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Author Topic: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric  (Read 5280 times)


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; A game of tribal conquest
« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2016, 04:08:53 pm »

You send five hundred of your warriors to the eastern fringes of the lands of Aradh. Combined with Aradh's own legions, they form a sizeable army of 750 axemen, spearmen and archers. The population has been somewhat comforted.

You put a sizeable reward of 15 gold on the black wolf's head, whilst the average money a farmer makes is about 0.5 gold. Opportunists are bound to be attracted sooner or later.

As is custom in the Chamdhi lands, a women being courted must receive a gift showing the strength, vitality and masculinity of the courting partner. And what better way to do so than to give her a hunting trophy, of a grand beast you felled yourself! Your mother was granted two bracelets, crafted from the tusks of a grand boar, and studded with the purest gold. You have no trophies worthy to give to a future wife right now, but since you're in such an early stage of courting, she wouldn't expect one anyways right now. You give one of your trusted servants the command to write a long letter, praising her looks, her lands and her intellect, and you give the servant the duty to find a beautiful dress to send along with the letter.

You remember you are unable to do two things at once, and you think for a while if you should learn reading and maths (though your maths are not that bad, you used simple calculus to predict the outcomes of battles before), or going out and felling a vile beast terrorizing your innocent people. Eventually, you choose to kill the wolf, for a well known name is always good, and learning to write as a Grand Jarl of all people would be absolutely devastating.

You trek into the northern highlands, spending a week gathering information about the creature, and another week tracking it down. Eventually, you find yourself high upon a lonely mountain, surrounded by a forest of dense pines. You take out your beloved axe, a family heirloom, made of an unknown metal with the colour of the beautiful moon itself, and enter the cave to which the massive tracks leads. Bones of cattle, sheep and goats are spread through the cave, and you even think you know where the missing child from the closest village went after disappearing. It doesn't take long for you to be unable to see through the darkness, so you light a torch and continue your journey inwards. Eerie drawings litter the walls, drawings of creatures long forgotten, drawn by people long forgotten. After a surprisingly long journey, you finally enter a grand, hollow room, in which the creature stands, seemingly awaiting you. It certainly is large, and black too, but to call this a wolf would be an insult. The humongous creature, with eyes as red as the blood of those you've slain, looks at you, opens it's maw, and charges. Yet all his movements seem unnatural, almost as if it was not completely in control of it's own body. You throw your torch to the side, and await the creature's impact with your axe in front of you. The beast completely ignores the metal, and doesn't even react when its grotesque snout is cloven asunder by the impact. Without wincing, it plunges its titanic teeth in your upper leg, immediately drawing blood. You react quickly, by jamming the sharpened pommel of your axe into the beast's eye, but it doesn't even blink. It only tightens it's grip of your leg, putting immense pressure on the bone yet surprisingly enough not shattering it. Somewhat panicked, yet not losing control, you start hacking into the wolf's skull, spattering it's dark blood over the cavern's drawings. As it starts shaking your leg, you finally find enough power within you to finally shatter the weakened skull, plunging your axe into the creature's soft brain. It slowly collapses, just like you.

Later on, you wake up. Your wounds have been tended to, the wolf's skin and teeth are neatly piled next to the hay matress in your tent. After asking around, it turns out one of your manservants, worried about his leader, decided to go after you, and found you alongside the corpse of a titanic creature, with your axe still plunged in the skull of the wolf. He dragged you out and ordered others to take the wolf's trophies from the cave. Your wounds, whilst deep and many, will definitely heal and only leave a large scar, proof of your masculinity.

After another two weeks of traveling home, to your castle in Kildhula, you feel tired and need to rest. You've done more than enough the last two months, and you'd like to take it easy for the next month. Last month of spring passes in a breeze, and you soon find yourself under the tender heat of the summer sun.
It is now summer of the year 658!
What will you do?

Ardent Debater

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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; A game of tribal conquest
« Reply #16 on: May 20, 2016, 04:13:38 pm »

Let's Disguise Ourselves as a Peasant and ask a few dozen of the People what they think we should do. Then, set up a Plan to do it!

