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Author Topic: Ivybolt - On hiatus until parts may be acquired.  (Read 25860 times)


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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #45 on: April 22, 2015, 12:40:55 am »

Nice.  Let's use my artifact chain to spruce up that well down to the cavern lake, if you haven't already?  Unless it's earmarked to have an elf shackled underneath the foundations of the grand obelisk for all eternity, that's fine too.


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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #46 on: April 22, 2015, 01:25:54 am »

Private Journal of Senshuken: Entry One. The page itself seems to have been marked by water droplets.

I... cannot believe it. I've waited a little while to try and work out my feelings a little on what I've seen since I've come here but it's just... My father is dead.

I watched as he was killed by one of the undead, rotting harpies that seem to plague the area around Ivybolt. When named the monstrous bitch Searchangel... but my father is gone.

Words cannot describe the amount of hate I feel in my heart for those foul, twisted abominations. I hate them even more then those cursed High Elves! Sure, they look and smell as horrible as each other, but at least High Elves scream in pain when you gut them like the foul vermin they are; These damn harpies deny us even that simple pleasure.

A part of me just wants to go out there and rip apart every single undead monster that I can find before collecting the pieces and throwing them into a lava pit so that we are free of them for good, but I do not have a death wish. My beautiful Urdim would never forgive me if I ran off and threw my life away like that. But I swear that we will purge our lands of those Alron forshaken monsters, even if that means we have to drop that whole damn swamp into a pool of lava!
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #47 on: April 22, 2015, 02:55:02 pm »


That makes seven times I've asked for a weaponsmith and gotten a female. That counts the three times I dwarfed myself and got a female weaponsmith when I checked later. This is almost a running joke for me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #48 on: April 22, 2015, 05:16:24 pm »

10 CATAPULT KILLS/DEBILITATING INJURIES: Probably the hardest thing here will be the killing or maiming of ten elves using a catapult. Preferably with petrified wood.
Mwahaha! Give me a Siege Engineer/Operator and you'll get them in no time!
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #49 on: April 22, 2015, 08:32:35 pm »

Diary of Colonel Ironbeard, Guardian of Ivybolt, third entry,

In all of history, there is but one constant: war.  War is the steel from which the great are forged and the weak are cast aside.  All sapients live, breath, and die for war, whether as civilians or as soldiers.  An honorable death is far better than a dishonorable life.

That is what I was taught during my training, and for a time I believed it.  I believed that war was a universal constant, that war could not be questioned because it simply was.  I have fought countless battles against the elves, honing my skills and rising in rank until I was placed as military commander of this expedition.

Now, though, we live in a place where war is truly a universal constant.  Where we must fight constantly just to survive, against mindless beasts that will get up again and again until you finally beat them into a pulp or they tear you apart.  There is no reason, no rational thought, behind this war: it simply happens.  This land is what true war looks like, and none of the military training I received before could prepare me for it.

Each dwarf must find their own reason to live in this world, a meaning behind their existence.  If there is no reason behind our existence, then why did the Great Five create us?  In a land such as this, many will find reason in simple survival, but I cannot content myself with that reason.  There is a large gulf between surviving and living, and in order to be truly free we must live, not merely survive.

My reason?  I live and fight so that those around me can live.  I live to defend and protect my fellow dwarves.  As long as I live I know that the fortress has not fallen, but when I fall there is no guarantee that the fortress will continue beyond the attack that kills me.

Just FYI, Splint, this is entry three. The last thing I wrote was just a scene and not a journal entry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #50 on: April 22, 2015, 11:52:09 pm »


That makes seven times I've asked for a weaponsmith and gotten a female. That counts the three times I dwarfed myself and got a female weaponsmith when I checked later. This is almost a running joke for me.

Reminds of a guy named Bombzero. 90% of his dwarfings got him a female dwarf.

10 CATAPULT KILLS/DEBILITATING INJURIES: Probably the hardest thing here will be the killing or maiming of ten elves using a catapult. Preferably with petrified wood.
Mwahaha! Give me a Siege Engineer/Operator and you'll get them in no time!

Lucky you, an engraver/general engineer (siege included) show up in the fall migrant wave.

Just FYI, Splint, this is entry three. The last thing I wrote was just a scene and not a journal entry.

Hadn't noticed. Corrected.

