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Author Topic: Misson 26: You Monster  (Read 93799 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #660 on: May 14, 2016, 07:15:24 pm »

Quote from: C. Leroux -> Supreme Administrator S. Steve
The anomalous effects of (0,-1,0) scale with time spent within it. At longer periods of time, the observation probes do not survive their return.

(123,456,789) has the added effect of degrading other substances with its shrapnel, furthermore as it acts as an explosive reactive armor, it is able to carry this effect for an indefinite amount of time, compared to the other corrosive universes that quickly destroy the probes themselves.
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #661 on: May 17, 2016, 09:51:40 am »

((No idea what to do... at least nothing that isn't really dangerous...))

1.  Um... what do you mean by "SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," if you don't mind my asking?  Should I... not look into that?  If so, why?

2.  Stop by Heph and pick up 100 engineers, 50 scientists, 50 doctors, 50 sods, and 25 soldiers.  Quickly.  Tell them their lives could depend on it.  Ask the Doctor if he can come, since Heph is in danger.  Pick up as many high mind AICOPS people as is possible.  Pick up Maurice.

3.  Requisition as many enhanced capacity mind mods as is possible, and install them immediately in Maurice and the AICOPS per the doctors aboard (if they consent).  Requisition as many mind pills as is possible and distribute them to Maurice and the AICOPS.  Also pick up materials for an EUE and raw electrical and metal materials, if possible.

4.  Estimate how many turns it would take to retrofit this warship as a mobile lab, with testing rooms and an EUE (if that would be possible).

5.  Ask the Doctor for advice.  Ask him if using a wishing orb to destroy the extra-universal entity would be likely to work, or just create a bigger catastrophe.

6.  See if the pocket dimension generator that's being used to create portals to Heph from the M27 area could also create a new portal on the Sword, and then whether the wishing orb and deathcube can be transported to Heph and then the warship that way.  If not, see if a shuttle can bring the wishing orb and deathcube to the M27 area from the Sword, and then be sent through a portal to Heph and then this warship.  Go through Saint's portal to M27 if necessary, just get the orb and deathcube however I can.

7.  Does this ship have a name?

I mean shhhhhhhhhh stop pointing out physical impossibilities that were done for the purposes of comedy.  You shouldn't look into it because it means nothing and isn't repeatable.


Done, and got as much as possible.

That would take a while, but the calamity tree isn't growing towards heph for the moment, just another planet in the system. You might have time, we'll have to see.

He says it might work, but that such objects tend to have some sort of exchange rate. There may be backlash. And he warns that "Attempting to avoid the price would be ill advised."

It can be, but remember, this portal system requires someone with an attuned controller to be in the location you want the portal opened.

The one you're on? It might, but I'm not sure, you guys ordered the construction of these things so if it has a name beyond a number designation, it would be one you guys gave it.

Quote from: Dester to: all ARM personnel
Well, looks like we might be outta luck here, what with the NEw God eating the HEphaestus system. I had intended to send some of yo uto Orgyverse to test Origin tech, which works like it did in this universe before the Lurker showed up, apparently. I had also intended to find a place for us outside the range of the alien empire that is keeping humanity from developing properly there. as it is, there seems little time.

I suggest we evacuate as quickly as possible, preferably to another ARM world located far away from here, and rebuild our EUEs there. We can try this another day.

Quote from: Dester to; Lyra
Sorry, Miss. It looks like I brought you here at exactly the wrong time. We've got another universe eater spreading in this system, so those tests are probably gonna have to wait. If we can get them done at all. Sending you out of universe now would very possibly be a one way thing. ou may want to head back throuhg to the planet yuo were on - Paracelsus' Sword is there, I believe.

Can we obliterate the outer planets that the thing is reaching for? if so, and we can fire at faster than relativistic speeds, do so. Destroy any real estate i the outer system that the creature s reaching for, if we can actually remove the mass, that is. No sense feeding it mass. Maybe that will hinder it and curb it's growth a little.