Urist Reborn

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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; A game of tribal conquest
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2016, 04:48:53 pm »

Hold a competition to become the state sponsored bard
One of our greatest strengths is our reputation, lets cultivate it. Also, summer is the perfect time for such things.

Meanwhile, identify competent diplomatic and economic advisers
I don't think we can do enough by ourselves, we need a few right-hand men.

Finally, while the festivities are going on and we're embedding ourselves in court politics to find an adviser, identify at least 3 eligible ladies.
Our rule becomes much more secure with a family.

This summer can be a time to celebrate our conquest over this land, and it's beasts. In doing so, we'll forge social connections that will help us expand our power.

Ardent Debater

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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; A game of tribal conquest
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2016, 08:02:54 pm »

Hold a competition to become the state sponsored bard
One of our greatest strengths is our reputation, lets cultivate it. Also, summer is the perfect time for such things.

Meanwhile, identify competent diplomatic and economic advisers
I don't think we can do enough by ourselves, we need a few right-hand men.

Finally, while the festivities are going on and we're embedding ourselves in court politics to find an adviser, identify at least 3 eligible ladies.
Our rule becomes much more secure with a family.

This summer can be a time to celebrate our conquest over this land, and it's beasts. In doing so, we'll forge social connections that will help us expand our power.

Never-mind my Suggestion, this one is Better thought out, +1.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; A game of tribal conquest
« Reply #19 on: May 22, 2016, 09:23:23 am »

Hold a competition to become the state sponsored bard
One of our greatest strengths is our reputation, lets cultivate it. Also, summer is the perfect time for such things.

Meanwhile, identify competent diplomatic and economic advisers
I don't think we can do enough by ourselves, we need a few right-hand men.

Finally, while the festivities are going on and we're embedding ourselves in court politics to find an adviser, identify at least 3 eligible ladies.
Our rule becomes much more secure with a family.

This summer can be a time to celebrate our conquest over this land, and it's beasts. In doing so, we'll forge social connections that will help us expand our power.
You order your couriers and town criers to spread word about a grand contest you're going to hold, with the purpose of finding a bard willing to be in your service. All those who consider themselves worthy enough to sing your songs at your court, and possibly even foreign ones, are invited to participate in the grand contest. All those who hold significant lands, and those of their dynasties, are encouraged to participate in the accompanying feasts, and even peasants and others of lower birth are invited to watch the contest and indulge themselves in the festivities, though they will of course not be allowed to mingle with those of higher birth, unless invited to do so.

Word of the grand contest reaches many, and the excellent weather allows many to come to the site of the contest, situated somewhat south of Kildhula, in a grassy valley split into two by a crystal clear brook. As you arrive on the site, the land is already littered with tents, huts and other temporary residences, as well as the stands of countless merchants, contraptions used by traveling acrobats and acting groups, gambling dens, duels and animal fights for shows and even an improvised brothel. Yet all the noise made by these people and their countless customers, are all overshadowed by the many sounds of countless instruments being practiced and songs being sung. You can hear at least twenty different types of flutes, many stringed instruments and even some percussion. And for every different instrument you hear, there's at least ten different styles of songs being sung. From the eerie, high pitched hymns sung for generations by your ancestors, to the cheery, awe-inspiring songs that wouldn't be out of place in a tavern, from songs from the Chamdhi sounds to the rough, scraping noise of Khami throat howling, every style you can imagine, you hear, as well as some completely foreign to you.

As you enter the campsite itself, headed for the area claimed for the nobility on a slightly elevated plateau precisely above the area where the contests themselves will be held, many of the lowborn attendants bow to you. Others raise their newborn children to you, try to touch you, promise you their eternal servitude or even confess their love to you. You lift up one of the children from its mother's hands, kiss it on the forehead, and pronounce it "Child of the tear-feathered Owl", before you hand it back to its ecstatic mother. A title you made up on the spot and means nothing at all, but one that will probably ensure a bright future for the child in it's village. Not many can say they received a unique title from a conqueror as grand as yourself, and the child will most likely become the village's pride and joy. You continue your journey to the noble levels in much the same way, and the further you travel through the encampment, the longer the parade of people following you becomes. When you finally reach the guards protecting the entrance of the nobility, you feel quite relieved. You head into your tent, and call it for a day, since the sun has almost set already and your wounds still need some minor tending, especially after traveling for an entire day.

