection for cleaning us out.  He added, “And some kimberlite rock.”

“Kimberlite?”  Echoworked looked up in surprise.

“Yeah.  We need to do some color-coding.  Six boulders should be plenty.”

Raising his brows, Echoworked nonetheless made the necessary notations.  “Anything else?”

Lotu shook his head.  Finderboards, out of necessity, was now producing almost everything they needed.  It was Bomrek that kept throwing things out of joint.

Echoworked nodded.  “In that case, this is what Bomrek wants next year, for his 57 dwarves.”

With a sigh, Lotu set to work on the calculations.

Looking back over the numbers, Lotu jerked upright, and barely managed to restrain his bellow of outrage.

He’s stealing our booze!  How dare he!  How does he expect us to live around here?  Barely had that penetrated, than his eyes fell on another set of numbers.  And 228 ivory or tooth amulets?  Even with the giant porcupines producing nicely, that’s not dwarvenly possible!  We’d need 114 of the porcupines, not just 20, and nothing else around here produces ivory.

Closing his eyes, he forced himself to breathe in through his nose, and out through his mouth several times, trying to calm down, before looking back over the numbers once more.

But on the plus side, we now have a use for all of that animal hair that Sarvesh has been spinning into thread.  Sodel will be very glad to know he won’t be losing any of the weavable stuff this time around.

And everything else looks possible.  It’s just the one thing.  Bomrek always has to include one impossible thing.  Maybe if I write to the king, pointing this fact out in each of our failed quotas?  Then again, if he takes it the wrong way…

Lotu barely acknowledged it.  Then why don’t you ever tell the king how unreasonable some of these demands are?  That would help us far more than anything else you’ve done.

Excerpts from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

13 Sandstone 84

With my yearly meeting with Echoworked complete and the quota moved, it was time to trade.  I ended up buying some steel bars and various steel trap components for Catten to melt for re-use. 

When I handed over the quota, I gave the traders 220 blots of masterfully-worked cloth.  Sodel wasn’t happy about losing it, but it was that or nothing on the leather entry.  We were still missing eleven backpacks, so I threw in twenty unused waterskins that have been gathering dust in the bins for years.

I hope that will mollify Bomrek enough that he won’t go whining to Dodok about the quota lack. At any rate, it certainly can’t make things worse.

Before Trade:                                                  After Trade:


19 Sandstone 84

When the merchants finally left, they carried with them letters from several dwarves, including Lotu.

This is a finely-crafted sheet of cave thistle fiber.  It is embossed with a single, exceptionally designed image of thread in kenaf cloth.  This image is the symbol of the Trampled Rampart, the group in charge of Finderboards Village.

Attention: His Majesty by the Grace of Armok, King Dodok Charmedmirrors, Cheesemaker

Sire, it is with the greatest respect and sincere concern that I must apprise you of the ongoing actions of your servant, Bomrek Whiptrailed.  Each quota that he demands from us contains at least one item which is impossible for us to fulfill.  For example, before we successfully breached the aquifer this spring, he repeatedly requested fish, even after being informed that we have no surface fish here.  We were, in fact, forced to depend on unreliable humans to provide that fish, and it is only because the gods smiled that we succeeded.

In other years, he has demanded rock or metal items, which were, of course, impossible to meet until we reached dry rock in the Month of Slate of the Year 84.  I am sure you will be pleased to learn that we are now well-placed and prepared to fulfill these future quotas, of course. 

However, this year, Bomrek has requested over two hundred amulets made of ivory.  My liege, we simply do not have enough animals to fulfill this request, and it is impossible to import them consistently.  As your liaison, Logem Echoworked, will testify, at the time of writing this letter, we have only twenty-six giant porcupines, of which only seven are adults and thus butcherable for useable items. Yet each adult porcupine will only give two teeth large enough to carve into an amulet, and these numbers fall far short of Bomrek’s desires.  We have no other animals capable of producing any ivory at all. 

Please, Your Majesty, I beseech you to verify if such requests are truly required for Swordgangs to manufacture a spear worthy of your great stature.  I fear that your servant Bomrek is using your rightful wishes to justify his own greedy excesses.

I remain your most humble and obedient servant, Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

Lotu watched the caravan leave, glumly convinced his missive would have no effect.  But I had to try, dammit.  We’ll just have to find ivory somewhere, or make amulets out of something else.

Excerpts from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

20 Sandstone 84

Akrul has set up some new work orders. 

