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Author Topic: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)  (Read 16495 times)

Harry Baldman

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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #105 on: October 19, 2015, 06:31:10 am »

Kyle looks around satisfied with a hard days work. Wait, that's not quite right... ah yes, the more correct term is dazed and confused about everything that went down. There is no less than two people that are very much alive despite what their previous circumstances would have said, several very nearly dead men with one of their group running to do something... Shit, that's a bad thing. Should probably run really fast.
"Guys, I love to explain what happened but one of the church boys escaped and is probably going to cause us some problems if we don't get going right now."

You don't think Tubby has many friends he could call upon, but nevertheless you'd say it's a good idea to make sure your family's not anywhere near a hypothetical concentration of armed gangbangers regardless. They definitely see your point on that end as well, and together you vacate the premises. You're out in just a few moments, your family close by on your tail and...

... wait. You look to the left, just past some crates, and you see your dear friend Tubby, currently curled up and trying to make himself as unseen as possible, evidently having counted on you being in a bit too much of a rush to pay much mind to him. While a noble effort on his part, you must admit that his hiding spot could use some work. You and your family stand there moment looking at the cowering fellow, and he fails to pretend that he isn't there for a good few moments, after which he meets your gaze.

"Uh... uh... I surrender?" he stammers out, looking scared out of his mind.

Lacie let out a sigh as she reached the edge of the business district, it was very tempting to head down into it and she stood there for a long while considering the possibility. Eventually she made up her mind, she began to make her detour around the district. It was going to be a long night but it was better than someone seeing her injury or her body as it was, she didn't want to end up in a cell tonight.

Your night isn't terribly brilliant in any respect, since you're not delighted to have to skulk around in your metallic form. It's still probably a good idea to keep out of sight, you'd say, even if being made of metal and having a broken leg aren't really something you can imprison a person for, and you're not certain anyone's likely to have gotten a good visual of you back at the house. It's very early morning when you get back home. You're not really unseen, of course, but you do manage to keep enough of a distance that nobody can pinpoint exactly what the matter with you might be.

You eventually come to your apartment door, and start to check your pockets for a key when it becomes terribly apparent to you that your pockets as well as your clothes seem to now form a uniform block of metal, and you can't really get anything out of them, whatever you even had in there in the first place. Not that you can't meld through the door anyway, of course, but it's the principle of the thing.

Silence. Blessed silence. And as Serra saw something change behind the eyes of the man who looked at her, it was shattered.

A scream of rage and pain and fear. Primal, born of despair and love and exhaustion. A sound of denial - no, of refusal; denial implies that somewhere, you know it is true, but would never admit it. In this, even that compromise is not given.

Serra's whole mind and being focused on one thing. That man would not kill her brother. It would not happen. She refused to let it, even if she could do nothing but rage and lurch forward to start moving. It would have felt pointless, except that she wouldn't have cared, if she even noticed. Her mind was united, even in the fugue of the last few days, towards that goal.

And the guttural, half-coughed roar that ripped from her throat? An afterthought. Less.


You lurch forward toward Paulie and Lucian, no thoughts beyond a singular refusal in your mind, a rejection of the inevitable. Meche moves to try and stop you feebly. Not that either of you can stop Paulie. If he is indeed thinking at the moment, it is clear he has made up his addled mind. He squeezes the trigger, and in that moment a great field of impossibility opens before you. There is an instant in which a path out becomes clearly visible, and you try to seize it, but in the same instant it disappears forever, and you are left grasping wildly and incoherently, looking for something, anything amid the small range of things that remain. The fact you cannot change. But the meaning can be refused.

