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Author Topic: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!  (Read 220753 times)


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #570 on: December 23, 2015, 11:31:37 am »

am i alive?
Yes. The rest of our named dwarves survived unscathed (which is quite a miracle, as many were fighting the titan). Physically at least. Not sure about anyone's mental condition anymore..


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #571 on: December 23, 2015, 06:48:26 pm »


The Autumn Update

Continuation to Vuohiparta's overseer diary

1st of Limestone
Autumn is here. New sets of plans shall be put into motion. The northern bridge is quite defenceless, so we must improve the situation. We'll begin with a few traps.

Zuglarkun made a few suggestions. He reminded me of the dike. Yes, magma pumping shall continue after all major construction has been finished. He also pointed out that we have a large pool of lava which was meant to be utilized as another magma forge area. I approve the plan for a new forge area construction. We do have two other forge areas already, one in the caverns and one on the surface. I don't think the cavern forge is even used anymore. We'll make the new forge for our most talented smiths!

Also, this fellow Blitz Gamer came to me. He's been working on strand extraction, but he feels he should be the one making weapons out of adamantine. I asked him about his previous experience and skills in metalcrafting, and turns out he's dabbling at best..

I reminded him of his present occupation and emphasised the importance of it. Then he offered me a roast he had made:

..which tasted wonderful! I guess I could give him permission to at least train himself in smithing, now that we are going to have lots of forges. I asked him what was in the food. Giant tick, crundle and reacher bits. Wait, haven't all those cave creatures been a bit rotten recently?

There's a baby gone missing. Someone recalled Bomrek shouting at one point during the ditch pumping operation (with the result of flooding the area) that she couldn't find her baby. She continued working as normal, so everyone made the assumption that everything is fine.

Litast is really losing it quite often. Maybe we should improve her living conditions?

Someone spotted a cloud of foul mist rising from the lake. It doesn't seem to be coming at our direction however.

Another mist cloud appeared nowhere near anything. There are giant ravens flying around our fort, but they don't seem to move towards the lake. I hope they never will.. And there's figures in the distance. The dwarven caravan! And our liaison is seen running away from a giant thing.. which looks like a louse. It also flees in terror.

Gwolfski told he almost had a heart attack, as the giant louse apparently scaled our walls and entered his bunker. The weapon traps made it burst. There's all sorts of louse slime and ichor all around. Maybe we should build traps on every door entrance, just in case..

Our liaison, Vucar, offers us to be made a barony! This sounds great! Although, I don't know who would be suitable. Vucar says he is in a hurry and a decision should be made quite quickly. I open the latest fort census records, close my eyes and randomly point a name with my finger. Ilral, pump operator and a marskdwarf, you shall be made baron!

Vucar tells me the world is the same as ever. The mountainhome wants desperately to buy goblets from us. I tell him we need at least leather and wood. Trade agreements are signed.

Barony established. Ilral came to me and made it clear that her living quarters are not suitable for someone of her importance. She also wants an office, her own dining room, and a tomb. Fine, I'll try to figure something out.. The last pack animal has arrived at the depot and Nujux hurriedly finishes his drink and starts making his way towards the depot. I hope he doesn't get lost. There's also a foul stench around the unrevealed construction.. Something rots.

Thob finally found Likot, the missing baby. He saw the body from top of the unnamed construction, drowned in one of the water-filled holes near the ditch.. That's where the stench was coming from.. Apparently the baby's mother, Bomrek, is not moved at all. She actually denies that her baby is dead.
"Thob saw the body! It's your child!"
"It's not! I know he's around playing somewhere. Stop wasting my time! Unless I see her dead, she's not dead!"
"Come! I can show you!"
"No! I will not abandon my task! Now scram before I punch your head in!"
"Aye, mam.."

Nujux is at the depot. Earlier than ever before. Now we have WOOD. Also bags. Bought more leather. Apparently the mountainhome only has polar bear and yeti leather nowadays. Has it always been so? Got rid of all our worn clothing and a few not so valuable gems. Our possessed clothier gets finally some leather for his needs also.

