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Turn 17: Bearskie (FINAL)

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Author Topic: // Fall of the Succession Tower: Constructivory \\  (Read 276334 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #720 on: February 22, 2016, 09:28:35 am »


I've started my turn, but I haven't gotten very far yet.

I'll do an initial writeup once yours are all done.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #721 on: February 22, 2016, 09:56:59 am »

My writing's slower than a crippled paraplegic, so I won't begrudge you the opportunity to post yours if you done. Else if you're willing to wait, thanks.

I've been backing up a local archive of this thread on my PC recently. Immortal-D, alot of your first turn Dropbox images are 404-ing. Do you mind fixing them? If you've got hosting problems I don't mind doing it for you.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 10:52:34 am by Bearskie »


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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #722 on: February 23, 2016, 02:25:21 am »

Architectural Plans
Project designation/ The Copper Bell
Architect/ Aban Paddleenters
Sketched by Aban Paddleenters using DwarfMockup.

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Project Log
10th Granite

I do not see why I have to meet the elves; DDDragoni’s the broker, not me. Ain't I the overseer - shouldn’t they be coming to me? Instead I have to make the 15 z-level hike downstairs to meet them, and frankly I’m not looking forward to the 15 z-level hike back upstairs.

Worryingly, our relationship with the Pear of Canyons runs deeper than I expect. It’s no longer just a trade alliance; they’ve started bringing along war beasts and weapon supplies. A lot of the dwarves have already expressed their unease towards me regarding this matter. Still, I tell them, if the Light Galley can cozy up to goblins, who is to say that the Stake can’t get chummy with the elves?

And yet, that feeling is not lost on me. I am no fool; I know what they did at Spingranite and Scorchedcrafted. But the odds have been stacked against our civilization from the moment we set foot on this land. It has no need to be stacked any higher.

Cilob, our animal trainer, doesn’t seem to mind. She hasn’t stopped giggling from the moment she received those breeding pair of giant jaguars.

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18th Granite

There’s that dwarfish saying – you don’t realise how many cats you have until you start counting them.

The same applies to us, except in our case, it’s a veritable foodsplosion. Gwolfski’s stock counts indicate that we have enough food supplies to last us 4-5 years, and that’s not even considering the regular caravan imports. Consulting with a panel of Constructivory’s various chefs; we’ve all agreed that maintaining the booze levels above a certain minimum allows us to be set for the next decade. I’m meeting with the head Brewdwarf McBarsky today to relay his orders; after which I shall order an express shutdown of all farming activities for the foreseeable future.

We are dwarves. We don’t hoard food into squirrelholes like a chipmunk, unless they are plump helmets – and even then, only so much. Besides, it taxes our fort’s already-miserable FPS (Food Preservation System).

All in all, a day of tedium. I look forward to returning to overseeing my build. I hear construction is going smoothly, and anticipation is rising amongst the populace.

3rd Slate

"Has anyone seen Japa?" Having pondered on the original plans of the swimming pool, I decided to seek out the old overseer for advice.

"Aye. He's on break now; you'll usually find him in his wife's office."

Japa's wife. Jiggled my memory abit. "Hang on, you mean the werebeast?" I ask, surprised. The dwarf nodded.

"Tis' a sad tale indeed, Overseer. Before your time."

27th Slate

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Shipcat makes her way to the mineshaft, her masterwork adamantine battleaxe by her side. She hadn’t used it for very long, and was still trying to accustom herself with the oddly-light feel of the weapon. Sure, it was sharper than anything she’d ever seen before, but she did miss her old weapon slightly.

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Drenchedkindling. She remembered wresting it from the grip of Ineth’s lukewarm corpse, and hacking off the head of the serpent woman who did it. A lot of soldiers died that year. Shipcat remembered them all.

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She remembered the days when every battle was a struggle, when every small mistake you made could be your last. Those days, when having armor was a luxury, or when you trained your art through killing, not sparring. These days...

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These days, it all seemed too easy.

