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Author Topic: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game  (Read 24727 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #195 on: October 25, 2015, 08:21:32 pm »

Okay so the plan was to build up and protect a lumber mill for Bleak-Haven while improving our own military, a few patrols seem like a good idea, go down the road to Bleak-Haven and patrol the farming communities. 

We can include a mixed group of Garrison solders and our Household Guard lead by some Community Watch members to guide them, put Vest in charge and ask him to figure out.. things...  Take the 7 horses with them so it looks like we have proper cavalry.. even though we do not.

We can get our men some experience patrolling, have our friend take their measure, do a show of force and scout out what those farmlands around Bleak-Haven look like.

Desan and Aldagor need to start working on plans to expand our lumber industry, we need quality exports built up as soon as possible.

When the patrol gets back, we should see about that Fortified Watchtower personally, I want to know who kept discipline up, where they got money to stay well equipped and repaired and if there are any nearby natural resources we could exploit if we built a town there.  They must have the most experience dealing with the threats around here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #196 on: October 25, 2015, 08:25:37 pm »

+1 to VoidSlayer's suggestion.
All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #197 on: October 25, 2015, 08:28:54 pm »

+1 to voidslayer. I kinda forgot what we were doing tbh.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #198 on: October 25, 2015, 08:32:27 pm »

Should we send the junior guard commander along as well?  Maybe make him the commander of the patrols and have Vest just sort of tag along as an adviser?

In the meantime, while we wait for the patrol to finish we should personally train Eduard in court manners and drill the soldiers.  We might use him to send messages to our family in the homeland, he could at least not embarrass us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #199 on: October 25, 2015, 08:33:00 pm »

+1 to voidslayer. I kinda forgot what we were doing tbh.

More detailed than my idea, so +1
This fort really does sit on the event horizon of madness and catastrophe
No. I suppose there are similarities, but I'm fairly certain angry birds doesn't let me charge into a battalion of knights with a car made of circular saws.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #200 on: October 25, 2015, 08:36:24 pm »

Should we send the junior guard commander along as well?  Maybe make him the commander of the patrols and have Vest just sort of tag along as an adviser?

In the meantime, while we wait for the patrol to finish we should personally train Eduard in court manners and drill the soldiers.  We might use him to send messages to our family in the homeland, he could at least not embarrass us.
Let's keep him as an advisor for now. As for Eduard, I don't think he's up to drilling the soldiers quite yet. We also don't have any messages to send to our family.
All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Androgynous Nerd
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #201 on: October 26, 2015, 01:06:19 am »

3821, the third month of the year, and the first month of spring.

Adeeb Wasirri, Lord Governor of Dhum-Blud
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Councilors, Vassals, Allies and Agents.
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Ten days pass, and during that time you are not idle. After returning to your castle you charge Vest with organizing patrols on the periphery of Bleakhaven, partially to gain information about potential enemy movements through your territory, and partially as a show of force. You permit him to take troops both from the castle garrison and your household gaurd, and to take nearly all of the horses in your stables. He is to seek help from members of the community watch in organizing that effort, and in getting the lay of the land. He departs the following day with two-dozen of your troops, five of which being your own personal gaurd. Balpher protests briefly that this will leave the castle too lightly defended.

Of those troops that remain, you set to drilling further discipline into them, taking a personal interest in the task. Though you assist, the commanders do the majority of work in running the soldiers through group exercises and sparring. Even so, your presence and attention seems to deeply bolster the morale of the troops, who begin to work much harder to try to impress you. The change in demeanour is swift and distinctive, and though the actual skills of the troops improve only slowly and steadily, the shift in morale will certainly help the soldiers run as a much more efficient machine, even unrefined as they are as fighting men.
When not assisting with the training of the soldiers, you spend further time instructing Eduard in the matters of court. Though he had been quick to learn at first, his progress has slowed considerably as you delve into the subtleties of court grace and high manners.

Desan and Aldagor begin working through the logistics of beginning lumber operations, working through the minutia of supplying a logging encampment, the costs of processing lumber, and shipping, but also working out potential profit margins, and how logging might benefit the local economy.


When Vest returns it's more or less in success, though with a few lightly wounded men. He explains that mostly the patrols met with very little of note, but after a few days he received word from members of the community watch that they had found signs of someone camping in a hidden place nearby some of the outermost farms. When he moved to investigate he found the camp abandoned, but began to track it's former occupants. The trail led to a farmstead that they soon discovered had been raided, the party having not moved quickly enough to catch up to the robbers. Some of the farm-hands were wounded, and the family had their chickens stolen.
Vest took the best of the men to chase after the band of robbers on horseback and eventually caught up with them. There were four of the thieves, with two on horseback. The fighting was brief, and your men emerged the victors, killing three of the thieves, chasing the fourth off, and reclaiming the chickens, though one of the three birds had been killed during the fight, and was swiftly eaten. Vest allowed the men to split between them what few valuables the bandits had on their person. However, for you he brought a horse captured in the fight, and some rough maps of the local area he had managed to explore.


