Please do not quote, thank you:
I have the possibility to get an actual real estate attorney job in house, which would rock. It would be the answer to my long nightmare that comes from having a conscience and ethics... and essentially turning in people for utterly atrocious behavior that got them convicted and jailed.
The problem, the HR person is a bit overzealous. I've noted privilege being a great big gag order I can't break. She doesn't seem to get it.
She doesn't seem to like that I said I've done over $100 Million in real estate transactions.... Start with the slow pitch
Look, if you sell 5 houses at $200,000 a pop, then that's $1,000,000.... Deed work, purchase agreement/land contract, easements, etc. I've done this stuff for years, and that's just single family homes. Apartment buildings easily sell for $1,000,000 (depending on number of units, occupancy etc).
Commercial buildings go for a few Million, and Industrial..... Yeah.
What I'm saying isn't hard to get really. I've probably dealt in transactions of well over that amount, if we're talking value of the property, easy.
Even if you want to talk about the amount of money I've generated in fees (sadly for my old bosses and not for myself), we're talking an absolute crapload. $100 / deed x 3,000 deeds a year was $300,000 I made him on deeds alone.... (and I got exactly nothing of that). That's just deeds, never mind the cases, or purchase contracts, or leases, or anything else. Off the deeds alone, if I made him $300,000 a year for 5 years, then that's $1.2 Million I made my boss over 5 years... just on deeds alone.
I absolutely have done everything I'm claiming to have done, but damned if I can show her proof of it, because a.) old boss has retired and everything, b.) annoying privilege (yeah, even the transfer papers for the house or building or whatever), and c.) Jesus, there's been so much of it over the years that tracking it all down and accounting for it would be a full time job right here.
What do I do with this HR woman? Do I draft up a report or something giving her generalities (because what else could I do)? Something else? I don't get her. I understand they've had some verification issues with other people in the past but really?
I just really want/need, and dare I say deserve this job.... I just can't sit there and brag about all I've done. That's kinda frowned upon.
What do I even do?