Have we located any promising places to settle in orgyverse outside of the civilization that is there? If so, can we reliably launch colonies nad people near enough to those places to make sending them worthwhile? if so, do that.

I ask Steve for advice.

Edit: Continue firing all weapons at the thing.

Edit 2: Dester authorizes all requests to enter blacklisted universes in order to use their effects against the Shadow Light (that's what I'm calling it for now, okay?)

One more edit: Blacklist the null universe we sent the probe to that got infected by this thing, since this thing probably infected that universe too.

We cannot. The hammer used to be able to, theoretically, but it's lost a lot of power due to amps not being used.

Ie other planets? No, but I don't remember if anyone looks beyond the solar system you started on.

>It's intentions and powers are unknown, but it seems more interested in the closest planet rather than in you, despite you shooting at it. Either it needs that planet to stay alive or it doesn't even register you attacking it. Or it's not sapient; it might be a force of nature.

Good idea.

What's the status on the whole "evacuate with Saint" thing?

If I managed to escape, good. Find somewhere on the new ship that I can watch the destruction of the system from, be it a TV or a window. If I'm still stuck on my ship, do the thing in the PM I'm about to send you get on an evac ship already.

((I'll save my last resort plans for later.))
You're on his ship, watching from a "Safe" distance.

((You... Guys do know I have a FOB there, right? I may be incommunicado right now, but you know I'm on-planet.))

Well, I suppose it's been established we're not going to harm them. Bring up another dead animal and offer it to the most important looking person there (that isn't part of my team :P)
You have a large dead boar like thing offered to the man who is wearing the largest hat. This is generally a good way of determining who is most important on earth, hopefully that holds true here as well. The man receives it and motions to the others who seem to relax....well perhaps that's not the right word.  They lower their weapons and stand back but they still look nervous as heck.

Quote from: Dester to: all ARM personnel
Well, looks like we might be outta luck here, what with the NEw God eating the HEphaestus system. I had intended to send some of yo uto Orgyverse to test Origin tech, which works like it did in this universe before the Lurker showed up, apparently. I had also intended to find a place for us outside the range of the alien empire that is keeping humanity from developing properly there. as it is, there seems little time.

I suggest we evacuate as quickly as possible, preferably to another ARM world located far away from here, and rebuild our EUEs there. We can try this another day.
Quote from: Dester to; Lyra
Sorry, Miss. It looks like I brought you here at exactly the wrong time. We've got another universe eater spreading in this system, so those tests are probably gonna have to wait. If we can get them done at all. Sending you out of universe now would very possibly be a one way thing. ou may want to head back throuhg to the planet yuo were on - Paracelsus' Sword is there, I believe.
I guess I'm returning to M27 then. Back through the portal I go.
Quote from: Lyra to Dester

Quote from:  Vincent to: Dester
Thanks. I'll try to stick to the area you sent me for at least a month in case were able to stop whatever this new god of death is

Get the largest ship capable of both comfortable transport and delivery, as well as combat. Load an EUE into it, and pack it with as high a population of humans as is comfortable, with a colonist ratio of 1 combat skilled colonist (preferably take from our mercenary pool) for every 10 non combat. Take an Mk-3 with flight level milno plate for myself as well as a Sibilus" Rocket/Gauss Hybrid Rifle. Have myself and the merc crew load as much weapons and ammo as we can on this turn, and have the non combat colonists load as much food as they can. Other players are welcome on the ship if they are able to make it to the ship in time. This turn is for acquiring and loading a colony ship, next turn will be for transport of said ship to orgy-verse
I assume you'll be doing this on the same ship as Oz.

Getting to orgy-verse is gonna be a problem though.

Quote from: C. Leroux -> Commander D. Gree
Shall we salt the earth we leave behind? Access those universes that were deemed too dangerous, and let their deluge spill once it reaches each chamber?
Evac on a warship out of the system.
On the Saint ship.

