That doesn't sound too far off for an Applied Computer Science degree (which tend to focus on the actual programming of languages, as opposed to the higher theoretical stuff behind the languages). You should still probably figure for shooting to eventually deal with Calculus 1 though (which personally I loved way more than Algebra, a common occurrence among guys, less common among girls, it's very similar to geometry in a lot of ways), and probably 1 or 2 linear algebra (matrices) classes. (Note: Calc 2 is horrible though, I've only ever met like 2 people who actually enjoyed that class
Though I'm gonna be honest and say that even if you don't like math and are planning on becoming a computer science person then you should probably at least get used to using it
, since a
huge part of computer programming involves the use of math which, while not necessarily complex, is often tricky in implementation. Probably the best way to phrase it would be that the vast majority of CS problems are fairly similar to math word problems, where you are handed a bunch of information and then need to break it down into simple math patterns like "doubles and then -1" and so forth. As such even if you don't necessarily like math, I think you'll find that as a computer programmer trying to learn as much of it as possible is helpful, because it broadens your ability to recognize patterns.
Honestly I'd probably put the ability to look at a tough bunch of information and break it down into a bunch of small steps and patterns to be
the most valuable skill for programming (though in a job sense there are obviously other important things like people skills). Those who don't have it can still definitely become programmers, but they should aspire to train that skill as much as possible because it really makes up the core of any programming project, be it in designing your own code, or in recognizing patterns in existing code and figuring out where they are tripping up in order to debug things.