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Author Topic: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!  (Read 220690 times)


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #540 on: December 08, 2015, 03:49:51 am »

Yes, *socks* and-socks-
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #541 on: December 08, 2015, 02:59:59 pm »

Lack of Booze makes Dwarves slower. Heavy Items make them move slower. If they're moving slower, it takes longer to get to the booze. The lower the FPS, the slower the game runs.  So everything takes that much longer.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #542 on: December 10, 2015, 02:40:39 pm »

We're down to Vuhoijumala. A pm has been sent.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #543 on: December 10, 2015, 03:54:09 pm »

Well, it seems my turn came a bit quicker than I thougt! Which is good, as my computer doesn't get totally bogged down by the present fortress. Yet. I'll propably start playing tomorrow and make first posts during the weekend. Aaand I'll try my best not to Flood everything with Murder.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #544 on: December 12, 2015, 09:23:41 am »

Prologue (Early Summer, 206):

" you're saying we don't have an overseer right now?" I asked.
"Yes, exactly" Taupe replied.
"But what happened to Gwolfski? We haven't nearly passed a year yet. Did we have bears again?"
"He.. decided to retire. And we kindly supported his decision"
"So, uh.. did something go wrong?"
"Well, he's mostly been crawling in his new bunker lately. He did fend off the latest goblin attack, though. And built a water reactor. Although, there were some who didn't see it as something very useful. Some also claim that the reaction inside is so intense, that it makes time go slower! Hah! How can water bend time? But yeah, I think it's been quite stressful for him."

I gave Taupe a brief, blank stare.
"..what's a reakktor?"
"The reactor? Oh, well, basically it's a thing which can achieve perpetual motion on it's own. You know the basic dwarven units for energy? One can use some simple equationstoshowyouhowthisthing...

* Insert monkeys with cymbals *

So many words I cannot understand. Am I supposed to know all this? I should have not come here in the first place. Oh Armok, why won't he stop speaking already?

"..and thus, it grants us loads of power just by existing." Taupe concluded.
"Great. Uh.. power is good."
"Which brings us back to the point! We need a new overseer. You're next on the list."
"The list? Me? Why me? I am just a miller. I don't know how to run things around. I still don't know many people around here."
"But hey, you've been doing well in the fields. You know how they say, that dwarves are like little saplings, when you nurture and take care of them they grow strong and steadfast! I think you're up to it"
"I haven't heard of any saying like that"
"Oh you must have! You know, elves are like trampled grass, goblins are like cockroaches and humans are like huge pillars with bad balance who like to wrap their kings in toilet paper when they die"
"Uh, okay. What about kobold then? What are they like?"
"Not worth mentioning"
"Ah. Umm. You were the first overseer, right? Can you at least instruct me a bit before I take this burden of responsibility in our future?"
"Well, sure. Just follow me"

After some brief recollection of the deeds done by our previous oversees, Taupe leads me to a staircase.

"And here's the lever room. You can control pretty much the whole fort from here"
"There's so many of them. How do I know which one does what?"
"They should all have labels on them. You only have to make sure you pull the right one"

I've never been this confused in my life. I don't know mechanics. I've pulled levers before, yes. But I never had to be aware of what they DO. I've just followed orders.

"..maybe I'll just leave them be"
"Don't worry, you'll learn. Oh yes, I also got the reactor lever map from Gwolfski. Here, it'll show you how to operate the thing"

Taupe hands me a piece of paper. It has many drawings on it. And lines. Also some circles. On/Off is written in red, it seems to be important to know.

"I think that's it then. I think you're ready to begin as the new overseer!", he concludes.
"Yes. No. I don't know!"
"Good, I'll be going then! The fields aren't going to supervise themselves, you know! There's always someone around somewhere if you need any help!"

The sound of distancing footsteps echo from the walls of the empty lever room. Overseer, huh? Now, what would a good overseer do..?


