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Author Topic: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)  (Read 16568 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #75 on: October 11, 2015, 07:18:47 pm »

(Sorry for my delay.  I couldn't get access to a computer for awhile.)

Arnie, struggling to breath, stared at his fallen captors.  He was free.  As his rage subsided, a realization struck.  What did he do to them?  How?
Wow, he killed them all.  It was so violent.  Classic Arnie.
"N-No, they're still alive!  I didn't kill them!  They're still breathing!  And it wasn't me!  It was the snake!  It controlled me!  It wasn't me!  I couldn't stop it!  I didn't kill them!  They're still alive!  Still alive! Still alive! Still alive. Still alive...."  Arnie spoke rapidly, his speech almost incomprehensible.  Tears of guilt started streaming down Arnie's face.
Don't blame Arnie.  It wasn't his fault.  They had it coming.  These people are the villains.
"Yeah...It was them.  They did it to themselves.  I didn't do nothin.  I would never hurt anyone.  I..."
In fact, they're not people at all.  They're monsters.  They shouldn't have hurt Arnie.  They should die.
"They should...die?" Arnie walked toward his captors.  They laid there, mocking him.  He could hear their cruel laughs within his mind.  He began to grit his teeth in anger. "...they are the monsters.  Not me.  They are the ones who hurt people.  Not me.  They are the ones who deserve to die..."
Arnie stood over the woman and her lackeys.  His fist was clenched.
"...Not me."

If there is a pistol or weapon nearby, grab it.  Kill the woman and her lackeys.
Due to Real Life reasons, I have to disappear for awhile.  Take me out of all games that I'm participating in.  Sorry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #76 on: October 16, 2015, 12:01:10 am »

((Bump.  Also, is it possible for our characters to gain additional powers via triggers/vials/experiments?))
Due to Real Life reasons, I have to disappear for awhile.  Take me out of all games that I'm participating in.  Sorry.


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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #77 on: October 16, 2015, 04:51:11 am »

((Second triggers are possible within the lore... but they cant be forced, they have to occur naturally and have a much higher fucked upped-ness threahold.

as for drugs and experiments... I dont think a natural cape gets any benefit from the artificial source, and I think artifial capes only get recharged... but I dont really remember...

you could always abduct a tinker though, tinker toys are almost indistinguishable from magic.))
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.

Harry Baldman

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #78 on: October 16, 2015, 02:10:30 pm »

Serra swallowed, or tried to. Her throat was dry. When had she last had something to drink? This morning? She hadn't had time to fill up the plastic water bottle she'd carried with her today since then. Had to find her brothers, after all.

"Ahntt...kah, Aunt Meche? Are...are you okay? Have you seen them?" she asks, stepping closer. "It's Serra, Meche. Have you seen my brothers? Everyone else...everyone stopped looking..."

Approaching Aunt Meche a mite closer, you ask after her health and business. Her features soften for a moment, seemingly more in confusion than recognition.

"Serra?" she parrots. "Serra, baby? How'd you find..." she starts to ask, but pauses, then glances at the front door of the house, licking her lips nervously. She thinks for a moment, furrowing her brow, then meets your gaze again, looking equal parts fearful and incredulous. "How'd you find me? Were you walkin' through here, baby? This ain't a good place to be walkin'," she rattles off. "Bad people live around here. Real bad people," she then adds, getting up. She's a good head taller than you and about two thirds the weight.

"I better take you to the bus, baby. It's no good for you to be walkin' here," she says hollowly after looking back at the door. As she steps toward you, what is unmistakably a gunshot comes from the house, giving the woman a good start. She looks at the door, then at you desperately, scanning you for a moment. "I... oh god," she half-mutters, then makes a beeline for the door, pulling it open swiftly, then disappearing inside as she slams the door and locks it.

Kyle lets out a dark chuckle. He knows exactly how to deal with these fools. Let's start with the one that needs the least amount of work. A quick bit of dust on that open wound and he'll be in more than enough pain to be considered punished. Steve gets a stabbing in the back for his good effort. Crazy Joe gets sent to eat the pavement, probably eat some teeth when Kyle kicks them in as well. Tubby... eh, his being fat and most likely dying of a heart attack before his prime is punishment enough. Otis eh, he can just get knocked the fuck out. Much more important stuff to deal with.