With your troops returned, you take some of your personal guards and ride for your watchtower so that you might inspect it for yourself. After about six hours of riding you arrive at the tower, a weathered but sturdy structure atop a rocky outcropping, observing a stretch of the ill-repaired road. Sitting just outside the tower is a small wooden building, which when you approach closer realize serves as the tower's makeshift stables. It's not the sort of stronghold that might house a large number of troops, or withstand a siege, but properly defended it would at least take more than a raiding party to dislodge. You are met by a gruff, bearded man named Blake and a few other guards that clearly defer to him. When you explain you're here to inspect the tower and it's garrison he ushers you inside to inspect the armoury and the men.
Not all of the garrison is currently here, nearly half of it currently out either patrolling or hunting for food. Apparently the garrison here is mostly self-sufficient, foraging and hunting for food, but also being provided food by the charity of some of the nearby farmers, who are apparently grateful for their protection. The equipment and horses here were mostly provided by the Bonewatch armouries and stables at one point or another, though from what you've seen it's mostly kept in better condition than what's available to your own castle garrison. When you ask Blake wether there are nearby natural resources that might be worthwhile to exploit he answers in the negative, explaining the watchtower is mostly in a position to protect the road and some of the outlying farms. It's the first line of defence in the territory around Bonewatch, but if you wanted to expand your resources you would have to do it further away from your current holdings.


Once you return to your castle, the individuals that your Vassal promised to send to you have arrived, all awaiting audiences with you. Firstly there is the trio of adventurers: the former mercenary Blaire , the tracker Hairick and the Rune-Warrior Tarly. After them is the Scribe the mayor had mentioned Alricks, and finally the individual you're the least sure about, the hedge mage Nomegar, who you are told has brought at least ten rats with him, all of various sizes colours and temperaments.

escaped lurker

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #202 on: October 26, 2015, 09:32:57 am »

Well, we should at least give them hospitality for the night, talk some with them during dinner, have Vest tell us his opinon of them, and then decide.

For the adventurer trio, I am quite sure we would like for them to track down some of the bandit hideouts in the area, possibly giving us some rough maps of these areas.
We are willing to pay them a moderate amount for, well, trying to do so, though most of their money will come down to merit - as in, what they find, and how much they find out about the bandits numbers. Maybe we can barter them with a share of the plunder reclaimed wares, we'll see.

The scribe, eh.. not sure what kind of work we have for him right now. Maybe chat him up about what kind of scribe-work he has done, or for what kind of work he thinks to be qualified.

For Nomegar, let him explain to us, why hiring him and his rats would be preferable to just getting a handler raising some war-dogs. The later is actually an idea, that we could entertain either way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #203 on: October 26, 2015, 10:37:16 am »

Oh Mlamlah. Stories like this is what I live for!

Let's send the adventurers to do LIGHT scouting by the mysterious forests. Tell them to not engage any monsters unless it's self-defense. Tell them to simply find WHAT is actually in their. We'll bolster their numbers when the time comes.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Androgynous Nerd
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #204 on: October 26, 2015, 05:23:56 pm »

3821, the third month of the year, and the first month of spring.

Adeeb Wasirri, Lord Governor of Dhum-Blud
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Councilors, Vassals, Allies and Agents.
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You invite each of the applicants to spend the night in your castle as guests, an invitation that the five of them accept easily. Before the servants take them to rooms you spend a moment to consider each of them. Blaire acts as the leader of the adventuring trio, a woman of even temperament, armed with blade and crossbow, girded in plate and padding, and bringing with her a warhorse of medium size. The tracker Hairick seems rather common, dressed in woodsmen's clothing and armed only with bow and dagger. Tarly seems a grim man, tall but not broad, his hair shorn close to his head and a silver rune still visible underneath the stubble, the scars from the branding remain fresh. He is armed with a long-hafted axe, and protected by a shirt of mail. The scribe Alricks is dressed in simple clothing, but despite that is strikingly handsome. Finally Nomegar seems... fidgety and nervous, his clothing may have once been fine, but is marked by road dust and long-frayed.

A few hours later you invite all of them to dinner, and take the opportunity to learn what you can from them as they eat from your table. The adventurers you already have plans for, and it is with them that you discuss the most. You of course extend offers of room and board for as long as they remain in your service, and explain that you plan to employ them to hunt bandits and help you map out the area currently in the hands of such outlaws. The reward for their services would be dependant on how successful their efforts are, though you are open to the idea of them taking part in a share of whatever plunder might be found. They seem cautiously amenable to the idea, and during the conversation you learn a little about them. Apparently Blaire was once a cavalrywoman in the King's service, and Tarly has only just completed his initial training with his chapter, and has been sent out to prove himself as a capable Rune-Warrior. Hairick has little to say about his past, apparently a former subject of your vassal Mayor Veera, now trying to make his own fortune.
The scribe has spent most of his days curating books and copying old texts, though he spent two years studying history, cartography and mathematics at a prominent university. He claims that he can manage the duties of any scribe, wether making official records, mapmaking or combing through records. As he talks he strikes you as quite charming and charismatic, even if he lacks courtly grace.
Nomegar takes the opportunity to explain his magic while he can. His primary talent is in communicating with and altering the bodies and minds of rats. He explains that he lacks the ability to dominate their minds, but that over time he makes them more susceptible to his influence, and makes them slowly stronger and more intelligent over time. His talents reach their greatest effect when he is allowed to breed his own stock of rats, making each generation just a little more powerful than the last. He however, is a hedge mage, lacking the raw power of sorcery, though avoiding it's dangers by channelling his magic in very limited ways. He also lacks the refined powers of wizardry, but does not require the intensive expenditure of time and resources for such magic. His powers have their limits, but he assures you that given time, and a space to work he could craft for you, fighters, spies and scouts out of a creature normally considered a common pest. Talking about his magic seems to focus the mind of the magic-user, causing him to fidget less and speak much more calmly.