The overseer tower is finally finished! Someone had decided to postpone hauling a couple pieces of furniture for an indefinite amount of time, so finalizing took longer than it should have. But now, it's done! And just by sheer coincidence, it happens to also be the tallest building on Murderflood!
Spoiler: It's a tower! (click to show/hide)

The tower has connections to the dike walls from 1st floor, and to the New Murderflood-building from 5th floor. The 13th floor is dedicated for overseers who wish to live there during their watch. And as you can see, I built a humble abode for myself on the 14th floor. Some haulers DEMANDED I take those two silver statues, so I didn't say no. It would've been a long way back. There's also a contraption in my room for personal purposes. I have to remember to mark that lever as inadvisable to pull.. The bottom floor isn't floored yet, in case someone wants to dig a hole there and drop goblins in it from the top or something. You can also see the new baron quarters being built on top of New Murderflood.

Limestone's last day. No major events so far. Everyone is quite much concentrating on construction.


3rd of Sandstone
Îton Gusidalil has begun a mysterious construction! People say he has gathered a lot of blocks and llama cloth. Also some gems and bones. Sounds.. nice.

Just when I thought we were having things nicely here and my mind had somewhat begun to set aside constant fear, wilderness spews out another foul beast upon us! An eyeless bison with leathery wings has been spotted near our southern entrance. Someone even saw it spewing webs! Armok, have mercy!

As I got over from the initial mind numbing terror, I summoned our militia commanders. A battle plan was made. As a direct attack against the creature would be very hazardous due to it spitting webs, we are planning to trap it! I fear nothing can save our caravan. The beast will quickly reach them. We will have to sacrifice them to ensure our survival..

When the beast has itself occupied on the depot, we'll raise all the bridges. Then, our marksdwarves can take shots at it from the battlements. Sadly we don't have magma in the entrance dike section yet, but I'll order it be pumped immediately. Everyone nodded. We have to be able to act quick.

The beast starts moving straight towards the southern entrance. As soon as the few who have been hauling things from the depot get off the inner bridge, a lever is pulled.. Ahem, the lever is pulled. What, the merchants are almost dead already?!
Spoiler: Those hooves.. (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: ..are pure MURDER (click to show/hide)

The creature is also seen biting heads off! SOMEONE PULL THE LEVER ALREADY! ..then a mason finally comes to save the day. The bridges go up. Actually the titan has taken many nasty looking hits. The few remaining merchants might be able to get through this. There's a marksdwarf persistently shooting the creature.

Even after fierce resistance, the titan emerges victorius. It has taken many gruesome wounds. Our marksdwarves don't seem to be able to get to a good shooting position from the battlements, so a change in location must be done.

Îton comes to us in the midst of all the chaos and shows us the thing he has been working on. It's.. a hood. It does have some empowering images on it. Good work, Îton!
Spoiler: The hood (click to show/hide)

"We'll be leaving soon", says one of the few merchants who managed to run away to the fortress. Fine. Go if you wish to DIE.

The titan lies against the depot wall. It's having trouble breathing. Then I hear one of the marksdwarves ask:
"Hey, did anyone remember to bring any bolts?"

This can't be happening.

Everything is at standstill. The red-haired nasty winged bison monster just stands there. Something must be done. We must get rid of it. A new plan is made. We are going to lure the creature in. We have some dwarves ready to take the first blow. The creature will propably shoot web at them. At the same time, three squads will flank the thing and will hopefully evade the webs. Everyone is preparing mentally for the worst.
Spoiler: Squad positions (click to show/hide)

The inner bridge is lowered, but the beast doesn't seem to like the idea of moving anywhere. We need a lure. And a lure walks right in. "We're not going to wait any longer. We're leaving!", says one of the last merchants. I command the second bridge to be lowered. We won't stop you.

The merchant has decided not to move anywhere. We'll wait.

The merchant has gathered himself. Yes, you must do it. It is for the best. He starts his journey towards the southern gate. Suddenly we all realize that the titan has disappeared when we all looked away! A groan is heard from the dike.

Release. The. Magma.

Îton is dead. He went to the depot and somehow fell into the dike. Just one bite and his head flew a thousand yards.. And to make matters worse, the titan just climbed out of the dike back to the depot. Now it's chasing the merchant's horse. It's coming in. Prepare yourselves!

