Nope, that's Tenat's. Resonance magic.
I thought that Resonance magic was Arkford's.
Errr. Yeah. Derp.
Which one was Tenat's, again...I need to look at that table I made again, don't I...
Oh, and KJP, the People I Got and things of that nature was just reminders of PM stuff, mostly.
I based their appearances/themes off...Morko --
Well, isn't that interesting. I'm guessing either Umbramancy, School of Thought or Glummer?
If I remember right, Metamagic, actually. Maybe Umbramancy as it's secondary, though.
They're also a race, rather than agents. Might be wrong, but my gut feeling is that agents have a 'relevance/plot-armor' boost. Also can't reproduce to create more of themselves, most of the time, but hey. Trade-offs.
Magic might not by useful directly, but it still helps if they use it to help one another. I would think, anyway. Still, artifact weapons.
I based their appearances/themes off all the gods in our Pantheon save Nogis (the biggest reason of which is that I forgot him because he doesn't yet have his own distinct 'theme', so to speak, really), plus Si, Sylvan, Morko, and Quelor, I believe.
So, out of curiosity, what does the one based on Jixiu look like and wield as its weapon?
Weapon, I'm not certain of. I didn't specify for all of them. Probably a flail or a bunch of chains or the like. Something sweeping. Appearance, probably a lot of much smaller arms, looks like a half-finished construction project that decided to try finishing itself or something.
Still deciding what Talios's looks like. Bunch of Sickles, maybe?