You kick a bit of dust at Lawry as you chuckle. He's not amused, but he's not going anywhere either, so might as well make his last few days as painful as possible. You then step swiftly over to Stevie, who hasn't had time to retreat even though he's obviously trying to, and drive your wristblade into his back, probably collapsing his lung. You anticipate he'll have a fun time soon enough. Turning toward the other three with a soft whirr you notice that Tubby, fat bastard or no, does appear to have taken both a hint and very good advantage of his position, and you catch only the door shutting after him as he runs for his life. Otis is much the same way, but less fortunate in this regard - him you just tackle, then slam into a nearby brick wall hard enough for him to think twice about running before you're done with him.

You then look at Crazy Joe, and note that your sister appears to be doing a very good job kicking him in the face already, so you leave her to it as you look at your mom, who seems very concerned about the way your dad is bleeding to death on the ground. You think you can sense quite a few iterations of him that aren't presently doing that, to the point where it almost feels like you can see them. Would be kind of nice for the powers to come with an interface, you'd think, but it's probably just the drugs. The exceedingly good drugs, you do not hesitate to note again.

Alex was now pretty sure he was just sold some party drugs. He would take a casual stroll, while completely disappointed.

You consider the fact that you don't appear to have gotten any powers out of this deal, at which point you stop feeling quite as excited about this whole proposition, a light in your brain suddenly turning off. The night starts to feel a bit cold, and you are keenly aware that you forgot to put on anything warm before you sprinted away from your house like a dumbass. You're not entirely certain you've got your house key on you, actually, which will probably lead to you banging on your dad's window and asking him to let you in, which'd be all kinds of suspicious.

You sigh contemplatively as you ponder what to do now.

Lacie for a moment stood there stunned, she staggered upwards and began to take a step forwards slightly mystified by her sudden change of body material. The fact that she couldn't feel the bone sticking out of her leg was the most disturbing, eventually she managed to centre herself and began to run as fast as she could towards where she guessed the exit would be. She could figure all of this out later she just needed to escape right now.

You awkwardly start to run, and the sound of stone hitting laminate does not grow much quieter, nor do the approaching footsteps grow more distant. It's a bit slow, moving with a leg as misshapen as yours, and you get to the door, grabbing the handle as you try to open it - however, it seems to be locked. This gives you a moment's pause, just long enough for the guards to reach another, apparently open door, through which they begin to burst in. The opening of the door startles you, and you find yourself losing shape again, your body surging forward and down into the cold metal of the door handle without so much as a telltale sound.

The door handle feels very cramped, though you don't think you have any dimensions presently, which is certainly an odd thing to notice. You are a point in a small volume of substance, and your eyes are all over its inner surface, through which you see the guards bust in, hoping to catch you at last. They seem almost disappointed when you're not there, and start searching the living room for anything more than the nasty cracks and bits of gravely debris you seem to have left on the lovely floor.

Pleasingly enough you can see the other side of the door as well. And wonderfully enough you do appear to have found an exit - makes sense, given that it's locked. On the other side of this door you see a well-tended garden filled with geraniums of a wildly varying number of colors.

For the first time in years, Rachel starts to actually panic. Where is she? What was that fluid? Why the restraints? What is wrong with her arm? Why hasn't her father come yet? The feeling is quickly squashed down as her more logical side takes over. Those questions can be answered later, when she's in a better position to ask them. For now, she focuses on escaping the restraints fully.

You start to try to bend and twist along the restraints, but it proves entirely unnecessary, as your flesh seems to bend around them freely, flowing like glycerol around them and around your hospital gown - you leave both it and the restraints behind as you slide out of the bed, projecting your feet beneath you and standing up straight for the first time in ages. You feel absolutely nothing physically, almost like you're about to float off into the air, almost as if...