She canceled all of the current tasks in the crafters’ and carpentries, and has those dwarves in quite the tizzy.  Rith especially, stomps over to Akrul’s chair at least once a day to complain about the lack of ivory, and can she please, please, please, make some bolts in her currently copious free time?

Akrul’s answer is always the same.   “The quota must be finished before anything else happens.”  I can hear her biting that out from here, as I sit at this dining table writing this. 

But we only have one kind of animal that will produce ivory.  What is Bomrek thinking?

21 Sandstone 84

What is this, Petition Season?

This isn’t a blasted human town!  We’re digging down, into the rock!  Why do they keep wanting to live here?

In any case, I approved it.  I do enjoy a good song or story after a hard day’s work.

05 Timber 84

With the Central Spire now fully built from the sand level down to the granite, hauling times to keep Catten supplied have decreased correspondingly. 

With that done, it’s time to remove the temporary stairs and dig out the bottom footings of these rail loops.  Once that’s done, we can finalize the stockpiles and actually get some minecarts running.

OOC: Four sets of rails means four sets of all labeled areas (except the Central Spire).  There is one layer of granite (immediately beneath the aquifer, so prone to leaking if digging isn’t carefully done, hence the kimberlite order) between this picture and the last one of the previous set, but it just has one more quarter turn on the tracks to get them set up for this one.  Nothing else interesting there.

21 Timber 84

We’ve finally used up all of the cobaltite we brought. 

Fortunately, I noticed a few veins of the stuff buried in the rock along the exploratory shaft.  I’ll go dig some more out to finish off the minecart rails.

28 Timber 84

No yelling this time.  I was amazed.

Then again, other than the ivory crap, we’re off to a really good start.  And I may be able to persuade Akrul that either horn or bone amulets are close enough to be substituted in.  As long as the king doesn’t decide to be stubborn about this.

Late Autumn 84

This time the wagons were reassuringly full.  The Swordgangs dwarves waited patiently as the merchants steadily unloaded bins, barrels, and a lot of random items that appeared to have been tossed in wherever there happened to be room.

Tallying up the numbers, Meng froze.  “That’s not leather!  That’s cloth!”

The merchant shrugged.  “That’s what Finderboards gave us.  Ye sure ye don’t want it?  It’s all masterfully-crafted.  I can easily sell it on if’n you don’ want it.”

Meng shook his head.  “We’ll keep it!”  Continuing to check the numbers, he noticed the backpack situation.  Though why Bomrek wanted so many backpacks…?  Hmm, those numbers are short by a small enough margin that I can fake them.  If Bomrek notices the lack later, I can always blame the stupid soldiers for absent-mindedly dropping them into that chasm or something.

But there was no getting around the lack of leather.  Squaring his shoulders, Meng went off to beard the beast.

Bomrek was happily drunk, an unusual situation.  Hearing about the lack of leather, though, that quickly changed.

“I need my leather!  How else are we going to armor the dummies to test those spears?  Cloth just isn’t the same!”

Meng nodded.  “But remember, we haven’t used up all of the leather they sent in earlier quotas.  And there’s that giant cave spider chitin that’s sure to be tougher than anything Finderboards could have sent.”

Bomrek’s expression turned mulish.  “The chitin is supposed to be turned into armor for the peons.  It’ll be wasted on a target.”

“Well, what about if we used several layers of the cloth?  It looks like they sent a variety of bolts, all of them of the highest quality.  Surely, if they’re properly layered, it would provide a good test as to which spears should then be tested against armored targets?”

Bomrek cocked his head.  Encouraged by his unaccustomed reasonable moment, Meng quickly forged ahead.  “I mean, right now a lot of the spears break against the armor and ruin it.  But if they don’t succeed against mere cloth, we’ll end up using the leather more efficiently in our tests.”

His expression made it clear Bomrek was still not enthused with the idea.  But, “Fine.  I’ll give Finderboards a pass.  This time.”  He said magnanimously.  “But if it doesn’t work, I’m taking it out of your hide.”  He jabbed his finger in emphasis.

Meng nodded in understanding and got out of there.

Early Winter 84

The Master read the letter for a third time.  While it was clear that the sender sought to explain away his own failures, he did make some valid points.  Not least of which was the number of visitors, some of which were target dwarves, that seemed to find a reason to visit Finderboards.  Granted, it appeared that the overwhelming majority of actual petitioners were humans, but the Master could work with the greedy, ambitious creatures.

And the dwarf’s ultimate solution had merit.  But it will also take time.  The bait will need to be presented carefully.  Very carefully.