The next day you get up early, and dine with the other nobles at the central dining table. You find yourself situated between Ilrund av Ilaradh, baron of a small barony in the (de Jure) Lands of Aradh, currently sworn to the Petty Jarl of Vedilage instead of you, and Mihluva Suddeb, a merchantess trading along the Kuredh river and the banks of the Kuredhestra Lake. Baron Ilrund can not stop talking about how much he dislikes his literate liege and begs you to free him from his yoke as a vassal of the Vedilagan Jarl. He also keeps rambling about the relations of his dynasty and the possible effects of this festival on the entire nobility of the northernmost Chamedhi lands into great detail. Yet while the man is incredibly boring and won't stop talking, you can easily follow everything he's saying, and is great at explaining the most intermixed dynastic and diplomatic relations. Miss Suddeb on the other side, is quite quiet, a great listener and a slow talker. She knows much of the trade in the region, and you can feel a hint of wanderlust and need for excitement in her now old and frail body. She must have once been a beautiful sight to behold, yet she has not given birth to any children, and is way past the age of childbearing.

When you've finished your hearty breakfast, you head down to the first rounds of the contest. With your trusted adviser Ludhar, the general adviser that served your father, whose father served your father and your grandfather, and whose son is expected to serve you too when he passes away, you sit down at the front of the rows of lower nobles watching the spectacle soon to take place. You seat yourself in a beautifully carved wooden throne, with soft fur of the black wolf draped over it, whilst your adviser takes place on one of the wooden benches, like most other low nobility. About two meters below you, the peasants all stand around the musical arena, eagerly awaiting the first participant. Soon, the first participant appears, and starts playing his song, as expected, an ode to you and your grand acts of conquering. Many others follow him, some of them very good, some of them outright terrible. Some are voted away, others are granted the privilege to play again in the next rounds. While everything is going on, many nobles try to start a conversation with you. One of them is Ulli Kudhula, who offers you his beautiful daughter, Urhilda Kudhula. Her skin as pale as the moon itself, and her eyes green as the densest pine forests. She holds no titles, and no claims either, but her sisters have all mothered many children, so she is bound to be fertile. At the age of fourteen, she became of age last spring, and she is more than willing to marry you. Another man, going by the Khami name of Ukath Khathimur presents you his daughter Khatara Khathimur, a respectable young lady, with a fifty-fifty chance of becoming the baroness of a small barony bordering your lands to the northeast. It all depends on whether the next pregnancy of her mother will grant the father a son or another daughter. If the latter is the case, her mother will be capitally punished for not granting any sons to Ukath, as is a barbaric Khami custom. Yet this means that Ukath will not be able to beget more children, and will make Khatara the heir apparent to the throne of the barony of Khathimur. At the age of twenty she is still in the bloom of her life, yet quite old to marry. Marrying a foreigner might also cause disdain amongst the people. The contest ends with the Khami throat-howler, whose song sounds eerily enchanting, yet he is carried of the stage by your angry civilians for appearing before your glorious visage. Auditions will continue tomorrow, and the days after that will all be elimination rounds. The first of those will be decided by the populace, the later ones by the nobility, and the grand finale will be decided by yourself.

After the first rounds of the contest, you wander around the encampment for a while, until you come by a tent almost as grand and lavish as yours. You demand to know who's inside, and the guard tells you that countess Brunhilda resides here now for the moment.

After an entire week of feasts, parties and concerts, the finale will be held tomorrow. But for today, you have not made any plans yet. What will you do?