... you look back at the bed right quick, and don't see your body there, just the slightly crumpled hospital gown. Still not dead, you guess, even if it does feel like it. Now, though, you seem to have the considerable issue of trying to get out of this room. You don't suppose shouting a lot would help, would it?

Yvonne gets her phone, and tries to form an image of it, that is sharper, that can kill. She then starts to search the science lab quickly.

Your phone... well, the active stuff is what you need your phone for anyway. You could actually combine it with anything as long as you had some elementary tools. It'd be pretty medieval, though, at least for the thing you're currently developing an appreciative taste for. Not duct tape and chewing gum technology by any means, but very much doable... though you don't think you'd get more than one good swing out of anything you could build here, though a swing could indeed bring many red feelings out if you aim it right...

You step over to a workbench purposefully and set your phone down. You just need a wire, the phone, some appropriate tools... yes, yes... you do can feel victory in your gut, lifting you higher. Screaming and crying no more, you run to the storage room, nearing your face to the door... mm, inside are the tools you need, you sense. You move your head one way, then the other. Yes indeed. The fields you need can be found there... expecting failure, you turn the doorknob. You are very surprised when the door opens. Shuffling inside, still covered in the curtain, you fish out some odds and ends, nothing you can't find after a minute's search, and run back to the workbench.

Ah... your phone will be fried if you try this. But you must try. If you do not, you will die here today. In school. What a depressing way to die that would be. Steeled by the impending troubles, you work in small, but very important strokes, opening up your phone, attaching a few things, the motions coming incredibly naturally to you like you've done this a thousand times before. It's a brutal job, and you close your eyes as you wire the components in a way you probably shouldn't, in a way you know you shouldn't, but you think you can get a new phone later. When you're not about to get shot, of course.

When it's done, it looks much the same, but a little goofier and slightly messed up, and there is a wire sticking out of it. You chose a longer distance and a longer wire - it should reach for about the length of the science lab... you could kill anyone here with a single swing of this thing, you think as red reflects in your eyes unnervingly. But with this you should be safe... somewhat safe, yes.

"Well that's certainly something you dont see every day." says steven after the mans knee finishes knitting back together.

"Im the guy that explodes." replies Steven with a slight shrug "what was this status report?"

"That the stuff is working," Kim says, looking at Z. "Now get all the stuff and get out of here. And go talk to Bubbles later."

"So he's the new guy," Z replies, nodding sedately. "I think I will stay here a while."

"You won't, actually," says Kim. "I have work to do here."

"Yeah, no rush, I'll knock around for a while," Z goes on. "I kind of left something in the basement. That was," he looks at his wrist for a good two seconds, seeing no watch on it. "That was a while ago. I should go and check."

Z stands up, ignoring Kim as he gets a rather large pistol from the nearby end table, checking if it's loaded, which it is. He then walks gingerly out of the door and into the hall, still naked throughout, taking a left and heading off for presumably the basement, that case under his bed in one hand, the gun in the other.

"I hope he's not going to be here all day," Kim tells you. "A friend of ours and some of her associates will be coming over a little later, and I'm going to need your help for a thing," she says, rooting around in her purse a moment, then producing what looks like some kind of small dart. "It's a bit sharp, so be careful. Easy to poke yourself with these by accident. Don't touch the pointy end."

She hands the dart to you.

"There's some kind of parlor thing on the second floor, which is where our friend will meet us. She's a mite unstable, so I'm going to need you to be there just for safety's sake. You'll stand behind a screen and there'll be a, and I know this probably sounds stupid, a small tube there. You're going to use it as a blowgun, with that dart, right on her and not the guys with her if there's any kind of trouble. Maybe use your power if things get hairy. Think of it as a rite of passage."

(Sorry for my delay.  I couldn't get access to a computer for awhile.)