All this you realize in a blinding instant as sound is drowned out by the gunshot, the bullet entering your little brother's head and soon enough flying out the other side, his skull peeling open to allow it passage. Your heart has gone still, your rage draining from you as you project it ineffably forward, setting it on an inconceivable task. Lucian tenses up as death comes for him... and yet he moves. He moves decisively, in the blink of an eye, his hands tearing free of their bonds, muscles and bones contorting under stress. One of his hands moves to grab Paulie's arm, his entire body twisting unnaturally to intercept the man's movements, and the other grabs onto the corresponding shoulder. And then with an elementary, intuitive movement he twists, the torsion tearing muscle and shattering bone, a mere second of application turning the man's arm into so much useless meat. The gun falls out of his hand as Paulie screams - he manages a moment of this before the child's hands move to his throat, beginning to crush it effortlessly as he hangs off the man, freeing his legs and standing up on the chair, looking the man in the eye as he forces the life out of him, blood mixed with loose and slippery bits of brain matter still dripping out of the little boy's head wound.

And there are you, uncannily conscious of Lucian's every movement, his mind an open book to you, intense fear pushed to the deepest, darkest corner of his fading psyche as you kindle a primal urge for destruction. Dominic is screaming on the chair next to Lucian's, you think - everybody in the room is deafened by the gunshot.

Alex would knock on the door, still mildly upset.

You spy your father through the upstairs window, looking down at you in puzzlement. There is something different about him, you think as he disappears from sight. It takes a bit before he comes downstairs and opens the door for you, looking lightly dazed from the rude awakening you seem to have given him. But you also notice something else which seems highly odd, a certain shadow behind his eyes. He feels... darkened to you somehow, extinguished.

There's an ember in him somewhere, you think, very dull and lacking in glow. You squint your eyes at him, pondering where this impression is coming from. You can't see it, exactly, but it's definitely there. Your dad stares at you in return for a bit, probably pondering if you're high or something - that would be a bit unlike you, but a parent must always worry. And as you continue to look at him, the ember becomes all that much more striking, to the point where you think you could just reach out... and kindle it somehow.

Probably a good idea to grab some water and food. Muscle spasms take a lot of energy.

Look around for something that could be used as a cane and attempt to get upstairs.

Another thing you could really use down here - a mini-fridge.

You do happen to have a stick around here, a shinai you got during a momentary aspiration to learn kendo (that you abandoned just as quickly, mind you). It makes for a pretty good cane, you find, and you manage to get upstairs after some doing and fix yourself a glass of water and a sandwich, both of which you manage to get exactly how you like it (a fact that makes you wonder if it wouldn't be worthwhile to look into making your own food - it'd be a bother, true, but possibly worth it). Sitting down at the table, you have a good pre-breakfast, and feel quite a bit better already.

You are, however, mildly annoyed when your mother, a light sleeper herself, takes a gander into the kitchen as well, presumably having heard your movement. She seems vaguely perplexed at your presence here.

"Yeah, I can understand that." replies steven calmly, tucking the dart into his jacket pocket and opening the door for Kim in a gentlemany fashion.

"Now onto more important matters, what flavor are those donuts?"

"Glazed mostly, no sprinkles, no jelly. Didn't want to get too crazy, you understand," Kim smiles as you proceed back to the living room, where you sit down, Kim helping herself to the donut she left behind previously. "Might have some coconut on some of them, though, if you're into that kind of thing."

You are about to enjoy yourself a donut as well, but at the moment you move to grab one Z wanders back into the room, and you are very much aware of his enduring nakedness. He stares at you this time, though, not at Kim.

"New guy. You said you explode, right?" he asks with an air of boredom, then moves on without waiting for a reply. "There's some stuff in the basement. Would you kindly clear it out for me?"

"Clear it out yourself, Z," Kim replies with annoyance, and Z glances at her for a bit before his gaze is drawn to his gun.

"I tried," he says, then raising his eyes to meet yours. "Didn't work."

Yvonne felt something slip away, somehow. Anger, rage? Regardless, she still felt something was gone. She then looked at the man? She wasn't sure if you could still call him that. She decided to look away, for she could not stand the grisly sight. She then started off for an exit, a new future, even if she was not sure what that future would be like.

You sail on green winds of freedom through the halls, knowing them to be safe once more, and make your way back to the school foyer along familiar tracks. The path feels intuitive and nearly instantaneous, the lightness of your being and the relieving taste of sweet air being something you could enjoy forever.

