I was attacked by a Fire-Breathing Titan.
I sent my Mercenary Squad after it, and i stationed my marks-dwarfs near the fort entrance. It set my forest on fire, but my mercenary were able to severely wound it, it then flew away from them towards my marksdwarves, who prompty shot it, with the killing shot being fired by a grand-master who promptly became legendary, and named his crossbow for good measure. Three of the mercenary were burned to death, but fortunately no citizens died. Unfortunately the fire would go on to engulf my entire map, converting my vast forest into a moonscape.
This would not normally be a problem, but i have no coal on my map and i have yet to bring up(or even discover) magma, so my smelting industry is in peril. The destruction of my windmills has also prevented my from milling the cave wheat, worsening an already tight food situation. I have started brewing booze to keep my dwarfs alive till the winter helmet harvest, as well as slaughtering a large chunk of my livestock. My fortress has been shaking out of comfortable success and once the windmills have been rebuilt(using the small amount of wood that survived the fire), i will begin work on brining magma up from the very deep down magma sea to fuel my industry, as well as building an underground tree farm(to supply the carbon for steelmaking).
I also lost a dwarf after two blind cave ogres made it into the fortress from the depths, fortunately an off-duty military dwarf was passing by, who killed it.