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Author Topic: Giving Dennis Blue Balls - a Custom Robo Arena let's play  (Read 7735 times)


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Giving Dennis Blue Balls - a Custom Robo Arena let's play
« on: January 17, 2016, 02:53:15 pm »


     No clue why I decided to do this game, but I guess I remember some plan to play it at a friends house during one of our many hangouts.  This is also gonna be blind, though I have poked in a bit just to see if my computer could run it without my loud-ass CPU fan turning on and pissing me off.  So uhh... "let's get on with it", shall we?
First of all, after hitting the new game button, we need a name, and because I can see myself getting salty about this game I've named our character after the epitome of saltiness, Randall.

Afterwords, we get a brief fight completely out of nowhere(also I don't know how to embed videos so here's a link)
And, as usual with these things, it's all a dream!  We wake up, roll out of bed, and get dressed in this years latest Jojo.

After exiting out room, we are approached by our... family member.

Tamara: "Ready for your first day at a new school?  Let's go downstairs and get some breakfast.  We wouldn't want you to be late!"
Still not clear on exactly what our relation to her is, we follow Tamara downstairs.
Tamara: "There you are!  Dad said he wanted a word with you.  You'd better go talk to him." (well I guess that solves one mystery.)

We find our father wearing what appears to be a suit vest OVER his tie

Dad: "Have I got a surprise for you!  Well, not a surprise really, since you've always wanted one, but... oh here!  A custom robo!  A shining fighter model, to be specific, it's a Ray MK II.  Got mom's permission first, of course...

We then receive our snazzy looking robo, and many a standard part comes with it.

Mom:"Just make sure you stay out of trouble, Randall!"

Dad: "Oh, that reminds me.  Here, this is for you too.  It's a customization garage, so you can swap out parts on your Robo.  I also got you a cleaning cloth, be sure to keep your robo good and polished1... If you let your robo get dirty it could really affect the overall performance1..." We also get a cellphone because apparently I didn't have one in this future year of 20-billion or something yet.

After eating a healthy breakfast of Robo-O's, we get a little insight on who the hell we are.

Tamara:"So Randall, you must be happy, hm?  Now that you've got your very own custom robo, you're one step closer to realizing your dream!

Dad:"You... do still want to join the police force, right, Randall?"
Ah... the police force.  The unstoppable power of a badge and a gun beckons us.

Tamara:"Good luck!" I don't know if she's being sarcastic or not, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

Conversation about how the Custom Robos aren't dangerous2 and how they are powered by your mind3 goes on for a while, before Tamara and Dad leave for... work I guess.  Finishing our breakfast, we leave our home and emerge, eyes bleary at how god-awfully suburban our neighborhood is.  Wandering around some more, it seems all exits from this section of town are blocked, either by chatting housewives, construction, or two kids charging up kamehamehas or something.

We stop in front of the school, ready to face whatever quirky hi-jinks we can get into in this more-anime-than-I-thought game.

1. Actual gameplay tip
2. Complete lie
3. Pretty wiz.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2016, 10:16:39 pm by Cthulufaic »


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Re: RANDALL PLEASE - a Custom Robo Arena let's play
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2016, 03:28:59 pm »

7/10 Has much more memorable sigs but casts them to the realm of sigtexts.

Indeed, I do this.


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Re: RANDALL PLEASE - a Custom Robo Arena let's play
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2016, 07:20:35 pm »

oh no! whatever will I do?!  The only thing I can think of is PUT OUT AN UPDATE.  Also I'm using colored text to differentiate between important people, because I forget if there is a 20 pics per post limit or not.

Our surprisingly rich and snobby looking school

Welcome to Midgarheart!  Our high school(because it is always a high school).  It's surprisingly clean for a school, maybe they've invented everything-proof paint in the future.  Talking to people doesn't really get us any information, other than we are a transfer student(because we are always a transfer student) and that they don't know us, so we head inside.

Clerk: "Ah, you must be the transfer student.  Here's your school ID and a map, just in case you get lost.  You're in class B.  Your room is right down the hall to the right."
It seems that we're expected, since our teacher is standing outside the door.

But before we get a chance to head inside...

"Aaaah! I'm late, I'm late!" Ooh, a girl? I am intrigued, game.

And an important character at that!

Stubbs: "Hey! Hold it right -- oh, that Liv!  She'll be the death of me!  Sorry, Randall, that Liv can be a real pest.  Anyway, let's introduce you to the class."

We walk into a surprisingly small class, where computers are built into each desk and there's a big-ass TV instead of a white-board.  Huh, I guess this really is the future, cause today there'd be NO WAY anyone would pay attention if they had a computer and access to the internet in class.