As you glide into the first floor, almost having gotten into the foyer, however, you come face to face with a woman. She's wearing quite a bit of body armor, and her helmet obscures her features behind a dark visor. The color scheme, however - dark blue and black, arranged in angular stripes, a simple circular arrow emblazoned on the chest plate... this is One-Eighty, dressed for combat, a blue aura around her signifying great importance. You've seen her before in Edtown, though not in quite as well-armed a state.

"You alright, girl?" she asks, her words solidly resonating in your mind as she studies you from head to foot. "Anyone else still in there?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #106 on: October 19, 2015, 08:04:17 am »

Yvonne sees the woman, and is relieved. There was safety, a respite, even if it would be brief. As she spoke, waves of worry washed over Yvonne, however, when she asked if anybody else was okay. She didn't know. She had so much to think about, and...
Before Yvonne slumped to the ground unconscious, she uttered three words.
"I don't know."
Ain't nobody got time for that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #107 on: October 19, 2015, 08:22:38 am »

Lacie swore, this was the last thing that she needed, losing her tools and her key on top of everything else. Not able to imagine how this could get any worse she slipped through the door, emerging in her small apartment. It was not the tidiest place, clothes were strewn about the floor and a couple of empty glasses and plates still resting on various surfaces. The thief limped through the mess towards the kitchen and almost collapsed in one of the chairs around the wooden table, her half eaten dinner still resting where she had left it. This night had been an unmitigated disaster, weeks of planning gone down the drain all because of her one stupid mistake. She was lucky even to be alive, she would certainly be dead if whatever had happened to her body hadn’t occurred.

With that thought the young woman looked down at her body, it was still a shock to see it made of wood instead of flesh and blood. She flexed her fingers, marvelling at the fact that she could even move. For a while she simply stared trying to think of a reason that she ended up like this, her mind came up blank again and again. What on earth was she and why had she suddenly changed like this? She eventually gave up, whatever it was it wouldn’t change anything in the end. Instead her mind turned to how on earth she was going to get back to normal.

For a moment she hesitated, then with all her mental strength she focused. Trying to will herself back to her normal state of humanity.

* greatorder smothers Kansa with earwax


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #108 on: October 19, 2015, 08:41:49 am »

If he could do it, Kyle would be massaging his temples in an emotion somewhere between annoyance and amusement. That said, he figures that this is a good time to get some petty revenge.
"You know what? Fuck it. I'll let you go for now... But, I'm gonna need your clothes, your shoes, and your gun. Oh, and any ammo you have left. Can't have you shooting me or my family in the back now can I? And in case you have any ideas, I can very easily kill you if you try shooting me again, so let's just make this easy."


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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #109 on: October 19, 2015, 10:46:54 am »

"What kind of stuff?" Steven asks, purposefully ignoring the mans nudity and reaching out to snag one of the glazed donut's the universe was so desperately trying to deny him.. "...and how structurally sound is your basement?"

pausing for a moment, Steven recalls that Kim wants Z gone and idly toys with an idea.

"I tend to avoid going into the cellars of armed men, but i need a favour too...
for reasons i cant be bothered explaining i need of those alcoholic cakes i dont have the time to go get it, if you can go get me one ill clear out the basement for you while your gone."
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #110 on: October 19, 2015, 12:18:45 pm »

((Not really in a mood to write up an rpey thing, didn't feel like delaying the game though. Sooo not as good quality as normal for me.))

Vel decides, while chewing on his sandwich, that yes, making food for himself might be a good idea. Then his mom stumbles in. Goodie.

"Morning Mother."

"Forget to sleep again?"


"Intentionally choosing not to sleep?"


"You really should fix that sleep cycle of yours you kn-"

At this point, Vel gets up, picks up his plate, and goes back downstairs. Another nag is not needed.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 06:11:16 pm by Kevak »

Harry Baldman

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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #111 on: October 19, 2015, 12:26:23 pm »

"Morning Mother."

