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Author Topic: (SG) The Redleaf Epic (Formerly Widow: A Duchess Scorned)  (Read 65397 times)


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #345 on: May 01, 2016, 11:26:07 am »

(One of you want to move the data dump into a publicly editable document, so we can all try to keep it updated together? Feel free to hold any purchases from the slaver you want, add anybody you think is important to contacts, and don't track hexes unless they are applied to important characters. I'll make a point of backing it up every so often in case the trolls show up.)

(New demons are Niechbaux whose hex relates to smithing, alchemy, armor, honorable combat, and work ethic. Tug-Aveeix, whose hex relates to enchantment, mining, management, flight, and servitude to Niechbaux. Oougf, whose hex relates to goblin biology, trade, prospecting, demonic materials, and servitude to Niechbaux)

(All the talk after midnight pacific time ninja'd me. Feel free to repost any of it if you still think it is relevant. I will remind you that Syzzik said powder weapons are a Gearport thing.)

(Also, I just noticed that in Angie Pence I made a female member of the supposedly all male inquisition. Cookie to the person who comes up with the best story to explain away my mistake.)

2334th Year of Man, 5th Month, 11th Day:


Before proceeding, you briefly go over the knowledge you have on vampires. The rules governing vampires vary depending on the soul cleaner who makes them, but in general they can infect the bodies and souls of others through the exchange of bodily fluids. Most (including the ones you can get from the family business) drink living blood, but some are fully carnivorous and reproduce via intimacy. A vampire can use necromancy or almost any magic relating to life energy or souls (Hex Weaving, Druidism, Enchantment, Drowish Magic, ect) to prevent the infection from spreading, but must otherwise kill anybody they swap fluids with to prevent an outbreak.

Smart vampires do not allow their brood to grow too big, so as to avoid detection. You doubt Ms. Lou would allow her brood to grow beyond ten offspring in a city of this size. As a vampire controls its spawn like a necromancer controls its creation, population control is simpily a matter of instructing the dumb ones not to engage in behavior that can lead to more vampires. Particularly clever vampires will only turn others who have the magical skills necessary to prevent infection, so that they don't have to kill everybody they feed upon or sleep with.

You inform Ms. Lou that you no longer require dark workstations, but you would be willing to offer her brood protection under other terms. First you require income, that shall come in the form of either shares in her company, or souls.

In terms of souls, Ms. Lou notes that she has people who can collect them, but that she can't afford to have those individuals go out of their way to go manhunting for you. Her enchanters usually gather seven to ten a month, and she would be willing to give you half of that rounded down. The soul output could be increased if you were to tell Gregory to turn his back to her company, allowing them to take assassination jobs and other lethal work in town. Ms. Lou is a Hex Weaver herself, and if you gave her the appropriate hex, she could both teach it to the other weavers in her group, order them to use it before killing, and even deploy it herself whenever she takes a meal home.

The idea of giving you shares makes her nervous. Redding is her largest minority sharholder, and he would be in a position to launch a hostile takeover if she gave more shares to his friends. That said, however, she would be willing to give you 15% stake if you sign an agreement denouncing your right to vote on matters regarding the leadership or sale of the company. As much of the companies profit comes from long term jobs in orc country that often take more than a month to complete, her stock pays quarterly at the end of the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th months. Payout is highly variable in mercenary work, and Ms. Lou suggests your 15% would net you fifteen to sixty thousand quarterly. She would also be willing to give you nine thousand a month in straight silver instead.

Ms. Lou is willing to support disposing of Trevor, but isn't keen on giving all his influence to Redding, who will likely skip town and focus on ruling the duchy if you win your little scuffle with the prince, and die if you fail. She thinks the mercenary community deserves more stable leadership, somebody both long-lived and likely to remain in town for a long time. Naturally she proposes herself first, but proposes the Redvine Brothers, a pair of elves who are very close to Redding's interests, as her second pick. She also suggests Greent, who has been aggressively winning influence on his own of late, but you know enough about him to think twice about giving the boy more power.

As an alternate plan, to prevent all the unknown elements from crawling out of the woodwork and trying to grab power for themselves once Trevor is discredited, Ms. Lou could make the man the inaugural member of her brood and bend her new spawn to her will. She suggests a few mercenary companies may catch on and object, but it is pretty sure the results will be much less chaotic than they would be if you just let Trevor self destruct.


You explain the situation involving Yaas and Fortune to Pogpugrooog, and offer her Yaugur's protection. The demon pauses to consider the implications.

"Tetha sent those? That means they will be back when she notices that Fortune's blindness has not been restored and Yaas still lives... this bodes poorly... unless..."

The chubby Succubus smirks, "We turn the tables on her. Are you a binder Maeris?"

"No..." you answer, unsure of where the gossip is going.

"I can fix that. Here is what we do; I give you your hex sign, and you get Yaugur over here. When the goons return, we beat them into submission, and force them to take your Hex. Between the influence of even an unskilled binder, and my powers of seduction, we can force them to serve me."

"And what would I gain from this?"

"A lot. In the longrun. Tetha is weak. Her resources and influence are limited. If we humiliate her publicly by stripping her of her goons, and declare that we control the fate of her biggest prophecy, we can do one of two things. First off, we could build a collation to destroy her, she is weak enough all ready, and if we expose her vulnerbility, demons would line up for a shot at taking her down and sharing in the spoils. Alternatively, we could threaten to bring about her destruction, and to prevent Fortune from fulfilling the prophecy, and extort the crap out of her. If we pull that off, the reward would be smaller, but we would only have to split it between me and you."

This could easily be a trap, Pogpugrooog could easily put a nasty hex on you or apply her powers of seduction. 'Get in the summoning circle so that I may make you a binder' is one of the oldest tricks in the book. That said, the logic behind her plan makes sense, and you could bring in Yaugur first to watch her when you expose yourself, or merely get your hex sign somewhere else.


