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How should we proceed?

End Litany, start a Brand New Version!
- 10 (40%)
Pretend nothing had happened. Continue on as normal.
- 3 (12%)
Timeskip sleep to Modern Times!
- 11 (44%)
Other (Specify)
- 1 (4%)

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Author Topic: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/⊕∵↯) (OOC)  (Read 244363 times)


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (17/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #780 on: June 03, 2015, 08:34:35 pm »

Why do I have a feeling such a thing would fry the mortal's mind?


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (17/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #781 on: June 03, 2015, 08:36:09 pm »

Why do you think dwarves go so insane if they fail their moods?


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (17/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #782 on: June 03, 2015, 09:22:34 pm »

$$$ check

Question, whens the next price check response?


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (17/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #783 on: June 03, 2015, 09:39:52 pm »

By the way, do pmed actions get confirmed? Or should we just assume they happen even if not mentioned?


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (17/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #784 on: June 03, 2015, 09:58:06 pm »

By the way, do pmed actions get confirmed? Or should we just assume they happen even if not mentioned?

Stirk did confirm one of my pmed action in another pm, so I guess you'll receive one soon enough.
FArgHalfnr for the #1 eldrich monstrocity.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (17/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #785 on: June 03, 2015, 09:58:57 pm »

@Stirk: Do I get influence income yet? Or do I need more portals/magic.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (17/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #786 on: June 03, 2015, 09:59:58 pm »

@Stirk: Do I get influence income yet? Or do I need more portals/magic.

Takes a lot to get Influence, typically.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (17/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #787 on: June 03, 2015, 10:01:16 pm »

By the way, do pmed actions get confirmed? Or should we just assume they happen even if not mentioned?

Stirk did confirm one of my pmed action in another pm, so I guess you'll receive one soon enough.
My concern is that essence cost doesn't appear to have been calculated.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (17/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #788 on: June 03, 2015, 10:02:57 pm »

By the way, do pmed actions get confirmed? Or should we just assume they happen even if not mentioned?

Stirk did confirm one of my pmed action in another pm, so I guess you'll receive one soon enough.
My concern is that essence cost doesn't appear to have been calculated.
He's busy, I'm sure he'll around to it at some point. He's screwed up before on these and fixed 'em.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (17/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #789 on: June 03, 2015, 10:16:27 pm »

Why do I have a feeling such a thing would fry the mortal's mind?
Why do you think dwarves go so insane if they fail their moods?
Exactly. If the materials don't get sent, the dwarf goes insane. If they do, the dwarf makes an artifact, gets a crap-ton of experience in the field, and remains as sane as he was before the possession.
All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (17/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #790 on: June 03, 2015, 10:46:54 pm »

I hope this isn't an issue, but I forgot something small with Saplings; when they die of old age(rather than disease or war, though those have similar results), they permanently root and become basically a tree, and can grow as a tree normally would. Slightly faster, but it would only be noticeable on a very long timescale, mostly for marking the 'cemetary groves' of the Saplings (when they're about to die, they travel there, find a good place, and fall 'asleep'. Sleep is considered the 'little death' for other races, and this is the same; their bodies remain alive, but their minds die and their souls leave their bodies. Mostly. Yes, this does mean Sapling necromancy brings back giant walking trees, usually.

That is fine, no extra cost.

Domesticating animals: Free if the species does it itself
Immediate domestication: 1E per animal, unless there are reasons it should take more.
High efficiency plants (mundane): Free
Super-high efficiency plants (useful for something): ~0-1E with Growth sphere
Under water saplings/tree: Same price as above water ones, assuming non-amphibious.

All-knowing history keepers (? ? ?)

Welp, never write your actions till the GM pricechecks it.

I try to keep up with everything, but OOC is "medium priority". So most of the time, to keep the game going, I do IC first. As an unfortunate result, I don't always know if you price checked something before I made it in the IC.

Crux is still wrong. So worshippers add another measly 1 essence income? Kind of dissapointing.

Yes, 10K worshipers give 1E a turn. At this rate they will pay for themselves in 2 turns  :P. Which means they have now paid for themselves.

I spent essence on the obelisk, not crux. If I did say crux then it was a mistake. I'll need to verify.

