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Author Topic: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric  (Read 5289 times)


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #30 on: May 25, 2016, 04:08:04 pm »

If the voting tie hasn't been broken tomorrow, I'll have to flip a coin for the decisions that are still tied. Been quite busy today, sorry for not updating.


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #31 on: May 26, 2016, 04:43:46 pm »

After half an hour of pondering, you finally make your pick. Tarren the Harpist shall win the contest, and become the state's bard. While leaving your tent, you consider the many ways you could expand your Chamdhi, considering things such as subjugating the Khami, brutal conquest of the Petty Jarldoms, alliances and plain diplomacy. You walk back to the site of the contest, and announce your pick. Both the peasantry and the nobility seem to like him quite a lot, judging from the amount of loud cheers you hear around you. With the pick announced, the contest has come to its end. The populace quickly disperses, and the air around you is filled with the sounds of hard work. Oddly enough, you notice a fair amount of people loitering around, doing nothing, and even a few homes that could be permanent. In the buzz of people, you head towards Countess Brunhilda of Kilvidhi's tent, taking the black wolf's teeth with you. Her guards let you in, and she turns around surprised, quickly fashioning her hair a little to appear better. You kneel in front of her, hold up the teeth, and swiftly propose to her. Even though this is as loveless as a proposal could possibly get, she still blushes and stammers, before accepting. You ask her adviser to come over to you, and bid him to pinpoint a date for the marriage together with Ludhar, preferably as soon as possible. 

In the middle of summer, you head back to your keep in Kildhula, and take your entourage with you. The journey is short and pleasant, the lush fields around you filled to the brim with crops almost ripe for the harvest and green pens filled with fat cattle. The harvest, and with that your tax incomes, will be good this year.

Once you have arrived at your keep, you immediately start issuing your orders. Tarren the Harpist shall receive a beautiful estate in the rich district of the Grand City of Nilvestra, something bigger than the dreams of most peasants, let alone the dreams of an orphan boy. Once you bring him this news, you see his glittering eyes fill with joy, hope, and admiration. He heads off immediately, accompanied by his new small entourage, consisting of two guards, a maid and a cook. The second order you make is for Ludhar to hire some prospectors and find some fresh, richly filled bronze deposits. You also send out a letter to your best bronze smith and tailor, to fashion you a great suit of armor and a beautiful, fitting cape made from the skin of the black wolf. It would be a perfect thing to wear at your soon-to-be wedding.

After issuing these simple orders, you move onto more complicated matters. Firstly, your couriers and diplomats are to offer vassalization to all lords and ladies between your Chamdhi and the Chamdhi of Kuredh. If they accept, they become a part of your Chamdhi, if not, diplomatic ties as well as estimates of their armies are to be made. Your couriers hurry away, and only a week later you hear the first good news; the old, childless Jarl of Nilkuredhol has granted you his Jarldom, so that it won't be torn apart by a succession war after he passes away. Soon, the news reaches you that both the Petty Jarldom of Vedilage and the Lands of the Twin Cities (Mondov and Vemdov), have granted you a significant amount of, although not heavily populated, land above the river Estra. These small baronies, municipalities and villages have all sworn their fealty to you, as the De Jure, and now De Facto ruler of the lands of Aradh. Other than that, there have been no more generous donations, and your diplomat to Chamdhi Kuredh even got expelled, so your scouts had to do a lot of estimating. Relations and estimated amount of troops to the following countries are:
Sedhstagh: Afraid, 1.000
Twin Cities: Warned, 1.500
Vedilage: Neutral, 2.500
Edhilla: Friendly, 3.000
Chamdhi Kuredh: Arrogant, 5.000

Soon after, both your custom fit harness and your prospectors return. Several new deposits have been found, and mining has already begun. With your garb ready, the wedding can commence.

