Something that would probably be worth looking into would be using our steam engine to pump out the depths of mines, we could possibly get more ore if we do that. However, I have a suggestion for a weapon design.
A cast-iron cannon with a 3 inch wide smooth bore 60 inches long. It fires a 3-pound solid ball, or similar-sized canister or other varieties of shot. Uniquely, it is loaded by opening the rear of the gun, inserting round and powder charge, and replacing the iron plate and cylindrical block that makes up the back of the barrel, which is secured by wedges at four points that are driven through the barrel in back of the breechblock. After firing the wedges are pulled or hammered out. The gun is designed to be used both on ships and by horse artillery batteries, where the gunners also ride, so the battery can be rapidly redeployed and accompany cavalry units.
My reasoning for this design is that we could use it both on ships and to further our advantage on land. We could neuter enemy Dragoons even more and put it on a revised Mulard to try to regain naval parity. I think the best way to come back navally is to revise the Mulard to be sail-powered and have a more conventional gun layout, at which point we have just about the same thing as the Confederate brig-sloop.
Infrastructure-wise I think we can afford to be behind the Loyalists as long as we don't fall behind the Confederacy. Therefore, I think we should try again to steal the Loyalist wagon trains and then revise them with one of our systems next turn.