And if more targets could be drawn to Finderboards in the meantime…

The possibility was tempting.  Very tempting.

Still Early Winter 84

The councilor stepped through the door into the royal office.  Making his obeisance, he greeted his king respectfully.

“I am sorry to disturb you, Sire, but I believe this particular letter cannot wait.”

Munching on his snack of whip vine flour biscuits, the king gestured for him to hand over the letter.

Unfolding it quickly, he scanned it.  He carefully re-read certain passages, then grunted.  “This will certainly need to be dealt with.”  He waved the councilor away.

And since Bomrek is one of the queen consort’s favorites, I’ll need to discuss it with my wife.

Queen consort Doren Geniusnet was perhaps the only person who could make King Dodok actually stop and think rather than react.

Current character list:
Spoiler: Training in Moonstone: (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Training in Opal: (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Training in Obsidian: (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Scholars (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Joined by Petition (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Children: (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: NPCs: (click to show/hide)

If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur

Fleeting Frames

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #303 on: December 30, 2016, 06:28:01 pm »

̛ Burial grounds, burial gounds ~ ah who are we kidding, it's best in a dining hall; Jarring though that may be.

"Combatstrikes the Adorable Directions"? Nice name.

Full moon...heralds a werebeast.
̛ Well, good these requests are less military, I suppose.

But cut gems? Somebody wants a fail. After all, Bomrek would reasonably believe you to be still behind aquifer.

And...Ah, missed ivory myself. That's even worse. Caverns....Cave Dragons, Rutherers and Blind Cave Bears. None are easy targets.

̛ No performance troupes yet, deciding to stay?

Though oddly, they can arrive naked.

Or on the other side, there's the human nobles with every cloth piece decorated with a random material.

̛ Hm, kimberlite tracks? Haen't seen that before myself. It's not a bad combination of blue and black.

In my mind, I protest "that's not going to get through" before I realize your plan to use rollers.

But hold on a second...Ah, you didn't forget about aquifer leak.

̛ Bone isn't exactly same as tooth (oh how great it'd be if teeth healed), but horn...Not sure. Probably depends on animals; disposable antlers on deer ain't the same as rhino's life-long spear.

̛ Heh. I usually don't include megabeasts in world gen.

I wonder, what will you have?

Still mysterious, for humans don't tolerate babysnatchers. I'd almost suspect the kobolds, were they not all killed by ....elves. Who else to control the great beasts of the world, indeed?

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #304 on: December 30, 2016, 06:40:46 pm »

But cut gems? Somebody wants a fail. After all, Bomrek would reasonably believe you to be still behind aquifer.

Actually, since ToadyOne implemented things like cutting clay and rock, the cut gems are the easiest part.  I just have Mebzuth making raw green glass, and Logem cuts that and the clay loam that someone else can gather.  Never was worried about this.

̛ No performance troupes yet, deciding to stay?

I think my visitor cap is too low for those right now (I have it set to 10, though with a successful defeat of the giantess and the breaching of the aquifer, it's probably time to raise it a bit, to simulate the growth of our reputation).

̛ Hm, kimberlite tracks? Haen't seen that before myself. It's not a bad combination of blue and black.

The tracks are actually built of cobaltite.  I don't know why they show up as dark blue instead of bright blue (likely a bug, but it's such a minor one...), but I don't mind.

In my mind, I protest "that's not going to get through" before I realize your plan to use rollers.

Yes.  And the gear shaft will go through the centers of the rail spirals.  I'll post pictures as I get things connected together.

But hold on a second...Ah, you didn't forget about aquifer leak.

No, I've gotten bitten by that nasty little surprise often enough to now make me paranoid.  Hence the cobaltite+kimberlite color-coding (kimberlite for everything on the level immediately beneath, cobaltite on every aquifer level).  And until that kimberlite comes in, I'm going to be checking everything in the granite levels four or five times before saying "go".

I'd almost suspect the kobolds, were they not all killed by ....elves.

Only one cave worth of kobolds has been killed so far, there are others out there.

- Dame de la Licorne
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur

Fleeting Frames

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #305 on: December 30, 2016, 07:18:11 pm »

Ah, forgot about the cut rocks. I suppose it is closer than glass mugs, and those passed.

Performance tropes can have 7 or less members, but I find in the Meetup gens I tend to get them after a fruitful trade with elves, though obviously this is world-specific.

Right, minecart tracks use the secondary color - dark blue, in this case.

As for kobolds, mm. But in range, maybe not. Well, their gibberish is not something a dwarf can understand usually.