The great halls of your Kildhulan keep, lavishly decorated for the occasion, are filled to the brim with onlookers, nobles and peasants and all in between, as you walk down the aisle. Your beautiful armor, engraved with depictions of dangerous hunts, bloody battles and daring raids, draws the attention to you, and your magnificent cape allows you to emit an aura of masculinity, vigour and strength. Slowly you proceed, until you reach the end. After you, your fiancee walks, all by herself, since she lacks a father to accompany her. She is wearing a beautiful dress, made from the fur of white stoat, and a crown carved from the teeth of the black wolf is perched upon her head. The traditional ceremony, carried out by Kildhula's Grand Sainteur, quickly proceeds, and your countries are soon united. Only two hours later, you find yourself trying to conceive an heir, whilst the party goes on outside your bedchambers. The rest of the night you only remember as a vague, black mist, and you awaken next to your new wife the following morning, with a fresh stack of papers next to your bed. You silently leave the bedroom, and ask one of your clerks to read them aloud. The letters are sorted as usual, starting with a report of your country's state at the moment:
Population: 16.000 (+5.000)
Manpower: 6.000 (+1.500)
Wealth: 120
Titles: Chamdhi of Nivula (titular), Lands of Aradh, County of Kildhula and lands of the North, County of Trondheim, Grand City of Nilvestra, County of Kilvidhi, Jarldom of Nilkuredhol
Food (average)
Wood (plentiful)
Bronze (average)

Secondly, there's finally something on the dynasty report!
New Member: Urhilda av Laade - Kilvidhi
Age: 16
Charismatic Speaker

As usual, a report of happenings within the realm:
>A small town has been founded on the site of the Grand festival, named Tarrenadh, or "Tarren's Land"
>There's been a minor Khami raid in the Trondheim area
>A merchant caravan has arrived in Kilvidhi. They sell exotic animals from lands far away, as well as other foreign objects.

Unusually, one can find a map on the bottom of the pile, displaying your new borders, as well as countries found because of your increased influence, or your connections to Kilvidhi and Nilkuredhol.


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #32 on: May 26, 2016, 05:20:52 pm »

To start off, we should be taking over Sedhstagh and Mondov. They're weak and provides a good entrance and separation from the southern lands.

Also, purchase the war beasts the trader has. We shall eventually breed them to be a part of our military and life.
Wants to rape and enslave my innocent night faeries ;-;

Ardent Debater

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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #33 on: May 26, 2016, 10:08:58 pm »

Drat, I lost the Coin toss... Oh well, this was probably the better course of action in the long run.

I have a Plan!

In response to the Khami Raid which slayed many innocent Nivulan Peoples, We shall personally lead a detachment of 3,000 of our finest Warriors to the White Khami Lands. Before Our Forces Embark, Ulric will sacrifice a sizable amount of Animals to the Allfather in a gesture of Piety and in the Hopes that they will Bless Ulric's Conquest. Once Our Forces are assembled, we'll march forward and spread the news that if any of the Khami Warriors surrender without a Fight, their Families and Households will be Spared from Plunder. We will then take our Vast Army and go to each Khami Village and Settlement. Ulric will give each Settlement the same demands, if the entire Settlement swears Fealty to Grand Jarl Ulric and renounces their Current Ruler, they will be incorporated into a New, Khami Province in our Empire with no Bloodshed or Plundering. If any in the Settlement do not wish to Fight but the Settlement as a Whole won't Swear Fealty, we will wait three Hours to allow any civilians who are willing to Swear Fealty to Ulric the chance to pack their belongings and leave the Settlement to go to the nearest Loyal Settlement

If the Village or Settlement chooses to Fight, our Army will slay any Fighters they have, and will Burn their Settlement to the Ground once we've Plundered it. Any People who didn't Fight but stayed in the Village will be Enslaved and sent back to the Grand City Of Nilvestra to work as Laborers for Ten Years, if they are Adults, if they are Children, they will work as Laborers until they are Sixteen, then they can go and live their lives as they choose. One Third of all Loot from any Plundered Settlements shall go to Our Empire, One Third will be evenly divided among the Surviving Soldiers, and the Last Third shall be sent to the Families of the Soldiers who were slain during the Fighting.

We will Slay any Khami Warriors on Sight, unless they Immediately Surrender and Swear Fealty to Ulric. If the Khami Warriors attempt to Fight against us, we will Fight them. After the Battle we will send all Khami Prisoners back to the Grand City Of Nilvestra to work as Slaves for the rest of their Lives, unless they Swear Fealty to Ulric, in which case they will be lashed thirty times, and allowed to go free, the lashings are a punishment for Fighting us to begin with. The Corpses of any Khami Warriors that fought Honorably will be given an Honorable Burial, the Corpses of any Cowardly Khami Warriors will be decapitated and left to Rot for their Cowardice. Once we have Conquered the Khami Lands, all Nobles that Swore Fealty to us Immediately will be allowed to Live and oversee the new Province, Half of their Wealth shall go to our Empire, but the Nobles will be allowed to keep their Status and Property. Any Nobles who refused to Swear Fealty shall be stripped of their Nobility and all of their Holdings and be sent back to the Grand City Of Nilvestra to wok as Slaves for the rest of their Lives. The 'Liberated' Noble Holdings shall become Our Empire's Property, and half of any 'Liberated' Holding's Wealth shall go to the Families of any Slain Soldiers that fought for us. The New Khami Province shall be given twice the ordinary amount of Taxes for Ten Years, and then the Province shall be given ordinary Taxes.