I wrote a little something to begin with. I hope it's okay if I occasionally put words to other characters' mouths, when it feels logical to do so. I'll try to make it through summer this weekend. The reactor and the amount of levers confuse my real life self too. I don't think I'm going to tamper with the reactor at all.

Btw, what shall we do with the unveiled candy, now that we have it available? I'd do some overly expensive statues and trinkets with it, just for the fun. But we could also start doing weaponry and armor.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #545 on: December 12, 2015, 10:22:14 am »

Are we still only on our second Triaxx?


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #546 on: December 12, 2015, 11:49:03 am »

Are we still only on our second Triaxx?
Yes, we indeed are. Triaxx II seems to be doing fine. He's also one of our two legendary engravers.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #547 on: December 12, 2015, 01:04:53 pm »

Adamantine, huh? maybe stockpile it for now, and train a few idlers in smithing in case a mood takes them. A legendary breastplate is like eight free wafers.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #548 on: December 12, 2015, 01:09:43 pm »

I am not responsible for any side effects of my adamantine vein mining t&c apply
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #549 on: December 14, 2015, 10:56:21 am »

Blitz Gamer's Travel Log
RAHHHH! Adamantine has been uncovered (Praise be to the miners) but I am stuck in this kitchen preparing meals. I wished to be a creator of weapons and armor fit for kings and legends, but instead am creating meals that are sold off to elves for wood. Maybe if I go to the new overseer and express a desire to be but back in the forge, along with a *gift* of my finest roast, I can return to my ambition.
Microline for everyone!


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #550 on: December 14, 2015, 12:13:07 pm »

It took a bit longer than I hoped, but the summer is done. Hooray! Sadly, we already had one casualty (a gem cutter) in a construction related accident.. I'll write a report later in the evening. I took way too many screenshots, so I fear it might take a while.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #551 on: December 14, 2015, 04:46:31 pm »

The last update was pretty nice. I have no doubt that it will be worth it.You can always discard redundant screenshots if they dont serve your story.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #552 on: December 14, 2015, 05:53:04 pm »

I always end up double-screenshotting. I'm not sure why.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #553 on: December 14, 2015, 10:49:53 pm »

I have a bad habit of making lots of screen shots too because I like to chronicle every little happening that occurs hoping to spin a tale out of it. It tends to lead to lots of editing and lots of time doing write ups because you aren't willing to discard something that is potentially interesting but isn't really relevant. Sometimes its better not to report on every single event and just focus on the meat of the matter at hand.

Looking forward to your update!


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #554 on: December 15, 2015, 09:38:04 pm »

Thanks all for encouraging words! Sorry I couldn't post the report yesterday. I literally passed out in the evening, as I haven't been sleeping well lately. But here it is:

The Summer update!


The Murderflood Overseer Diary


3rd of Hematite
It us just a couple of days since I was appointed as the new overseer of Murderlood, after the premature retirement of Gwolfski. I am to remain in this position until next summer. I began writing this diary, as I've understood it's important to record what events have happened, and what plans have been carried out. And if any doom would fall upon us, at least someone would have a chance to discover what happened. There's a feeling of uncertainty in the air, as the news from the world outside our fort have been troubling lately..

I am not completely sure why the hardy folk here would have me, a miller and now farmer, appointed as an overseer, but I respect their wish and try to do my best to preserve our fortress. I came here as a total stranger, but I feel I've gotten close to some of the people here.
Spoiler: Friend list (click to show/hide)

I've drawn some construction plans now. I felt that, now that I am the overseer, it would be imperative to SEE OVER the fort. We do have some tall structures here, but they are mostly claimed by some of our previous overseers. Instead, I'm going to order something every overseer can use, if they wish so. I'm going to order the construction of.. an overseer tower!
Spoiler: The tower foundations (click to show/hide)

The northern bridges need rebuilding too, as they were disassembled after some trolls came through during the last siege. I think a few traps around them will be necessary.