Quithe, the hill titan is dead. It is done. Our baroness is dead, as is her husband. Some of our finest warriors lie motionless in blood.. Flame II, one of our finest smiths has also perished. There's so much death.. Again. The battle plan worked, although the forces met with the titan just before the ramps which would've allowed flanking from the north. The squads positioned south managed to evade the webs and surrounded the beast. And what a beating it took.

No one is quite sure who gave the last blow, as it propably bled to death. But it is generally accepted, that De killed the beast.
Spoiler: The Titan Destroyer (click to show/hide)

De is looking pale. The beast ripped his other foot off. But he'll live. I heard that the doctor just gave him a crutch and let him go.

The slowly moving magma engulfs Îton's body in the dike, which then bursts into flames. Îton, why did you go there? On the other hand, did I remember to specifically order no one to enter the outer perimeter? Would the titan just have held his position in the dike if Îton had stayed in? Did I fail again?

All the debris that has fallen in the dike creates a huge amount of smoke and mist. Hot air can be seen floating and vibrating all around the trade depot. If the titan would've stood there now, it would have roasted alive. But I let it in. If ever, I wish I could turn back time..

Rest in Dacite, victims of nature's savage fury
17-18th of Galena

Îton Gusiladil, Carpenter
Asën Eshtânusen, Mace Lord
Doren Èrithnoram, baron consort
Mebtob Kíddirasën, Spearmaster
Solon Ìtdùndomas, Hammer Lord
Tobul Unibinod, Leatherworker
'Flame II', Metalsmith
Quithe Lulorifafa Idare Zepave, the Eyeless Bane of Dwarves

3rd of Timber
It has started raining. We sure don't get rain a lot here.. Åblel has also grown up a bit. He's now a child. It's nice to hear something that's not always related to death.

A horrible scream resembling a neigh echoes from the dike walls. It's a caravan horse that had fallen in the dike. A pillar of smoke rises. The helpless neighing intensifies. Everyone hears it. Then it stops, gradually. Finally, there's the smell of burning flesh and hair. There's a certain look on many faces around here. I think we are all trying hard not to end up like Litast.

Lava has reached all ends of the dike portion we are filling. Now we'll have to wait for it to rise. All construction is progressing very slowly now that everyone is pumping.

Obok has also grown up. He doesn't seem to be affected by anything at all. It's what this place does.

I order a halt in pumping, as everyone is going on breaks unrhytmically, which just keeps stopping the magma flow. We'll get back to it. Our pumping force walks back in a line, passing all the dead bodies still lying in our courtyard as there were no people around to place them to rest. I can sense so many little pieces of sanity flying away from many weary minds.

"Hey! If there are no merchants around here, doesn't it mean there's loads of free stuff lying in our depot?"
Yes, there is. Fine. Go.
"Now, who's a good badger? Who's a good bad.. Ow! Hey! *groaning*"

Another badger with a head bashed in, now by Meng from our militia. Pyrotechno ran away from the site the moment the badger showed it's teeth. Maybe he was the wisest of them all. Everything that lives around here seems to want us dead.

Our graveyard is full. It's true. All those rows of coffins are already filled. "Gladly", we have a large surplus of coffins. There's a coffin for all of us.. There's one for me too.. waiting...

This horrible autumn is coming to it's end.. Right now at this day, we have two construction projects almost finished. Here's the new forge area:
Spoiler: It's what it is (click to show/hide)
There's some room for expansion, although I like to look at all that magma.

The yet unrevealed construction is also done. It just needs that final statue. We'll be filling the dike again soon.

We lost almost ten fine dwarves during this season.. The caravan from the mountainhome was totally annihilated, save a couple of horses. The newly appointed baroness is already dead too. I fear this might not be taken lightly at the capital. And it's been quite a long time since we even got migrants..

They can't just abandon us here, can they?

Winter is coming.

Another pile of bodies! I wonder what's next. I think I can make it through winter with relative ease, unless there's yet another attack. There's not so much construction left to do, so I'll propably concentrate more on filling the dike. It was also interesting to notice that my laptop can run Murderflood at 20FPS, compared to my desktop which reached only 12..
« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 06:52:14 pm by Vuohijumala »


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #572 on: December 23, 2015, 07:10:24 pm »


Deus Asmoth

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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #573 on: December 23, 2015, 09:44:05 pm »

Welp. Looks like somebody's getting assassinated.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.