Stubbs: "All right, everyone.  I'd like to introduce you to Randall.  He's a transfer student, and today is his first day so make him feel welcome.  Now, where can we seat you...."

A student in a t-shirt with a popped collar you could hang-glide on speaks up.

(He looks REALLY cocky with his eyes closed, though I didn't mean to get the pic that way.)

Stubbs: "Ah, there you go, Randall.  You can take a seat next to Dennis in the front row."
I can already imagine years of bullying because his name sounds like Denice, so we can already assume he's a wimpy nerd or something.

Dennis: "Hiya, Randall.  I'm Dennis, nice to meet you.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask.  I mean, we're neighbors now, right?"

Stubbs: "If you're all ready, boot up your PCs and we'll begin today's lesson."

And so, Randall's classes began.

After class ends, we poke around and find out something interesting, aside from Liv being a shit student.  Apparently, the school Robo tournament is coming up soon!  That's neat, might actually get some robo gameplay going on before we die of dysentery.  We talk to Dennis, and find out that he's into that stuff too.

Dennis: "So, Randall, are you into custom robos?  You interested in robo battles?" He really sounds like he's on the verge of gushing on us about it.
Dennis: "Really?! Oh! Oh! Then, you should check out our team!  I'm in a custom robo team, only we're short on members.  I'm kinda busy today, but we can talk more about it tomorrow.  See ya!"

Walking outside, there appears to be some commotion coming from the courtyard.

I don't know a single sport with a 3 man team.

Boy: Why don't you just call it quits now, before you get totally humiliated!
Dennis: "Woah hey, little early to write us off, don't you think?"
Liv: "Yeah, what do you care how many people we've got on our team?"

Ooh, new character.

Bull: "Keep picking losers and we'll change your team name from Numero Uno to, uhh... Numero Lame-o! Yeah... So why don't you quit your loser team and be my support instead?"
Liv: "Ha! Not a chance! See, I've got a thing against thugs like you who prefer brawn over brains in a robo battle."  Ahh... this trope again.  A classic for sure.
Bull: "What are you talking about?  You can't THINK the living tar outta someone!  You gotta have strength if you wanna win! Strength is everything!"
Liv: "See what I mean? You think you can punch your way through every battle! There's no skill in that! There's no style!  A true commander uses their brains to take out her foes! Brains beat brawn any day!"
Bull: "Yeah, and how many battles have you won? Oh yeah, NONE! Yeah, you totally convinced me!"
Liv: "You want convincing?! You got it! Warren! Take him out!" Maybe he'd be more convinced if you fought your own battles, lady.

Warren, it seems, had the same idea.

Liv: "Hey! Wait! Warren, where are you going?!"
Bull: "Ha ha ha ha! Oh that's rich, that's real good... and then there were two!  So who's next? Dennis? Or how about you, Liv? You wanna take his place?"
"Heh, so the last commander's got no backbone huh? You guys make me laugh.  Anyone wanna give these losers a little help? Maybe you oughta grab a freshman for some fresh meat on your team! ... Nobody? Huh. Seems like nobody cares if your team just dries up and blows away, Liv."

Liv: "Urrgh..."

After all that dialogue, we finally regain control of our character.  Seeing as nobody is blocking the exit, I slip outside of school and... nothing.  Huh.  You can just... leave.  There's nothing to do except go back and advance the plot, which I do by talking to Liv.

Liv: "Hey, it's... you!"
Dennis: "Yeah, the new kid in our class... Randall, right?"
Liv: "So, did I hear you right? You're willing to fight for us?"
Bull:"Woah, Liv, you're not serious are you?  Look at this guy!  He's a total amateur!  You're not really gonna make him fight, are you?  He might get... you know, hurt." Bull seems like a nice guy compared to Liv at this point.
Liv: "Did I ask for your opnion?  I said I'd let him do it!  Say... Randall, I hate to ask but... you do own a custom robo, right?"
Dennis: "Um, Randall... are you at all familiar with the robo cube you got?"
Dennis: "Let me run it down for you then.  Custom robos stay in their cube form whenever they're not in a battle."
Liv: "Wait a minute... you haven't even done your eye-scan registration yet!" The whatsit?
Dennis: "I knew I had a bad feeling about this..."
Liv: "It's OK.  No need to worry.(Not for you, anyway!) I'll explain it all. yadda yadda register yadda yadda stare into it's laser eyes yadda yadda.  Got that?"

We do the ice-tan recitation or whatever.

