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Author Topic: Ivybolt - On hiatus until parts may be acquired.  (Read 25919 times)


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Re: Ivybolt - To The Swamp of Hell we go! We might live after all!
« Reply #30 on: April 20, 2015, 09:42:39 pm »

This looks to be... violent and interesting. Beyond that I'd like to ask to be dwarfed. Any military dwarf if possible, though in this case name em Zaycen.
I (somehow) wield a marble coffin that i fill with the corpses of all I have slain (to make an already heavy object even heavier) in one hand, and the other holds a book made out out of fucking platinum. The book can crush skulls, and the coffin grows ever stronger and now that is has a few dead dragons in it, it sends people flying a mile backwards to explode in a pile of gore. Gore which I then place into the coffin,


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Re: Ivybolt - To The Swamp of Hell we go! We might live after all!
« Reply #31 on: April 20, 2015, 09:53:47 pm »

Splint: could you send me an image of my dwarf's profile?

Ask and ye shall receive!

This looks to be... violent and interesting. Beyond that I'd like to ask to be dwarfed. Any military dwarf if possible, though in this case name em Zaycen.

Welcome aboard good sir.


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Re: Ivybolt - To The Swamp of Hell we go! We might live after all!
« Reply #32 on: April 20, 2015, 11:54:26 pm »

could you post a picture of my profile as well? Also could you change my profession name to "Bog trooper" so that I can see myself in combat logs?
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 12:18:50 am by Swords-Otter »
There are two types of great forts. Theres "hey guys look at my awesome fort were we kill all the invaders and have steel everything". Then there's
 "Holy **** every thing is all ****ed up What the **** have we done ?"


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Re: Ivybolt - Hey Dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #33 on: April 21, 2015, 02:32:55 pm »

The zombies are keeping their distance from the gate.

Wish it was true for the walls too.


The damned things seem to have scattered for one reason or another, but two are eventually going to blunder into the traders. I asked Ironbeard if he had any ideas, and he just grabbed his soldiers and set out. “Maybe the guards can finish'em off.” he says.

Alron protect you Ironbeard.


The merchants proved to be unexpectedly brave! Nobody got hurt (not seriously anyway; some bruises here and there for Muthkat,) thank the gods, but I have a feeling that was because of the caravan providing the sheer numbers for that. They went after the straggler and Ironbeard got the same treatment.

The damned boars showed up again after that, so we're gonna bunker down again. The merchants don't seem too keen on sticking around either for much longer.


Momuz has volunteered to make use of that bow we bought this summer. She made a suit of armor and a quiver for herself, loaded up, and she's willing to at least try to help next time the troops head out.


Migrant are here, among them dwarves who know how to fight, or are willing to learn, among them a fisherdwarf named Zaycen, his son Senshuken, Senshuken's wife Urdim, a marksdwarf, and a knife-fighter named Sir Taupenstien. And the others said I was stupid for forging a fighting knife!

Zaycen and the knife-fighter are joining Ironbeard's Ironbreaker squad, while Senshuken and the marksdwarf are getting their own units. And with them, our population doubles to 24! I'm sure everyone's happy to see them and they us, since those disheveled damp beards looked like they'd seen better days.


Huh. Hadn't seen that coming. The other Reg got thrown out on his head, the chestnut he was using to make a chest was eh... “Appropriated” for whatever it is Kol's making, and Kol set to work, making a, well. A splint.


Things have been relatively calm and we ran out of metal making Zaycen and Senshuken's swords. I've asked the dig team to start looking for metal. I know we have Galena, so if nothing else we can make some blunt instruments.


LEARN HOW TO DIG PROPERLY YOU IDIOTS! Ugh, now we need to build a fucking wall, and a troll or trogs or gods forbid a cave bear or something might come in and start killing people!


The loyalists are here again, and this time? Bears! A leopard! Fuck yes!


We were attacked by more harpies today, but this time were weren't just a bunch of scared little dwarflings! This time we had the fucking numbers to tell them to go FUCK OFF. Special mention goes to the other Reg and Zaycen who dealt the deathblows.


There's another peregrine falcon corpse flying around. Ironbeard's taking Janthriel and Zaycen out to try and get its attention.