Edit: I didn't mentioned anything, so I expect that it defaults to essence.

You Overflowed. If you Overflow on Essence, the rest is in Crux automatically. This will not happen if this would kill you or put you at one essence, the action will be canceled instead.

Be nice if essence gain was marked per turn, but I understand if it gets too stressful.

That makes since, however it does make all the secret stuff that happens more difficult for everyone to pull off. Generally, I am trying to keep it close to KJP's system that doesn't do this. I may end up trying it anyway just to see how it works  :P.


Raising a mountain: (? ? ?) power (because it is fun to watch you all mess with power  :P). There are naturally occurring Mountains in the same general size as Earth.
Mountain Eaters: 2-3E for 10K

A nonsentient wouldn't even be functional as a golem. It means literally incapable of processing anything. Computers are technically a certain tier of sentient.

Nonsentients are more like a puppet then a meatsack. As a God, you can pretty much control them. If you make puppet dance, it will dance.

The explanation I had planned. Lets say you make a non-sentient army of golems. You can now control these golems like puppets. If you order them to dance, they will dance. If you order them to attack a town, they will attack a town. If you order them to fight, they will fight in the same way a mortal in that situation would. They can follow complex commands, including reactions, but can not think or act on their own in any way. Without orders, they just sit around doing nothing, incapable of doing anything. Again, they are basically puppets controlled by Gods directly.

Does that make sense to everyone?

15 yard "behemoths"
Race: 9-10E for 10K
1 powerful, single: 6-7E

Do you people actually keep up with this thread or just skip to the end whenever there's too many posts in the way? >_>

Skip to the end

I do keep up with both threads, but that's mostly because I have way too much free time on my hands.

Am I the only one here with a summer job? I am pretty pressed for time myself  :-\.

So two questions I guess. Can we give essence to other gods?

Yes, you can transfer any form of energy to another God.

Actually, this has reminded me that Stirk said if multiple gods co-operate on a project it gets vaguely cheaper. So even if the magic is sphere-based, co-operating may still make it cheaper, though it's hard to say since the co-operation thing was left pretty vague.

Everything is vague! Purposefully! The sphere discount counts towards the entire project. 1 God with a relevant sphere will get the same sphere discount as 5 Gods, with the 5 Gods getting a cooperation bonus. The sphere bonuses stack if they are all relevant.

Asteroids growing: 4-5E
Shaping: Free (they are, after all, decorations)
Messages: Free
Asteroid belt: Same price as last asteroid belt (assuming decoration only)
Portals (sentient): Normally 6-7E. Portal sphere 4-5E.
Telescope: 1-2E. (? ? ?) power(?work?)
Void Creatures: 9-10E (Reality bending is tough)
Exorcism: 2-3E (Magic sphere included)

This needs to go in the OP. One thing that could be useful is a record of what Ticks these things were made in.

That is probably a good idea, Ill probably put a link up.

Magic system: Too varied to be useful to anyone
Slooowly crafting crystal magic-Considered "weak". Depends on power source, generally 3-4E

Summoning thing: I can't find it. Can I get it in quotes?

Things are getting far too silly in the IC thread.

Things in Ye Gods where always silly :P. Sillydark, maybe. It is like grim dark but with silly instead of grim.

So stirk, afterlives. Does making an afterlife for your followers provide any benefits? Like essence income or preventing other gods from messing with the souls of your followers.

Would a darker afterlife along the lines of "I eat the souls of my worshipers when they die" provide any sort of benefit for example?

It depends on the afterlife, I suppose. Most would prevent Souls from being messed with easily, at least. Most will have to be SCIENCED to see the exact effects.

Hm... this looks interesting, but reading over 50 pages (IC and OOC) isn't my thing.
So can I join without having to read EVERYTHING?

Eh, going to try anyway.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

In case you didn't get the last accepted one, yes! I don't think even I have read *everything*, attempting to would be pretty overwhelming and I don't expect every newcomer to have done so.

Does Influence work in this game like it did in Ye Gods?

For example, in Ye Gods, Yaos' Influence-based Essence income didn't increase just because there were more Humans. KJP said what was important was the importance that Humanity as a whole had on the world rather than just their numbers. Is that how it is in Litany of the Void?