Liv: "OK! We're ready to roll!!"
Bull: "Terry! Go get him!"
Terry: "You got it boss!"
Liv: "What's this Bullshit? Not gonna fight him?"
Bull: "Why should I? This guy's a total newbie, and I'm a team captain.  I don't wanna hurt him." Dang, the dumb-but-strong trope guy is surprisingly likable.
Liv: "Gah! You're so arrogant!  OK, Randall, take him out!"

And now we get to the meaty center of this roast beef sandwich of a game we call Custom Robo Arena, the combat.

First, the screen shows the opponent's robo and lists the parts it uses.

Then, it shows the battle arena and gives us options to change our parts in the garage, see the enemy info again, or battle.

And then, WE BATTLE(fuck i forgot i left the cursor on the screen.)
Well, I guess I could explain how battle do.  There are 4 basic attacks, Gun, Pod, Bomb, and Melee.  Everything except your melee attack depends on what part you use, while melee is based on your model of robo.  At the end, you get scored on how much HP you had left, how long the battle took, and how high your largest combo was.  These decide how many star points or whatever you get and how much moolah you earn.

Anyway, we whoop Terry's ass.

Bull: "Wait what?!  Terry, you lost to a first-timer!?"
Dennis: "Woo-hoo! Good work, Randall!"
Liv: "Good work Randall! Was that really your first battle?  Because that was impressive!"
Bull: "That did NOT just happen!  You're a ringer, aren't you? Amateurs don't fight like that! ALL RIGHT, BUDDY! I challenge you!" Bring it on, big man, I'm ready to whoop-- hmm?

Mr Stubbs bringing out the karate or what?

Bull: "Oh shoot, stubby's coming. Looks like you got off easy this time, Randall! We'll continue this at the school tournament!  But if you lose... team Numero Uno's gotta break up! Got it?!" That's a stupid team name by the way, Liv.
Liv: "What happens if you lose?"
Bull: "Hey, if I lose, I'll do whatever you want... cuz there's no chance I'm gonna lose! Ha!"
Liv: "It's a deal!  The day after tomorrow, it's on!" Wait holy shit I just started and we're doing a local tournament?  Hold up let me think about this for a second, uh, GET BONED aight see ya--
Bull: "Hey Randall! You better show up, cuz I owe you a pounding!" Shit.
Dennis: "Liv, what are you doing, making a promise like that? And to that thickheaded thug?! I know there's only the two of us left, but I still don't want the team to break up!"
Liv: "Two? What are you talking about, silly? We've got Randall on our team now!"
Dennis: "Don't get me wrong, I mean, we NEED more members on our team.  I just need to know Randall's committed.  Will you help us?" As I said, GET BONED, but the game wont let us progress until we say yes, like a bitch.



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Re: RANDALL PLEASE - a Custom Robo Arena let's play
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2016, 10:51:39 pm »

Fuck it, I have the time, I might as well get this shit done while I can.


Dennis:"Really?! Oh, cool... I can't tell you how grateful we are."
Liv:"Ok, listen up, Randall.  I could tell at first glance that you're pretty new to this... but I saw something in you, and I've decided you've got... Well, you've got "it."  You're rough around the edges, but I think I can clean you up to be a great robo commander."
Dennis:"Wow... I've never heard you say that about anyone before."
Liv:"You've got a lot of spirit.  You jumped right in and offered to fight without hesitation.  You!  A total rookie!  See, that's what I like to hear.  The most important thing a commander can have is the will to fight.  I could feel it inside you."
Dennis:"Oh, so that's why you were so willing to make that bet with Bull?  You saw the same sort of skill in Randall that Eddy has?"
Liv:"Psh! My brother had his chance!  Anyway, we'd better get on with our training."
Dennis:"Yeah.  We've got a lot of training to do and only two days to do it!"
Liv:"Let me show you to our room, Randall."

We walk just around the corner to find the building.

Liv:"Here we are! Welcome to our clubhouse."

Liv:"Welcome to Numero Uno's clubhouse!" I still hate that name.
Dennis:"Bull's team has a much better clubhouse than we do.  I guess your team has to win a few matches before you get any of the good spaces, huh?"
Liv:" We do have our own holosseum deck... honestly what more do we need?  Here's the deal, Randall.  That guy you fought belongs to one of the other robo teams.  They call themselves the Grapple Gang.  We've got sort of a rivalry going on, because we both want to represent the school... And honestly we're the only ones good enough to do it."
Dennis:"And Liv and Bull are so stubborn that neither one is willing to back off."
Liv:"I'm not the stubborn one!  Ok, it's time to start training!"
Dennis:"Whatever you say, Liv."
Liv:"Before we start, Randall, there's something I need to tell you.  I... I can't actually command a robo myself.  See, when you "dive" into a custom robo, your mind is transferred into the robo.  And I just don't have the ability to dive like other commanders can.  I don't like it, but I'm stuck with it."  Well, I guess that makes sense as to why get other people to fight your battles.  But still, don't talk big if you can't back it up yourself.
Dennis:"But Liv's great at support, Randall, so even if she can't fight, she's still valuable.  She's got the know-how to make you into a top-notch commander."
Liv:"...How come nobody else can see that?  They all just up and quit."
Dennis:"iv can be a little... Strict.  Harsh Even. Or... downright mean, for that matter."
Liv:"But you can take it, right, Randall?  You look tough."
Dennis:"Liv, it's not right to scare him.  He'll be plenty scared once he gets to know you better."
Liv:"Ok, Randall, let's do this.  Stand in front of the deck when you're ready."