Urist McKiwi

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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #574 on: December 24, 2015, 12:39:17 am »

More importantly, looks like someone can possibly make some fine silk socks to commemorate our narrow victory?
« Last Edit: December 24, 2015, 12:41:43 am by Urist McKiwi »

Deus Asmoth

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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #575 on: December 24, 2015, 01:09:18 am »

Hmm. I didn't notice that the baron died as well. That's got to be some kind of record. Can a promoted baron title be inherited? You're certainly able to gain barons from other sites by inheritance, but I don't think I've ever seen a local noble die and someone inherit the title.

Asmoth's Journal
I need to look into this Vuohiparta character. I had anticipated the possibility of needing to kill the deranged cactus to secure my claim on Murderflood, but I didn't see what actually happened coming. To be fair, the overseer asking for some random plebeian to be accepted into the nobility and then killing them off a month later was a bit out of the blue. Perhaps I could use the militia's low morale after all those deaths to rally them and perform a military coup? No. Rash action might make me feel better in the short term, but it just makes my goals more difficult to achieve. This has been a setback, certainly. My final victory will be more difficult, but it is still far from beyond my reach. And once I achieve it... well, then some revenge might be in order.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #576 on: December 24, 2015, 06:24:00 am »

add me to the turn list if i aint there
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #577 on: December 24, 2015, 08:45:06 am »

Hmm. I didn't notice that the baron died as well. That's got to be some kind of record. Can a promoted baron title be inherited? You're certainly able to gain barons from other sites by inheritance, but I don't think I've ever seen a local noble die and someone inherit the title.
Yeah, I definitely didn't plan for this to happen. It would've been nice to keep a baron around. The wiki is telling the same about succession. If an appointed baron dies, no-one inherits the title, which totally needs fixing. It also prevents the appointments of count and duke. So, the only way to gain a baron now is by random inheritance. If this was one of my own forts, I would've probably savescummed already..

I guess we could try to attract our monarch? We do need migrants though.

Yes, I'm sorry. You desperately wanted to punch the titan in the face. What kind of a dwarf you'd prefer?
« Last Edit: December 24, 2015, 08:59:00 am by Vuohijumala »

Urist McKiwi

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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #578 on: December 26, 2015, 08:43:16 pm »

Yes, I'm sorry. You desperately wanted to punch the titan in the face. What kind of a dwarf you'd prefer?

Possibly one with stronger arms? :P (Or maybe more resistant to getting killed and set on fire)


Anyway, I've heard that the DF2014 saves are compatible with the new when it's been patched a bit more.....should we migrate over and hope for some bugs to get squashed, or stay with what we know works (more or less)?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #579 on: December 27, 2015, 06:34:55 pm »

Nah, don't bring it over. Also, give me our best unclaimed smith and train them up more.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #580 on: December 27, 2015, 08:12:53 pm »

I'm not sure about version changing either. We might end up with more problems, even if the saves worked.

Also winter is done. I'll dorf Flame and write a report tomorrow. I'll also end my turn and post the save. There's also been a certain kind of a.. plot twist. It seems I have given some false information in my latest update. I'll give a hint: the memorial list of the titan attack casualties is totally correct.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #581 on: December 27, 2015, 09:26:00 pm »

Which is what happened to the previous one.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #582 on: December 27, 2015, 10:02:59 pm »

Fuck version changes.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #583 on: December 28, 2015, 02:24:04 am »

Yeah... let's not be hasty and port the save over to the new version. Things are running fine at the moment, so let's not spoil what we have going here. Besides we will be missing some of the new features because the world was genned in the old version.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #584 on: December 28, 2015, 05:56:31 pm »

The Winter Update

Continuation to Vuohiparta's overseer diary

2nd of Moonstone
At least this early winter begins with positive news. Our most important construction is done. May I present you:

The ground floor has an image of a bear paw in bronze and silver. One of our Thob's dared to claim, that it doesn't actually resemble a bear paw at all! I bet he can't even draw a square.. Right now, the ground floor serves as a temporary refuge for all the animals we rescued from the titan carnage. In the future, when we hopefully get more bears, this shall be their sacred ground. Upstairs, there's a room for someone willing to take care of the temple and it's residents. There's also a statue of Zon, our God of Mercy. There are some other statues too, which depict our history with bears. I hope this building will grant us both divine, and ursidaean favor, thus protecting us from evil. Did I tell you that bridge is completely made of silver?