Ardent Debater

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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; A game of tribal conquest
« Reply #20 on: May 22, 2016, 11:09:14 am »

We should distribute free Alcohol to the Peasantry and regale the Peoples with the Tale of how we Slayed the Black Wolf singlehandedly, and show them the Wolf's Vast Pelt, along with our Scars/Wounds, to prove it.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2016, 11:12:55 am by Ardent Debater »


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; A game of tribal conquest
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2016, 11:45:11 am »

((Was expecting some more replies to be honest, but one will have to do for now))
We should distribute free Alcohol to the Peasantry and regale the Peoples with the Tale of how we Slayed the Black Wolf singlehandedly, and show them the Wolf's Vast Pelt, along with our Scars/Wounds, to prove it.
You order your servants to bring out all barrels of beer, wine and even stronger spirits like whiskey and rock rum. Whilst most of the servants are still unloading crates, kegs, barrels and crocks, you order others to locate as many mugs and cups as they can, and bring them to the arena where the tournaments were held the last weeks, together with the booze they were able to muster. Soon after everything has been placed where you ordered it, you start pouring glasses of booze yourself, and hand them out to the crowd of peasants gathered around you. Your servants are quick to follow your lead, and soon most of the peasants have found themselves a booze-filled mug. As they still stand, gathered around you, you have two of your guardsmen retrieve the skin of the black wolf, while you begin telling the story of your epic quest to slay the vile beast. At the moment you pull up your tunic, and show them the vicious scars, your two men come walking to you, carrying the skin between them, as proof for your brave deeds. The very man that got you out of the cave after passing out, hands you the pouch filled with the wolf's teeth, and you pull out one of the two large incisors the beast had. The tooth, the size of a proper dagger, almost shines in the daylight, and the populace is truly awe-inspired. A story like this will probably be told from generation to generation, and will forever be part of your legacy in this world.

As soon as you're done telling your grand stories, you order a few of the bards to start playing music together, and soon all of the partially intoxicated attendants are all dancing to jolly Chamdhian tunes. You find yourself dancing with many ladies, both of higher and lower birth, including lady Urhilda and lady Kathara. The night is truly grandiose, yet terribly exhausting, and you feel relieved when you crawl into your bed. A night well spent.

The next morning, you find your usual stack of papers next to your bed, and you arrange for a clerk to read them to you once the final rounds of the contest have finished. You head to the grounds of the grand contest, where the last ten competitors are ready to play. At the moment you sign for the artists to start, a musical frenzy of epic proportions bursts loose. Nine competitors play their instruments, while one sings a part of the grand song they composed, honoring you and your noble bloodline. Once one of them is done with their part, the other flawlessly takes over and continues. The nobles behind you make their picks, and only three competitors remain. They all play a song composed by themselves. After all three have taken their turns, you are to decide which of them is to become your state-sponsored bard. You announce you will head into your tent to consider your pick, and head there immediately.

Who will you pick?
>Lydhilda, a mute woman. She plays her lute with incredible talent, and dances like a river spirit while doing so. Yet dance can not always capture what words are meant to convey.
>Urdhal, a jolly old man with a thick beard and an even thicker stomach. His voice is nothing incredibly special, and the way he plays his bronze flute between the verses is nothing out of the ordinary either, but the lyrics of the songs he composes are absolutely hilarious and incredibly catchy, though somewhat improper.
>Tarren, an orphaned 16-year-old boy. He has a voice as crystal clear as the grand heavens themselves. He plays a self-made harp, and there's some room for improvement there.

While deciding, you order your clerk to read the pile of papers neatly stacked next to your bed. It starts with your seasonal report of the nation. Apparently, this festival was quite expensive, though more men are willing to fight for you.

Population: 11.000
Manpower: 4.500 (+500)
Wealth: 120 (-80)
Titles: Chamdhi of Nivula (titular), Lands of Aradh, County of Kildhula and lands of the North, County of Trondheim, Grand City of Nilvestra
Food (average)
Wood (plentiful)
Bronze (low)

Again, an empty sheet where the activities of your dynastic members and your court should be, as usual. Your general adviser really wants you to go and get a wife.