Now that we have control, I look around and see that this is actually a pretty nice room.

Anyway, we start up this match and oh man.

Dennis is bringing the heat!  His robo isn't anything special, just a different base model to ours but with the same parts.

Anyway, we WHOOP HE ASS

Dennis:"Looking good there, Randall." Quite an understatement you got there, huh?
Liv:"Good work, Randall.  I've got a little something for you. Here! You earned it!
Uh, were you even watching? "Good work" cannot describe how badly I beat him.  Maybe he's just really, really, really, shit.  Anyway, we get some nifty parts.

Dennis:"What should we do next?  Fighting me over and over again won't improve Randall." Nice work, Sherlock.
Liv:"Yeah... Hm.  He's gonna have to fight other commanders sooner or later...  You both wait here.  I'm gonna go scrounge up some worthy opponents."
Dennis:"Sheesh.  Once she sets her mind to something, there's no stopping her.  Do you know what guys see in girls like that?"
>I feel ya man.

Dennis:"Let me guess... you like how hard she works to get what she wants, huh?  You're helping her because you want to see all her hard work pay off or something, huh?  Liv's an awesome support, though.  You can't go wrong with her at your side.  She even helped the Robo Cup champ win the last big tournament!" Don't try and ship me in front of my face, or else we'll see just how durable that piece of plastic you call a robo is.
Liv:"OK, we're all set! Come on in!"
Two schmucks walk in.
Liv:"These two are both amateurs, kinda like you, Randall.  They should be perfect."  I wonder how you got them here...


Dennis:"See what I mean? When Liv wants something, she just grabs it... Let's get started then."
Liv:"You should test out those new parts I gave you, too."Oh, good idea.  This is a chance for me to show you the garage.

You can swap out parts, clean the robo, do some diorama thing, and save specific robo load-outs.  I replace our standard legs with the high-jump legs and keep everything else the same.

Here is our opponent's robo.
And here is me, WHOOPING ASS

Liv:"Not too shabby, Randall. Here."
We get even more parts.

We swap out our basic gun for the 3 way, and head into battle... but not before cleaning our robo!
Yes, if a part is dirty it will probably be bad(I don't know exact details, but I guess it's important since there are 3 different types of cleaning cloth(though no clue why you'd want to use a dirty one))

Anyway, now we fight.
Enemy robo
Whooped Ass

And I'll leave the aftermath for next time, as it it getting quite late and this post is getting quite long.



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Re: RANDALL PLEASE - a Custom Robo Arena let's play
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2016, 01:35:16 pm »

I am going to DROWN YOU IN UPDATES.  Also this game has a shitton more dialogue than I thought it would have.

Liv: "Great command, Randall.  I knew you were different.  I think you're ready to take on some more parts."

Liv: "Thanks for "volunteering," you two. Those were some good matches."
Dennis: "So, what do you think, Randall?  It's not easy taking on back-to-back battles, is it?  That's because you're not used to diving yet.  I bet you're exhausted, huh?"
>Nah, I'm pumped up man, keep the battles coming.
Liv: "Let's not overdo it for now.  We want you to be fresh for your battle against Bull.  So let's just call it a... hm?"
Oh, what's this?  It seems like Mr. Stubbs has walked in to the club house.

Liv: "Mr. Stubbs?"
Dennis: "What're you doing here?"
Mr. Stubbs: "I, er... oh I heard that Liv was looking for opponents to give Randall some practice..."
Liv: "...And you've been waiting for an opportunity to show off your custom robo, is that it?"
Mr. Stubbs: "How... how did you know?!"
Dennis: "How did she know? Come on, the whole school knows!  Everyone in town knows!  It's no secret."
Mr. Stubbs: "What!? But... I thought I'd been so discreet! Oh, I hope my wife doesn't know..."
Dennis: "Why wouldn't she?  I mean, she IS your wife, after all."
Mr. Stubbs: "She doesn't approve.  Custom robos cost a lot of money, and well, I've broken a lot already.  Besides, I'm supposed to be saving for our vacation, since she's been paying all the bills."  What a great man.  Hopefully being a teacher pays more in the future.
Liv: "Well, you're about the farthest thing from discreet on this whole campus...  Did you know that, whenever you dive, you scream like a baby?  You're all "Wheeeeehahahahaha!" It's kinda cute, but... it's kinda more freakish."
Mr. Stubbs: "Sigh... I guess it's only a matter of time before sweety finds out.  No point in keeping it a secret now, is there!"
Liv: "That's the spirit!  All right, Randall... one more battle."