You and Virgil go deep into the night pouring over the documents. He takes the charts, tables, graphs, and other technical stuff, and you read over the log and a bunch of incident reports.

It gets exiting quickly. The scale of the shrine, as hinted in the log, is several square city blocks. This means that it may lie on the territory of several of the Ruins Clans. The log also suggests that there is a construction entrance in the enchanter's vault, but seeing as you saw no way to go deeper, it must be either hidden or sealed off. As the evidence now points to the shrine being underground, you ask Virgil why some earth mage hasn't detected it by now. He suggests asking somebody familiar with the topic.

As Redding isn't around, a few Clan Ivy casters are sent for, and after being sworn to secrecy, they come up with two theories. The mundane answer is that it is just very deep. The upper limit on earth sensing for most orcs and humans is about a thousand feet straight down. Dwarves and orcish bloodlines dedicated to nature magic can get a mile, and the high bloodlines of Clan Ape can sense for two miles. They hear tell that some surface elves can sense for two and a half miles, and that members of the deep races can supposedly go much further than that.

The second theory is that some material or magic that prevents detection via nature magic is being employed at the shrine. You salivate at the thought; It would take alot of rare material, or a mighty power source, to cover an area the size of what the shrine is implied to be. Logic seems to dictate that the second theory is more likely to be true; If the shrine was just deep underground, some mercenary would have been talented enough to detect it over following centuries, and you would have noted at some complaint about the climb to and from the worksite in the documents you have been reading.

Virgil also manages to dig up some interesting information as well. The first document is a blueprint of twenty foot tall statue of an orc made out of Purity Metal, a snow white alchemist metal containing both gold and silver known for channeling or containing divine magic depending on its exact makeup. Virgil notes the metal appears enchanted with energy from some sort of chemical reaction, and that the strength of the enchantment is equiviliant to that of ten thousand standard souls. Virgil seems impressed, and notes that most major artifacts are enchanted with only fifty to two hundred soul units of power. He further notes that the statue seems to be only a third of the density one would expect it to be, and that he might be able to work out the function of the whole thing if provided with the right reference materials.

"I'm afraid I'm rather new to town, Maeris. Could you ask any enchanters or alchemists you know if they have a text containing a chart of the enchanted properties of Purity Metal cross referenced against the commonly used techniques of The Kingdom's priestly orders? Snakeyes dosn't seem like the sort of bookish type to keep something like that."

He passes the blueprint to you, hoping that your knowledge of lore might shed some light on the shape. You consider it briefly. The Orc depicted is an aroused male, and an orcish statue standing at attention is a sign that the being depicted is of extreme importance: Usually a deity or demigod, but possibly a long-serving and beloved chief from a very powerful clan. It is holding both a maul and a quill pen, which helps narrow it down. The maul and quill pen are symbols of Mako, an orcish deity that is thought to have been killed at least three centuries before the alleged construction of the shrine. Putting aside the maul (it is possible that the designer just wanted the statue to be armed), the quill alone indicates a few other beings; Cayde, the deity of diplomacy worshiped by House Roe and its descendants, is sometimes depicted with such an implement, but Cayde was one of two Savvanah Orc deities to have its own priestly order during the Gulf Dynasty, so you can't imagine it needing a top secret shrine. Cayde also had a short lived Demi-God daughter named Cayve, who ascended to godhood around the time the shrine was built, only to be struck down by the human pantheon during the war to dislodge the Gulf Dynasty, but seeing as the statue depicts a male Orc, you doubt it relates to Cayve.

Virgil also finds a rudimentary map of entrances to the temple. The map is not to scale, and seems to have been made as a reference for construction workers. "It will be a pain, but I might be able to find another entrance if I had a more accurate map of the ruins district to compare this to... I think the most recent survey of the area was done by Talkot Bonedust around a century ago. I forget if he included any maps or not... I know he lived long enough that some of the older Bonedusts likely still remember him, can you see if anybody in your family knows enough about his work to help me work out this map."

You have several ways to get the information Virgil needs. You could ask Talcutta to look at the map directly, but that could be a double edged sword; Your great-grandfather puts adventure and wanderlust before all else, so if he catches on that you are going after the lost shrine of Roe River City, there is a good chance he might demand to be summoned into town and harass every living and ascended bonedust for the resources to mount a proper expedition.  You have no doubt the project would be far more important to him than some succession crisis, and thus he could easily become a liability.

On the topic of liability, Dreamer is working on transcribing parts of your ancestor's journal that relate to his time on the South Bank. You read the first hand accounts of Talkot's adventures many times as a kid, and are pretty sure that what Dreamer is translating should include the map Virgil needs. Lastly, you could try to get your mother and uncle to send you the original copy of the journal, but as the original copy of an infamously popular (and widely banned) adventure story/guide to performing dark magic, it is priceless. Since the tome is popular, however, you might be able to find a copy at the market. The official report derived from it may still be in town records as well, so it may be worth asking Gregory.

Eventually, you are both too tired to continue, and head to bed with many documents left to explore. On your way to your room you bump into Dean, who no longer seems to get tired. You instruct him to spread enough hexes in Ovinsial's name to support a network of five summoning circles, get the unlimited messages to the goblin lords package, and hold the items you want that Ovinsial sells.

2334th Year of Man, 5th Month, 12th Day:


Any elation Virgil might have felt is wiped away by the messenger who arrives over breakfast. His wife Lanette was executed by Clarence Rothwell for commanding more men than a Gulf is permitted to, which you know to be bullshit twice over; Not only was Virgil never over the quota, but Lanette was merely considered a Countess Consort, and should not have been considered responsible for the state of Gulf County.