Evacuate with Han and the others.
Okie dokie

Might as well stop procrastinating about this, I suppose.  I dislike having no idea what to do.

1.Last turn, Saint rendezvoused with several other players and a portal generator.  Can that portal generator make a portal large enough to send a warship through, and could it make a portal that connects to a pocket dimension which has a portal to the space above M27?

2.If the answer is that I cannot use a portal genner to evac, check whether or not I can get to Heph and through a portal in two hours.  If even that is impossible, start heading for the Jump Point, unless the god is in the way... in which case just get far away from the thing.

3.Modifications to Zbridges' turn: tell his people to pick up Simus and Anton too.  Also, if he doesn't install mind mods because of a lack of consent, order the mods installed anyway.  Fuck consent, we've got a god to kill.

4.Note about Kedly's turn: We don't have another EUE preassembled.  If he wants to take one with him, he'll have to deconstruct one of the two which exist in this system.  Not that it matters since EUEs are bigger than the things they can transport, but still.

5.Oz has been shooting the god with all weapons that are available, for awhile.  This includes a lot of nuclear gauss cannons, and a remarkably broad assortment of lasers.  Have they had any noticable effect?

6.If not, contact the cavernverse (via our comms EUE) and tell them to start transferring specific probes into specific dangerous universes, and then into the center of the alien god thing.  Then leave the probes, not sending them anywhere else.  Also, send multiple from each universe.  Specific universes to do this with are:

(2,12,25): We're not sure what this one saw because anyone that looked at the footage began screaming uncontrollably and often attempted self mutilation.
(0,8,8): Sods looking at the probe die.
(12,63,87): The probe came back and from our perspective the view from the cameras distorted, the sods said something about trees, the lights in the room vanished and lasers started tearing the room apart.

Also use probes sent to these ones, because Oz granted permission to send probes to blacklisted universes:

(-36,-36,-36): The probe returns far faster than it should, and it's trailing something. The air in the test chamber distorts and an enormous limb reaches out. It grabs hold of the wall of the test chamber and pulls. From cameras outside the chamber, in space, you can watch as the entire chamber seems to be pulled impossibly in on itself and then vanishes.
(0,0,57): The universe that made people think they were melting.
(1,1,0): Corroding hell. Probe returned violently, falling from several feet in the air onto the ground, breaking into pieces like rotten wood when it did. It appeared to have rusted badly, turning greenish brown and partially dissolving. The rust like substance spread from the probe to the ground the instant it made contact and began to expand outward.
(3,4,5): Another home of the Lurker.  Only send this probe if we can attach a bomb to it beforehand, with multiple remote detonation codes prepared.

7.If the god is STILL a problem, tell the cavernverse to change strategy; instead of teleporting probes from a dangerous universe and then into the god, tell them to teleport probes into the god and then into dangerous universes.  Spread the attempts between nulls and the dangerous universes mentioned above.

8.This question should likely have been asked before, but you know we send probes into a null universe and look at them with a second probe before returning them to our home universe, right?  In this case, was the observation probe the one that infected us?

Yes, and yes technically but you'd need someone there to open the portal. You can at least disappear into the pocket dimension but you better broadcast the generator's codes so others can calibrate to them and open an exit portal or you're literally trapped in a pocket dimension forever.

Simus and anton picked up

5. They do damage, but the thing continues to grow and spread unabated. You just can't deal enough damage fast enough. It does, however, seem entirely focused on getting to that other planet and is completely ignoring anything else.

6. Nothing
Some damage, but subsumed quickly
Dozens of enormous arms burst out of the spreading thing and begin grabbing and pulling inward, dragging it into some unseen tear in reality. The spread of the stuff begins to slow, and more arms are pushing their way through every moment. It looks like, given some time, it might succeed in pulling it all back in...or maybe whatever is grabbing will pull itself out.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #662 on: May 17, 2016, 10:03:35 am »

Jack stands there in all of his fully suited, angelic glory. Draci is standing there next to him. The space knight is confused
To where are the man incharge of the new universe colony exploration?
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #663 on: May 17, 2016, 11:58:11 am »

1.  Ask the engineers to begin retrofitting the warship with an EUE and testing rooms, to act as a backup research center.