Sorry about no update today/yesterday guys. Not feeling my best and had to do some yardwork. As a bit of good news, our tigers were not in fact queer. We have cubs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #51 on: April 23, 2015, 05:47:01 am »

Mwahaha! Give me a Siege Engineer/Operator and you'll get them in no time!
Lucky you, an engraver/general engineer (siege included) show up in the fall migrant wave.
That's even greater!
This is the masterwork engraving. This is the image of elves and the masterwork catapult. The catapult stirkes a menacing pose. The elves are dying painfully, killed by spinning petrified wood boulders.
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.

Ardent Debater

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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #52 on: April 23, 2015, 09:42:11 am »

OH, Just found this, Can You Dorf me in the next migrant wave?

Name: Trogdor
Profession: Hauler

I'd prefer it if he was an Idiot but Strong.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #53 on: April 23, 2015, 09:56:19 am »

OH, Just found this, Can You Dorf me in the next migrant wave?

Name: Trogdor
Profession: Hauler

I'd prefer it if he was an Idiot but Strong.

Now when you say idiot, are you talking Dwarfen kind idiot or Ivybolt level idiot? Because I am proud to say that here at Ivybolt we have a much higher standard for fortress idiots then elsewhere; After all, all of us willing came to Ivybolt in the first place.
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #54 on: April 23, 2015, 03:12:20 pm »


That makes seven times I've asked for a weaponsmith and gotten a female. That counts the three times I dwarfed myself and got a female weaponsmith when I checked later. This is almost a running joke for me.
Reminds of a guy named Bombzero. 90% of his dwarfings got him a female dwarf.
Both of Bastiongate's weaponsmiths are female too... I suppose it's a traditionally female role in dwarven culture.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #55 on: April 23, 2015, 10:47:42 pm »

The Ironbreakers are entering full-time training. Don't approve myself since we need all hands ready to get things made, but I can see the urgency in the decision. With Zaycen dead and Cerol so badly hurt (though Doc Zon's already got her back on her feet,) the troops probably realized their skills aren't up to snuff for facing the dead.

There's also been a sighting of migrants; good. Among them is a sapper named NCommander, and a former caravan swordsdwarf willing to replace Zaycen and a strand extractor taking up a hammer in the name of Queen Ingish and all dwarves! We now stand at 51 beards strong, so we'll need to prepare some Mayoral lodging. I probably won't be owner of this log much longer.


An armorer's gone a bit eh.... Off. And wants silk, so that means we need to break into the caverns. I'm sending Senshuken's Tree Frogs down to watch over silk collection for now.


Went off without a hitch! Good thing too, there was a big-ass spider down there.

Somehow I don't think our pitiful armor supply would've protected Senshuken's squad. Oh, and Smakeums gave birth to a boy.


Bronze, harpy bones, cloth, porcelain. Please don't be a boot or gauntlet...


-There is only a seemingly endless stream of profanity for several pages-


Senshuken's wife has given birth to a boy today. He seems pretty pleased with himself.


Caravans are here for fall, and I'm getting pretty damned suspicious; the outlanders should've attacked by now given our porcelain industry... Oh, and I've just been informed the home caravan wrecked a wagon. Good job fucknuts.

Although it might've been because the merchant freaked out on account of them passing the dumping pond...


I had good news for the elves!

So the pointy-eared jerks wouldn't be getting murdered by a bunch of twitchy militiadwarves! Not this time anyway.


Migrants are here, 10 in all, bringing us to 63 dwarves. Among them was a talented hammerdwarf. Hopefully she'll find a good home amongst her fellow beating-stick users in Buffalo squad.


Muthkat's been doing well as far as training goes. Evidently she's showing the skill of the axe lords of old! Since the others can't be far behind, I've finally gotten them their combat boots issued (plus some mail ones for Ironbeard,) and told him it's tme to put the skills they've spent the past season honing to the test.

The oinky undead sort of test that is.


They've succeeded! Mostly because a bear got the crap beaten out of it instead of them, but still! Oh, and there was this.

The Ironbreakers ran afoul of some... Less than friendly fellows, who were busy killing eachother out in the swamp. Evidently they'd gotten into an argument and started fighting. There was also the matter of some of them getting back up after falling out of trees or shanking eachother.