Lastly, a file documenting the happenings within your realm is read to you. For the first time in many seasons it contains good news!
>Your scouts at the Aradhic borders report the retreat of the Khami warriors gathering there. They were most likely scared away by your newly stationed troops. Their villages are now basically unguarded, and their harvests, cattle and people ripe for the taking. Due to your conquest you have not raided with your men for several years, so they must have grown lazy.
>The festival has caused your reputation to have a humongous boost. After yesterday's free booze and the story of the black wolf, you are being heralded as Grand Jarl Ulric "the Wolfslayer" av Laade by those attending to the contest. This reputation is expected to spread.
>Most of your copper and tin mines are almost exhausted, new ones need to be established or there will be a shortage of bronze soon.

Ardent Debater

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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2016, 01:33:50 pm »

I say we nominate Tarren the Harpist as the Winner, the State-sponsored Bard should be a masterful Singer, able to spread the news of Our Victories far and wide. Urdhal, while Humorous, isn't skilled enough for the Honor, and his Lyrics might Trivialize Ulric's Exploits. Lydhilda, while incredibly talented, has no voice, and without a voice, she wouldn't be able to spread Legends and Tales of Ulric's Deeds. We will then set Tarren to work spreading Glorious Tales of Ulric's Prowess, and Tarren will be given a Salary and a modest estate of Land in The Grand City Of Nilvestra.

Concerning the Retreating Khami Warriors, We should personally lead a detachment of 2,500 of our Warriors to the Aradh Lands. Before Our Forces Embark, Ulric will sacrifice a sizable amount of Animals to the Gods in a gesture of Piety and in the Hopes that they will Bless Ulric's Conquest. Once Our Forces are assembled, we'll march forward and spread the news that if any of the Khami Warriors surrender without a Fight, their Families and Households will be Spared from Plunder. We will then take our Vast Army and go to each Khami Village and Settlement. Ulric will give each Settlement the same demands, if the entire Settlement swears Fealty to Grand Jarl Ulric and renounces their Current Ruler, they will be incorporated into a New, Khami Province in our Empire with no Bloodshed or Plundering. If any in the Settlement do not wish to Fight but the Settlement as a Whole won't Swear Fealty, we will wait three Hours to allow any civilians who are willing to Swear Fealty to Ulric the chance to pack their belongings and leave the Settlement to go to the nearest Loyal Settlement

If the Village or Settlement chooses to Fight, our Army will slay any Fighters they have, and will Burn their Settlement to the Ground once we've Plundered it. Any People who didn't Fight but stayed in the Village will be Enslaved and sent back to the Grand City Of Nilvestra to work as Laborers for Ten Years, if they are Adults, if they are Children, they will work as Laborers until they are Sixteen, then they can go and live their lives as they choose. One Third of all Loot from any Plundered Settlements shall go to Our Empire, One Third will be evenly divided among the Surviving Soldiers, and the Last Third shall be sent to the Families of the Soldiers who were slain during the Fighting.

We will Slay any Khami Warriors on Sight, unless they Immediately Surrender and Swear Fealty to Ulric. If the Khami Warriors attempt to Fight against us, we will Fight them. After the Battle we will send all Khami Prisoners back to the Grand City Of Nilvestra to work as Slaves for the rest of their Lives, unless they Swear Fealty to Ulric, in which case they will be lashed thirty times, and allowed to go free, the lashings are a punishment for Fighting us to begin with. The Corpses of any Khami Warriors that fought Honorably will be given an Honorable Burial, the Corpses of any Cowardly Khami Warriors will be decapitated and left to Rot for their Cowardice. Once we have Conquered the Khami Lands, all Nobles that Swore Fealty to us Immediately will be allowed to Live and oversee the new Province, Half of their Wealth shall go to our Empire, but the Nobles will be allowed to keep their Status and Property. Any Nobles who refused to Swear Fealty shall be stripped of their Nobility and all of their Holdings and be sent back to the Grand City Of Nilvestra to wok as Slaves for the rest of their Lives. The 'Liberated' Noble Holdings shall become Our Empire's Property, and half of any 'Liberated' Holding's Wealth shall go to the Families of any Slain Soldiers that fought for us. The New Khami Province shall be given twice the ordinary amount of Taxes for Ten Years, and then the Province shall be given ordinary Taxes.