2.  What facilities are currently available on this ship?  Is there a medical facility?

3.  Ask the scientists to consider the Doctor's words and begin creating a research methodology for understanding the drawbacks and effects of a wishing orb.  Ask them to consider whether the price of using it could be spread among clones since it cannot be avoided, or whether attempting to use it is foolish.

4.  See if I can bribe Nyars or someone on the Sword with an attuned controller (provide them with the Heph portal info) to briefly open a portal on the Sword from the one on Heph.  If I can, then send a few sods to Heph to get the deathcube and return.  If not, send a shuttle with 5 sods to a jump point to get to the Sword, retrieve the deathcube from Nyars, and come back.  What is the timeframe in terms of turns for something like this?

5.  Attempt to commandeer a crystalline projector from Hephaestus.

6.  If we have all the materials for an EUE loaded, and we can load on general supplies like food and water, leave for the nearest jump point.  Destination is Q'Baja if possible and far from the Lurker and Heph, or another suitable ARM planet far from Heph.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2016, 04:57:38 am by ZBridges »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #664 on: May 17, 2016, 09:08:30 pm »

What is the problem getting to Orgy-verse?

Send a creature probe to another galaxy in the orgy-verse with whatever would be needed to track if fourth level protiens are still being blocked
« Last Edit: May 21, 2016, 05:35:29 pm by Kedly »
((No.  ER Lasers are tickle generators, and dispense hugs, loves, and puppies.))
The fedora guy has potentially lethal amounts of swag :v


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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #665 on: May 20, 2016, 12:32:28 am »

Draw some more "people" in the dirt. Two groups of them this time. Then show them coming together. Point to us, then one of the groups and then to where we are set up. Then try to leave.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #666 on: May 20, 2016, 11:49:17 pm »

1.Send a probe from "(0,0,57): The universe that made people think they were melting." into the Shadow Light/Hekatonkheir area.

2.Send a probe from "(1,1,0): Corroding hell. Probe returned violently, falling from several feet in the air onto the ground, breaking into pieces like rotten wood when it did. It appeared to have rusted badly, turning greenish brown and partially dissolving. The rust like substance spread from the probe to the ground the instant it made contact and began to expand outward." into the Shadow Light/Hekatonkheir area.

3.Analyze the many-armed-monster's progress.  Is its growth quickening, rather than staying constant?  Is anything particularly dangerous looking happening to it?  If the answer to either question is yes, send probes from its universe into Gooverse, Fractalverse, and Holyverse.  Hopefully it'll slow down if it expands into multiple universes.  Oh, and also, focus nuclear fire on the arms.  Actually, you know what?  Let it grow.  Worst case scenario we have a more corporeal target to nuke.

4.Try teleporting probes into the Shadow Light area, and then into null verses, in an effort to cut pieces away.

5.Talk with whoever controls the Sword's pocket dimension generators (Steve?), and agree on codes we can use for evaccing warships out of this system.  Make sure our evac plan is rock solid and everyone involved is on the same page.

((Is there anything else I can really do?  Can't think of anything.  Maybe summoning the Lurker into the Shadow Light, but that probably won't make things better.))


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #667 on: May 21, 2016, 12:52:58 am »

Don't send it to holyverse. We've already pissed them off enough as is. Send it to some nulls or something instead.

Remember, PW said it could pull everything back into it's own universe instead. We just don't yet know which way that wind will blow.

And instead of nullverses, how about that hot universe that was like null but hotter? Do that one.