Well, first of all we drop down a big boy save, then we clean our robo up and swap out some parts.

This is gonna be our loudout for this fight.

And we get ready to... uhh... you OK Stubbs?

Little young to have a stroke aren't you?

Anyway, here's his robo:

And here's the battle.

Mr. Stubbs: "Not bad!  Not bad at all!  But just you wait.  I've been inspired, and I'll beat you yet!  Thanks for that.  I had a lot of fun."
Afterwords, Mr. Stubbs leaves the clubhouse.

Liv: "All right, finally!  I think it's time to call it a day."
Dennis: "It's been a busy day today, Randall, but I think you learned a lot.  What should we do tomorrow?"
Liv: "Oh, I know!  I'll take you down to the Robocenter after class!" Ooh, Robocenter sounds cool.
Dennis: "Good ieda!  It's the perfect chance to meet some other robo commanders."
Liv: "I've got someone I want to introduce Randall to.  Someone very particular."
Dennis: "Huh... well, whatever.  What say we meet up in front of the school when class lets out?"
Liv: "Sounds like a plan!  And don't you worry, Randall!  Bull's nothing special.  You've got way more potential than he ever did.  Besides, we've got bigger goals in mind... like the Robo Cup!"
Dennis: "Bigger goals, huh?  See what I mean?  Liv's like that ALL THE TIME.  Oh, Randall, that reminds me... remember what we were talking about earlier?  Well, Liv's big brother, Eddy, was the champion of last year's Robo Cup tournament.  You knew that, right?"
>How would I have known that. How COULD I have known that.
Dennis: "No!? What, have you been living in a cave?  How can you know so little about custom robo?  OK, here's the deal.  Eddy was the commander, and Liv was his support.  They were the most feared and respected team around."
Liv: "Forget about it.  It's in the past."
Dennis: "Liv doesn't like to talk about it, obviously.  Liv, have you even talked to your brother once since he went overseas?"
Liv: "Yeah, once or twice..."
Dennis: "Liv's still mad at Eddy.  I don't think she'll ever forgive him for going away after the tournament."
Liv: "I'm not upset at my stupid brother!"
Dennis: "Uh... you don't have to yell."
Liv: "Randall is going to be a much better commander than eddy ever was.  I'm sure of it."
Dennis: "Whatever you say, Liv.  I'll just wait and see.  Anyway... we've got some cleaning to do around here.  Why don't you take off?" Ye of little faith?
Anyway, we leave the school and start heading home, but not before they change their minds and decide to follow me.

Dennis: "...we finally caught up."
Liv: "Say, Randall... wanna show us your place?"
>Usually I don't do this on the first date, but I'll make an exception.

Liv: "Awesome.  Lead the way!"
I take them the feet down the road to my house.
Dennis: "So, this is it, huh?"
Liv: "Huh... you're not too far from us."
The camera pans over to show Dennis and Liv's houses respectively.

Liv: "Tell you what... since you're so close maybe we can come and visit you sometime.  Anyway, I'm gonna take off.  See you guys later, OK?"
They both leave us, giving us a chance to look around town some.  I head to the park since I didn't explore it before, and uhh... well, let's just say it lives up to its name.

Anyway, heading inside our house we are greeted by our mother.

After sitting down, Dad and Tamara return from work.

Dad: "Honey, we're home!"
Tamara: "What a day!"
Mom: "Have a seat you two, dinner is just about ready!" Dad and Tamara take their seats and it seems dinner is served(gods this really IS a JRPG isn't it?)
Dad: "Mmmm! Looks delicious, as usual, honey."
Tamara: "I'm famished!!"
Mom: "Eat up."
Dad: "So, munch, munch... How was your first day at school, Randall?  Fun?"
Tamara: "Did you make lots of friends?"
>I guess those two count?
Dad: "I knew you would, son!  Moving can be rought, but I didn't think you'd have any trouble.  Good work."
Tamara: "Wow! That's my little brother!"
Mom: "That's great, Randall. So.  How's work?  Everything going smoothly?"
Dad: "Well, we've got a lot of adjusting to do, too, but for the most part, we're doing fine."
Mom: "I'm glad to hear that."

