Trivial tasks are things that run on their own, do not really require regular intelligent oversight and only occasional maintenance; the ore processor, a water recycling system, the autopilot are good examples. Some kind of robotic automated hydroponics would be as well.
The autopilot slot is just the human backup oversight, it is probably okay and it is realistically controlling few systems now that you are landed, have the fusion core controls restored and the colony computer are up. At most it is a local backup system really only controlling communications with the satellite systems.
The fusion core *can* be left alone, but the expert systems can miss things and generally a team to watch over and analyze whats going on is advised.
The life support is much more of a complex issue. It requires constant maintenance and while automated sensors do control most of the day to day mixing and flow of water and air, there are no dedicated expert systems, at best the autopilot has been doing some minor work.
It also has a large hydroponics area which needs regular human interaction. The life support systems do not have a lot of automated parts to cut down on space and weight.
People have been staying in the ship for a few decades. I think they'll be fine for the immediate future.
They are not gonna descend into death cults any time soon, I am just kinda warning ahead of time that some people are dissatisfied and significant further crowding could be bad. Really the outlook is pretty good so far.
Edit: Also I am afraid that drywall is far outside your industrial range for now. You literally don't have access to a material like gypsum you can mold like that. Anything you make will be either out of "unknown stone materials" bricks or steel, with plastics and synthetics in reasonably small amounts (included in basic parts and bits of the ship).