The color drains from Virgil's face as the messenger continues the story. Gina and Tobias Lakeland, Virgil's daughter and son-in-law respectively, had come to Gulf County from their home across the border in Tradewind Duchy, to investigate why Rothwell was leading a host onto Virgil's land. When they arrived, Clarence invited them into his camp as guests, but twenty four hours later they were executed with their mother on charges of interfering with legal proceedings, which is not a crime you have ever seen punished by death before.

After hearing the story, Virgil retreats to his room for a good cry. You spend a few minutes comforting as best you can, before you have to head to class. As you leave, Fortune pulls you aside, and whispers in your ear. "Next week word will reach us that Clarence killed Uncle Virgil's grandkids as well... He will try to kill himself the night he gets the news."

Well... at least granting your daughter sight didn't mess with her prophetic abilities.

You decide to bring Lilly along to classes today, instructing her not to grab any souls. She promises to behave, but it is not like she has a choice in the matter.

Potion class moves slowly again, but at least you finish up covering the still, and also manage to get through the specialized potion still and the additional functions it offers. Tomorrow you could either cover the Sealing Station, or move right into a simple recipe, holding off on the last piece of equipment until you reach a recipe that requires it. Palm seems to know something is strange about Lilly, and goes out of her way to 'torture' her. You doubt any dreams you might have of Palm falling into the trap of the Sorrow's Daughter are likely to materialize.

Dark Magic class is a bit more boring than you had hoped. Nobody makes a breakthrough in the hex weaving department, so after an agonizing first half of the session, you move onto your discussion of demon lore.

You were going to see if Lilly could give a nice demonstration of demonic power, but sadly Angie Pence is an inquisitor, detects that your 'servant' is in fact a demon, and ruins the surprise for everybody else. At least the discussion is engaging; Finch, Lilly, and Greent all know their fair share of demon lore, and Angie knows enough to teach the class herself if she wanted; The study of demon lore, as it turns out, is a large part of inquisitorial training.

The best move for tomorrow's summoning lesson is to continue to lecture on demon lore, while also teaching them to summon imps or bind lesser demons. You suppose with Angie around, it is pretty safe to let them repeatedly bind and unbind Lilly for practice.

After your students leave, you begin to engage in some demonic business, and as you make your first call at the stage, you wonder if it might benefit your students if you invite them to stay late and watch on the days you conduct business after school.

Briefly checking in with Talcutta to pick up his Hex Sign, your first call is to Niechbaux, who seems annoyed that a random practitioner has contacted him at first, but agrees to settle down for a chat once you tell him who you are and what Haggen has offered you.

Niechbaux informs you that his agreement with his previous lord was for him to annually provide the parts required to retrofit one warship and four fishing vessels with components made from demonic materials, which is valued at just under a hundred souls. The curse:blessing ration for the bosses is 2:1, and the overboss gets ten hexes free (He'll provide you 3:1 blessing in the meantime). He also provided the overboss with either ten souls sealed away in common metal, or twelve souls in store credit, a month. He allowed the bosses of Axebeach to contract up to five of his Midasmen, a genus of lesser demons that can transmute particularly greedy mortals into metal statues and are also skilled enchanters and alchemists, for no cost other than a quarter of the metal and souls they capture from mortals. All five free Midasmen are currently contracted to Axebeach's Underbosses, however. Lastly, Niechbaux serves as a messenger between the bosses, all of whom either practice dark magic, or employ a dark mage to run a projection stage.

In return for these services, the bosses of Axebeach were forbidden from using Niechbaux's competition where avoidable, and also made to mandate that all Dark Mages under their control follow the same rule. Niechbaux keeps his inner sanctum habitable for mortals, and his lord is required to send at least five hundred troops, including at least thirty casters, should it look like said sanctum might be breached. Lastly, Niechbaux receives a 5% portion of all materials produced by an alchemist that are either made in or imported to Axebeach's lands, save for materials owned by or earmarked for the gang or one of its bosses.

Niechbaux informs you that these terms can be negotiated at any time, but both parties must agree for any change to be made. You note that this agreement lacks the usual 'Vassal will follow reasonable orders' and 'lord gets to approve prices' clauses.

When you mention you are also tied to a soul cleaner who is looking to find his clients some inorganic undead. Niechbaux mentions that he is happy with the rate his undead are selling at the moment, but if you become lord he will conduct an audit to see if he can allot resources from somewhere else to make more for you. He also mentions that he might look to unload his backlog of souls prepped to become Punisher Golems soon, as large amounts of silver is required to make them, which has become rare in Axebeach; He has been told that Axebeach smuggles most of its silver in from the Southeasternmost corner of human lands, and that some sort of civil dispute over inheritance there has disrupted the supply chain. You decline to mention your involvement in that situation at this time, and ask to see his stock.

He notes that he sells materials by the sheet. A sheet of material is 2ftx6ftx.5ft, and can provide enough material to produce a full set of armor for four goblins, two humans, or one and a half orcs. He notes that most of the materials he sells cannot be worked by the tools and techniques of typical human smiths, and that if you intend to buy raw materials and do your own smithing, to find somebody who specializes in demonic constructions. When you hear about his disenchantment service, you suppose that may be a good way to get rid of that soulglass.

Niechbaux's Stock:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You call Ovnisial, who informs you he has received Dean's hexes. Your network is ready once you have the contact information, and you can start messaging important Goblins, such as Haggen, at once.

With that out of the way, you ask him to appraise the soul glass. You show the demon a small bit you brought with you, and tell him the amount you have. He offers five souls for the lot of it; You are pretty sure Niechbauch could get you more for the glass... Still, you ask him about the noblemen, and he informs you that one actually has some experience in that particular trade; You find this a bit shocking, as most drow prefer naturally occurring gems to glass.