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #306 on: December 31, 2016, 05:53:53 pm »

Excerpts from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

01 Moonstone 84

The first set of dwarves headed to the training area this morning, half of them grumbling and the other half excited about finally getting some martial arts practice.

And apparently Uvash, our senior carpenter, is a macedwarf?  How did I miss that?  A look through the stockpiles revealed no maces left from that particular quota of Bomrek’s.  Well, it might make sense to make a few for our own use.  But it’ll wait until next month, NCommander is also training now.

And I’ve finally decided.  That wren man has been flying around for months.  Does he not know how to land?  Or maybe he needs a staircase to get down?  I’m going to build him one, just in case.

02 Moonstone 84

I ordered the corpses moved, since they seem to keep frightening merchant animals.  The panicked animals then proceed to break the wagons, which leave an awful mess we have to clean up, and I’m tired of the extra work.

03 Moonstone 84

I guess Logem has enough glass stockpiled that we can spare Mebzuth for a few days.

07 Moonstone 84

That certainly took longer than expected.  Mebzuth went running all over the place for his supplies.

But he’s finally settled in to work, banging around and muttering.  I wonder what he’s making?

11 Moonstone 84

Now that is a totally awesome…bed?

Judging from the admiring, covetous looks on everyone’s faces when Mebzuth unveiled his ultimate masterpiece, someone would be very happy to sleep in that thing.  Now, who should get the privilege?

But did he really have to include a reference to King Dodok?  Then again, that might dissuade some of the potential takers...

12 Moonstone 84

Lugging the final clay loam boulder to the top of the Stairway to Heaven, as she had privately taken to calling the stairway stretching up to the where the wren man hovered, Airith started carefully attaching it into place.  Above, the wren man chirped cheerfully to her, but she paid little attention.

When the boulder was finally solidly in position, she sat down for a minute, taking a break.  The wren man settled down to perch next to her, with a cheerful greeting.  Nodding back, Airith was distracted by the view.

“You can see for shars from up here!”  She was amazed.  Being a dwarf, she had never realized just how much of an advantage fliers had, especially once they got above the trees.  The wren man chirped agreement, fluffing his wings happily.

She frowned a moment more, then rose swiftly.  “That gives me an idea.  We need a lookout tower!”  Racing down the stairs, she made a beeline for Lotu.

Excerpts from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.
15 Moonstone 84

The wren man finally wandered into the common room.  He’s spent the last few days regaling anyone who will listen about everything he saw while flying above the village.

As a result, Mooney has joined Airith in lobbying for a lookout tower.  Lorbam says we have plenty of rock to make blocks from, and neither of those are required for this year’s quota, so I’ll add that to the immediate projects list. 

Dr. Urist and Airith will need to re-adjust the placement of the permanent windmills, however.  They’re supposed to be built right where Mooney wants me to put his tower.

20 Moonstone 84

For once, we have dwarves visiting.  The scholar made beeline for our library, and the bard is holding forth in the dining room.

It’s a nice change from the constant stream of humans.

22 Moonstone 84

The first step to building a lookout tower is building some sort of accessway.  Given the planned location, it will be easiest to expand the Central Spire upward.

27 Moonstone 84

Dr. Urist has finished planning the new windmill generating system.  I found the updated plans on my chair, and Dr. Urist is back in her library, conferring with the visiting scholars.

Is it me, or is it crowded in here?

03 Opal 84

We’ve finished the permanent floor above the Central Spire, so we no longer have to deal with steady rivulets of rain washing ruts into the uppermost ramps.  Instead, the rain strikes the built ramps and flows off harmlessly onto the muddy ground to the sides.  Some of the water occasionally still overflows into the Central Spire, but our hole feels a little homier now.

10 Opal 84

Things happen much more slowly with seven militia trying to train nine recruits in the rudiments of dodging and shield use.  We’re not going to get much done this winter.

13 Opal 84

The wren man didn’t stay very long.  I guess he saw most of what he wanted to from the air.

19 Opal 84

Mooney’s complaining that 1 z-level high is not the kind of lookout tower he wanted.  I pointed out the ramps I built for the next level.


We need some walls, not just floors, don’t we…  I’ll get right on that.

01 Obsidian 84

It’s finally time for my squad to start training.  I’ve been looking forward to this all winter.

05 Obsidian 84

Akrul interrupted the training session.  “Lotu, someone wants a word.  She says it’s urgent.”

“Huh?  Okay.”  Holding his shield, Lotu headed to his ‘office’, to find a human waiting.