We finish our meal, which I assume was today's specialty soylent.

Tamara: "Whew, that meal was fab!"
Dad: "Delicious as always."
Mom: "I'm glad you enjoyed it."
Tamara: "I'm going to get ready for bed.  Don't stay up too late, Randall."

Well, that actually sounds like a nifty idea.  We head off to our room to get ready for the next day.

It's amazing how much can happen during your first day at school.  Don't worry, there is time, the salt will flow.  And when it does, WE BE BONED.


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Re: RANDALL PLEASE - a Custom Robo Arena let's play
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2016, 08:04:05 pm »

Ahhh, this game. I remember little about it, other than...

...actually I remember next to nothing. Not even the characters. Only an unlockable mode after beating the main story.
Quote from: Max White
And lo! Sirus did drive his mighty party truck unto Vegas, and it was good.

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Re: RANDALL PLEASE - a Custom Robo Arena let's play
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2016, 10:11:11 pm »

Ahhh, this game. I remember little about it, other than...

...actually I remember next to nothing. Not even the characters. Only an unlockable mode after beating the main story.
Yeah... the characters are pretty much what you'd find in any of those Bakugan/Yu-gi-oh GX kinda shows.  Anyway, ON WITH THE UPDATE( also half-way through I decide to use a visual filter thing so please give feedback on if you want the original or with the filter )

We awake from our bed and don our clothes, ready to face a new day.

Heading downstairs, it seems everyone is waiting for us to join them for some breakfast.

Taking our seat, conversation naturally shifts to discussing our school life.

Mom: "Today's only your second day at the new school, so be sure to pay attention to your teacher!  And remember, school comes first!  You mustn't let those robos interfere with your studies."
Dad: "You better listen to the boss, Randall!  Ha ha ha ha!  But I do hope you'll manage to squeeze in some training too!"
Mom: "All I'm asking is that you don't overdo it, all right?"
Dad: "Diving consumes lots of energy, so be sure to take breaks every so often."
Tamara: "Oh don't worry. If I see him fighting too many robo battles, I'll give him a noogie."  Too bad my +2 Jojojacket gives invulnerability to noogies.
Mom: "You're not really making me feel any better, Tama."
Dad: "Ah, look at the time."
Tamara: "Looks like we better go.  Thanks for breakfast, Mom."
They both head out, so I guess Tamara works at Dad's business.  Wonder what kind of jobs they have... probably not important though, they might own a hamburger stand downtown for all it matters.
Mom: "You better be on your way, too, Randall."

We head off, and look around town some more to see if we can leave this one square-mile we're stuck in.  Unfortunately, all the exits are still blocked, but the western one for a different if slightly more worrying reason...

Criminal problems eh?  I guess putting combat robots in the hands of the public was a bad idea, eh gentlemen?  Speaking of combat, I spot this guy next to our school and have a chat.

It seems like there are loads of people around town who will battle with you if you ask nicely.  Well, why not?  We battle the guy, and he's a pushover(like every fight so far)

His robo is nothing special.


In the school courtyard, there another dude who wants to battle.  He has the exact same robo as Dennis, though at least he doesn't get JV 5-stock'ed. <Battle>

Afterwords, we head inside and find out what Mr. Stubbs is up to.
Huh.  Same old same old I guess.

There's yet ANOTHER dude wanting to battle outside our classroom.  Jeez, now that we know how to use our robo, there aren't enough closets for people to come out of!

Here is his robo:


Anyway, heading into class we talk to people and find out something actually interesting.

Girl: "People say there's a training area up there for police officers.  You can see them going up and down on the mountain sometimes.  I don't remember seeing any buildings up there.  Do you think they sleep out in the open?"
Intriguing, Mt. Slight Breeze sounds like somewhere plot would happen.  Too bad we can't get to it yet.

Yadda yadda, class happens

After class, we explore the school some more and find Bull his clubhouse, which is far more equipped for robo battling but less equipped for being a clubhouse.

Bull: "What's this? Reconnaissance?  Ha ha ha ha! Well, whatever floats your boat.  But if I were you, I'd worry more about your lack of training!  You better not disappoint me... or Liv!"  Huh, he really wants a good, fair fight.  This guy is way more interesting than Sieve and Tennis.  Speaking of which, I was supposed to meet them outside the school.