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1st Felsite

Migrants, the first few in a long time, at least that’s what people tell me. Three years to be precise. Papers indicate we have 9 new arrivals and one piglet. Someone casually remarked that I as overseer should be welcoming them to our humble tower… do I look like a welcoming committee to you? No wonder past overseers never got anything done; either you got caught up in all the bureaucracy or you end up like my illustrious predecessor.

I told her to go and get those migrants to meet me at the build site. Once they finally managed to drudge themselves up the Great Constructivory Central Staircase, I loaded them up with a heap of blocks, and gave them orders to start building.

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It appears that we’re one worker short though.
Wonder where that last one went.

7th Felsite

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News reached me regarding the magma chute suddenly spitting forward a glump of magma. Just like that, all of a sudden. Faulty machinery, or something more mysterious? I hardly have the engineering expertise to comment on this matter, so I have to file it under ‘Unexplained’ for now.

10th Felsite

Gremlins have been increasingly sighted near tower grounds. Despite the sheer mischance of them actually sneaking through, I nonetheless advise the military to be ever-vigilant. Don’t want them pulling any of the hundred or so levers that can destroy this fortress. Ha ha. That was a joke by the way; only one lever actually destroys the whole fortress.

12th Felsite

An ill omen I did see today.

“Where the monarch butterfly goes, death and destruction soon follow.”
                                                                          –Dwarfish rumor

Usually I’m not superstitious, but there is a feeling that this may be the calm before the storm.
I order the builders to double-check the doors and hatches before they leave.

~ End of Spring

Peaceful first season. Then again, we haven’t started going higher yet, so hold onto your seats.
Finally introduced Ryukan proper into the story. No notable skills other than Trapping, but I did send you off to a comfortable career in Pottery.

Spoiler: Ryukan (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 07:43:16 am by Bearskie »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #723 on: February 24, 2016, 12:48:44 pm »

Project Log
11th Hematite

It was that time of the year again, when the humans of the Umbral Confederacy traveled south to barter their wares. In the dead of the night they did arrive, but it did not take long before the usual hubbub of conversation and trade suffused through the depot. Foreign tales of far-flung places and conflicts reached the ears of the dwarves, sometimes many years late. DDDragoni was sent for with urgency, as the humans had important matters to relay to the broker – private information, for his ears only.

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Even without night vision, the humans could see the rising towers, illuminated they were by the waning moonlight. Being builders of the surface, they too marvelled at the dwarves’ work. And the dwarves said, well, wait till you come back next year. Overseer Paddle, she’s got her vision. She’s going to lead the tower to glory. And hence when the humans left, they left with much anticipation for the following year.

As for the overseer?

“I swear to Savot, we’d damn well better find a way to get those gits upstairs. And I say that for the benefit of my own knees. I’ll draw up the plans tomorrow.”

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17th Hematite

I congratulated Ducim on her (once again) run-off election victory. In distant second was a cat running as Master Fluffykins.

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Ducim’s job is to proffer handkerchiefs to crying dwarves and make sure they don’t off themselves by the sides of the tower (or god forbid the swimming pool). Mine is to ensure this place doesn’t catastrophically implode upon itself in a spiral of tantrum and death. I guess we’re pretty similar in that respect. Or, on second thought, not really.

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No sane dwarf runs against Ducim in an election. For starters, she’s probably the only one who likes the job, and two, she is bloody good at it. Almost terrifyingly good. Seriously, the lady listens like a vortex.

6th Malachite
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“Cavern 3 alarm has just blown!”
“Do you hear that?”
“You mean… that rumbling below the earth. Yes, I feel that.”
“It’s got webs, DO NOT ENGAGE!”
“Beast of the Depths!”
“Do we even have that cavern layer open?”

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“To arms!”
“I repeat, DO NOT ENGAGE!”
“Which one?!”

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“Earthworms!? It had to be bloody earthworms.”
“I can’t read all these notes!”

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Japa pushes past the crowd and tugs on a lever. Immediate sounds of grinding mechanisms marked the sealing the underground from the world above. He gives the other dwarves a wink and amicable smile before wandering off, leaving the perplexed crowd to salvage their nerves, and if possible, their dignity.