I was pulled from training for this!?

Wait a minute, she wants to join our military!  “Yeah, sure!  You’re definitely welcome here!  Come with me.”

With a wave, Lotu led the new member back to the training area.  “This imposing dwarf here is Imic.  You’ll be in his squad until we get some swordsdwarves formed up.  He’ll get you outfitted with some gear and a bedroom.”

Imic nodded in agreement, and Lotu finished with, “We’re really happy to have you!  Welcome to Finderboards!”

Excerpts from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

07 Obsidian 84

Dr. Urist wants cages built near the wall into the caverns, and the wall torn down.  I suppose that’s as good a place as any to try to trap more cavern creatures.  Erib seems to think some of them might produce some ivory for us.

14 Obsidian 84

Those dratted keas are back.  Mooney took his Pillars straight up to the ramparts, and started shooting.  I’m very glad we’ve started storing the bolts up there.

19 Obsidian 84

I’ve noticed a difference with the keas this time around.  Everyone still complains bitterly about the dive-bombing little pests, but they’re shooting back with their new weapons.

Even those most against the training, like Spriggans, have had to admit that it is helping.  I just wish we didn’t need to.
25 Obsidian 84

Besmar killed the last kea today, so we’re safe until the next flock appears.  In doing so, he has earned elite status.

I’m sure Udil was relieved.  Over the years we’ve discovered that axedwarves and birds don’t mix very well.

26 Obsidian 84

With a third of the village training at any given time, progress on the tower is slow.

28 Obsidian 84

And…Akrul's back to yelling. 

Well, what does she expect me to do?  Other than the month she spent training, Erib’s working flat out with butchering and tanning.  And with only 15 pairs of hands free to work this winter, we’re lucky we made as much progress as we did!

I repeatedly told her our spring numbers would improve, and she finally had to accept that.  But she’s still glaring at me from her chair, as if it’s all my fault. 

I’ll talk to Dr. Urist, as our resident scholar, about whether horn or bone would be closer to ivory.  Or maybe NCommander, as our part-time trainer, would know?  Then again, Erib is the butcher, and Rith is the actual bone carver…I’ll get all four of them into the conversation.  Between them, they should be able to come up with an acceptable substitute.

OOC: I've added a poll if people want to make their opinions on amulets known.  It'll stay open until Monday evening, since I have some work to do tomorrow and won't have time to play.
Current character list:
Spoiler: Training in Moonstone: (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Training in Opal: (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Training in Obsidian: (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Scholars (click to show/hide)

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« Last Edit: June 29, 2018, 05:18:24 pm by Dame de la Licorne »
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur


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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #307 on: December 31, 2016, 08:22:19 pm »

I'm good with bone.... Ivory is just fancy bone after all.

And, by the ancient Laws set forth by the Ancients, I call Dibs on that awesome bed.... wait, wouldn't Lotu AND Airith use it?

In that case, "we" call dibs.
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name

Fleeting Frames

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #308 on: January 02, 2017, 10:30:13 am »

Hm. Regading maces, human caravan does bring morningstars, doesn't they?

And they should work better than maces - while I think iron ones would be better against bronze colossi, copper ones would be cheap and work quite well.

Not sure how much that would cut into import cap, but it's a thought.

Mebzuth might have bit into quota, looking at that list.

As for the bed, military barracks?
Communal dormitory piece for dwarves unwilling to claim one?
A centerpiece into tavern to attract visitors?
Something to awe the visiting caravans?

It seems a waste to just give it to a single dwarf, though if a single dwarf would get it, Mebzuth could be a contender, for they made it.

9 out of 10 visitors are scholars? Hm, they do make the best ones for staying in fortress, and bring no annoying metal weaponry.

Well, as long as there's floor space you'll not get hit too hard by 1 FPS bug with single-tile locations.
Huh. With the quotas and military rotation, didn't expect you to approve a merc.

Haha, nice ramparts - but wait , I see a sapling; is there a hole in roof that shows sapling in water on z-level beneath?

As for the keas, I thought they didn't have a way in to interrupt, but guess they do. How many of them remain in local population?

Well, lets see what caverns bring.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2017, 10:31:49 am by Fleeting Frames »

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #309 on: January 02, 2017, 12:33:47 pm »

Mebzuth might have bit into quota, looking at that list.

Nothing that Logem didn't promptly replace.  If you notice, we're about halfway there on the gems, with two seasons to go.  It shouldn't be a problem.