Lastly you ask to be put in contact with Nahurgelth Ves. It takes them a few minutes to set up the link, and you are warned not to trust the bastard in the meantime. Glowing brains are particularly dangerous creatures; If they get close to an organic being, they can hijack its brain directly, and unlike means of controlling people that target the body, soul, or hormones, there is no know defense against brain control save for not having an organic brain, and the divine magic of a few obscure deities. This is not something you want to trust until you have it contracted.

Nahurgelth Ves is both polite and brutally honest. It admits that if freed but not properly controlled, it will seize your mind in an instant. It finds your offer regarding Axebeach to be interesting, but is too prideful to serve a being weaker than itself. It is sick of captivity however, and after reading your mind (something you are shocked it can do over such a short distance) it notes that it respects and covets your kinship to Clan Ivy, and would like to become one of Trance's underlings if that could be arranged, and that it would be willing to look after your interests in Axebeach for a few years if you made a good faith effort towards meeting its wish.


After all your classes and demonic negoiations, you meet up with Rash for a tour of the properties seized. Joss' shop is the main prize, although all the raw metal and even coal has been taken by the soldiers, the workstations alone should sell a pretty penny, or perhaps a soul or two, if you decide to dump em and do something else with the good sized building. Joss was also kind enough to leave you his small riverside mansion, and his boathouse, which includes a canoe capable of getting a half dozen people and a bit of cargo across the Roe River.

Aside from Joss' holdings, you got two large apartments in a nice building, five decent apartments made for middle-class tradesmen, and twenty five crappy apartments in the orcish slums. You also still have to decide the fate of four human orphans, and a half-breed orphan whose other parent is from some exotic race you do not recognize.

Nice mix of the good and bad this time. Lets see what you crazy people come up with this time.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 11:30:48 am by Weirdsound »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #346 on: May 01, 2016, 12:16:59 pm »

I'm setting the online document. It will take some time.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #347 on: May 01, 2016, 12:25:04 pm »

Get Axebeach and our Hex name from Tiv.

Bind the brain thing for our representative for say 3 years.  I am sure Ivy will be willing to do us a favor and bind him later.

Do the thing with Pogpugrooog to gain leverage over Tetha.  I still think we should let the prophecy go through since that is what Fortune wants, but at least this way we get options.

My big proposal is to try and arrange a rescue for the two grand children.  We have an invisible assassin, a contact with the best thieves in the duchy, a vampire merc and probably more people we could grab.  Lets have them try and rescue the kids and move them to Tradewind or anywhere else safe where they can recount to everyone how evil the new prince and his people are.  Also if we left behind a few vampires to spread the curse and eventually massacre the countesses mercs that might be helpful.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #348 on: May 01, 2016, 12:38:21 pm »

The link to the first spreadsheet:

I plan on adding a whole new sheet to track our balance with the different demons and the hexes, and maybe a document for tracking the info dumps and that info which is not likely going to be edited too often.

Some quick suggestions:

Get Axebeach, contacting Haggen through the Projection screen.

Become a binder through Tiv.

Agree to Pog's plan about intimidation, not outright deity killing.

Do not get the Brain.
He is an asshole, we don't want to give our allies a random demon moron.

EDIT: some lengthy suggestions.

Business with Lou

I like the idea of the Elf brothers, but I guess that we should discuss this with both Redding and Lou.

I like payment in souls, and if she can spare some right now, it would be better. I guess that we could place Tiv's curse in her, and make our trusted Plague Devil have a balance of the souls she sends us. But we would prefer them to be in the Physical kind, if possible.

I don't like the idea of Trevor being the first vampire. Too much power given to Lou. I'd rather have someone more neutral, like those elfs.

While useful, I don't like the idea of assassinations.

Pog and Tetha

I say we politely decline Pog's offer of our hex sign just because it is about the fourth offer we got for our hex sign for free and so we will listen to an old business partner first, but we still agree with the plan.

Specifically, the whole plan about intimidating Tetha. Who knows? We may even get our own pet deity.

But first we want to talk with Pog about two things:
First, about the genus of those enforcers. To be prepared.
Second, as she would not be providing any hex sign to us, we want the other demon for ourselves. And we can choose which one.

Axebeach and our new vassal

Contact Haggen and say that we want to become the Overboss of Axebeach, and we are to communicate this way with him, we don't want him to send spies to talk to us, because those can be intercepted. We want our identity to remain concealed for as long as possible.

Contact Tiv and arrange for some terms in which our new vassal could sell the punisher golem souls, if Tiv would like them. Then communicte it to Niech.

Virgil problems

I think that there is a huge problem with all attempts to rescue Virgil's family: The time needed to travel there. If it takes a week by horse to get to Port Lionfish in Port County. Victory Hold is likely too far away to reach in a reasonable amount of time.

Think about this: the bad news are going to come next week. This means between 7 and 14 days. And it already takes more than 7 days to reach this place from Victory Hold, which means that Virgil's children could be already dead. So, there is no way we can go there to save Virgil's children in time, unless we do some serious space travelling through the multiverse, but to do that we need a gate to a demon realm. So, we are fucked.

So I propose some form of damage mitigation:

-Contingency plan: no matter what we do, we put Tiv's soul stealing curse on Virgil. I don't want him to die, but there may be no other choice.
-Weak but human plan: we just help him with what we can, we try to distract him with archeological findings or whatever. Maybe we could send Joy to help him. I don't know if we have someone who could help him with that.
-Strong but not so human plan: We use Tiv's memory curse to make him forget about his family. I really don't want to do this, but we may not have another choice if we can't prevent his suicide.

Any other thoughts?