12th Malachite
Now that the builders have finally learned how to prepare a basic 4-room layout without screwing up my design, I’m left free to deal with slightly more pressing issues. Namely, you, you and you.

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Just sitting there, stinking up the pool and breeding mosquitos. My dear gentlemen, it’s time your reign of terror came to an end; for I have a plan, and it involves magma.

Over the course of spring, the pump operators had procured three carts worth of magma for this venture. It was a long and arduous process – well, primarily long anyway. Watching paint dry is nothing compared to waiting for magma to evaporate. So thank you, accursed laws of physics. I order the magma to be brought over to the pool. Carefully, because it will take us another four months to get another.

- Careful!
- Slowslowslow…
- Tip it.
- Success!

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The warmth of yet another job well done. I can’t help but feel my reign of overseer has been decidedly exceptional so far. No complaints, no deaths, no injuries. I’m going to pour myself a mug of first-rate booze to celebrate.

13th Malachite
Okay we just had our first death today. Make that two.

How hard is it to dig out obsidian without drowning yourself? Apparently it’s hard, because 2 out of 3 miners can’t do it. Four months down the drain, because we’re now left with two new corpses floating around in the pool. I’ve ordered the area to be cordoned off while I figure out how to tackle this problem from a different angle. People aren’t liking it that the swimming pool is closed, but I told them to take a hike in the well if they want a bath so badly.

25th Malachite
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Another season, another batch of migrants. It was my pamphlets! yells Head Engraver Inod. The only reason he wasn’t The Only Engraver anymore is that some of the fortress dwarves have taken to smoothing the ice base as a hobby. I won’t lie; it looks nice, and small things like this are what lifts the mood of the entire tower.

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So that’s six new workers, once they pick their jaws up from the ground.

2nd Galena
Taupe was always the earliest to the masonry level. She liked to start her workday afresh, combing through the work orders and finishing up her jobs by noon. Today though someone was already there, working intently at the oft-unused craftsdwarf’s. Taupe took a curious peek over the newcomer’s shoulder.

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“That looks unnecessarily complicated.” she commented, scratching her beard.
“Nabrethisanabrethisanabrethisanabrethisaa….”, muttered Uvash back.

Spoiler: Ta-da! (click to show/hide)

3rd Galena
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“Mam, another forgotten beast just appeared down in the caves.”
“Tell it to join the queue.”

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10th Galena
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Because of the vastness of some of the mineral deposits, temporary minecart tracks had to be set up within the mines. The average labourer takes a whole month to drag a single gold ore up to the tower. I simply won’t settle for such a blatant waste of labor.

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Keeping efficiency in mind, the forges too have had permanent minecart tracks installed. This is primarily for the use of the kilns; carts shuttle clay from a collection site nearby, but this may be adapted for sand bag transport as well.

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I believe we are ready. I signal my command, and the forges roar to life.

20th Galena
Pool Cleaning Attempt Two
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I-i-i-don’t know what I just did.

Obsidianizing clearly didn’t work the first time. So I dug up this book from the nearby stash. It was called ‘Cave-Ins: The Solution To All Your Problems’.

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Well now I have an even bigger problem. I currently have three corpses in the pool.

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I’m going to need help.

~ End of Summer
« Last Edit: February 27, 2016, 08:42:16 am by Bearskie »


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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #724 on: February 24, 2016, 03:16:19 pm »

Well, *I* voted for Master Fluffykins.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #725 on: February 24, 2016, 03:31:53 pm »

Well, *I* voted for Master Fluffykins.

Master Fluffykins - Meow Meow
Urist McCatlover - I know my love, I know.
Master Fluffykins - Meow meow meow
Urist McCatlover - Our plan was perfect, have you as the mascot and me as the puppetmaster, It almost worked.
Master Fluffykins - Meow
Urist McCatlover - You're right, We'll give Mister RoundRock his chance Next year.
Master Fluffykins - Meow?
Urist McCatlover - Hear Me Ducim, I will have my revenge, I WILL Rule This Tower, I WILL RI...

*knock knock knock*

Urist McCatlover - Wh-what?
Bordok McManager - Stop talking to yourself Urist, We're trying to sleep.