Concerning our Need to Marry, I propose that Ulric marries Ulli Kudhula's Daughter, Urhilda Kudhula. We're going to need plenty of Children to keep our Dynasty going after Ulric's Passing. She may not have any Titles, but if all goes well with our Conquests, that won't matter, as we'll own the Titles anyway.

We should send a Messenger to speak to Baron Ilrund av Ilaradh, stating that if He were to Swear Fealty to Ulric and renounce the Petty Jarl of Vedilage as His Ruler, that the Baron would be welcome in our Court as a Diplomat and Adviser. He's very knowledgeable about Dynastic Affairs, and might be able to lighten Ludhar's workload. If the Petty Jarl has any complaints we will supplement his loss with a reasonable portion of our Newly Plundered Wealth.

Concerning our Imminent Mineral Shortage, we should have Ludhar hire some Prospectors to locate and establish new Mines. If Ludhar is successful, we'll reward him monetarily to the extant that he is successful.

We should also commission our Empire's most Skilled Armorer to Forge us a Suit of Bronze Mail, and a Helmet. We should also wear the Black Wolf Pelt as a Cape during ceremonies.

Lord_lemonpie, I'm assuming that Humanity is in the Bronze Age, if I'm wrong, please tell me. Also, I'm sorry about the Wall of Text everybody.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2016, 01:39:05 pm by Ardent Debater »


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2016, 02:32:25 pm »

Lord_lemonpie, I'm assuming that Humanity is in the Bronze Age, if I'm wrong, please tell me. Also, I'm sorry about the Wall of Text everybody.
Correct, this part of the world and any part reasonably close to us, is in the late bronze age.
Also, great input!

Ardent Debater

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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2016, 02:35:33 pm »

Lord_lemonpie, I'm assuming that Humanity is in the Bronze Age, if I'm wrong, please tell me. Also, I'm sorry about the Wall of Text everybody.
Correct, this part of the world and any part reasonably close to us, is in the late bronze age.
Also, great input!

It's a great SG!


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2016, 02:48:14 pm »

I say we nominate Tarren the Harpist as the Winner, the State-sponsored Bard should be a masterful Singer, able to spread the news of Our Victories far and wide. Urdhal, while Humorous, isn't skilled enough for the Honor, and his Lyrics might Trivialize Ulric's Exploits. Lydhilda, while incredibly talented, has no voice, and without a voice, she wouldn't be able to spread Legends and Tales of Ulric's Deeds. We will then set Tarren to work spreading Glorious Tales of Ulric's Prowess, and Tarren will be given a Salary and a modest estate of Land in The Grand City Of Nilvestra.
+1 While i'd rather like the mute bard, he's right

Concerning the Retreating Khami Warriors, We should personally lead a detachment of 2,500 of our Warriors to the Aradh Lands. Before Our Forces Embark, Ulric will sacrifice a sizable amount of Animals to the Gods in a gesture of Piety and in the Hopes that they will Bless Ulric's Conquest. Once Our Forces are assembled, we'll march forward and spread the news that if any of the Khami Warriors surrender without a Fight, their Families and Households will be Spared from Plunder. We will then take our Vast Army and go to each Khami Village and Settlement. Ulric will give each Settlement the same demands, if the entire Settlement swears Fealty to Grand Jarl Ulric and renounces their Current Ruler, they will be incorporated into a New, Khami Province in our Empire with no Bloodshed or Plundering. If any in the Settlement do not wish to Fight but the Settlement as a Whole won't Swear Fealty, we will wait three Hours to allow any civilians who are willing to Swear Fealty to Ulric the chance to pack their belongings and leave the Settlement to go to the nearest Loyal Settlement

-1 to the entire raiding business, they are lazy, lets keep it that way for now. We have to united our surroundign lands before thinking bigger.