As for a means of getting the documents, I would say that we should start by consulting the goblin scribe, then Gregory, then the market, and then our family. But please, not our Great-gradfather. It will piss off Tiv.

Potion class

Get them to make a potion. Practice makes things more interesting.

New properties

Have Caddor see what he can about those things we have. He could start an enchanting enterprise, and we have the capital to organize something. We also know people with the know-how, like Snakeyes and the dwarf apprentice. About the housing, maybe he can rent them or sell them.

Also tell Caddor that we can get some drowish slaves for souls, and that one is an enchanter. With Lou's tribute we may have enough for zome of them.

About the orphans, offer them work as helpers in either potioncrafting or whatever thing Caddor organizes.

And meet with that half-breed and ask him what he is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #349 on: May 01, 2016, 08:33:17 pm »

Can someone run me through what's happened? I'm having trouble folloiwng along.

What happened to Countess Nix? is the war going well or even started yet?

I don't understand what this prophesy/diety thing is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #350 on: May 01, 2016, 09:06:17 pm »

Can someone run me through what's happened? I'm having trouble folloiwng along.

What happened to Countess Nix? is the war going well or even started yet?

I don't understand what this prophesy/diety thing is.
As I think that you are confusing Nix the less important goblin hexer with Countess Kinkaid, I'm going to explain things assuming you meant the latter.

So, the Countess is laying siege to the ony crossing to the Orc lands so that the orcs can come and help.

We allied with the demon-lovers of the orc clan Ivy. They requested that some of us got made a fanatic follower of their goddess by their demons, and Joy wanted to do it, so she just became a priest of their deity too. Also, Clan Ivy can move through summoning circles because they have a gate to a demon realm. So, we have 4k Ivy troops in town. And they love demons so much that they love being cursed.

The orcs are experts in espionage and discovered many agents working for the crown. They also discovered that the most influential mercenary in town was plotting to murder one of the cartel guys (who we are currently dating). The orc wanted to do mass execution, but Redding's son, who is in love with the viper of our daughter chastity, tried to decide the fates of the mercenaries with a trial by combat. We managed to skip all that and move them to our own justice system so that we can exonerate the mercenary, but he is an asshole that hates us even after we saved his life.

Meanwhile a goblin friend proposed us to be in charge of one of his cities, and as that would be high trason, we are setting a network of communication via projection stages. To remain hidden. And also communicate with other dark mages.

Also our husband's lover appeared one day with two noblemen with the intent to execute them. We stopped him and it was revealed that he was emotionally unstable, but he is getting better now. One of those noblemen was Redding's brother and got us an alliance with Port County. The other one was Virgil, who had to flee his own Gulf County because the crown showed with 12k troops to kick him out. They had his wife, but now they killed her and his daugher and son-in-law. And he is quite sad.

The whole prophecy thing is that Fortune, our daughter, is cursed with seeing the future, but being blind by some weak goddess named Tetha. We managed to use hex weaving and druids to give her vision through her giant orc-eater python, and that pissed her off and sent demonic enforcers against the demon that blessed her vision. So now we are plotting to surprise those enforcers and turn the battle to that deity.

The prophecy says that Fortune dies when she marries to a king, and that Tetha will then get her power back.

Oh, and the cartel guy we are dating is going to spend his whole fortune on artifact cannons, totally unknown here, to give us enough firepower to destroy castles in less than an hour.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #351 on: May 01, 2016, 10:00:33 pm »

Turning the blacksmith shop into an enchanters forge is a good idea, I support whatever it takes to get that going.

The new demon vassal wants souls of smiths we just got a few didn't we.

Buy all four dragon eggs if we can, they were a symbol of the Gulf dynasty and giving some of the eggs away as gifts I still think would be a powerful gesture.

We could try ransoming the children through our family.  At the very least it looks like we cared enough to try and we can always offer to pay back a reasonable ransom to the family coffers.

I still want to go over with whoever might be relevant about setting up a rescue for the grandchildren in the next few days.  If it is not possible fine, but I want to at least see our options.

I say we buy the spy/assassin vampire and send him to spread vamprism among the enemy army.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #352 on: May 01, 2016, 10:06:24 pm »

So sounds like were doing pretty well for ourselves..

Except the Countess Kinkaid may be in the position to double cross us with her obvious ambitions.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #353 on: May 02, 2016, 12:37:49 am »

is the war going well or even started yet?
There's been a bit of shuffling and a current skirmish, but "the war" has not properly started yet, no. As mentioned, Countess Charlie Kinkaid is freeing up the crossing, while her husband Count Phineas Kinkaid is raiding and probing Silver County, where his foe is reportedly proving himself "a competent enemy." The other major war scuffle was Count Virgil Gulf being run off and his family executed; Count Virgil was bound by laws prohibiting keeping many soldiers, so it wasn't a fight. The one who did it is Clarence Rothwell, Gregory the Mayor's brother (I think) who was considerably angrier about his own family (the Rothwells) being massacred during the last war, so that was probably a form of revenge for that.

There's a lot of stuff we've been up to personally, but the major consistent points are a lot of demonic negotiations and potions. I can go into more detail if you'd like.

Do the thing with Pogpugrooog to gain leverage over Tetha.  I still think we should let the prophecy go through since that is what Fortune wants, but at least this way we get options.
Pog and Tetha

I say we politely decline Pog's offer of our hex sign just because it is about the fourth offer we got for our hex sign for free and so we will listen to an old business partner first, but we still agree with the plan.

Specifically, the whole plan about intimidating Tetha. Who knows? We may even get our own pet deity.