I've also heard we've unearthed some of this curious metal called "adamantine". I've never seen it before in my years, but I have heard legends of it. We also appear to have dwarves, who can process these things into a more usable form. I'm planning to set up strand extraction in the bear-containment halls. I'm also encouraging the miners to dig up more adamantine.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

We're also running out of clothes, so something must be done about it. Apparently, we don't have much material for clothes-making though..

I've also began planning out a construction, which I dare not reveal until it's ready.

I personally think a year would more than suffice to achieve all this. There should be enough time for some other projects as well. Speaking of time, it indeed feels like every day passes slower and slower nowadays. Is it the reakktor, as some claim? Or is it all just in our heads? Nevertheless, I've felt that there's been too much time for thoughts lately.. I have to say I feel anxious about the future. We've been attacked many times already, by goblins, by titans, by the DEAD. We also had this bloody incident involving dwarfs-turned-bears, in which tragically, one of my kin was apparently killed. I believe there's not many of us left.. I haven't yet revealed the reason why we hide our identities. For now, it is for the best. There was one other of us too, he was brutally slaughtered by a giant dead toad in the caverns. Yes, the cursed lake which lies next to us causes foul things to begin roaming down in the depths.. I'm also starting to feel the burden of my years. Sometimes I just cannot stop myself from thinking the fragility of life..

Construction has begun well. Sarvesh tried to haul a block across our water-filled ditch. He dropped it in the ditch and left it there. I lectured him about efficiency. I hope he got the message.

Litast, the nutcase, came across with a blank stare. She didn't quite get what I tried to say to her and just continued stumbling around, like if she was lost. I heard that's quite everything she does nowadays, so I let her carry on.
Spoiler: Cuckoo! (click to show/hide)

I inspected some of the statues we have waiting in the stockpiles. Some were grim, some quite peculiar. I'm not sure if I've ever seen a confused cactus before in my life.
Spoiler: Statues (click to show/hide)
(It seems the picture got corrupted a bit for some reason, sorry for that)

Strand extraction has finally begun!

Litast comes before me in the dining hall and shouts: "Humies!" Ah, so the human caravan has been sighted. And they are by the dozens. I hastily ordered some bins with finished goods and Nujux, our broker, to the depot.

It took quite long for the humans to finish unloading goods. But as they did, Nujux decided to go on a conveniently timed break.

The new overseer tower is starting to look very good. The northern bridges on the other hand remain unbuilt, even though I gave the order ages ago. I tried to find out to whom the task had been assigned. Then I saw someone crawling in the distance, making his way to the bridges. Gwolfski. I immediately went to him and relieved him from all physical labor. Paralyzed dwarves doing construction is not efficient at all! He insisted me to allow him finish his task, so I let him. Determined in spirit, even without functioning legs.
Spoiler: Soon to be unemployed (click to show/hide)

Our broker Nujux finishes his break. The humans stand and loiter aimlessly around the depot. Nujux goes to bed. The caravan waits.

Due to having only free time, Gwolfski arranged a party at his private bunker. I heard Taupe was the only one who attended. Is this how the relationships of overseers end up being?

Nujux comes out of his quarters. Then Nujux goes on a break again. It think he isn't really fond of humans.


4th of Malachite
Nujux arrives at depot. Trading can FINALLY begin. I personally come to marvel at the massive amount of goods the humans brought! Bought leather and cloth to make pants. The situation is nearing critical, as some are already complaining they don't have any clothes anymore.. Bought some different varieties of beer and wine which I believe we don't have. It should cheer people up. Also loads of prepared organs and intestines from exotic animals. Why not? I want to know how a jaguar brain tastes like. And intestines are an important part of cuisine in the place I come from.

Apparently the humans thought we are bathing in wood, so they didn't bring any with them.. Nujux said he double checked the goods. I decided to do the same, just to make sure he wasn't just being lazy.. But no. Not a single twig. And apparently they don't want to sell their wagons for furniture industry. At the moment I proposed that, it felt like the wagons themselves began all staring at me, in a way only a piece of wood on wheels can do. At the end, I threw some of our worn clothing as our offer to the traders and they seemed to be perfectly pleased with the trade. Odd folk.