[Our first attack hath suffered from two things: 1st, the graphics are all ganked up for whatever reason when they should be using the standard elf graphics. 2Nd, the outcast and outland elves started fighting with eachother while still in ambush until one guy fired an arrow. End result: most of the elves were dead and mangled and left virtually nothing for us to kill except a few stragglers and two zombies.]

As a result of the battle, we also now have Ironbeard and Janthriel counted as weapon masters! Only found out about Ironbeard after the fact. And, to top off this report, we have a siege crossbow of unparalleled design!

Dunno how the hell this slipped by me, but I'm quite pleased by it.


Things have been real quiet around here as of late. Who knows, maybe we managed to kill all the zombies in the area?


Seems there was enough steel to salvage from the toppled wagon that we could make a new sword for Senshuken, as well as proper officer helmets for most of our squads! Chance never ceases to amaze.


Won't believe what I saw today!

I had never thought I'd ever see a unicorn herd, especially not this close to a place like The Swamp of Hell. And there's a bit of other news as well. This is my last entry as Expedition Leader of The Stern Torches.

Seems the engineer Peregarret has been elected. Seems I was right to get those mayoral accommodations made. Speaking of which, they got finished about two months ago. Pereg, here's a picture of the new digs.

I'll be leaving the Command Log on the desk in your office. Er, once you get over your little eh... Episode that is.


So, I've been elected mayor. Quite eager to serve! And I made a thing. A mechanism apparently. And elves are here. So you know what? I'm going to make it look like I was in my right mind at the time, and mandates a couple splints be made.

Okay, so we have an actual update where we don't have people mauled by zombies! Mostly because according to DFHack, we have in fact won by attrition. Zombies can't reproduce, and we had enough sharp things and dwarves to throw at them until they stopped getting up. I can always use it to restore the numbers of the harpies and beak dogs though if you guys want.

We got a couple pretty cool artifacts, one of which is prompting me to completely rearm our marksdwarves so the sergeant can make use of such a badass shooty thing, I've set up proper lodging for nobles, picked out a baroness for the future (as her preferences won't mandate shit like boots or figurines,) gotten ready to establish a fortress guard, and got a mayor! Finally.

We also are finally on the radar of the enemy, even if they aren't as cooperative as I'd like, and have 3 weaponmasters! Custom titles will be implemented on request, though Muthkat due to her choice of a two-hander is getting labeled “Berserker,” as will all Bardiche users.

On that note, Ironbeard, Senshuken, and the leader of Buffalo squad all have steel helmets now, and Senshuken's bismuth bronze sword has been traded in for a steel one. Also you guys decide: Issue the fortress guard wooden training maces (nightsticks basically,) or actual silver whoopass sticks?

Enjoy guys, sorry it was so short.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ivybolt - We saw unicorns today.
« Reply #56 on: April 24, 2015, 12:46:18 am »

May I see the profile of my new dwarf? Also nice to see the undead are mostly re-dead. Time to see if the game can throw far worse at you.
I (somehow) wield a marble coffin that i fill with the corpses of all I have slain (to make an already heavy object even heavier) in one hand, and the other holds a book made out out of fucking platinum. The book can crush skulls, and the coffin grows ever stronger and now that is has a few dead dragons in it, it sends people flying a mile backwards to explode in a pile of gore. Gore which I then place into the coffin,


  • Bay Watcher
  • Гномовержец Enjoyed throwing someone recently
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Re: Ivybolt - We saw unicorns today.
« Reply #57 on: April 24, 2015, 01:26:57 am »

Oh wow. That's a good start!

Can I see the personality of my dorf too?
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ivybolt - We saw unicorns today.
« Reply #58 on: April 24, 2015, 01:29:13 am »

Awesome my first character in a fort (well besides Thrakugga but let's not talk about Thrakugga) and I'm a spearmaster. Can I see my kill list if it's not to much trouble
There are two types of great forts. Theres "hey guys look at my awesome fort were we kill all the invaders and have steel everything". Then there's
 "Holy **** every thing is all ****ed up What the **** have we done ?"

Spehss _

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Re: Ivybolt - We saw unicorns today.
« Reply #59 on: April 24, 2015, 02:21:06 pm »

...did this fort always have a tileset? Could've sworn it was ASCII.

square ascii tileset master race
Steam ID: Spehss Cat
Turns out you can seriously not notice how deep into this shit you went until you get out.
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