But first we want to talk with Pog about two things:
First, about the genus of those enforcers. To be prepared.
Second, as she would not be providing any hex sign to us, we want the other demon for ourselves. And we can choose which one.
We might want to discuss the exact ramifications of Tetha with anyone familiar with her, including Fortune. We'd like Fortune to keep her eyes, but we don't necessarily want Tetha weakened.

Get Axebeach and our Hex name from Tiv.

Bind the brain thing for our representative for say 3 years.  I am sure Ivy will be willing to do us a favor and bind him later.
Axebeach and our new vassal

Contact Haggen and say that we want to become the Overboss of Axebeach, and we are to communicate this way with him, we don't want him to send spies to talk to us, because those can be intercepted. We want our identity to remain concealed for as long as possible.

Contact Tiv and arrange for some terms in which our new vassal could sell the punisher golem souls, if Tiv would like them. Then communicte it to Niech.
I agree with getting Axebeach, and I like the direct communication method.

We should contact Clan Ivy, which could mean Crank/Rash or the demon network, to see if they have any interest in a Brain Being. Otherwise I don't think it's worth paying 30 souls and trying to convince Clan Ivy to accept him as kin just for a few years of leadership.

My big proposal is to try and arrange a rescue for the two grand children.  We have an invisible assassin, a contact with the best thieves in the duchy, a vampire merc and probably more people we could grab.  Lets have them try and rescue the kids and move them to Tradewind or anywhere else safe where they can recount to everyone how evil the new prince and his people are.  Also if we left behind a few vampires to spread the curse and eventually massacre the countesses mercs that might be helpful.
Virgil problems

I think that there is a huge problem with all attempts to rescue Virgil's family: The time needed to travel there. If it takes a week by horse to get to Port Lionfish in Port County. Victory Hold is likely too far away to reach in a reasonable amount of time.

Think about this: the bad news are going to come next week. This means between 7 and 14 days. And it already takes more than 7 days to reach this place from Victory Hold, which means that Virgil's children could be already dead. So, there is no way we can go there to save Virgil's children in time, unless we do some serious space travelling through the multiverse, but to do that we need a gate to a demon realm. So, we are fucked.

So I propose some form of damage mitigation:

-Contingency plan: no matter what we do, we put Tiv's soul stealing curse on Virgil. I don't want him to die, but there may be no other choice.
-Weak but human plan: we just help him with what we can, we try to distract him with archeological findings or whatever. Maybe we could send Joy to help him. I don't know if we have someone who could help him with that.
-Strong but not so human plan: We use Tiv's memory curse to make him forget about his family. I really don't want to do this, but we may not have another choice if we can't prevent his suicide.

Any other thoughts?

As for a means of getting the documents, I would say that we should start by consulting the goblin scribe, then Gregory, then the market, and then our family. But please, not our Great-gradfather. It will piss off Tiv.
Yeah, unless somebody in Clarence's employ has access to a projection stage, we can't possibly reach in time. And even then it's unlikely. I knew we should have sent him a letter or something.

I don't think we'll need to rely on supernatural means to calm Virgil down; Fortune says he'll attempt it, not that he'll succeed. That said, we should definitely try to keep him surrounded by friends and accomplishments.

Business with Lou

I like the idea of the Elf brothers, but I guess that we should discuss this with both Redding and Lou.

I like payment in souls, and if she can spare some right now, it would be better. I guess that we could place Tiv's curse in her, and make our trusted Plague Devil have a balance of the souls she sends us. But we would prefer them to be in the Physical kind, if possible.

I don't like the idea of Trevor being the first vampire. Too much power given to Lou. I'd rather have someone more neutral, like those elfs.

While useful, I don't like the idea of assassinations.
More or less my feelings. Remember also that unless Trevor is skilled in dark magic, he'd have to kill every time he feeds, which is inconvenient. I see no harm in giving her Tiv's curse, or the curse of anyone else we might want to do business with.

Potion class

Get them to make a potion. Practice makes things more interesting.

New properties

Have Caddor see what he can about those things we have. He could start an enchanting enterprise, and we have the capital to organize something. We also know people with the know-how, like Snakeyes and the dwarf apprentice. About the housing, maybe he can rent them or sell them.

Also tell Caddor that we can get some drowish slaves for souls, and that one is an enchanter. With Lou's tribute we may have enough for zome of them.

About the orphans, offer them work as helpers in either potioncrafting or whatever thing Caddor organizes.

And meet with that half-breed and ask him what he is.
Looks good.

(Also, I just noticed that in Angie Pence I made a female member of the supposedly all male inquisition. Cookie to the person who comes up with the best story to explain away my mistake.)
Angie's childhood home, located on a plantation somewhat deeper in the jungle than normal for humans, was always home to peculiar sights and sounds late at night. A visiting inquisitor was able to confirm these sightings but unable to track them down, and his investigations elsewhere began to yield troubling clues. Little Angie, claiming to go play with the things at night, was his best lead, but her "friends" seemed understandably skittish when he tried using the girl as bait. He eventually resorted to teaching her inquisitorial basics in an attempt to use her against them and keep her from becoming some kind of sympathizer or host, a reasoning that carried through with his superiors regarding formal training and induction. Though the strange things seemed to fade from her home after she left, her deep interest in the dark has remained.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #354 on: May 02, 2016, 06:09:53 am »

We might want to discuss the exact ramifications of Tetha with anyone familiar with her, including Fortune. We'd like Fortune to keep her eyes, but we don't necessarily want Tetha weakened.

To be fair, if this goes well, then she won't be weak, because we will just extortionate her. Hell, she may be the nexus between us and Denzel, and we may be able to stop the war even before it happens.

The ramifications are like this: she is a concubine to the powerful hammerhead of Clan Shark, but likely a really unimportant one. She also whores out to some deity named Yukmondor. She may call the help of either of those, but it doens't seem really likely from either the all-powerfull-with-too-many-asses-around god, or that other one that just pays for her. Either way, we can play the card "But she's cheating you!" and make them fight each other.

