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Author Topic: The Story of Atölasob (A Community Fort with an Export Challenge)  (Read 62264 times)

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (An Export Challenge...Among Other Things)
« Reply #195 on: September 24, 2016, 11:06:47 am »

Excerpt from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

1 Moonstone 80

With a new season comes a shift change.  The Pale Roads have been sent to chop more trees, to feed Spriggans’ voracious fires.  By the time Mebzuth comes back from his break, there should be plenty of charcoal to make those infernal windows.

2 Moonstone 80

NCommander, Edzul and Erib were out fetching more wood to fill the stockpiles, when a nearby bush suddenly started shaking madly.  Moments later, a kobold fell out, and promptly took to his heels.

Uvash voiced what they all thought.  “It’ll be a dangerous winter.”

Later that day, “Shinies?”

Lorbam stood up from the nest box he had been harvesting, and encountered a pair of bright, inquisitive eyes on the other side of the small lake in the eastern wall.

“Sorrysorrysorry!  No shinies, no!  Tayldis not want shinies!  Tayldis goooone!”

“Yep.  We’ll need to watch out this winter.”

Up on the ramparts, Imic nudged Mooney hard, pulling him out of his introspection.  “Keep yer eyes peeled, m’friend.  We’ll have work t’do.”

Mooney grunted, stroking his crossbow.  “I’ve got more kills’n you.  Yer th’one should pay attention.”

Imic scowled.  If only he knew…

Mooney clapped him on the back.  “Mebbe y’should train wi’ a bow?  Yer axe don’t seem t’be much good.”

Imic dropped the head of his axe to the wooden floor, crossing his arms on the shaft.  He stared out toward the ever-encroaching jungle, brooding. 

7 Moonstone 80

“Lotu!”  Mebzuth sat down next to him at the dining table, setting out his dinner of dog roast.  Glancing around to make sure no one seemed to be listening, he slipped a pouch across the table.

Lotu opening the drawstring, and three lovely clear glass vials rolled out, tinkling gently.  He grinned at Mebzuth, swiftly slipping the vials back and drawing the string tight.  “Thanks.  How’re the windows going?”

The pleased expression vanished.  “Tha’ Bomrek’s certifiable!  If I get my hands on ‘im…!”

Not well then.  This is going to be a long production year. Lotu bent to his dinner of persimmons.

8 Moonstone 80

When Dr. Urist returned to her library early that morning, she found the pouch partially hidden under a pile of illegible notes.  “Huh?”

A moment later, she pulled out a page covered in scribbles, and started muttering to herself.  “Let’s see, kobold bulbs?  Valley herbs?  Sliver barbs?  Venom from…”
Excerpt from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

14 Moonstone 80

Logem and Olon have welcomed a second son to their growing family.

While Airith seems unconcerned at our continued childlessness, every new birth only makes me more jealous.  Why do Logem and Olon get four children, and I have none?

15 Moonstone 80

So far, things have been quiet.  But after the kobold warning, I ordered the chopping and hauling of wood prioritized.  Only those involved in producing the wood-based quota are exempt. 

And those on break.  Pretty sure I’d have a mutiny if I cancelled the shift breaks now.

And me.  I get to dig.  It’s nice being able to assign myself to a job I like.  Those years spent hauling in Theaterknowledge seem almost a dream these days.

23 Moonstone 80

Confound it!  The meat tally has been falling, because some of us have been eating it!  Not me, of course.  No, of course not. 

Fortunately, that’s something that’s easy to trade for.

1 Opal 80

The second month of the season is my turn to take a break.  I wish I could keep digging, as I finally feel that I’m making progress on that aquifer, but Airith might actually kill me if I do.  We see each other so rarely.  I’m usually down with the aquifer, but she seems to spend all her time planning, or rushing about working on I-don’t-know how many projects, or conferring with Dr. Urist on heaven knows what.

Then again, maybe I could sneak down occasionally...

Speaking of, Dr. Urist certainly seems to be enjoying those vials Mebzuth made for her.  At least, she’s been making a lot of mixtures, not all of them pleasant.  I need to keep an eye on her…

 9 Opal 80

A litter of dogs have matured enough to provide a decent amount of meat and other supplies.  They were butchered without NCommander noticing.  That dwarf is always busy as our jack-of-all-trades.