There's not much construction left to do. The northern gate defenses need finishing. After that, we'll continue with magma pumping.

I guess we also have an empty tower now ready. It was meant for the now deceased baroness and her husband. I really can't figure out much use for it now..

We've run out of raw adamantine. I order the miners down to mine us some more. There should be a fair amount left.

There's yet more curious creatures found roaming the desert. Persons with the heads of an ibex. Such deformities of nature.. Are they coming in peace?
Spoiler: They ran away. (click to show/hide)

We now have a siege workshop too in the former werebear containment rooms. I think a few ballistae at our main entrance could help preventing future titan/goblin/undead/badger carnages. As we have a fairly long entrance, our siege engineers can take a few shots without being immediately exposed to danger.

Magma pumping continues. It's progressing slowly, though.

The northern entrance has been improved! There's a barracks ready for an entrance guard now, some traps, and a device I baptised as.. "The Great Mill"
Spoiler: There's no escape! (click to show/hide)

Instead of grain, this thing mills and grinds the flesh and bones of our enemies! It must be used with caution though, as it does the same for everything else too.. There's also an obsidian bridge/floodgate on the northern dike wall, in case we need a magma bath in the future. Levers can be found inside our first building.

A cry of rage was heard echoing in the cavern tunnels. Litast threw a tantrum. Luckily, she was not near anything important and merely tossed some stones around the cavern walls.

It seems we have uncovered quite much every bit of adamantine that can be safely extracted. The vein goes deeper, but there's also a lot of magma down there. Digging would require extreme caution.. There's some adamantine also in the cavern walls, but I fear we are not ready to open another cave entrance yet.. I think we'll do fine with the amount we've uncovered for now.

Am I losing my mind? I gasped in fear, as Ilral, our dead baroness walked right into my tower room. Except that she wasn't dead. Not even reanimated. She was standing there in flesh and blood. Alive.

"But.. I.. thought you are dead!", I replied.
"Uh-huh. And I suppose that's why my quarters still haven't been finished!"
"But I don't understand! I saw you die!"

She looked straight into my eyes. There was a brief moment of awkward silence.

"I think you're losing it. I'm seriously starting to doubt your capability to act as an overseer."
"You're senile. Already. You're what, 120?"
"No, I'm.. Why hasn't anyone told me you're not dead?!"
"Because you never leave this stupid tower anymore!"
"That's not true! I've still been around in the fields. Why haven't I seen YOU?
"Because I've been inside my tow.. Hey, it's not MY responsibility to make sure you're awake and aware of who's ALIVE and who's not! It's your's only! You are the overseer! And I, as the baroness of Murderflood, DEMAND that you order my quarters finished AT THIS. VERY. MOMENT!"
"Of course, of course. Listen, I'm deeply sorry about this.."
"You're sorry."
"You think you can get away with this just by saying you're sorry?"
"Uhh.. yes. You have my sincere apologies. I'll also make sure your quarters will be ready as fast as possible."

She took another stare at me. Then she turned around, walked away and slammed the door.

I saw her die! Or did I? At least I seriously thought I saw. I took a look at my previous entries, particularly the memorial list of the casualties of that last titan attack.

Her name wasn't in it. I recorded every death! At least I think I did! I'm not sure about anything anymore.. But if I didn't write her name on it, how didn't it occur to me that she isn't dead then? And now that I think of it.. I can't clearly recall how she died.

That's it. I must be going insane.

I called Ushat, one of my friends from the fields to go through all my records and check they are all correct..

"I can't find any other errors here. Only the one we know about already", he said.
"Alright. Say, did you know she was alive?"
"Umm. No. I've also been busy at the fields. You should know. But I heard some knew and decided not to tell you about it. Just to see how long it goes until you figure out the truth.."
"Oh.. This is so embarrassing.."
"Hey, we all make mistakes, don't we?"
"My mistakes are getting numerous already.."


5th of Opal
I've lost my morale to work. What's the point in anything if one's limping around with one foot in the grave already? My mind has not been well lately.. I'll propably die without even remembering my name! Although, I fear this place has it's own agonizing death between some horrid creature's jaws reserved just for me.. I've seen so much death! So many variations of death! I wish I could've prevented it all.. There have been no signs of my relatives either, at least not here. I cannot be the only one left..?