*footfalls walking away*

Urist McCatlover - I Will Win, Master Fluffkins, I will win.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 07:13:56 pm by TheImmortalRyukan »
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #726 on: February 25, 2016, 11:36:26 am »

Murder on 13th Limestone

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Tholtig McBarsky
Head Brewer

It always starts with a scream. Pierced through the freezing night; I heard it loud and clear. The tower awakened. People ran downstairs to the pool. News reached everyone’s ears. A murder had been committed.

This time, it was no ordinary murder.

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The screamer, the child, the only witness; she had been playing hide and seek earlier. Of all the nooks and crannies in this behemoth of a tower, the swimming pool was her choice of hideout. And there, as she lay buried within the shadows of the diving board, she became the sole witness of murder.

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When I approached half an hour later, kid looked slightly shaken, but overall unfazed. These days, even the little ones were learning how to cope with death. They might never once again know peace in their lifetime. I do not know whether to pity or to envy them for this behavior.

Zuglar told me the same account she had given to the tower guards. As she hid herself by the diving board, she saw DDDragoni hurrying in from the hills outside the tower. This fact was strange enough by itself. What was DDDragoni doing outdoors so late? It was two hours past midnight when she saw him, and the whole tower was nigh fast asleep.

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Straying near the pool, she claims she saw a dwarf clad in red come down from the tower to greet him. Red is the official uniform color of the engineering corps, I remind myself, a promising lead. Unfortunately, this covered all registered pump operators, who have formed a significant portion of the fort since Shipcat’s reign.

At first, DDDragoni appeared surprised to see the dwarf, but the two soon engaged in intense conversation. From the looks of it, they weren’t strangers. DDDragoni spoke in his usual urgent manner, red dwarf appeared to be listening. Spoke for a good while up till DDDragoni took off his gaze – that's when he struck. In one sudden movement, the red dwarf had grabbed and dragged the flailing broker to the poolside.

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Caught unawares; old broker didn’t stand much of a chance. He was held face-down into the pool, his assailant unfazed by his drowning struggles. Thus ended Zuglar’s account of the murder of DDDragoni – Broker, Founder, and Investigator of Constructivory.

I glanced at the paper I held in my hands. It contained the last bit of vital information I managed to extract out of Zuglar. All the words she recalled from the two’s exchange. Conspiracy. Goblins. Traitor. Plan. Revenge. These were all part of DDDragoni’s usual vocabulary; I was surprised I didn’t see Spies and Secrets in that list. The man was ever-so-slightly paranoid afterall.

But one word just didn’t fit.

“Thanks, Zuglar,” I told her. “You’ve been a very helpful kid.”

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"Excuse me, but what's going on here?" demanded Overseer Paddle, who had arrived on the scene late as per usual. Zuglar scurried off to the direction of her parents. Paddle, meanwhile, glared at me with the special fury reserved for the extremely sleep-deprived. "And what do you have to do with this, McBarsky? I hope I don't need to remind you that you are a Brewer, not a guard."

I bowed my shoulders, retreating from the scene of the crime. "Nothing more than just a concerned citizen, overseer."

"As you should be." She winced upon seeing the body. This would be a headache in the morning. The overseer beckoned the tower militia. "Astesh, seal off the area. I don't want anyone touching the body until we decide what to do with it. And do notify the Queen about this-"

"I'm here, Paddle. And decidedly more awake than you," grumbled Queen Fath from behind her. She nodded towards the soldiers. "You have your orders. Go.” The crowd began to clear, as the Queen turned towards the overseer. I strained my ears to listen in.

“Move along now,” hollered Urvad the Avenger as he tried to manoeuvre the crowd away from the body.


A lone iron bolt slices through the air, narrowly missing before burying itself into the soil bank opposite. It was a moment’s worth of frozen silence before the dwarves realised what was happening.

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“GOBLINS!” roared Shipcat. Pandemonium erupted amongst the crowd, with the ensuing stampede towards the central staircase being in waves. Several arrows followed the first, slicing dead through the night sky, as other dwarves made their run for the ice trench or the mines. The Mark of Chaos reigned over the panicked dwarves of Constructivory.