20 Opal 80

Apparently Opal should be renamed “Dog” month.  So many dogs are maturing, that NCommander insisted she be allowed to train some more.  When I told her “no”, because we have plenty of war animals, the fallout was not pretty.  Such language!  I can see that Imic has been teaching his wife some of his choicer phrases.  She ended up stalking off and I later saw her in the training area, punching a training dummy so hard the head flew off.

I decided Ral’s latest offering needed a taste test, pronto, and hied myself off to the brewery.

22 Opal 80

During the last few days there has been the most godawful screeching coming from the jungle to the west.  No one dares venture beyond the wall, save the Pale Roads.  But they have axes, which most of us don’t.  Yet.

The kobolds’ warnings have been heeded, now we wait for whatever horrible monster lurks.

25 Opal 80

Well.  That was an anticlimax.  The screeching?  Another band of nuisance capuchins.  The creatures are only a problem if they can mob a single dwarf.  The war animals made quick work of this band, and Imic has finally gotten his first official kill.

Mooney still claims bragging rights, however.

27 Opal 80

I’ve just seen Lorbam’s projected numbers for the winter’s partial quota.  I don’t like ‘em.  I don’t like ‘em at all.

1 Obsidian 80

Finally I can get back to that pesky, taunting aquifer.  But first, I’ve got to make a few adjustments to jobs.  I’ve sent Mestthos to help Mebzuth in the glassworks.  Substandard windows are good enough to send. 

I’ve also ordered all glassmakers and carpenters to work straight through, with no breaks.  As expected, they weren’t happy.
“Whaddaya mean, no breaks!”  The cry went up from both the affected dwarves and their families.  “We do our best work after a break!”

“Bomrek doesn’t need or deserve our ‘best’ work.”  Lotu argued back.  “Crappy work is too good for him, and we won’t get the numbers we need if you don’t sacrifice your breaks.”

More protests merged together into unintelligible noise.

Lotu raised his hands, palms outward.  “Look, I understand where you’re coming from.  And, as long as some dwarves can’t get their monthly breaks, I won’t take mine.  But our alternative is to have the king tighten things even further!  Who wants the situation to get worse?”

“Worse?  How could it get worse!?”  Mestthos protested.  “We’re already working like slaves as it is!”

“King Dodok could send some of his overseers.”  Though Lyra spoke quietly, her words rang in the suddenly quiet room as the dwarves looked at each other.

“No break.  Got it.  Back t’work, then.”  Mebzuth shuffled out, followed quickly by Spriggans.

Within minutes, Lotu was looking at a completely empty common room.  Grabbing his pick from the corner where he had stashed it, he headed down to his nemesis.
Excerpt from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

28 Obsidian 80

With the capuchins dealt with, Obsidian has passed quietly.  Good.  We needed the quietude.

There have been occasional grumblings from the working dwarves, but we have all heard tales, or had personal encounters, with the king’s overseers.  None of us want one to come here.

But I really don’t like these numbers.

On a more positive note, I continue to make progress with the aquifer.

OOC: Being stuck at home with a raging cold has its advantages.

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« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 11:10:35 am by Dame de la Licorne »
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur

Fleeting Frames

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (An Export Challenge...Among Other Things)
« Reply #196 on: September 24, 2016, 11:25:15 am »

Infernal windows...Hm. Clowns are buildingdestroyers.

But artifact windows? *checks wiki* Wiki says yes you can.

Heh. Bolts are so great at catching things. But why choose between axe and crossbow? Why not both?

Venom! Sadly it does nothing.

Huh, Lotu prefer digging?

Well, I guess he does find nature somewhat disturbing.

Oh right. You have but the single miner.

NCommander can train and then they can be meat? Not sure there's the labour for it, though.

Maybe leave the best ones for breeding stock.


I wonder - will they go through 6/7 water? If you have no visitors, might make for a fine trap to toss a minecart in. They have no almost no meat, after all.

Though given the threat of Bomrek, perhaps it is better to get some practice.

No breaks? Yikes.