Arnie, struggling to breath, stared at his fallen captors.  He was free.  As his rage subsided, a realization struck.  What did he do to them?  How?
Wow, he killed them all.  It was so violent.  Classic Arnie.
"N-No, they're still alive!  I didn't kill them!  They're still breathing!  And it wasn't me!  It was the snake!  It controlled me!  It wasn't me!  I couldn't stop it!  I didn't kill them!  They're still alive!  Still alive! Still alive! Still alive. Still alive...."  Arnie spoke rapidly, his speech almost incomprehensible.  Tears of guilt started streaming down Arnie's face.
Don't blame Arnie.  It wasn't his fault.  They had it coming.  These people are the villains.
"Yeah...It was them.  They did it to themselves.  I didn't do nothin.  I would never hurt anyone.  I..."
In fact, they're not people at all.  They're monsters.  They shouldn't have hurt Arnie.  They should die.
"They should...die?" Arnie walked toward his captors.  They laid there, mocking him.  He could hear their cruel laughs within his mind.  He began to grit his teeth in anger. "...they are the monsters.  Not me.  They are the ones who hurt people.  Not me.  They are the ones who deserve to die..."
Arnie stood over the woman and her lackeys.  His fist was clenched.
"...Not me."

If there is a pistol or weapon nearby, grab it.  Kill the woman and her lackeys.

Simultaneously you tighten your iron grip around the throats of all the people in the room, another pair of hands sliding through their possessions. You find one pistol held by a particular lackey, a Japanese-looking dagger in a holster on the snake-woman, fits the snake infiltrator pattern to a tee, and some kind of modified tazer on the last lackey. Not to waste any time, you let go of the woman's throat and in the same instant draw the dagger deeply along it, allowing her to fall to the floor, and then stab it into the hearts of the lackeys one at a time for betraying humanity in such a horrific way. Now armed with no less than three weapons at the ready, you pause for a moment, your presence sloshing around the room, pushing at the edges, trying to get out.

You may have been victorious against the snake, retaining your free will, but it seems your soul has gotten the better of your body, as it does with all those who are enlightened. Will your fellows come to you now, whispering secret things through the medium of thought, inviting you to rule the world with an invisible hand? Or is this but the first step of becoming one of them?

Spoiler: GM Note (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 02:16:45 pm by Harry Baldman »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #79 on: October 16, 2015, 02:37:18 pm »

Kyle does wish that were a thing... Hm, obviously there has to be someway to make it work. Maybe a flick of the wrist? No, that's to obvious.... It's not activated by speech either.... maybe try... thinking really hard about it? Well, it's worth a try.
Kyle decides to try that last one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #80 on: October 16, 2015, 05:05:09 pm »

Serra jumped at the gunshot. Was that- why was there a gunshot? But - what? Why would she go back in?!

"Auntie? Meche?!" Serra runs up to the door, suddenly terrified of what might be inside. She continues to call out, practically screaming until her throat, hoarse, gives out. "MECHE WHAT'S HAPPENING LET ME IN! LET ME IN LETMEINLETMEIN WHAT DID YOU DO?!?"

Panicking, she looks at the window. It was closed, but the bars had rusted through, and she picks up a rock and starts to smash her way in.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #81 on: October 16, 2015, 05:33:30 pm »

Yvonne then exits the science lab, laying low, and looking for movement.
She was seeing red. She was going to kill that man. Then, what next?
She didn't know.
Ain't nobody got time for that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #82 on: October 16, 2015, 05:45:57 pm »

Once again it took Lacie a while to adjust to her new form, she watched the guards for a moment taking a bit of pleasure in their fruitless attempts to find her. Eventually though she tried again to move onwards, focusing her mind to flow out into the garden. If she was successful she began to do her best to creep forwards, hoping she could make it out in time before the guards even realised she had left the building.
* greatorder smothers Kansa with earwax


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #83 on: October 16, 2015, 06:22:30 pm »

Alex would look down, contemplating his situation. It wasn't fair. He wasted a whole bunch of money for a snake oil. He would head to his house to check if he left the door unlocked.
Wants to rape and enslave my innocent night faeries ;-;


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #84 on: October 16, 2015, 06:35:29 pm »

((Forum decided to not notify me.))

Vel reminds himself that you can't get a cold from cold temperatures. Would be silly if you could.