Well. Shit. So much for the tried and true method of killing things. She was able to kill it, with a great deal of effort, but... Yeah. Didn't die like you'd expect tearing something in half would.


Smakeums has started acting off. Took over our forge, grabbed a bronze bar produced by our new smelter, some bricks and a handful of blue jad and set to work. Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be completely useless!


I stand corrected. I just wish the others would stop giving me shit about it.



The locals are here. And guess what they brought?

Tigers. Male and female. But I swear to all the gods if they sell us a queer tiger I will have the militia slaughter EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM. Anyway, I also had two statues and a figurine given to them as a gesture of good will.


Got attacked by a flock of storks today, and got our first serious injury besides, you know, the whole “Rakust getting choked to death” thing last year. Our Brewer Ingish decided to try and be a hero and got some holes poked in his face for his trouble.

The dig team is working on carving out a hospital in the meantime.


Migrants! And among them several dwarves who wish to be soldiers! And a book keeper! And someone who has a very vague idea on how to treat injuries!


Another dwarf falls to the undead in this cursed swamp. What drove Zulban to fish in a pond out in the swamp we'll never know, but I've since told everyone to fish from the brook if the want to fish. Won't completely eliminate the risk, but greatly reduce it at least.

The Ironbreakers went out to deal with it, and Jan took it down in one shot with her spear. The troops decided to name the bloodied monster “Polishmesses,” so that Zulban's killer would be known. But now we have a bigger problem.

I told Ironbeard we couldn't afford to let beak dogs run rampant, living or not. Especially not since we have kids here now. So I've also ordered Senshuken to bring out his squad as well. Everyone's armed, and has a shield, so if nothing else they have the bare minimum to hopefully not die besides Muthkat since her bardiche is too big to use a shield.


Done, but a falcon flew in and attacked us. Fikod and Maxcat were both injured before Sir Taupenstien killed the thing. We probably should've gotten a hospital made sooner...


For the sake of posterity, I include that poor foolish girl's obituary. The hospital's working out nicely; the wounded are all nice and tended too, patched up and all that happy shit. Zaycen also got to face down a cob swan corpse on his own.

Sliced its head off at the cost of getting a few bruises himself.


Summer's here, and the elves come with the slightly worse stench of rotting timber. Didn't bring as much, but a regular flow of exotic fruits is always good.


Pen swan attack. Left Fikod injured (again,) a digger hurt, and an armorer covered in bruises. What in the hell makes even these simple things so damn strong? The fucking things' flesh is usually falling off by the time we fight it.

There was also a pair of still more damned harpies. Ironbeard lead a premptive attack, and two soldiers have been injured as a result: Muthkat and Cerol. Cerol's probably gonna be in traction for weeks, because she got so many broken bones.

Why are so many dwarves trying to be heroes against the dead? Don't they understand that those rotting hulks don't feel pain or die of blood loss anymore?


Case in point. More harpies, Zaycen ran off by himself and got killed trying to play hero. The monster is going to be remembered with hate as Searchangel. We also lost two bears and our leopard, and Reg was injured because he tried to be a hero too instead of helping Cerol like he was out there to do.


So our guard towers are complete, such as it is. Just need firing ports carved in them and hatches added up top. Oh, and Kol's dead. That makes two founders of this place in a salt box.

Can't say I'm surprised. He had a festering injury from one of the swan attacks a few months back. It's a shame though, to see such a skilled craftsman die like that. Fikod's died as well of the same. Fucking zombies man. We found her slumped over in the dining hall.

And of course, the obituaries. Rest easy you three. Especially you Zaycen, because your death was your own damned fault and I don't want to have to deal with your plague of stupid twice. And speaking of Stupid, Sphess is “preaching the word of soap,” in wake of two of those deaths.

Hey guise. Look. Ded dorfs.

So we haven't really done too much since the last update. There's been a number of deaths, among them another founder and a claimed dwarf (it was his own fault sprinting off  like he did,) got a hospital made, did a bit of trading,  and built some towers.