Hm...I expected that quota to be easier. But with 656 jobs + that many hauling ones...Interesting that you can already tell, though. Impressive.


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Re: The Story of Atolasob (An Export Challenge...Among Other Things)
« Reply #197 on: September 24, 2016, 12:48:41 pm »

This a very... Personal fort. Small forts like this are nice, in that everyone knows each other, you can jeep track of everyone, etc. Etc.

I really like this fort. Once it gets to, say, page... 25, I think that it will have qualified for The Hall Of Legends.
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Re: The Story of Atolasob (An Export Challenge...Among Other Things)
« Reply #198 on: September 24, 2016, 01:50:34 pm »

Journal of Airith

The Dreaded Overseers of the Mountain King. Why would someone suggest such a thing. Though, if needed be, I still have my Certificate from M.U. if ever needed.

On a completely unrelated note, Dr. Urist has made several breakthroughs in his research. I am pleased.

My Lotu is very displeased with me for some reason. I think a vacation would suit him well. Me, him, alone in a room... AH such fantasies. I am busy with my lovely rocks and he is still breaching the aquifer. I only wish we could spend more time together.
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (An Export Challenge...Among Other Things)
« Reply #199 on: October 09, 2016, 09:56:01 am »

Excerpts from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

01 Granite 81

After spending an entire month digging, Lokum was thirsty. 

In his single-mindedness, he left me to drown!  That I didn't is purely thanks to my swimming expertise.  I decided I needed one too.

05 Granite 81

While savoring my mug of wine and hanging out in the dining room (after all, we can’t be working all the time), Lokum came in.  He was completely entranced with his ☼pecan wood shield☼, and as soon as he saw me, he came over and started a monologue on the workmanship, merits and wonders of it. 

It was almost half a nal before I was able to get away.  Note to self, avoid Lokum for a week until he’s settled into his new relationship.

07 Granite 81?

Erib has been cleaning up some of the capuchin corpses from the winter.  They don’t give a lot of meat, but it does provide a bit of variety in our diets.

As I was inspecting the clean-up progress, I realized something.  No Tayldis.  Good, we’re going to have a quiet spring and can focus on the quota and aquifer. 

09 Granite 81

Mooney called down from the ramparts to say that the elves are coming.  Apparently four of them have decided to grace us with their presence.

Since they don’t bring much of use, I’ve ordered all of our threadbare and tattered clothing, except the legwear, moved to the depot.  The legwear is staying in our quota stockpile, we need that for Bomrek.

Mebzuth also drew my attention to the pile of glass corkscrews sitting in a corner.  Apparently, he made a lot of them a few years ago, before Bomrek’s glass obsession.  I ordered them moved too.

 11 Granite 81

Sigh.  Now to deal with them.

14 Granite 81

The elves brought…clay?  That’s one thing we certainly don’t need to import! 

They also brought plenty of clothing and toys, but it’s all low-quality and we have everything we need there, so I ignored it.  I did consider the barrels, but decided against them since Uvash and Lyra can make high-quality ones pretty quickly.

I ended up trading for all of the instruments for Bomrek.  At least, I think they were all instruments, sometimes it’s rather difficult to tell.  Anyway, he never specified dwarven ones, did he?   Since the carpenters are slammed with having to make crutches and swords, I bought out all six crutches and the single short sword, as well as a couple of figurines.  While only a drop in the bucket, every little bit will help.

The animal consignment was interesting, to say the least.  The giant two-humped camel caught my attention first, and I snapped it up.  Full of meat, that creature, especially if the elves can bring a second one for breeding.  Of course, in typical trader fashion, they refused to give a straight commitment.

I watched the otter’s antics for a long time, and finally bought it for the laughs.  We could use some cheering up with the lack of down time for the rest of spring and summer.

Before Trading:                                                     After Trading:


17 Granite 81

That otter was a good investment.  She’s taken to the pond like a…well, like an otter to water, and her antics are just as amusing as I’d hoped.  It seems like every dwarf is finding a reason to pass through the courtyard, and there’s always someone taking a time-out of work to stand and watch for a few minutes.

22 Granite 81

Work on the aquifer has progressed far enough that it’s time to start removing the access ramp pillars.  I’ll need to build some temporary ones first, which means taking some time off the actual digging.