Concerning our Need to Marry, I propose that Ulric marries Ulli Kudhula's Daughter, Urhilda Kudhula. We're going to need plenty of Children to keep our Dynasty going after Ulric's Passing. She may not have any Titles, but if all goes well with our Conquests, that won't matter, as we'll own the Titles anyway.
-1 to that. WE should marry the Countess of Khilvidi, it adds substantial lands to ours and gives us access to the river.

We should send a Messenger to speak to Baron Ilrund av Ilaradh, stating that if He were to Swear Fealty to Ulric and renounce the Petty Jarl of Vedilage as His Ruler, that the Baron would be welcome in our Court as a Diplomat and Adviser. He's very knowledgeable about Dynastic Affairs, and might be able to lighten Ludhar's workload. If the Petty Jarl has any complaints we will supplement his loss with a reasonable portion of our Newly Plundered Wealth.

-1 we need no traitors. A man who abandons his liege just like that is useless to us.

Concerning our Imminent Mineral Shortage, we should have Ludhar hire some Prospectors to locate and establish new Mines. If Ludhar is successful, we'll reward him monetarily to the extant that he is successful.
+1 sounds reasonable

We should also commission our Empire's most Skilled Armorer to Forge us a Suit of Bronze Mail, and a Helmet. We should also wear the Black Wolf Pelt as a Cape during ceremonies.
eh...i find it a waste but whatever...+1

Some suggestion of my own:
Instead of raiding the Khami (which we should safe for later) we should turn towards the Petty Jarls to the South of us, after the marriage to the Countessa of Khilvidi is through of course.
First: send messages out to all the minor Jarls and Land Holders who are not yet sworn to us or Chamdhi Kuredh and ask them to swear fealty to us. Those that swear fealty are rewarded with great presents.
Second: send Scouts to the territories of those that refuse us. Find out their military strength and if the Chamdhi Kuredh will help them or not if we attack them.
Third: Send Messengers to Chamdhi Kuredh and open diplomatic relations with them, positive preferably. Let it drop that we might be interested in a joint venture into Khami territory for loot,slaves and land, especially around the river.

This way we will establish Chamdhi Kuredh as friends of ours, and thus as our Shield against the South. Of course at the same time we are closing expansion to the south but really, with the choice between Strong Chamdhi armies and disorganized tribal Khami hordes, the choice is easy. But before we expand into Khami territories  i want to get my fangs into all these little tasty territories with rich cities southwards of us. So that we can establish our stranglehold over that river and more importantly over the trade flowing (propably eastwards towards that inland sea) east and west.

Why? With the river secured in our hands we have access to the inland sea and thus to trade from the grey and orange territories. Now if we help the Kuredh to get the Khami territory south and west of us, we can bring all that beautiful trade back to them and get rich...and they get rich and the best part is if they want to circumvent our trad ethey have to pay tariffs to pass our parts of the rivers. More importantly, since it seems the Khami are less organized and, presumably, less advanced than us it means that there is more natural resources left untouched by them, which if we claim them, we can trade to the grey and orange folks and southwards all along that nice river. In fact once we expand eastwards toward that lake it might be of interest to found a city there...which could grow into our new capital.


Ardent Debater

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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2016, 03:12:57 pm »

I don't see why Lazy Troops are a boon to us... They need the Experience that Conquering the Khami would provide. The Khami fled from only 750 of our Warriors, 2,500 Warriors should be more than enough to conquer the Khami Territory with little problems.

I don't think that we should marry the Countess just to have a 50% chance of inheriting Territory, When our Troops could conquer said Territory easily by the end of the decade. Besides, marrying a Foreigner would mitigate the positive Reputation increase our Festival caused.

Count Ilrund's skills could prove invaluable to our Expansion, and I doubt he would betray Ulric, it seems that he wants to be freed from the Petty Jarl he's a Vassal to. He would be grateful if we aided him.