We also started growing blueberries and grapes and got proper industrial buildings set up safely below ground. Tried to find some metal, but all we have so far is galena, and expanded the residential area. I've also slowly but surely been putting in stone stairs to replace the dirt ones, and come to the conclusion we need lots of soap to combat infection, and stone to brick over and secure ourselves against undead birds.

Anyway, that's the update boys and girls. I'll include a tour and profiles shortly.


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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #34 on: April 21, 2015, 03:58:31 pm »

Can I get a profile page too?

Spehss _

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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #35 on: April 21, 2015, 05:35:44 pm »

And speaking of Stupid, Sphess is “preaching the word of soap,” in wake of two of those deaths.

Well, soap is pretty useful, I guess. It stops infections. And if you cram enough bars of soap in the wound it stops bleeding too, I'd think. And if you pile enough bars of soap on zombies they'd probably be crushed from the sheer weight...yeah, soap seems useful.

つ ◕_◕ ༽つ▀ Praise the soap bar つ ◕_◕ ༽つ▀
Steam ID: Spehss Cat
Turns out you can seriously not notice how deep into this shit you went until you get out.


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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #36 on: April 21, 2015, 05:51:18 pm »

Doomforests was saved who knows how many times by soap.


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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #37 on: April 21, 2015, 06:23:43 pm »

"Permission to ask you an important question, sir?"

Colonel Ironbeard smashed his mace into a target dummy one last time before turning to look at Muthkat, "Aye, lass?  And I told you, there be no need for formalities."

Muthkat swallowed hard, "Why do we persist in putting down the dead, sir?  Why not just leave them alone as long as they stay away from the walls, sir?"

The Colonel stared at her for a long moment before answering, "Because that would be admitting weakness, lass.  And to give in to weakness would be a disgrace to Laltur and ourselves, and by extension the entire fortress."

"But... wouldn't it be to admit weakness than..."

"Then to die, lass?  Is that what you're getting at?"

Muthkat swallowed hard again, "Aye, sir.  Wouldn't it be better to admit weakness than die."

Colonel Ironbeard paused for a moment, then, in a low voice, said, "Walk with me, lass.  I'm going to patrol the perimeter."

The two armored dwarves walked the perimeter of the walls, watching carefully for any sign of the dead approaching.  A couple of birds unleashed horrific cries in the distance, but no other sound was heard but their footsteps.  As the sun began to set, an eerie mist settled over the fortress, and in the mist dark shadows flitted through their field of vision.  Finally, the Colonel spoke.

"You're scared, aren't you lass?  Of this place, of dying, of the dead that stalk this land?"

Muthkat looked down at her feet, "I'm sorry, sir.  I know soldiers shouldn't be afraid, it's just..."  Her voice trailed off as the Colonel held up his hand.

"We all are, lass.  Each and every one of us.  You'd have to be insane not to be.  So many have died, and many more still could.  Do you not think that I don't go into every battle fearing that it will be my last?"

Muthkat's eyes widened.  The Colonel never acted like this, never showed his true emotions.  Ever since she could recall he had been a solid rock of the military, fighting against impossible odds seemingly without fear.

"But the trick, lass, is to accept that fear.  To know that death is a possibility and fight on despite it.  To laugh in the face of death, even though inside we want to curl into a ball and hide."

The Colonel paused, then continued, "We need to fight, lass, because if we don't we are finished.  There is no safety net we can fall back on, nowhere we can go if we are overwhelmed.  So we have to fight with all our strength, because if we don't then everyone around us will die."

A long silence fell on the two dwarves as they continued their rounds, before Muthkat finally said, "I understand, Colonel."

The Colonel spoke in a soft voice, "I'm glad.  We should get back inside before the sun sets.  Who knows what kind of horrors will be lurking in the shadows after that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #38 on: April 21, 2015, 06:31:00 pm »

First off, let's start with profiles. Well, of everyone not dead at the moment.

Next, we'll have a very crude tour.

Not much changed here besides the four finished towers a level up.

Tombs above residential? HERESY!

As you can see, there's not actually... Well, honestly, much of anything fully accomplished. Just basic piddling shit and we still don't have the militia fully outfitted. So that's the quick and dirty folks. Everything that more-or-less is important.

@ 4maskwolf: Damn son, that one was pretty.... Hmm... What's the word I want... I wanna say profound but that doesn't totally seem right.