Why does the to-do list never get shorter?

 07 Slate 81

Lotu hefted his pick as he carefully waded toward the target wall.  Swinging it high, he froze at an unfamiliar sound, his sudden inattention nearly knocking him off his feet.  Bracing himself against the wall, he listened hard.

There it went again.


Easing himself through the swirling water, he made his way to the northern slit.

“What’er you doin’ down there?”

The question was directed to NCommander, as Lotu reached down to grab her hand.

NCommander grabbed hold thankfully, and took hold of the ledge with the other, managing to scramble in an undignified heap into the relative safety of the main aquifer level.

“What-hu do you-hu think?”  She gasped, trying to catch her breath.  “I’m trying to learn to swim.  Obviously!”

Lotu just stared.

NCommander jabbed her thumb over her shoulder.  "If you're going to make us build walls in the middle of water next to a trench, whaddaya expect?"

Lotu frowned.  "You're not supposed to be building that wall yet.  I suspended it."

NCommander got a stubborn look on her face.  "With what?  A big sign saying 'Suspended Construction: Do Not Touch'?"

Uh, yeah, actually.

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but the sign's disappeared."

Lotu groaned.  "Well, until further notice, no one is building walls down here."

NCommander shrugged.  “Fine.  I need time to get better at swimming first, anyway.  Who knows?  It might come in handy, given how long this breach is taking.”

I can take a hint.  And this isn’t annoying anyone nearly as much as me.  I’m the one who has to keep chipping at it! 

Aloud he just said, “Do what you like.  But could you at least finish the quota first, before you drown?”

And I’ll ‘liberate’ some metal so you can make a spare pick and join me, if you have that much time on your hands.

Excerpts from the journal of Lotu Sizzlediron, expedition leader.

 21 Slate 81

Sodel and Erib have taken a week off of work to welcome their second child, a daughter, whom they have named Litast.

So now we have two Litasts, the other one being Mebzuth’s son.  We’ll have to find some way of keeping them straight.

02 Felsite 81

And today Spriggans joined the “new mother” group, having just given to a boy, named Avuz.

We can ill-afford the time she'll take off from charcoal burning, but I certainly won't argue with her.

14 Felsite 81

Apparently, Spriggans must have been working overtime before her maternity leave.  She built up enough charcoal stocks that Mebzuth and Mestthos haven't had to stop churning out items just because our main source of fuel is not available.

21 Felsite 81

I didn’t know we had a breeding pair of giant porcupines.  I thought both of them were males.  I found out when the female gave birth to a pup today.  Huh.  Good to know.  NCommander was bewailing the fact that they can’t be war-trained.  I have to admit, I would love to see that, given how dangerous the quills of a porcupine can be.

28 Felsite 81

With the end of another season, a new look at production is necessary.

The numbers have picked up a bit, but not enough.  Half of this quota will be incomplete.  Now, what possible justification can I use…?

On a positive note, the aquifer breach has picked up some speed.  Just a little, granted.  But every little bit helps.

Thank the gods and goddesses we had a very quiet spring.

OOC: That "suspended construction disappearing" was because I was using the auto-unsuspend function of DFHack, and somehow missed NCommander when I removed the "Build Construction" labor from the quota dwarves.
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« Last Edit: October 09, 2016, 03:15:03 pm by Dame de la Licorne »
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur


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Re: The Story of Atolasob (An Export Challenge...Among Other Things)
« Reply #200 on: October 09, 2016, 12:41:58 pm »

I have a son ! Yay ! :P

Btw, what does the custom professions, such as '11', '12' mean for you ?

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (An Export Challenge...Among Other Things)
« Reply #201 on: October 09, 2016, 03:08:30 pm »

Btw, what does the custom professions, such as '11', '12' mean for you ?

Using Lotu as an example:

The "3" is his family lineage (he was the third founding male to marry), the "2" refers to the month that he should be spending "on break" and focusing on activities like crafting-related and military-related needs.