If When we're victorious, our Conquest will give us a Firmer Hold on the River, will provide our Troops and Ulric with Military experience, and will bolster our Reputation as a Mighty Conqueror, making Future Khami transgressions less Likely.

To start off, we should be taking over Sedhstagh and Mondov. They're weak and provides a good entrance and separation from the southern lands.

Also, purchase the war beasts the trader has. We shall eventually breed them to be a part of our military and life.

-1 to Conquest, that would harm our Relations with the Petty Jarldoms and might put Chamdhi Kuredh on edge. And if the Campaign went poorly, the Chamdhi Kuredh and the Khami might take advantage of it. Instead, we should send Urhilda av Laade to foster better Diplomatic Relationships with Sedhststagh and the Twin Cities, if we can get a Trade Deal started with them, that would be ideal. Right now, we don't have the Wealth to handle multiple simultaneous Campaigns, but in the Future, we should look into making them our Vassals.

We should however, Purchase all of the Trader's Exotic Beasts, and look into forming a few Trade Caravans of our Own. Ulric should personally speak to the Merchant Leader, we should gain much knowledge of our Neighbors from the discussions, If necessary, we'll pay the Trader a reasonable sum for the knowledge.

Ulric should personally visit Tarrenadh and give it His Blessing, and ((If applicable to our Religion)) Sacrifice a suitably large Farm Animal to the Allfather to Bless Tarrenadh, if we do this, Tarren will be very happy with us, and we'll look good to the Public. After Tarren is finished settling in, we should set him to work going across our Lands singing songs glorifying not only Ulric, but also the Allfather and the Saints. If we can get Religious Support, that will help us immensely.

Ulric should attempt to sire an Heir with Urhilda av Laade every chance He gets, if we have a Daughter Betrothed to one of the Chamdi Kuredh's Higher Nobility, they will be much less likely to harass Us, and a Son will increase our Nation's Morale.

Ulric should make an Edict stating that Any Criminals guilty of severe crimes, ((Murder, Arson, etc.)) can opt to become a lifelong Slave Laborer in The Grand City Of Nilvestra, or the Mines, instead of being executed. Any Criminals guilty of less severe but still serious crimes, ((Theft, Assault, etc.)) can opt to join our Military, swear eternal fealty to Ulric, and serve as Cannon Fodder unpaid low-ranking Foot-soldiers for a number of years based on the severity of their crimes, which will be sent into Battle First. All Criminals that accept this will be visibly Tattooed, Or Branded if we don't have the Technology of Tattooing, stating their Previous Crimes and how many, ((In the case of Penal Soldiers)) years they have left on their sentence. After their sentence the Penal Soldiers will be free to either join our Military as an Ordinary Soldier, or go free.

Ulric should also make the Punishments for crimes much more severe, hopefully prompting more Volunteers for our Penal Work/Combat Forces.

We should have Ludhar attempt to found more Mines and look into expanding our Farming Industries, if He succeeds, we will reward him in proportion to His success. Ulric should have Ludhar look into the Logistics of having Ulric's Face engraved on our Nation's Currency. Ulric should also interview Urhilda's Advisor, so that we'll know more about our Diplomatic Capabilities.

Ulric shall pass an Edict stating that if a Woman has Fifteen or more Children, our Grand Sainteur, or if He's unavailable, a Major Saint, shall give Her a sizable ((To a Peasant Family)) monetary Award, as well a Medal with the Allfather's Religious Symbol on it, and Her name shall be recorded in the Annals of Saint History by our Scribes. This Edict should bolster our Population.

Ulric shall also pass an Edict stating that if a Family has Four or more Sons in our Military, they shall pay only Half the Usual Taxes.

Ulric shall pass one more Edict stating that if a Family has a Son who is Slain or Crippled in our Military Service, that Family shall receive an immediate compensation equal to one Year's Farmer;s Wages, increased by half a Year's worth for every Soldier that that Family as in our Military, and that Family shall pay absolutely no Taxes for Ten Years following the Death or Maiming of their Son.