When dinner is finished your guests retire to their rooms, and you take counsel with Vest to learn what your friend thinks of these potential servants. After the two of you settle in with a glass of wine, he eagerly urges you to hire the adventurers. He explains that in lands such as these there are many threats that cannot be challenged by a ragtag force such as you have now. If a powerful monster or a renegade sorcerer ever had a mind to threaten you, it would currently take all of your efforts to dislodge it, if you could at all. You need capable fighters in addition to troops if you hope to make your position strong.
The mage he's a little less confident of, but that's mostly because he could be lying about the dangers of his magic. Rats are everywhere, and if one could make spies of them it would certainly do much to secure a stronger intelligence network for yourself, something you do not currently possess. Still, he advises you to be wary of mages toying with poorly understood arts, even humble hedge mages.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Androgynous Nerd
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #205 on: October 26, 2015, 09:54:14 pm »

If anyone needs a recap on something, or to have something better explained, just let me know.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #206 on: October 26, 2015, 10:04:34 pm »

Definitely hire the adventurers, this is an opportunity we don't want to pass up. Take on the scribe and attach him to the adventurers to translate their notes and observations into rough maps, and when not doing that he can do other scribe stuff. Plus his math knowledge will help when constructing things like bridges and buildings.

As for the mage, we'll take a chance on him, with the understanding of if he doesn't work out for whatever reason we are free to dismiss him at any time. Give over a room or two for his breeding experiments and his study, and have him work on rats that can infiltrate any bandit hideouts the adventurers find, scout them, and give us some sort of knowledge that we can use.
This fort really does sit on the event horizon of madness and catastrophe
No. I suppose there are similarities, but I'm fairly certain angry birds doesn't let me charge into a battalion of knights with a car made of circular saws.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #207 on: October 27, 2015, 12:30:14 am »

Definitely hire the adventurers, this is an opportunity we don't want to pass up. Take on the scribe and attach him to the adventurers to translate their notes and observations into rough maps, and when not doing that he can do other scribe stuff. Plus his math knowledge will help when constructing things like bridges and buildings.

+1. Hire the adventurers with the basic understanding that they will be doing some exploring soon, but don't send them off right away. Lets have the scribe pick somebody literate out from the Garrison or the Guard, and teach him the raw basics of Cartography so that we can get passable notes and maps without risking our scribe in the field.

While that is going on, lets make use of Blaire to set up a basic light Calvary squad, that we can use as scouts, patrols, messengers, and fighters as needed. Send her to both Bleak-Haven and Mayor Veera's town with orders to recruit 8 skilled riders into our House Guard. Get volunteers by promising horses, gear, and pay. Pick a leader from our existing house guard (preferably somebody with pervious experience in mounted combat, or at least pole-arms). Deploy Eduard to seek out traders and purchase cavalry weapons and lightly armored uniforms for our new riders. Give the squad the 9 light horses. Have Blair train with our new riders until the field scribe is ready to go.

The other two mercenaries can spar with and train the guard and garrison in the meantime. It would be great if Hairick could show out boys how to organize hunts.

Now that a few months have past, I think it is worth asking Vest what he now thinks of our Formal Councillors. He didn't trust them at first, and I wonder if that still holds true. Press him on Balpher in particular; If the commander is not worth keeping, we should get rid of him sooner rather than later.

escaped lurker

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #208 on: October 27, 2015, 12:35:07 pm »

I am not sure if these adventurers aren't wasted on training our hicks-at-arms. I'd rather have Desan - he'd know who to ask, and they would answer him best, I'd wager - er.. have Desan ask around for anything unusual that normal troops would have a problem with. As in, have him gathering "quests" ;3
Though, really, information on these bandit hideouts should be our top priority.

About the scribe, he has some solid skills under his belt, it seems. Likeable, charismatic even? Yeah, get that guy into our rooster. He'll easily prove his merit. (Just let us hope he can keep his pants on this time around ;o)

The rat-mage, seems like an acceptable choice, given the rewards and possible risks. Which are rather low, I would wager, if we only have him raise spying or scouting rats. We might want to keep him a secret servant though. Maybe give him a hut of his own nearby, where he can ply his trade in peace?


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Androgynous Nerd
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Re: Delegation: A fief management suggestion Game
« Reply #209 on: October 27, 2015, 04:11:24 pm »

I'm hoping to start moving forward more quickly, feel free to make plans and such. If we don't receive agreement on issues i'll try to create compromises.
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