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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #668 on: May 21, 2016, 11:29:33 am »

I touched upon this question in IRC but I guess I should ask it here as well. Who are we going to put in charge of the Orgy-verse colonization once we are ready to actually go in there
((No.  ER Lasers are tickle generators, and dispense hugs, loves, and puppies.))
The fedora guy has potentially lethal amounts of swag :v


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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #669 on: May 21, 2016, 11:31:45 am »

Oh by the way are you guys still accepting colonists?
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #670 on: May 21, 2016, 12:48:43 pm »

We're dumping everyone we can everywhere.

Keep my ship at a significant distance from the duelling deities. Keep it moving either toward the jump point or toward Heph (depending on what side of the entity we were on) until the situation resolves.

I also ask the Doctor what the proteins -the ones the signal from the artificial planetoid in orgyverse are blocking - do or affect. Teh short version,l because I am a layman, but not the short short version, because I am curious. I understand if it is complex and affects many things, but I figure the Doctor might have a good idea of what the bodies of orgyverse people are supposed to be like. Not sure if we asked him before, and if not, why we didn't, as he is "a natural" with biology and anatomy and all.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2016, 07:14:45 pm by Ozarck »


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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #671 on: May 21, 2016, 01:58:33 pm »

((@Oz Honestly, I think Holyverse is the best place to send it.  Beyond simply getting revenge for being blocked from Holyverse, it's the most powerful non-hostile verse we've seen, considering all probes sent there are stopped or destroyed regardless of location.  Holyverse might actually be capable of killing the arm monster, and I highly doubt it'll move through armverse to get to our 'verse.

All three 'verses I'm sending it to were chosen for being entirely impractical for colonization, while still being similar enough to our 'verse that the arm monster would want to spread into them as well.  I'm not sending it to null verses, because I doubt it'd climb into one.  I'm also not sending it to starsmearverse because it seems less hospitable to the other options.

Finally, in thinking about it, I doubt armverse would be any worse than Shadow Light, though probably no better, so I'll stop trying to kill it.  For now.))


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #672 on: May 21, 2016, 02:31:31 pm »

I touched upon this question in IRC but I guess I should ask it here as well. Who are we going to put in charge of the Orgy-verse colonization once we are ready to actually go in there
I missed this. For now, if you want the job, as you are the senior character on site, with the most experience with our process and all that, probably you. Dester still has other things to do, and wants to remain in contact with our efforts toward other universes, and Vincent seems to be settling in over there, so yeah. Now, be sure to pay careful attention to that whole "blocking certain fourth level proteins from forming" bit, because that could ultimately end up making you and all colonists int similar beings as the humans that are there already.

@syv - theres' no guarantee that holyverse won't consider this as an act of war, and find us through residual effects of the transferences. And revenge? you exploded them. You montser. I know Saint is petty and all, but that's just inviting yet another powerful enemy into the mix.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #673 on: May 21, 2016, 02:48:17 pm »

How fast would that happen? Biology isn't my field, and while it IS my wife's, I don't know if English biology uses the same words as Indonesian biology
((No.  ER Lasers are tickle generators, and dispense hugs, loves, and puppies.))
The fedora guy has potentially lethal amounts of swag :v


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Misson 26: You Monster
« Reply #674 on: May 21, 2016, 03:28:21 pm »

((I'unno what "blocking certain fourth level protein formation" even means, to be honest, but I kinda doubt it's what makes the orgyverse humans weird.  Internally, they have no doubled organs--one lung, one kidney, one brain lobe, etc.  Even if the blocking does cause that, it'll be caused during gestation, and not adulthood.

Also, these humans might be specially adapted to the signal.  Normal humans might just die from the effect if the proteins that are blocked are important.

Well, in any case, I'm not sending stuff to holyverse now.  I don't think they would be able or willing to hunt us down, but even if so it's a risk I'm willing to take.  They're probably more vulnerable to nukes outside their home universe, and if not, we've got all sorts of nasties to summon inside them.

Though maybe I should stop trying to destroy eldritch beings that want to eat the universe by telefragging them with bigger eldritch beings that also want to eat the universe.))
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