((I'd rather like to not get bogged down in line-by-line dialogue, so could you extend this exchange a bit? As a general rule you ought to think more in scenes rather than lines.))


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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #112 on: October 19, 2015, 12:32:53 pm »

((Ah, there's not too much that Vel'd really say in the situation without other input. I could do the parts with the mom if you want, but would need to know if there is anything I should add in for it.))

Harry Baldman

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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #113 on: October 19, 2015, 01:40:19 pm »

((Ah, there's not too much that Vel'd really say in the situation without other input. I could do the parts with the mom if you want, but would need to know if there is anything I should add in for it.))

((As mentioned, you can play the characters in your home ground while you're in their presence, and in cases like what you imagine your mother to be like you are encouraged to take charge.))


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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #114 on: October 19, 2015, 02:06:59 pm »

((Give me an hour or two, will add on. Slightly busy.))

((On a different note. Vel has a rather clearly defined view on the difference between wants and needs. Food? Needed. Food made to a specification? Wanted. Insulation of some sort where one sleeps? Needed. Heated flooring? Convenience but definitely a want. He may be isolationist, but he definitely isn't spoiled in the sense of seeing wants as needs.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #115 on: October 19, 2015, 02:22:13 pm »

Rachel blinks once in surprise, then grins. The seemingly acidic or corrosive nature of her new existence is not unwelcome. After all, she had planned on trying to slip through the door, like she had with the restraints. This new discovery, however, made this next step all the more doable. Rachel presses her hand to the door again, this time aiming for the locks. If her suspicions are correct, she's being held in one of the testing rooms at the base, where new concoctions of her father and the other scientists are used on willing volunteers. Which begged the question, just what, exactly, was that liquid that she had seen in her IV? And why had no one come to check on her? Was this a test?

Brushing the questions and speculations aside once more, Rachel returns to the task at hand, watching the door carefully.
Funding rebels because seriously, fuck those guys.
((They're basically the new Mongols.  I gotta say, I have a newfound respect for the Jamaican police force after playing this game.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #116 on: October 19, 2015, 02:31:49 pm »

Alex would quietly focus and stare at the ember. He would attempt to kindle it.
Wants to rape and enslave my innocent night faeries ;-;


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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #117 on: October 19, 2015, 08:02:12 pm »

Ugh, people.  There were always people.  Arnie didn't like most people.  People hated him.  There was always someone ready to shove his face to the curb or spit at him.  Even those that seemed nice usually had other motives.  Arnie knew.  He knew that the world looked down on him.  He had been called so many things.  Crazy.  Stupid.  Disgusting.  Pathetic.  What would they call him now?  He shuddered even thinking about it.

Arnie looked around the kitchen.  Huh?  Did he just see a shadow move past the window?  Was that whispering he heard?  Is he truly alone?  Someone could be hiding here, waiting to strike.  Maybe this was all part of their plan.  To experiment on him and then strike him down.  They made him like this, so they might know his weaknesses.  Yes, that has to be it.  They must be waiting for an opportunity to strike.  Arnie readied himself for a surprise attack.  He'll be ready.  He won't let anyone treat him like a rotting piece of garbage.  Not any more.

Arnie waited.  The waiting was torture.  Finally, Arnie couldn't take it any more.
"I know you're watching me!" Arnie yelled at his surroundings. "LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Start wrecking the kitchen.  Kill or destroy anything that seems threatening.
Due to Real Life reasons, I have to disappear for awhile.  Take me out of all games that I'm participating in.  Sorry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #118 on: October 19, 2015, 08:59:24 pm »

Spoiler: Dear Harry Baldman :P (click to show/hide)
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.


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Re: Come On Down To Edwardstown: A Worm-Inspired RP (9/9)
« Reply #119 on: October 19, 2015, 09:32:07 pm »

((Will have a fleshed out dialogue tomorrow. [tuesday] Day has been long and I am exhausted.))
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