One of the dead merchants has risen as a ghost! I can see that we have slabs, but our engravers keep saying there's none available for engraving.. I touch one of the unengraved slabs, just to make sure I'm not imagining them either! They are indeed real. I can't really understand what's going on here..

It seems everyone assumed touching the bodies inside the depot area is forbidden. I immediately give order to lay all the dead merchants to rest.

More ghosts arise, but they won't be around very long. We have already buried about a half of the deceased. I witness one ghost disappear from sight. I wonder where all our souls go after memorialisation. One of the merchant ghosts seemed to act like he'd be waiting a broker to arrive. They seem to remember who they were before.. Then he disappeared from sight also. To me it looked like a second death..

Two bodies were buried in magma, so we can never retrieve them.

We now have two adamantine mail shirts. I am called to admire their beauty. I hope they will protect our brave warriors from mortal wounding. The other one of them is quite exceptional. Alas, I hear our smiths aren't yet on the level this kind of quality would be guaranteed every time they make an item. We need to train them more.

Some bird men have been spotted flying above our fort. We'd be in trouble if a cloud of mist would appear now..


4th of Obsidian
Led Kadolamnek, four, is having a mood. She claimed a craftsdwarf's workshop.

I've got myself together a bit. Ballista construction at our main entrance has now been initialized.

Led has began her work. It seems she didn't have any problems at finding everything she needs.

Led has finished her work already. It's a gila monster bone gauntlet. No one is quite sure if it's truly useful, but she's going to have a bright future ahead as a bone carver. We certainly won't be running out of bones, hah!
Spoiler: The gauntlet (click to show/hide)

One of those wren people flew straight into our new traps. They seem effective enough. Serves them right, as they've been scaring our animals.
Spoiler: Welcome (click to show/hide)

Some workshop/stockpile linkages are now removed. It seems they were the reason our engravers claimed there's no slabs available. I'm not sure about the logic here, but now we can finally memorialize the remaining dead.

Slabs are being carried to our memorial hall. I believe my job here is done.

It is the end of winter. Tomorrow, we all shall thankfully witness a new year. At this very day, the last merchant ghost was put to rest.
Spoiler: Go bother someone else (click to show/hide)

My ghosts on the other hand, will propably never rest.. Today, I will announce to everyone that I will retire. I will not continue through spring as an overseer. I do not have it in me anymore. I'm just glad this season was quite uneventful.

I have some notes written here for next overseer. The other ballista at our entrance is not constructed yet. It'll need orientation adjustments after it's ready. Some ballista arrows should be already on the making.
Spoiler: Ballistae (click to show/hide)

The entrance magma dike section isn't thoroughly filled yet. I think it should be done before continuing with the next section. We also have a nice load of adamantine. Our smiths need training, but I guess we can make a couple more items of it just in case.

Speaking of smiths, Limul, furnace operator and a smith of all trades has taken the identity of "Flame III". Her smithing skills show promise.
Spoiler: Flame's skills (click to show/hide)

And lastly, this is now the end of my journey as an overseer of Murderflood. I only hope my actions as the overseer have not doomed us. They certainly have doomed me. At least we can now pray for some salvation. May Zon and the Great Bear shelter our poor souls, for this place is truly cursed.

End of Vuohiparta's overseer diary.

Here's the save:

It was a quiet winter overall. And yeah, the baroness wasn't dead after all! I seriously thought she died. And listed the bodies and still assumed she's dead. It was only when I took a look at the 'nobles'-screen that I noticed she's still alive. I never saw her around either! And there's been no mandates so far. It seems we are fortunate to have a baron without item preferences. The titan encounter was quite intense, so I guess I read "baron consort" as "baron" at some point.

And sorry my turn as a whole went a little overdue. But I'd like to take another turn (if you're going to let me, that is :D)! Hopefully I won't get ill next time. Would've been nice to play through spring.

Btw, I think we should forge a couple of adamantine swords and spears. The titan attack would've propably been way less lethal if there would've been some adamantine gear around..
« Last Edit: December 28, 2015, 06:18:52 pm by Vuohijumala »
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