I really love this game sometimes.
Our arctic mountain civilization, The Spattered Diamond, had, in the year 200, established an exploratory fort in the tropics, right next to goblin territories. It was expected that this fort would be ruthlessly atacked by its 3 neighboring goblin settlements, but until 202 not much had happened: only two measly attacks, undeserving of their official name of 'siege'; 10 and 30 attackers respectively, all of them untrained goblins.
Since I don't have great confidence in luck, I investigated the matter, and found a story I did not expect: they've left for the arctic. The reason I don't have sieges is that all gobbos that matter have gone away to attack my home civ.
In the year 200, my goblin neighbors had attacked a temperate zone human settlement, and conquered it. Then, using this midpoint as staging grounds,they had declared war on my home civilization, and proceded to send 14 different sieges to various setlements. Three of these attacks had resulted in fallen forts, including one memorable instance of nearly 4000 invaders (3996 to be exact) attacking a settlement of 16. Each of those dwarves had sold their lives dearly, killing anywhere between 20 to 40 enemies, but in the end they had fallen.
All this is in addition to their ongoing war with the humans.
I think I'll repurpose my military outpost into a trading post and export ludicrous amountds of everything to humans. Let's see how this aping of US policy in WW2 impacts the world.