I've also put a few memorial slabs of some random goblins and a titan on our entrance. This is to show everyone what happens to invaders. Hopefully they stay away.
Spoiler: This is Murderflood (click to show/hide)

The second bridge at the northern gate is still unfinished. There's again someone crawling very determinedly out of our southern entrance. It's one of our Bomreks, an engraver.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"Oh, hello. I'm just going to finish up that bridge on the other entrance"

YET AGAIN a cripple doing bridge construction. On the other side of the fort. Who hands out these orders?! I relieve her too from physical labour, yet she really wants to finish her task. Fine then, off you go.
Spoiler: -sigh- (click to show/hide)

It seems I didn't pay enough attention to what has been dug near surface. A little channeling job done to our water canal punctured a.. hole?, connecting to another.. ?hole? below it. Now everything is flooding down to yet another hole?? with doors. The canal is drying, at least partly. I should have checked.. Time to build pumps.


13th of Galena
Case Litast has been walking into walls again, but now she doesn't speak anything to anyone anymore. That's quite much the only event we've had in these past couple of weeks. Except that there's a lot of mud now near our water canal. But the tower is nearly built! To be honest, I didn't expect it get done so quickly. Sometimes I feel proud to be a dwarf.

*Meanwhile, at the middle of nowhere in complete solitude, a badger got enraged at no-one in particular*

17th Galena
I heard a sudden clamour from the outside. Tragedy! Atír, one of our gem cutters, fell from the top of the tower! There's blood everywhere! At least his death was swift.. And one of our miners, Zas, was below him apparently. She too lost balance and fell. Her left arm is looking very bad, but her injuries seem not to be too critical. She might actually survive. Apparently they were both removing stairs used for construction, and it ended in this.

Spoiler: Atír's last moments (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Zas lying unconscious (click to show/hide)

How fleeting life is.. This cannot bode well. I must continue the other project as swift as possible. I cannot help but think that this would've not happened if I hadn't ordered that tower built.. Was this actually my fault?

Now the wildlife attacks! A badger bruised our two pump operators Bomrek and Thob at the southern entrance! Bomrek ended up punching the thing in the head. The result was, well.. messy. Why hasn't anyone married her yet? Can this sudden wildlife attack be yet another omen?

Zas walked by herself to the hospital, as no one came to recover her. She shows true resilience.

Îton Gusiladil began speaking in tongues and claimed a clothier's shop! I wonder what will come out of it.. Also, I hear our first adamantine wafer is on it's way to a smelter. This is getting exciting!
Spoiler: Possessed (click to show/hide)

Tomorrow marks the beginning of autumn. The summer was quite uneventful, except for the tragic death of Atír.. But the good thing is that Zas has already gotten out of hospital and is doing quite fine. Her arm doesn't yet function as well as normal, but she can do dwarven labour without problems. Buildings have mainly progressed very swiftly. The overseer tower is practically complete, it just needs furnituring. The other project is doing fine also. Adamantine will eventually be put to use. We also have a mill now! For what is a miller without a mill? It also became quite apparent that we need to build a decent roof on our main building.

Spoiler: A mill! (click to show/hide)

I can say that I feel optimistic about the future, although some of the past events keep troubling me. Just hopefully there are no storm clouds coming our way..

Phew, it turned out to take quite longer than I thought it would. And yeah, I think I should decrease the amount of screenshots. The editing and linking alone was way too time consuming.. I have a fort of which I planned to make a story out of at some point. But now every time I look at the amount of screenshots I've taken of it makes me forget about even thinking of writing anything at all :D I also tend to take screenshots just for fun and they are all in the same folder, which was a terrible mistake. Thankfully I understood to make a new folder for Murderflood's pictures..

No migrants again.. It's getting a bit worrying. Those messages shouldn't be caused by the population cap, should they?
« Last Edit: December 15, 2015, 09:41:25 pm by Vuohijumala »
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