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“Everyone, get back up the tower! They’re coming from the northwest, shit – Urvad’s squad, flank to the left of the hills! Reg and Iliithid, head for the depot, there’s civilians over there! Olon, you and your hammerdwarves, guard the base, get everyone in to safety, and smash any climbers you see!” she barked in rapid succession. The civilians were consumed by fear and panic, but her militia squads answered the call with a rousing 'Aye!'.

Shipcat drew her adamantine axe, moonlight dancing wildly across its edge.
“Heretic’s squad and I will take them on…”

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Massive bell, massive bell, huge as it can be,
A lot of dwarves died building it, I sure hope it wasn't me, (whee!)
Massive bell, massive bell, huge as it can be,
A lot of dwarves died building it, I sure hope it wasn't me!

...called it.

As for how you really died, construction accident. But that's nowhere near as interesting, so I made up a murder mystery for your send-off based on the red dwarf seen here beside you.
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Then goblins appeared, which was rather fitting given the nature of your death.
Really, 5 seconds after your death, boom, siege.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 07:32:55 am by Bearskie »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #727 on: February 25, 2016, 02:56:50 pm »

Well, at least she found the traitor. Problem is, the traitor also found her... And one might wonder... just what was in that missive from the human caravan that brought such immediate action?

But this was no spur-of-the-moment killing. This was carefully planned assassination, they were taking her out before the siege. If Zuglar wasn't there it would have looked like a combat accident. 

But you know what this means. There actually is a traitor, and she was right about it being a mechanic! (Or close enough, they all wear red anyway.)

Could I be redorfed as "Denga?" Any dwarf will do.
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #728 on: February 25, 2016, 07:01:55 pm »

See, this is what happens when you try to fix the Tower's problems; lots of Dorfs end up dead.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #729 on: February 26, 2016, 01:08:27 am »

Please tell much more about my character... thoughts, battle reports, screenshots of battle with him, etc. Probadly i will try to write short story.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #730 on: February 27, 2016, 04:45:11 am »

Siege of 13th Limestone

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The plan was flawless, thought Ron Searedshamed. They would enter under the guise of night when the dwarves were all asleep, just as the traitor had said. And then…. well she hadn’t really planned that far yet. It was pretty much winging it from there on. But when they arrived, they had saw lights, and noises, and DWARVES, all standing below the tower. The traitor had lied!

They still held the element of surprise however. Ron barked at her troops once she saw the dwarves returning to their Ngul-forsaken tower. The time had come to begin the Attack of Incinerating.

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Iden ran across the dusty plains, her sword hanging loosely by her hip. Her footfalls were muffled by the chalky clay loam of the Taupe Desert, not that it mattered much anyway. Being the lowest ranking swordsdwarf in her squad she carried nothing more than the most bare-bones of equipment. She hated how every strike she took hurt like hell, while every one of the rare strikes she landed on Captain Heretic or Endlessblaze were barely felt. But Iden was an eager learner.

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In peace she had been a jack-of-all-trades – student in many, master of none. Arriving at Constructivory she’d never expected to be a soldier, but she somehow found comfort in the solid weightiness of the steel sword they handed her. Iden grappled, she punched, she didn’t play fair. Life was unfair anyways; a fair world wouldn’t let the scourge of goblins run free amongst this world, burning and destroying everything dwarvenkind held dear. As a person she was easily moved to mercy, but if this was what it took to defend her friends and kin, then so be it.

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“How many?” Heretic shouted as he tried to keep up with the forward line.
“18 sighted so far! Sir, I can see Iden far up ahead; she’s going in to engage!”
“Iden’s goddamn outnumbered. She’s going to get herself killed! Order her to withdraw to the foot of the hill for backup!”
“… too late captain.”

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Iden ran through the first squad with a vengeance, tearing into them like knife to a paper. Instinct guided her blade towards their throats, sending heads rolling down the slopes in near-pantomime fashion. The goblins reeled back in horror at the sudden assault; now they were the ones on the receiving end of the ambush.

