I played an adventure with this mod for probably 200+ hours and it's absolutely great Next time through I'm going to mod in gauntlets & gloves and probably 2H swords too.
The mod also has an especially Fun synergy with Knight Otu's Random Raw Scripts, because all of the RNG creatures end up being made of ++ body mats. It can get crazy if they're undead though because if they're bigger than horse-sized or so it's practically impossible to sever any bony limbs or crush the skull.
Yeah, that's due to making it so the standard vanilla material templates have the swole strength, while instead defining differently-named material templates used by all the other raw-defined creatures. This is how titans, demons etc get their super-strong materials.
The two-handed swords thing was admittedly just me not wanting too badly clog up the reactions menu, since then I've heavily fiddled with submenus to make each more readable (I hope), so I could probably add them.
Guantlets and gloves are in because if you want them to actually be wearable, you need to have a DFHack script called fix-handedness running.
Aren't, you mean. But yeah, the "there's a DFHack script" discussion about this waaay back on the first page, though I think I've since eaten my old replies to the suggestion to move changelog and appendices to them due to post length. Basically, I prefer my released mods being as accessible as possible, with as few external tools required as possible. Okay that and I've been putting off really doing much with DFHack due to distractions and laziess. ._.