@ Spehss_: Seems I spelled your name wrong slightly. Also: PREACH IT SOAPING-BROTHAR.

Spehss _

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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #39 on: April 21, 2015, 06:45:23 pm »

@ Spehss_: Seems I spelled your name wrong slightly. Also: PREACH IT SOAPING-BROTHAR.

Feel free to ignore the underscore. that's just there to differentiate me from anyone else on the internet with the alias of "Spehss".

Also I don't think I've ever made a successful soap industry in my forts. Never anything more than maybe 10 or 20 bars in the whole fort. I think I just import it. Gotta be in character though.

Love that my dwarf is very friendly, does not easily develop hate or negative feelings, and yet is a pessimist. Also he's "very fat" and has a very long mustache. I'm just imagining this pudgy dorf waddling around with a mustache hanging down to his knees, slapping people on the back and loudly proclaiming how every one of his dear friends in the fort is going to die horribly in the worst ways, and everyone needs to sit back, relax, and have a bubblebath before the zombies eat their faces.
Steam ID: Spehss Cat
Turns out you can seriously not notice how deep into this shit you went until you get out.


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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #40 on: April 21, 2015, 06:51:24 pm »

Why am I not surprised I ended up dead that quickly? And yet will I learn not to ask for military dwarves? No.
I (somehow) wield a marble coffin that i fill with the corpses of all I have slain (to make an already heavy object even heavier) in one hand, and the other holds a book made out out of fucking platinum. The book can crush skulls, and the coffin grows ever stronger and now that is has a few dead dragons in it, it sends people flying a mile backwards to explode in a pile of gore. Gore which I then place into the coffin,


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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #41 on: April 21, 2015, 07:00:03 pm »

So I'm a 139 years old guy who feels he's ''not cut out for this''. New bonus objective: have this soldier survive until he dies of old age.


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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #42 on: April 21, 2015, 10:08:09 pm »

Why am I not surprised I ended up dead that quickly? And yet will I learn not to ask for military dwarves? No.

Want another dwarf? Got a guy who just so happened to also have skills with a sword (seems he may have been a caravan guard.)

So I'm a 139 years old guy who feels he's ''not cut out for this''. New bonus objective: have this soldier survive until he dies of old age.

That could be anywhere from 11 to 31 years. Let's see if the Knightly Knifedorf makes it to the former.


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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #43 on: April 21, 2015, 10:30:21 pm »

Sure name this one Zaythen. I don't give him much on the life expectancy though, a) just because of what this fort is and 2) because I have some terrible luck with characters named after me in any game that lets me name people dying ridiculously quickly. I hope your skills can counteract my luck.
I (somehow) wield a marble coffin that i fill with the corpses of all I have slain (to make an already heavy object even heavier) in one hand, and the other holds a book made out out of fucking platinum. The book can crush skulls, and the coffin grows ever stronger and now that is has a few dead dragons in it, it sends people flying a mile backwards to explode in a pile of gore. Gore which I then place into the coffin,


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Re: Ivybolt - Hey dorfs. Zombies man.
« Reply #44 on: April 21, 2015, 11:50:19 pm »

Journal of Janthriel Quickdyes

Everyone knows of the five gods, Always watching over us, guiding our lives. But very few know of the sixth god, and even fewer speak of her. She has many names, the ring of steel upon steel the cries of dying warriors the sound of lifeless corpses striking the ground, but most just call her Death and we all worship her whether we know it or not for we all must join her in the end. Her priests are called soldiers, because she needs souls to fill her halls and a soldier must give her lives in place of their own. soldiers are the worlds best negotiators giving the lives of their enemies for the lives of their friends. All dwarves die eventually, and I'm no different I know that I'll die someday and someday soon all I can do is keep my wits about me and keep up the trade so that when I finally meet death she'll say "Took you long enough" and then she'll greet me with open arms     
« Last Edit: April 22, 2015, 02:20:06 am by Swords-Otter »
There are two types of great forts. Theres "hey guys look at my awesome fort were we kill all the invaders and have steel everything". Then there's
 "Holy **** every thing is all ****ed up What the **** have we done ?"
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