Liv: "We were waiting for you, Randall."
Dennis: "Have you been to the Robocenter in town, Randall?" No, that's why we're going, because I haven't gone yet.
Liv: "The Robocenter is where commanders go to polish up their moves.  If you're going to be a part of this team, you should get to know the place as soon as you can."
Dennis: "Yeah.  It'll be good for you.  Why don't we head over there?"
Liv: "All right!  Let's go."
We leave school grounds to wander around the city like normal unsupervised children.

Liv: "The Robocenter is on the south side of the Central district, so we'll have to do some walking."
Heading directly north, we go past those two kids who finally gave themselves aneurysms fighting each other for 2 days straight.

Liv: "Here we are at the Robocenter, Randall."
Dennis: "See how this building's shaped like a cube?  It's actually run by the Custom Robo Association.  You can train here as much as you like." No membership fee?  Damn, the future is better than I thought.
Liv: "Let's go inside!"
Heading inside, we find the inside considerably smaller than the outside.  Maybe they need all that space for air conditioning and central heating or something.

Liv: "Hi, Tanya."
Oooh... bay-beeeee, has anybody told you you gotta nice... hat.

Tanya: "Hey there, Dennis."
Dennis: "Oh! H-hi, Tanya.  Heh heh heh!"
Tanya: "Who's that behind you?  I don't recognize him."
Liv: "Oops, how rude of me.  I forgot to introduce Randall.  He's our newest member."
Tanya: "Newest member?!  I can't believe it!  I mean, 'cause you guys are always losing members." YOU JUST GOT ROASTED
Liv: "Don't sound THAT shocked!"
Tanya: "Oh, hee hee hee.  I'm sorry, but I just couldn't help it.  So, Randall, huh?  I think he's kinda cute!"
Dennis: "What?!  You're into guys like him?!"  Huh... Dennis I think you've helped me find my purpose in life.  I will not get salty because of the game, but I will strive to make salt flow in the tears of others, to blue balls them out of the color spectrum, to show them how irreverent they are, compared to... Randall.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Giving Dennis Blue Balls - a Custom Robo Arena let's play
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2016, 01:05:23 am »

Having never played this game before, I can make the following prediction with 100% certainty:
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Re: Giving Dennis Blue Balls - a Custom Robo Arena let's play
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2016, 06:15:25 am »

Having never played this game before, I can make the following prediction with 100% certainty:
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Spoiler (click to show/hide)
7/10 Has much more memorable sigs but casts them to the realm of sigtexts.

Indeed, I do this.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Giving Dennis Blue Balls - a Custom Robo Arena let's play
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2016, 11:51:29 am »

Having never played this game before, I can make the following prediction with 100% certainty:
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Re: Giving Dennis Blue Balls - a Custom Robo Arena let's play
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2016, 01:59:26 pm »

Aight so, messing with the recording software and just recording the top screen during fights(cause that's where the, you know, fighting happens)  Gib feedback plox

Last time... Dennis got salty cause we were making moves on his crush

Dennis: "I mean, no offense or anything, Randall."
Liv: "What are you freaking out for?"
Dennis: "I'm not freaking out!"
Liv: "Randall, Tanya's one of the staff members here."
Tanya: "I handle registration, sometimes I'm a clerk... Basically, I do everything!  We're low on staff."
Liv: "This is Randall's first time visiting the Robocenter.  We want to get him registered so that he can use the facility."
Tanya: "I'll need your school ID to create a profile.  Thanks.  It'll just be a second, and then you'll be good to go!"
She goes and messes with her terminal for about half a second shorter than it would take to tweet "lol" and returns to give us something.

Tanya: "You're all set!  And here's your commander band.  It shows that you're a member of the Custom Robo Association."

Liv: "Thanks, Tanya.  Let's battle sometime soon, OK?"  Yeah, I'd like to battle you if you know what I'm saying, ya know?
Anyway, we head inside and meet another person whose name would get them bullied out of any public school(in America at least, dunno if you Yurpeen types are kinder in high school)
(I didn't get a proper screenshot so here he is from a little bit later)

Dickie: "Hey, Liv.  Hey, Dennis."
Dennis: "Hi, Dickie."
Liv: "I brought our new teammate.  His name is Randall."
Dickie: "Yeah, I know.  I heard you made a bet with Bull."
Liv: "How did you know?"
Dickie: "The commanders here were talking about it."
Dennis: "Great... So everyone outside our school knows, too."
Dickie: "What's the problem?  You have confidence in him, right?"
Liv: "Of course. Heh heh heh."
Dickie: "All this talk is making me want to go for a dive!  How about it Randall, you up for a match with me?"
Dennis: "Don't you ever get tired of your little initiation routine?"
Dickie: "I like to fight new commanders.  It's my way of saying welcome."
Liv: "Sounds good to me.  Go for it, Randall."
Dickie: "Then it's settled!  You're going to practice first, right?  Come to me when you're done."
Liv: "Got it.  Let's start with some practice battles, Randall."
Liv: "Look around, Randall. This is an area where you can battle anyone openly."