For other couples, any double digits are families in migrant waves, the first digit refers to the migrant wave, the second digit to the order of arrival (so Sodel's family "11" was the first family in the first migrant wave).  However, Lorbam and Edzul have nicknames in the form #_stuff because neither of them are married or children of existing couples, and they arrived in a migrant wave.  The '_' is a placeholder for when/if they do get married.

With the kids and unmarried dwarves, using Id as an example: 

In the nickname, the "12" refers to their family lineage, the "fem" or "mal" to their sex, and the "76" is the year of their birth.  In the profession name, "19 Granite 76" refers to their date of birth, "->88" is the year they'll turn 12, "->******" is the possible best-fit (or in some cases worst-fit) profession, assuming there aren't any more pressing needs at the time.  Haulers typically become hauler/engravers, since engraving is usually not a full-time all-the-time job. 

Once they mature, the long custom profession will disappear, to be replaced with whatever job they've been assigned (unless otherwise requested as part of a dorfing).  The nickname will remain as-is until/unless they marry or are claimed, at which point it will be changed to reflect that (this provides a quick way of finding ages without going through pages of preferences screens).

At the moment lineages are fairly simple, once (if) I start getting second-generation marriages the system will change a bit.

It sounds a bit complicated, but I haven't found a version of Therapist that plays nice with my Mac, so this helps save me some in-depth managing.

-Dame de la Licorne
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (An Export Challenge...Among Other Things)
« Reply #202 on: October 09, 2016, 05:57:14 pm »

Huh, I guess swimming training was useful :)

Heh, new relationship.

Elves bringing clay is mostly useful for weight, I guess. They have to build things out of something after all.

Giant camel, huh. Okay

Yikes, Drowning.

Litasts probably have different second names.

Still, breach is processing.  only a few pockets of 4+ water on that level.

Figureines and instruments seem worst off, I guess.

However, I figure you're already doing the most you can.

No therapist, so you use dwarf manipulator (dfhack script) I take it?   

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (An Export Challenge...Among Other Things)
« Reply #203 on: October 09, 2016, 06:19:57 pm »

No therapist, so you use dwarf manipulator (dfhack script) I take it?

DFHack has a script for it?  :o  I've been doing it all by hand... :-\

-Dame de la Licorne
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur

Fleeting Frames

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (An Export Challenge...Among Other Things)
« Reply #204 on: October 09, 2016, 07:13:49 pm »

Multiple scripts :v manipulator is DT-substitute, while autolabor is even more transparent skill manager.

Of course, I think both of those are only based on skill (but I have not used them yet personally).

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (An Export Challenge...Among Other Things)
« Reply #205 on: October 09, 2016, 09:04:55 pm »

Multiple scripts :v manipulator is DT-substitute, while autolabor is even more transparent skill manager.

I'll have to investigate those.  That might allow me to actually run a large population fort without banging my head against the wall with the labors.  Thanks!

-Dame de la Licorne
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur


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Re: The Story of Atolasob (An Export Challenge...Among Other Things)
« Reply #206 on: October 10, 2016, 01:48:22 am »

Brilliant quality, as usual.
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Re: The Story of Atolasob (An Export Challenge...Among Other Things)
« Reply #207 on: November 21, 2016, 02:57:41 am »

Will we never know the end of the plot ?  :-[
We still don't know what the master plan of the Evil hooded creature at Theaterknowledge is.

Will we one day ? :-\

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: The Story of Atolasob (An Export Challenge...Among Other Things)
« Reply #208 on: December 16, 2016, 10:04:44 am »


Sorry about the long hiatus.  I just finished calculating and submitting grades for the semester, and am about to devote some more time to updating this story during winter break.  Next update to come tomorrow, I hope (assuming the framerate stays steady and I don't torpedo anything).   :P

- Dame de la Licorne
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur


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Re: The Story of Atolasob (An Export Challenge...Among Other Things)
« Reply #209 on: December 16, 2016, 01:38:29 pm »


Sorry about the long hiatus.  I just finished calculating and submitting grades for the semester, and am about to devote some more time to updating this story during winter break.  Next update to come tomorrow, I hope (assuming the framerate stays steady and I don't torpedo anything).   :P

- Dame de la Licorne


*rushes in office to find Roleplaying notes on Atolasob*
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name
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