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Shipcat grimaced, signalling to Reg’s squad at the trade depot. “Speardwarves, advance to position! Iden needs backup!” Reg nodded, and barked at Iliithid, his second-in-command, who led the speardwarves in an uphill charge towards the goblin's primary positions.

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Iden danced her way into the main fray. Her motion was like a whirlwind, as she ducked, dashed and parried her way through all they could throw at her. Her blade sank into a female goblin, as blood gushed forward from each decapitation, staining the brilliant bright metal. The goblins seemed to lose all hope, scattering their ranks as fast as they had arrived. A hail of arrows flew Iden’s way; she threw up her shield, and roared as she charged headlong into the archers.

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“Bloody hell.”

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They took her back, of course, to the tower after that. The remaining area was scoured for any evidence of further goblins; none were found. Iden had proved herself to be a fighter of dangerous potential. She received plenty of thanks the following day, many from dwarves she had never knew nor met. In one day she'd gained her first 17 kills, already placing her ahead of some of the tower’s veterans such as Reg and Olon. And while she did not revel in the bloodlust as much as her colleagues, Iden was nonetheless pleased.

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Kind of a one-dwarf-show, sorry Heretic. You are the captain of the swordsdwarfs though, having 41 kills in total - that's 2nd place behind Shipcat's tally of 57. However you have the most goblin kills in the tower; 32 goblins dead by your hand. Despite having the most kills overall, swordsdwarves are actually the lowest ranking squad in Constructivory, which means they get the worst equipment (Iden was actually the lowest-ranked melee dwarf in the fort). Hence you only have copper armor, and not even masterwork ones.

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You have used multiple swords throughout your career: starting with Chaotic's named copper sword Stokerconflicts, before you moved on to your own private sword Oarwoods. Funny thing, because of military scheduling and dwarves going on/off-duty, alot of dwarves share weapons with one another. Currently you are using a yet-unnamed masterwork steel sword that you share with endlessblaze.

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« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 07:22:30 am by Bearskie »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #731 on: February 27, 2016, 12:22:09 pm »

It had been another long day at battle, as Shipcat leaned back into the comfort of her bed and took a well deserved break. Her 2nd-in-command had sidled up by her side unobtrusively and lay there stretched across her lap, providing some mutual warmth and comfort against the freezing cold.

Shipcat was greatly impressed with Iden Zefonabsam's first outing against the goblins.

Unlike most of the old guard of the military, Iden was one of the select few handpicked by her 2nd-in-command about two years ago, during the autumn of 58. Her 2nd-in-command had went around the fortress and with her keen feline sensibilities and many connections, rounded up 17 brave dwarves that had volunteered to be molded into the very elite.

These 17 were chosen because of their unheralded martial potential, but still there was some expectation that they would be a little green around the edges. Iden though, had dispelled this notion entirely with her brave if not foolhardy deeds today. Still, Shipcat knew they still had a long ways to go yet. It would be sometime before they, or indeed anyone, could catch up to her level of martial prowess.

"Heh... lets see them try to beat my kill count..." I muttered absentmindedly to myself as I drifted in and out of sleep.
"Oh don't worry Fluffykins, I'm not about to relinquish my lead to anyone. I'll go at it double hard tomorrow!"

As Shipcat drifted off into sleep, Fluffykins let herself out the door and into the hallways as the dwarves parted before her in a show of esteem. She clambered up the tower onto the Mark of Chaos, and looked out into the distance and down below...

She hissed at the travesty that had befallen Towercat as her heart grew hot within her. It had taken many a night of purring in the ear for her to plant that idea into Shipcat's head and now it was all ruined! But soon, if all went to plan, she would have her vengeance.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 12:05:14 am by Zuglarkun »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #732 on: February 27, 2016, 10:52:02 pm »

In Constructivory, even the animals are scheming against you.

Btw, so glad Master Fluffykins is a thing. *yusss*


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #733 on: February 27, 2016, 11:07:02 pm »

Btw, so glad Master Fluffykins is a thing. *yusss*

It was already a "thing", you just happened to give it a name and a cause. So I sure hope you don't mind me appropriating the name for use further down the line.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #734 on: February 27, 2016, 11:07:35 pm »

Choo choo.
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