Some suggestion of my own:
Instead of raiding the Khami (which we should safe for later) we should turn towards the Petty Jarls to the South of us, after the marriage to the Countessa of Khilvidi is through of course.
First: send messages out to all the minor Jarls and Land Holders who are not yet sworn to us or Chamdhi Kuredh and ask them to swear fealty to us. Those that swear fealty are rewarded with great presents.
Second: send Scouts to the territories of those that refuse us. Find out their military strength and if the Chamdhi Kuredh will help them or not if we attack them.
Third: Send Messengers to Chamdhi Kuredh and open diplomatic relations with them, positive preferably. Let it drop that we might be interested in a joint venture into Khami territory for loot,slaves and land, especially around the river.

This way we will establish Chamdhi Kuredh as friends of ours, and thus as our Shield against the South. Of course at the same time we are closing expansion to the south but really, with the choice between Strong Chamdhi armies and disorganized tribal Khami hordes, the choice is easy. But before we expand into Khami territories  i want to get my fangs into all these little tasty territories with rich cities southwards of us. So that we can establish our stranglehold over that river and more importantly over the trade flowing (propably eastwards towards that inland sea) east and west.

Why? With the river secured in our hands we have access to the inland sea and thus to trade from the grey and orange territories. Now if we help the Kuredh to get the Khami territory south and west of us, we can bring all that beautiful trade back to them and get rich...and they get rich and the best part is if they want to circumvent our trad ethey have to pay tariffs to pass our parts of the rivers. More importantly, since it seems the Khami are less organized and, presumably, less advanced than us it means that there is more natural resources left untouched by them, which if we claim them, we can trade to the grey and orange folks and southwards all along that nice river. In fact once we expand eastwards toward that lake it might be of interest to found a city there...which could grow into our new capital.

+1 to the First Suggestion, it would help expand our Territory. +1 to the Second Suggestion. -1 to the Third Suggestion, We shouldn't ask Chadmi Kuredh for Military Aid against the Khami, or Petty Jarls, as that would make us seem Weak and Treacherous, but we should send Diplomats and try to gain positive relations/trade rights.


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #27 on: May 24, 2016, 03:49:45 pm »

im not saying that we should marry the Khami Countess but the countess from the very beginning which owns the city to the south of us.

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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #28 on: May 24, 2016, 04:23:27 pm »

im not saying that we should marry the Khami Countess but the countess from the very beginning which owns the city to the south of us.

Ah, Sorry about the misunderstanding. I still think that marrying Urhilda Kudhula is a better idea, as she is from our Empire, and is almost guaranteed to bear Children. The only thing that Countess Brunhilda of Kilvidhi really has going for her is the ownership of Kilvidhi, a fairly small City, and it's Land, and Land can be gained through less difficult means. If she swore Fealty to us we'd effectively own Kilvidhi, and if she refused to swear, we could Besiege Kilvidhi once we've finished conquering the Khami Lands. Marriage is a Lifelong commitment, and Ulric shouldn't marry just to gain a Petty County.

Lord_lemonpie, what is the Primary Religion of our Lands?


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #29 on: May 25, 2016, 12:25:10 am »

Lord_lemonpie, what is the Primary Religion of our Lands?
Chamdhi religion works as follows: the First Father shaped the worlds, the heavens and the hells. After that, he created the Chamudhur, all green-colored peoples on the map, including the Chamdhi and the Khami. But his creation went wrong, and other peoples were created too. Eventually, the Chamudur split into different groups, because of the many disagreements they had. This part is shared by all the Chamudhur, but the remaining text is Chamdhi-only.

The First Father found the Chamdhi the purest and most beautiful, and sided with them. He fought alongside the Chamdhi, until he was killed by raiding Khami (believed in the north- east), or perished when conquering great territories in the west (believed by the others)

Other than that, every village, no matter how small, has their own saint. Bigger places have multiple. These saints can be historical figures, mythical creatures or even other, more foreign things. Ulric will most likely become one too. People pray to the saints in times of need, yet only to those of their birthplace (while still believing in the others). They don't play a huge aspect in the daily life of your people.
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