These Edicts should increase our Popularity with the Common People, and should increase our Military's Loyalty.

Lord_lemonpie, I have several questions. How separate is the Saint's Order from Our Government? How much does 1.000 stand for in our Population count? I'd like to know for Planning. And lastly, Is Polygamy frowned upon in Our Religion/Culture? If it isn't, we should think about arranging a few more Political Marriages, to allow us to obtain more Territory with less Military Effort and Casualties. Also, sorry about the Text wall everybody! :D
« Last Edit: May 26, 2016, 10:12:17 pm by Ardent Debater »


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #34 on: May 27, 2016, 01:26:38 am »

How much does 1.000 stand for in our Population count?
I think it is a thousand separator, which is a comma in the Anglosphere. That's why I hate them.

We have to think more in line with feudalism. We are not going to control all lands by ourselves.

- Who are our Vassals? Are they related by blood to the petty Jarls around us?
- How close is our wife to the petty Jarls around us?
- Is there any other unwed or widow/widower nobles, in and around our lands?


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #35 on: May 28, 2016, 09:12:27 am »

i agree with most that Ardent Debater has said only two points:

and that Family shall pay absolutely no Taxes for Ten Years following the Death or Maiming of their Son.

that is too taxing on our treasury. Think about it, if we lose half our military, we lose massive amounts of tax income, that is not good. Everything else in that regard is fine though.

In other regards, we shouldn't betroth any daughters to Chamdi Kuredh, they think themselves superior? Let them have it. Once we have finished the punitive Expedition against the Khami i say we look for allies among the Minor Jarldoms:

Sedhstagh: Afraid, 1.000
Offer Sedhstagh the following: in exchange for an alliance, they will be recognized as a Free City under our rule, they appoint their own Leadership and pay no taxes to us, but follow us in terms of Foreign Politics and will supply their military forces as if they were a vassal.

Twin Cities: Warned, 1.500
As Ardent Debater said, try to improve our relaitons by sending our wife.

Edhilla: Friendly, 3.000
Well looky here 3.000 men and friendly to us? Foster an alliance with them

Now why all that and not outright conquest? We don't want them to ally against us, if they ally with us however we can muster 5.500 to our current 6.000 own Men to a total of 11k of soldiers. against which the Chamdi Kuredh looks weak.

More importantly we should do some alliancing with Edhilla, we offer them Kildhkros in an eventual campaign against Kuredh and of course an alliance, maybe even betroth a daughter to them.

The End goal would be to establish Edhilla as our March: all those little white dots around the southern and western border of Kuredh and Kildhkros, in exchange for their fealty and alliance as a Marcher Lord.

Once that is achieved we can look into integrating Vedilage and the Twin Cities.


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #36 on: May 30, 2016, 08:01:40 am »

On another note how did you make that map? the very first world map that is., i presume the local map is paint?


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #37 on: May 30, 2016, 04:09:37 pm »

Sorry for not updating guys! Having quite a busy week, but you can expect regular updates from thursday again. Might do one earlier, but it depends on how much time I have left this week. I'll just be answering some questions for now.

Quote from: Ardent Debater
Lord_lemonpie, I have several questions. How separate is the Saint's Order from Our Government? How much does 1.000 stand for in our Population count? I'd like to know for Planning. And lastly, Is Polygamy frowned upon in Our Religion/Culture? If it isn't, we should think about arranging a few more Political Marriages, to allow us to obtain more Territory with less Military Effort and Casualties.
The Saint's Order is quite separate from your own government, but heavily intertwined with lesser governments such as those of tiny villages. It doesn't really affect daily life for the Chamdhi, and they will most likely not interfere with your ruling unless you commit straight out blasphemy.

1.000 is one thousand. In Dutch, the dot is used to separate thousands, and the comma to indicate decimals. Never ocurred to me that it was different elsewhere, but the more you know.

Polygamy is not frowned upon, it is actually encouraged, but second, third and more wives are not the same as your first, or true wife. They are concubines, only there for your pleasure and to get sons on the world. For a noble family, having a daughter as concubine is incredibly disgraceful, yet it is the dream of every peasant girl. Concubines will not get you any extra land due to marrying them, except for maybe their father's homesteads.

