I bought a guy lunch today when I was waiting for the train. Was waiting in line to buy a ticket, this guy comes up and starts asking me in English if I could spare some cash. Not your stereotypical "this guy is so homeless his cardboard box got foreclosed on" fellow, and also not your typical Romani mafia beggar with the five different scarves either. He had short-cut hair, reasonably clean-shaven and a clean shirt. I lied and said I'd used up the last of my cash and coins, and he replied with "That's okay, I don't really need money, I just need some food". Okay, sure, why not... We head into the nearest kiosk and I ask him if he wants anything in particular, end up getting him a slice (or square, rather, because YURP) of pizza. While I'm ordering he also picks up a soft drink, so I add that on as well.
I was kinda having a hard time hearing him, but while we waited for everything to get rung up and served he was asking about maybe I could take out some money so he could buy some food at a grocery store, because he had a little gas oven in his tent and could thus make his own food. I mainly only heard the "Buy raw food to make it myself" part first, and said that "This (the kiosk) wasn't really the place to do that". He apparently took that to mean that this wasn't the place to take out cash, so he asked if we could maybe head over to the local grocery store then, but I needed to catch the train leaving in 5 minutes, so a shopping trip wasn't exactly gonna happen.
Then once he'd gotten everything and we were on our way out of the kiosk, he asked if maybe I could get him some gas. I said, again, "Sorry, but no. My train leaves in 3 minutes". He repeated the same deal about God loving me and Jesus thanking me, I wished him good luck, and we parted ways.
Like, I'm pretty sure I got scammed (again), but fuck it... I'll buy someone lunch, I don't mind. Hell of a lot better than shelling out 8x as much cash for "An emergency train ticket so I can go home" or "I need to go to the store to buy milk for my babies", or whatever other absolutely-not-a-con reason I get served. And if he really was needy, well, I still helped a little bit.
It's just... Helping someone should feel better than this, shouldn't it? I really only felt empty and kinda mildly perturbed after the whole thing.