Many mechanics where copied from Ye Gods, but I didn't get KJPs notes. Most systems are imperfectly copied to say the least, since I am basically making everything whole cloth. The things I did understand where often changed, to keep the mystery intact. Soooo I will say "probably not".

Gonna sleep for a bit~

I am jealous. I need to get more sleep.

Sorry, too many people at this point to have an easy time keeping track of who's who. >.<

I usually have to keep a tab open to FargHalfnr's sheet thing to get everyone's character right, and I still can't spell any of them...

Archives: 1E ("public" history) or (? ? ?) (Secret history)

I'm starting to get semi-concerned about those nightmares. Should I be concerned?

Paranoia will get you soon enough. You will be concerned about everything.

Concerning wakes and canopes and all that....I will not call a rabbit a smeerp. It is too tedious to come up with made-up names and animals every time I need to reference them.

Call them whatever you want. I personally like the way he is turning everything into wolf versions of themselves, and would participate myself if I could find a good opportunity to do so  :P. Word=bird+wolf  :P.

Hydras: 8-9E for 10K, 2-3E for 3K (leaning to 3)

Naiads: 6-7E for 10K

Name: Stellarion
Sphere: Space
Primary Form: Black cube which resonates statically when speaking
Description: In between the sun and the chunks of planets lies space, a hole in earth is empty, yet filled with space. Space has crystallized as a god.

Again, yes! You already are playing so I think this is obviose.

The ambition of one of the gods here is to destroy space and basically make it the Warp. Keep that in mind.

Also keep in mind that Andres doesn't really know what the Warp is  :P. He doesn't play 40K.

Space Whale: 3-4E

Name: Utther

Sphere: Primary: Destruction, usually the more petty kind, though if you piss him off enough he does go Biblical, Secondary: "That smoldering contempt you have for all life you get when your day hasn't turned out right, you know, like you cut yourself shaving, you miss your bus, it starts raining while you walk home, a dog or a homeless person pooped on your lawn, and your forgot to delete some space from your DVR so your favorite show didn't record. That kinda feeling."

Primary form/associated symbol: An old crotchety man with a heavy wooden cane, any other forms he takes always have a definite human face that is always frowning. Symbol is a frowning face, any comments about "turning that frown upside down" is considered sacrilege and grounds for corporeal punishment.

Description/Background: To say Utther hates everything is a bit of a misconception, he is simply frustrated with all existence. He sees it as noisy and unpleasant, and he just wants it to go away. His followers usually have this same outlook on reality, the ones who don't only act that way to manipulate Utther into giving them stuff ostensibly for furthering the destruction of reality. Any followers who pray to him can expect one of 2 things: The first is if you dont immediately start complaining about things, or if you praise him and ask for blessings and such, he will complain about you bothering him and ignore you. The second is if you immediately start complaining, he will agree with you, and you 2 can enter into a dialogue that consists mostly of complaining about things. Sometimes you can say things like "You know, if someone just walked over there and gave them a good smacking, it'd set them right, eh?" and he'll agree, graciously granting you something to help you achieve said task. He also frequently forgets to take the power back afterwards, but it usually isnt a permanent thing anyway.

Again, yes, and already done! Just doing it personally just because.

"Removing Wildlife":(? ? ?) (Depends on mechanism)

Speaking of creating, do my spheres give me any discounts to creating creatures? They all have souls and they all have blood, after all. Kevak got a discount when he created wolf-based wildlife and he only has Wolves as a secondary sphere.

No. Generally because there isn't a lot else you can do with Wolves, and as a specific sphere, it gains a bigger discount.

Argument: Ignored for time sake, sorry.

That reminds me, do sphere discounts stack? So two blood gods working together on something blood related get a bigger discount then one blood one not?

Yes, they stack.

Updated the Ironwood trees. The larger trees are now effectively reinforced with rebar.

I think I forgot to put them in on the last update-I think I will fit them in. Sorry about that.

Sentient spacewales: 10-12E for 10K

Is it possible to use Power to possess a Dwarf/Human/Other and have them make an artifact a la Dwarf Fortress?