Dennis: "See those people standing in front of their decks, tossing those cubes?  That means they're waiting for opponents."
Liv: "You'll learn best by doing, so I won't give you any directions today.  Just go pick a fight!"
Dennis: "L-Liv, you're gonna make him go on his own already?  But his opponents could be really tough!"  Tough compared to you, maybe.
Liv: "I can pretty much tell by looking at their faces, and there ARE some tough commanders here.  But you know what?  If He can't win today, he's definitely going to lose tomorrow."  That's the spirit!  I'm aboutta kick so much ass they'll be coughing up odor-eaters by the time I'm done.
Dennis: "Ouch... that's harsh, Liv..."
Dickie: "Ok, Randall! Go have some fun.  The best way to learn is by fighting other commanders!"
But before we do that, I go around talking to people and find a tutorial guy on combos...

He's a little long-winded.
Staff: "You get a combo when you've had three continuous attacks within a short period of time.  But if you use the same attack three times, those  attacks won't combo together.  You need to chain different weapons together, like "pod, bomb, gun" for example...  If you try something like "pod, pod, bomb," That's only a combo of the last two attacks.  Just break up your attackss... For example, "pod, bomb, pod" DOES count as a full combo.  By the way, a MAX combo is the maximum total damage you dealt in a single combo.  You'll see how much damage you did on the results screen."

Anyway, after that we go and beat the shit outta these guys.
First, here's the guy in the upper left.

Here's his robo, and here's also what loudout we're gonna be using for a while.


Next, the girl in the upper right.


Then, in the lower left.


After that, Liv and Dennis grab our attention.

Liv: "Hey, Randall!  Over here!"
...Now, we battle Dickie.
  You know it, chum.


Dickie: "Nicely played.  I look forward to fighting you in the future."  Yeah, same, maybe in a few years when you wont GET BONED.
  Yeah, we were watching something too if you know what I'm saying.

Tanya: "I have to say, Randall, you've got potential."
Liv: "I know, right?!"
Dennis: "I can't believe you've only been battling since yesterday!"
Tanya: "You're kidding me!  That's amazing.  ...Oh, wait!  Oh, I almost forgot!  Here's a checklist for all of your mission battles.  Check it out to see the missions you've cleared."
We get the checklist, which we most likely wont complete.

Liv: "Mission battles have certain conditions, like special holosseums or limited customization.  You'll find people with mission battles scattered all over town, and they'll explain the rules.  If you win against one of them, a check mark is added to your checklist. Neat, huh!"
Dennis: "By the time you fill up your checklist, you'll be one heck of a commander.  Good luck, Randall."
Dickie: "I hope we get the same kind of teamwork we got with Liv and Eddy.  Remember that?"
Liv: "Sorry to be the one to break the news to you, but my brother and I have gone our separate ways.  No worries though.  I'm sure I'll beat him soon enough."
Tanya: "Oh, Liv, speaking of Eddy, I hear he's coming home soon."  Oh really?  Quite interesting...  I can't wait to meet him, and then KICK HIS ASS.

A Thing

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Re: Giving Dennis Blue Balls - a Custom Robo Arena let's play
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2016, 09:07:14 pm »

Liv: "Look around, Randall. This is an area where you can battle anyone openly."
That implies that you can't fight in the street. Unless those randoms don't count.

Also, Tanya is really flirty and I don't trust it. She is going to murder us for our robit or something.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 09:24:45 pm by A Thing »
Wasteland 1 & 2
"Power Couple: Markus Athing & Cyborg 45"

Makes me curious, can cyborgs have future babies too?
On the offchance they can, I know who I want my daddy to be
(finished)Age of Decadence


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Re: Giving Dennis Blue Balls - a Custom Robo Arena let's play
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2016, 11:02:59 pm »

Liv: "Look around, Randall. This is an area where you can battle anyone openly."
That implies that you can't fight in the street. Unless those randoms don't count.

Also, Tanya is really flirty and I don't trust it. She is going to murder us for our robit or something.
Naw, she'll only try and murder us for our

7/10 Has much more memorable sigs but casts them to the realm of sigtexts.

Indeed, I do this.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Giving Dennis Blue Balls - a Custom Robo Arena let's play
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2016, 12:10:27 am »

She's after you. Best watch your back. And your front.

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


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Re: Giving Dennis Blue Balls - a Custom Robo Arena let's play
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2016, 12:14:47 am »

It's FEF, not FEOF
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