On another note how did you make that map? the very first world map that is., i presume the local map is paint?
Both maps were made with GIMP, but they could both have very well been made with paint too. I just used gimp for the layers, since those are handy but definitely not required.

Firstly, I draw a rough sketch of the landmasses. Blue for water, white for land. Haven't got a pic left of this stage, but once this is done, I copy it to a new layer, and add the borders for peoples or countries. Good looking coastlines and borders really don't matter here at all. Your top layer now looks like this, and your bottom layer is this, but without the colours on the land.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Next, you make sure that the colored area is set to semi-transparent, so that you can see the outlines of it, but the white layer is the one actually fully visible. Now, you start chipping away piece after piece of coastline, or add them. I did this with my computer mouse, which is a tedious but very meditative thing to do. There's probably faster ways to do this, but I like doing it like that. I started with the blue island on the top left. When I finished it, and added some extra smaller islands, it looked like this.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I added some rivers on the borders of two colours later, to simulate natural-ish borders. But, you continue doing this for all coastlines, until you have the perfect coastlines. Your outlines should look somewhat like this once you're finished.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Lastly, you add the borders, whilst trying to use the rivers and mountain ranges as much as possible. Now you're done, and it should look somewhat like this:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I like to add depth to the water too sometimes, but this map took a long time to make (2.000.000 god damn pixels), and I got lazy. Added water depth makes the map look more lively. Here's an example, also made by me:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

To make the regional map, zoom in on where you want to have your region, copy,paste and enlarge it, make the borders more realistic and give them black outlines, add small or big countries, minor rivers and lakes, cities and roads. Then zoom in, screenshot it, cut it out, and add text. I'd show you an example of this one too but It'd be a spoiler alert for the game since I added some other shit


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #38 on: March 07, 2017, 05:45:35 am »

Should I reboot this? I think I still have the maps laying around somewhere.


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #39 on: March 07, 2017, 07:14:53 am »

Hell yes please!


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #40 on: March 07, 2017, 01:10:45 pm »



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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #41 on: March 09, 2017, 04:52:04 pm »

Wants to rape and enslave my innocent night faeries ;-;


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #42 on: March 09, 2017, 10:14:49 pm »

Well, if this is coming back, I've got a few ideas...

Publicly commend the man who pulled us from the wolf's den, give him a fancy name to elevate him to nobility. Send him to our new Jarldom of Nilkuredhol, and instruct the childless Jarl to groom him as his successor. If the future Jarl-to-be is unwed, see if we can set him up with the daughter offered to us by the Khami Count Ukath Khathimur.

Also request a report from the Jarl of Nilkuredhol on his military and fortifications. His land will likely be a front/staging area should we wind up at war with Chamdhi Kuredh.

Talk to our wife Urhilda about her goals, dreams, and interests. If she desires it, we could have her groomed as a future general or spymaster; She has the skills. She is young enough that with any luck she can give us a good number of children while studying for the next decade or so, at which point she could stop cranking out babies and begin to focus on her career well before her 30th birthday. Our children's parentage would be all the better if she eventually had great feats to match our own.

It is also worth considering moving into our wife's home at Kilvidhi. It is closer to Sedhstagh and the Twin Cities, so we can better court the nobles there if our plan is to incorporate those lands into ours through diplomacy.

Write to the Jarl of Vedilage and the Rulers of the Twin Cities. Thank them both for ceding land to us, and express and interest in returning the favor. Invite them to send any extra sons/nephews/son-in-laws/bastards/ect they might have to our court, and promise those men will eventually be put in charge of our future conquests should they prove loyal and competent.


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #43 on: March 09, 2017, 10:23:42 pm »


It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #44 on: March 14, 2017, 08:15:10 am »

Okay, I'll bring this back within a week or two.

We do however, need rules to prevent too much happening every turn, I reckon. I've added a poll.

My idea was to add three kinds of actions:

Personal actions, such as traveling to the wolf den and fighting the worlf, or hosting the feast. These actions will always be carried out by Jarl Ulric (or his successor)

National actions, such as mobilizing an army, sending envoys to everyone or increasing the amount of farms. These are basically orders given to the nation itself

Courtier actions, orders given to significant courtiers. Your wife, Tarren, or a significant vassal would be a significant courtier. This action is basically ordering to do something. Courtiers however, will need the jurisdiction to complete the action. Tarren the Harpist won't be able to round up criminals somewhere, and the Duke of Trondheim is powerless in the lands of Aradh.

Other suggestions are welcome too, of course.
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