Try it! What could go wrong?

Question, whens the next price check response?

I try to get the pricecheck out a few hours after the tick. It takes me forever to get through.

By the way, do pmed actions get confirmed? Or should we just assume they happen even if not mentioned?

I try to confirm them, but I do it after getting IC and OOC finished. They are low priority.

@Stirk: Do I get influence income yet? Or do I need more portals/magic.

You will need more portals. Generally, if you do things yourself, you don't get a tone of essence from it. Portal magic will probably help a bunch once it spreads more.

My concern is that essence cost doesn't appear to have been calculated.

I got it done! It is just taking me 2-3 hours to do all this stuff.
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

This is my waifu, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this ones for fun.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (20/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #791 on: June 03, 2015, 10:57:50 pm »

Sorry bout this. I have been buying a most of the stuff I've pricechecked so far though? (I think so at least) But you missed one, and I think this is the one I might actually be able to afford this tick.

The chitin moon grows chitin observatories on its chitinous surface, equipped with sophisticated chitin telescopes, allowing the chitin ants to observe the rest of the chitin universe.

Quote from: Stirk
Asteroid belt: Same price as last asteroid belt (assuming decoration only)
My intent was for them to orbit the sun and cast shadows on the planet below so that sunlight isn't reliable.

Quote from: Stirk
Summoning thing: I can't find it. Can I get it in quotes?
That would technically be possible, but I would personally prefer if it was the souls of the dead that got summoned into temporary (or permanent) corporal bodies depending on the deal they made.

Deals would be a sacrificial format. Ghosts probably could use life energy or bodies for example.

Technically the summoning deal system could be made with gods also. Summoning an aspect. In Nilva's case, someone could make a deal to summon a cottage sized giant wolf for x amount of time in exchange for y amount of dead goatwolves sacrificed for them. Where y is double to the cost of making and maintaining the giant wolf for the agreed upon summoning period of x.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (20/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #792 on: June 03, 2015, 11:03:01 pm »

Hey, while you're there stirk, is the scientific/artistic progress currently going on in the universe enough to start giving me sphere essence?


Also pricecheck on a large and strong, 4-5 times as tall as a human sapient lifeform that feed on light and heat like pretty much everything else I did before and is very slow at processing information depending on complexity(Like it can follow simple commands almost instantly but can take hours to come up with the answer to a somewhat hard math question). Also very sturdy.
I'll come up with the full details when I actually make them, I just want an approximation right now.
FArgHalfnr for the #1 eldrich monstrocity.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (20/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #793 on: June 03, 2015, 11:52:56 pm »

Price check on Nilva making 20k human souls (no body)
Price check on Iliseth making 20k human souls
« Last Edit: June 04, 2015, 11:01:29 pm by Andres »
All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (20/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #794 on: June 04, 2015, 12:19:21 am »

Price check on creating a magic system of shaping and speeding growth.
Price check on creating hyper-efficient trees that create hyper-dense fuel sources when cut down.
Price check on creating efficient trees that have mirror like leaves around the edges to focus the light to absorb it even more effectively, and can transfer the heat to their roots to soften and then absorb metals which then form the outer covering of their bark and fruit. Steelfruit trees.
Price check on creating growing crystals that can turn sunlight and heat into magical energy that they store and can use to ward off predators. There are techniques for harvesting them.
Price check on the same, but they do it to shadow and cold instead.
Price check on creating a 2-dimensional race of shadows(yes they can survive in sunlight, and no I'm not sure yet what they eat or the like).
On a 3-dimensional race of shadowy creatures?
Price check on an animal version of the Great Trees(Great Beasts, often Whale or Pachyderm or Tortoise or the like, with Whelps that ride on them and live around them nomadically; Whelps are shapeshifters, and can become more bestial or humanoid over a period of days as they like. They gain strength from shadows.). They would mostly feed off of shadow and darkness, which is why they move at night, since it consumes the shadow around them for a time, resulting in an area brighter than it would otherwise appear to be but not actually bright; think in the sense of other light being able to 'move' through the area more easily, since it's not 'impeded' by darkness. Yes it's pseudo-logic. I know.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

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