He just lays there. Occasionally attempting to get up.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #85 on: October 16, 2015, 07:59:52 pm »

((Re-app, changing the circumstances a bit but still keeping a bit of the basic idea of 'this guy had no idea what he was getting into'.))
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.

Harry Baldman

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #86 on: October 17, 2015, 08:04:23 am »

Kyle does wish that were a thing... Hm, obviously there has to be someway to make it work. Maybe a flick of the wrist? No, that's to obvious.... It's not activated by speech either.... maybe try... thinking really hard about it? Well, it's worth a try.
Kyle decides to try that last one.

Thinking really hard does seem to be the way to do it, alternatives readily springing to your mind. There's your dad currently playing golf, which seems a bit odd, and then there's one sitting around in a chair enjoying an uneventful day, and many, many others, the pool progressively expanding as more and more parallel versions swim past your mind, the number of possibilities growing exponentially... you could keep on going forever, you think, evaluating new possibilities, but you're pretty sure you don't have a lot of time here. Your dad's losing a lot of blood, and he could probably use a swap.

Serra jumped at the gunshot. Was that- why was there a gunshot? But - what? Why would she go back in?!

"Auntie? Meche?!" Serra runs up to the door, suddenly terrified of what might be inside. She continues to call out, practically screaming until her throat, hoarse, gives out. "MECHE WHAT'S HAPPENING LET ME IN! LET ME IN LETMEINLETMEIN WHAT DID YOU DO?!?"

Panicking, she looks at the window. It was closed, but the bars had rusted through, and she picks up a rock and starts to smash her way in.

The door does not yield, and you hear the sounds of a commotion inside. Your aunt, you think, screams at one point. Having just about the worst feeling about this, you run to the window, grabbing a rock on the way and smashing it into the iron bars preventing entry. The first blow bends a bar inwards, and the next one breaks it entirely, the whole thing rusted to hell and back. You prepare for a third blow, but another gunshot rings out, the window before you breaking, a bullet flying by dangerously close to your head, the realization of which is enough to make you duck underneath the window.

"YOU BETTER NOT BE TRYIN' SOMETHING!" a voice, raspy voice of a man on the other end. "YOU TRY SOMETHIN' AND THEY DIE! BOTH OF 'EM, YOU HEAR ME!"

"Now..." you hear a very careful voice you identify readily as Aunt Meche. "Let's... just... be calm... be chill..."

You hear another gunshot, but not aimed in your direction this time.

"Don't do anything hasty... you hear me, Paulie?" Meche continues, her voice trembling a little. "Relax... lower the gun, nobody's gonna hurt you..."

"Fuck you!" the man retorts. "He was gonna call the cops! You saw it!"

"Right, yeah... and you got him..." Meche patiently goes on. "Now just relax and think for a second..."

Your incredibly bad feeling about this is taking a nose dive straight into hell.

"You don't think I'll do it, do you?" Paulie says.

"I know you will... but don't do it, Paulie. I'm beggin' you here. C'mon, just..."

"Fuck you! I'll show you! Go ahead, call the fucking cops! See if I care! I've got my plan all worked out!" Paulie shouts back and stomps out of whatever darkened room it was behind that window.

"No! Wait!" Meche shouts as she runs after him further into the house.

Yvonne then exits the science lab, laying low, and looking for movement.
She was seeing red. She was going to kill that man. Then, what next?
She didn't know.

You step out, feeling the murder in the air. It points you down a hallway, toward the origin... you walk toward the smell of gunpowder and the thunderous flashes in the windows, skulking until you come to a classroom, currently vacant, though echoing faintly with residual terror, thin streams of bile rolling down the walls. You think he is here - the doorway stinks of an evil presence. You glide inside with careful, quiet steps, regarding the classroom...

Inside is an image of chaos. The desks and chairs are upturned and arranged in an erratic circle, right beneath a waterfall of blood pouring out of several holes in the ceiling, the ensemble resembling a macabre fountain. And right beneath the stream stands a boy about your age, holding a pistol, arms spread wide as the stream washes through his hair, his features difficult to make out in the dimly lit classroom - nobody's been in here today before him, the blinds are still closed. You don't think you know this boy.