We should contact Clan Ivy, which could mean Crank/Rash or the demon network, to see if they have any interest in a Brain Being. Otherwise I don't think it's worth paying 30 souls and trying to convince Clan Ivy to accept him as kin just for a few years of leadership.

I'm never against getting more information

I don't think we'll need to rely on supernatural means to calm Virgil down; Fortune says he'll attempt it, not that he'll succeed. That said, we should definitely try to keep him surrounded by friends and accomplishments.

That's what I propose to do first. But we need contingencies in case this goes south. Then the hexing starts.

More or less my feelings. Remember also that unless Trevor is skilled in dark magic, he'd have to kill every time he feeds, which is inconvenient. I see no harm in giving her Tiv's curse, or the curse of anyone else we might want to do business with.

We should give her Ovinsial's hex so that she may into our network.

Angie's story

I had thought something similar regarding her childhood, but with her actually going to train to the Inquisition's place and taking hormonal potions to prevent development. So she basically ended her training as an adrogynous child-faced girl. But I guess that yours works too.

Wild idea: we get Fiend's Lung equipement for Dublin so that he and Yaugur can go around killing demons.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #355 on: May 02, 2016, 10:58:31 am »

(Just a quick update this time with information on Binding and Axebeach. I'm going to be a bit more spotty than usual with my updates through Wedensday the 11th, as I got something big going on in my live TTRPG that I run and several birthday and graduation celebrations coming up on the calendar. The only days I'm sure I'll have my usual time for this in that span are this Thursday and Friday, and next Monday, but that dosn't mean those are the only days I'll give you anything...)

2334th Year of Man, 5th Month, 11th Day:


"Alright Geraldine, I'll agree to take the souls. I'd prefer to get them physically, but take my Hex Sign."

Grabbing her arm, you apply the hex sign of Tivavarav to the vampire. The two of you then agree that she will begin building her brood and sending you payment as soon as the situation with Trevor Wikes has been resolved. You are free to either pay her a visit or send word through Redding once you are sure you know what you want to do.


You inform Pogpugrooog that you have another deal you can make to get your own Hex sign soon, but otherwise agree to the plan. As she will not be providing the Hex, you inform her that you will be taking your choice of the goons for yourself. The succubus agrees, on the condition that if you cannot control the demon to your satisfaction, you give it to her. She then notes that Yaas can conceal itself in the shadows of the Abyss for two weeks without rest, and will be safe for at least that long, so you do have some time to prepare.

2334th Year of Man, 5th Month, 12th Day:


Over breakfast, you ask Redding about the Redvine brothers, and what he thinks about putting them in charge of the mercenaries, and passing along Lou's concern regarding stable leadership.

Redding considers the idea, and informs you of some of the ups and downs it might carry with it, spreading some gossip along the way. "They are both old friends of mine, and they knew Sylvester pretty well to boot, so I think they would be loyal to his family and memory. The four of us worked for Trevor's father together while while Sylvester and I were teenagers. They are dependable, charismatic, and own the majority share in one of the larger mercenary companies here in town. The only issue I see with them is that they rather dislike the Hortons, each for his own reasons."

He sighs, and gives you the rundown. "Hawkbeak is the younger brother, but has been in Redleaf Duchy longer. Before he became a mercenary, he was master-at-arms to Greg Rothwell's grandfather for half a decade. He actually defected from our side in Sylvesters war, near the end when we had the damn thing won, to try and stop Archibald from putting down the Rothwells. I actually had to calm him down a few days back when he found out you were bringing Archie back, but I don't think he'd pull something stupid just because you are aiding somebody he dislikes. He isn't like Trevor in that regard."

He takes a deep breath. "Out of curriosity, did Sylvester ever tell you anything about Falconeye? The older brother."

A frown crosses your face. "Not by name." When you grilled your husband about his sex life after finding out about Glen, he had told you there had been two other boyfriends during the time he was married to you, but that he broke those relationships off after getting involved with Count Horton. You never got names, but he did say that one was an elf who did mercenary work out of Roe River County.

"Yeah.... The short version is that he was the first Glen Horton," Redding sighs, "he is actually... very fond of you. He was one of the fiddle players at your wedding, and unsuccessfully tried to talk Sylvester into telling you the truth and sharing you with him when you two first got married. Glen is another story, the reason Sylvester cut Falconeye off. He's actually lobbying me to give him permission to kill Glen, arguing that he is a liability to us. Again, he isn't Trevor, and he wouldn't pull the trigger on that without my blessing."

He chuckles, trying to lift the mood, "He is fond of your children as well, so I'm going to have my hands full keeping him off my wife, come to think of it. But all the baggage aside, if I'm not going to be running the show, I'd rather it be them than Ms. Lou. I like the lady, but there is just something... off... about her."

Not entirely what you had hoped to hear, but still an endorsement nonetheless. With Horton's troops under Kinkaid control, you doubt that even if the elves did do something stupid regarding Glen, it would harm your cause all that much.

As Friday is the day you take off from teaching potions, you head to the cave very early to attend to some demonic business. As luck would have it, the tentacle demon returns from its hunting trip just as you approach the entrance. You had been kind of afraid that it would turn up again at an inopportune moment. You spend a few minutes with the creature to get a read on it.

The beast lives to serve its master, and its inherent telepathy allows it to react to your whims on a moments notice. Keeping it around has its dangers, however, as the demon might act to meet your desires in situations where restraint is called for. It is large and powerful enough to take on six average mortals in melee combat at once, and its venom ensures those who escape its grasp initially will not get far. The venom is a unique substance, both neroutoxic and slightly telepathic - it knows the brain waves of the demon's master, and will cause her no harm. The creature can envelop you completely as a protective measure, and the worst its venom barbs will do to you is scratch you up a bit. You instruct it to dwell in the cave for now.

