I think the offer itself is legit. He's working for a company, that company is being acquired by an investment group, investment group is promising the 3x return and he and his family get the early bird special since he works for the company being acquired. They need a commitment by Monday but don't need the cash for at least 3 months, or so I was told.
Regardless of whether it's legit or not though, it's a gamble as all investing is. He's already roped his mother in law in for half the required commitment, is posting the other half himself, is asking for money from the family for his wife to contribute....and then passed along to my dad that he, myself and my brother could all invest too.
Based on the state of the economy and how "fast cash" everyone is these days, I take claims of a 3x return from an investment group with a grain of salt. I don't think I'm going to do it. If it works for them, good for them. I have no desire to get involved.
More I'm just annoyed because as soon as he married into the family he started looking at us as an asset and that rubs me the wrong way entirely. Especially given how financially frivolous both of them are. He's not dumb. But I think he's greedy. (And he and my cousin have drawn more out of the family accounts than my brother and I combined. I've taken out the least of anyone.) His mother in law, my aunt, also thinks he walks on water and is too good for her own daughter, so she treats him like a king and basically goes along with whatever he says.