As you draw closer, your hand clenched around your phone, his eyes slowly open, mouth widening in a carefree smile. A white flash sears your brain as you look at his eyes, yellow and beastly and glowing with a terrible light. His hands lower along his sides, and his grip tightens around his gun.

"Lost?" he asks plainly as he starts to raise his arms slowly again, this time toward you.

Once again it took Lacie a while to adjust to her new form, she watched the guards for a moment taking a bit of pleasure in their fruitless attempts to find her. Eventually though she tried again to move onwards, focusing her mind to flow out into the garden. If she was successful she began to do her best to creep forwards, hoping she could make it out in time before the guards even realised she had left the building.

As the guards start to move on carefully, looking for signs of your passage, you dive out of the handle onto the other side, and once more you plummet to the stony garden path... this time with a loud clang, though, your entire form now resembling an animate brass statue. You roll off the path and into the flower patch, rightly guessing that the soil does much to render your passing inaudible. You creep on, and manage to get slightly clear of the mansion itself as the guards move into the garden itself, evidently having heard your fall. At this point you've gotten pretty far, though, far enough for the darkness to obscure your crawling metallic shape, and you're nearly at the downward slope that marks the point where the mansion grounds become increasingly wooded.

Now, though, you suspect they'll be releasing the hounds to try and get you, though you're not sure if they'd be able to harm you like this. Heck, could they even smell you? You're not really bleeding or anything anymore, so who knows?

Alex would look down, contemplating his situation. It wasn't fair. He wasted a whole bunch of money for a snake oil. He would head to his house to check if he left the door unlocked.

It's really, really late as you walk home, climb over the fence (it's much more difficult getting in than getting out, you notice) and try every door. Disappointing results all around - no doors unlocked, and even the decorative rock doesn't seem to have any spare keys in it. Tonight is about as far from going your way as you can reasonably imagine.

You sigh as you realize you'll have to wake someone up inside and get them to let you in.

((Forum decided to not notify me.))

Vel reminds himself that you can't get a cold from cold temperatures. Would be silly if you could.

He just lays there. Occasionally attempting to get up.

Yeah, try telling your mother that.

In any case, you lay there on the cold floor. Would it have killed your parents to install some heating on this damn floor? But no. They can spare any expense but that, obviously. You're never going to get what you really want in life, are you? You just lay there, feeling a bit messed up, occasionally trying to move. You eventually sit up after some time, and in a maneuver that causes you extreme pain (well, by your standards anyway) get to a standing position.

You're not sure you can maintain the standing position, you conclude after a moment or two. And you're even less sure about moving any further. Least attractive of all is just falling on your face. So you do the smart thing and collapse into your bed. It is just as cold as the floor, but you decide to give it time.

Spoiler: GM Note (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #87 on: October 17, 2015, 08:16:17 am »

Mary Barnett was gathered around the school with other parents, with it being on lockdown.
She shouted for her daughter, hoping that she would come out of the school, alive.
Her baby girl. Her little 'Von.
She prayed.
She just hoped.

Yvonne saw the man, the ghastly look in his eyes.
She saw red, brimstones and fire.
He was evil.
She dove, then swung, averting her eyes from his.
She believed that she would hit him, and live.
She just hoped.
Ain't nobody got time for that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #88 on: October 17, 2015, 08:38:33 am »

((oh darn, missed a turn.))

"sure, i can do that." replies steven, quickly pulling a pair of glooves out of his pocket and putting them on before carefully taking the dart from Kim.

"these people with your guest, are they likely to be parahuman themselves?"
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Distant Traces of Beauty
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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #89 on: October 17, 2015, 09:04:39 am »

As Lacie left the mansion grounds she let out a long deep sigh, she rested against a nearby wall still not entirely believing what had just happened. She stood there for a while, relishing the feeling of just being alive. Eventually though the thief realised she was not safe yet, not until she got back home without being seen would she have survived tonight's ordeals. The metal woman began to move, heading as quickly and as quietly as she could back towards her home.
* greatorder smothers Kansa with earwax
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