As for the bed, military barracks?
Communal dormitory piece for dwarves unwilling to claim one?
A centerpiece into tavern to attract visitors?
Something to awe the visiting caravans?

It seems a waste to just give it to a single dwarf, though if a single dwarf would get it, Mebzuth could be a contender, for they made it.

So many choices...

Huh. With the quotas and military rotation, didn't expect you to approve a merc.

Humans make good megabeast fodder.  I'll take the import hit until she eventually dies, then melt down her armor.  And, if I sacrifice a dwarf to the cause (e.g. make a new squad with just her and the squad captain), she can stay on relatively permanent guard duty, giving the rest of the militia more time for other things.  And if I rotate dwarves in and out of the squad leadership, this can become a much more flexible arrangement.

Haha, nice ramparts - but wait , I see a sapling; is there a hole in roof that shows sapling in water on z-level beneath?

That's actually a stack of quinoa [2] that someone dropped when a kea flew by.  I dunno what they were doing hauling it up there (my guess is a marksdwarf who forgot they had it when they changed from "herbalist" to active duty), but there definitely isn't a hole in the roof.

As for the keas, I thought they didn't have a way in to interrupt, but guess they do. How many of them remain in local population?

There are 212 left, according to DFhack's region-pops.  Killing them all is going to take a while.

- Dame de la Licorne
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur

Fleeting Frames

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #310 on: January 02, 2017, 03:04:56 pm »

Regarding partial training, iirc you can set train orders to prefer certain position(s?), so you could have "train 1 minimum, Geño preferred".

Though it may feel unfair to them perhaps, when everyone else vacations.

As for her eventual death, do you have enough megabeasts? it can be years before a non-forgotten one arrives, by which time she'll be legendary and unlikely to die.

Though by then upgrading her armor to steel would be reasonable.

As for the poll, picked horn - for bone is so different from teeth, but both ivory and horns are there to spear enemies, so perhaps not too different composition.

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #311 on: January 02, 2017, 04:47:30 pm »

As for her eventual death, do you have enough megabeasts? it can be years before a non-forgotten one arrives, by which time she'll be legendary and unlikely to die.

Someone has to explore the caverns.  And deal with forgotten beasts (some of which can be pretty dangerous)...

As for the poll, picked horn - for bone is so different from teeth, but both ivory and horns are there to spear enemies, so perhaps not too different composition.

I'll go by whatever the majority chooses.  But, IRL, horns are made out of a bone-like substance covered in keratin (this is what people may be thinking of when mentioning things like rhino and deer horns) and, like teeth, damage to a horn cannot be repaired.  While not themselves bones (because they're much denser and harder), teeth are made out of the same building blocks as bones.  So the argument can easily go either way, hence the poll.

- Dame de la Licorne
« Last Edit: January 02, 2017, 04:49:02 pm by Dame de la Licorne »
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur


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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #312 on: January 02, 2017, 07:40:09 pm »

What a fascinating read and fortress you've put together here. I'd like to be dwarfed as the first male dwarf in the swordsdwarves, once you get a squad of them formed up. I would appreciate if you could give him the custom nickname of 'Neo', but have no other real preferences. Looking forward to more entertaining writing in the future.
What again? Iron scepter - Lovehealing? Oh, I almost shed a tear... Put it in your ass, I'm talking about importans artistic defences!!! You see, yaks and bridge... Stop polishing that scepter! You're disgusting me!"

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #313 on: January 02, 2017, 08:15:47 pm »

I'd like to be dwarfed as the first male dwarf in the swordsdwarves, once you get a squad of them formed up. I would appreciate if you could give him the custom nickname of 'Neo', but have no other real preferences. Looking forward to more entertaining writing in the future.

You're on the list.  FYI, it might be a while, depending on whether or not I decide the story needs another group of migrants (if not, I've provisionally earmarked one of the boys for you, for when he eventually grows up).

And it looks like bones won, 5 to 2.  So we'll be making amulets out of bone.

- Dame de la Licorne
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur

Fleeting Frames

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)
« Reply #314 on: January 02, 2017, 08:29:31 pm »

I see, interesting bit about deer horn in light of their shedding.

As for Geño vs FB, Well...I like to make FBs deal with each other. Very entertaining. And safe.

Otherwise yeah I guess she'll be likely done in by a webber or vapor/dust eventually*, barring a placement so fortuitous that she would be unruffled.

*defined as time where you'll pit her versus them. I'm not holding my breath, though, given the timescale for aquifer, but you do have cavern trapping.
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