With the lesser demon handled, you call Ovinsial, and ask him to relay a message to your friend Haggen; You accept the role of Overboss of Axebeach. It takes Haggen the better part of an hour to reach his summoning circle after Ovinsial gets in touch with one of his wives, but once he arrives, you have a good discussion on the matter with him. It is strange swearing fealty to an old friend, or even just talking to him through a demon, but once you get past the formalities, the two of your have a good discussion. When you mention that you would like to keep all communication through this channel, Haggen informs you that he thinks the Pharaoh gets a transcript of all important discussions regarding goblin politics, but he is otherwise fine with this arrangement.

He then gives you a rundown of your new assets.

Axebeach Dump
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You conclude the discussion by asking Haggen to send the offered mercenaries to North Bank City, and he agrees to do just that. If you are willing to risk your identity, he could have them there much faster by using some of Axebeach's ships to drop them off along the Coast of Southjiungle County.

Finishing up with Haggen, you call upon Tivavarav next, and inform him you have completed the deal and know control a goblin gang. You then tell your old partner that Niechbaux might be looking to unload some souls fit to make punisher golems soon. He thanks you for the tip, and then invites you into the circle to receive your own Hex Sign.

Once again, you let Tivavarav's hand through the circle, to grab your leg and guide you through the process of weaving the Hex. It feels cold and heavy on your soul, a bit unnatural even, but you can feel power there as well.

The hex of a mortal with a normally structured soul can be used to render beings with abnormal soul structures more vulnerable to magical control by that mortal. Druids, Necromancers, and even some elementalists can find use for this, but it is most commonly used by summoners; If a binder's hex sign is applied to a demon, that binder can bend the two most basic rules of demonic contracts when trying to control it. The first rule is that the demon must consent to the terms, and the second is that the contract is only effective while both beings remain in the same realm. How far these rules will bend depends largely on the strength of the demon, the strength with which the hex is woven, and how skilled the binder is at leveraging his or her own hex.

The most skilled binders can trick completely hostile greater demons into touching them, hex them, and turn them into vassals or slaves in a heartbeat, and retain control even after sending the demon back home. You have a ways to go before you reach that level, but you are sure that you can use your hex to push some demons around, especially if you combine it with other forms of control such as seduction or intimidation.

After taking a few seconds to adjust to the hex, you thank Tivavarav, and then ask about borrowing Yaugur to ambush some demons for Pogpugrooog. He considers the question, before telling you that he will let you use the Balrog for non-contract off-realm work.

"Your father convinced me to go all in on you Maeris. Make him proud."


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #356 on: May 02, 2016, 12:57:53 pm »

About the info dumps: I don't know if putting all that info in an online document is going to save us much time. The amount and variety of it lends itself to a more fragmented, wiki-style storage. But as creating a wiki would be too much work, I propose just having a post with the links to all info dumps and relevant information.

About how busy is the GM, I suppose that we could do this: agree on one particular important action that we want to do, and then vote on that, so that the GM can write something interesting that is hopefully not too long. Also, we can agree on smaller questions that can be answered in-game that don't take the GM a lot of time to write.

So, I propose an action to focus on: Pog's ambush. If you want something else to focus on, please say so. I'm going to say the plan I have for it:

Minor in-game question: we ask Yaugur how easily could he protect us in the demon realm if we want to make physical contact with the demons he defeats. We tell him that we have access to Fiend's Lung.

If he can, we request from Niech enough clothing to let us be in the demon realm for some time and when he delivers it to us, we organize the ambush.

If the ambush is successful, Yaugur or Pog will call us and we will summon ourselves there to bind the demons via touch, then quickly leave.

How about that?

Or do you prefer to not risk getting into the demon realm yet? Or maybe practice some binding while fishing with Dublin first?


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #357 on: May 02, 2016, 08:40:42 pm »

Or do you prefer to not risk getting into the demon realm yet? Or maybe practice some binding while fishing with Dublin first?

Hows about we invite Dublin along on the jaunt to the demon realm, nothing like an inquisitor to make demon binding awkward.

I would be into fishing first with Dublin to practice binding.  Might impress the heck out of him also.

We should see what it would take to get him into a lead role in the local inquisition, maybe if he helped take down those nasty were-lemurs?

That info dump...  Only thing I can say for certain now is having 20,000 untrained troops just for the excuse of taking their souls is silly.  Same with sacrificing most of the metal worker grads.  We should change the policy to give better training and keep more metal workers alive for making weapons and armor. 

Also we should totally have our goblins re-enforce the Orcish clan.  Then if they do not cooperate...


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #358 on: May 02, 2016, 09:29:37 pm »

Or do you prefer to not risk getting into the demon realm yet? Or maybe practice some binding while fishing with Dublin first?

Hows about we invite Dublin along on the jaunt to the demon realm, nothing like an inquisitor to make demon binding awkward.

I was thinking about doing this later. But we have to consult Yaugur first. After all, it was his idea to have inquisitors hunting demons in the Abyss. But I don't trust Dublin not to go full "I wanna kill da demons" and kill himself. I think that we have to trick him and brainwash some way. Maybe by the "Open your soul to the demon" thing that we knew to never do.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #359 on: May 02, 2016, 11:29:42 pm »

Uh didn't Dublin give us 3 demons as a courting gift and take some classes on the dark arts?  He seems like a practical inquisitor and in the past they have been known to work with allied dark mages.  Let's not be cursing him when we could just as easily work to ensure his top place in his church and through him convince the church that we are not a threat and in fact an asset.
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