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Author Topic: Humanities Fight an Aurora 4X community Let's Play  (Read 8275 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Humanities Fight an Aurora 4X community Let's Play
« on: April 10, 2015, 04:37:15 pm »

Aurora 4x Let's Play: Humanities Fight and the New Age of the Unity

This will be an Aurora 4X Let's Play that involves anyone who chooses to reply.  There are two races in this Let's Play the Federation and the Unity, each is controlled by me and the community will be able to suggest actions for both.

The rules are simple:
  • Every day I will look at any replies from you guys on what path to follow and then I will simulate 5 years of time trying to follow your suggestions.  I may check in more than once a day and possibly simulate some time more than once a day, but I will always do it at least once.
  • Please only choose one of the races to advise.  This will create a kind of community wide battle (not the bad kind but more of a fun sparring match)
  • If you want a leader named after you then tell me the sector of command you want to be placed in and I will give you the highest ranked unnamed position (I'm not changing the governor's or any prominent figures in the empires)
  • Please try to stay in the right frame of mind when advising on what to do.  Although you will be able to see all the actions of the opposing team try not to let that influence your decisions and stay in the role-playing scene
  • Being the Spacemaster I may occasionally choose to throw in a curve ball to make things more interesting

Humanities back story:

In the late twentieth century humankind was on the brink of all-out war.  With the cold war raging on tensions were at an all-time high as scientists and engineers sought protection from a nuclear holocaust in both the Earth and the stars.  Just as everything came to a head a signal was received from space.  The signal appeared to originate from some kind of space craft that had recently entered the solar system.  The world leaders scrambled to discover who had launched this ship and what its purpose was.  Each leader blamed all the others for faking an extraterrestrial encounter to slow down the production and research of the other countries.  After some years of debating and nearly rekindling the world war, peace treaties were finally reached as countries began to fear what this new threat might bring.  The space vessel was given the title ET-1 as the whole world began preparations for whatever it may bring.  Soon enough the ship came hurdling towards the Earth with a purpose unknown.  With all the world fearing what may befall the Earth if the ship was allowed to reach its purpose.  In a desperate move a nuclear missile was launched on a collision course with the vessel as the leaders of the world agreed that, despite where the vessel may crash, all countries would be allowed into the full analysis.  On January 2nd 1999 the collision was confirmed and the ship was on a fiery collision course with the Earth.  On January 4th 1999 ET-1 crashed into a large forest in western Russia.  Quickly scientists and engineers from all over the world descended upon the vessel with protection from the Russian military.  The crash had surprisingly done only a small amount of damage to the vessel.  The largest damage had been done by the explosion from the nuclear missile.  Studies continued for months as engineers attempted to reverse engineer the pieces of the vessel and scientists attempted to understand the materials and electronics used to create it.  On August 21st 1999 a data storage was found in the remnants of the ship.  August 29th saw the decoding of the data inside the device.  The data talked about strange new elements that were quickly deemed as Trans-Newtonian or TN elements.  The data showed how to find these elements as well as the properties that they held.  The data also spoke of a race of extra-terrestrial beings who had sent the vessel.  This information terrified the leaders of the world, the thought of a race of intelligent beings who were capable of interstellar travel was far more terrifying then the nuclear holocaust had ever been.  Research quickly began on the TN elements as military advisors began to debate the best method of protection against this new threat.  On October 18th 1999 scientists and engineers collaborated together to create methods for mining TN elements as well as blueprints for new industries capable of manufacturing components using the TN elements.  December 12th 1999 the world leaders signed a treaty declaring a world government that would decide on all matters for the coming space age.  December 15th 1999 engineers finished reverse engineering parts of the engines of the ET-1 and discovered the capability of jump points that would allow for quick travel to other solar systems within the galaxy.  December 29th a large shipyard orbiting the Earth was constructed which was capable of creating the new vessels that would be necessary for the exploration and exploitation of the galaxy.  December 31st the government of Earth was titled the United Terran Federation.

The Unity's back story:

The Galaxian Unity had been a race constantly at war.  On their home planet of Cur factions raged furious destructive battles all over the planet destroying countless lives and large portions of the world itself.  Nearly the entire population was annihilated during these conflicts until only a small pocket remained.  A new leader emerged within this small pocket who preached of a new and better world and society.  He had discovered a loophole in the science they had come to know that could lead to amazing discoveries.  In return for his leadership he only asked for two things.  All of his followers must adopt his own religion named Albatruism and they must devote their lives and their descendants’ lives towards knowledge rather than warfare.  They began to rebuild the world under a new set of guidelines and their society began to thrive.  Scientists worked slowly and meticulously upon the new field of research their leader had begun.  After many centuries 11 new elements were discovered.  Research began upon each of these elements individually to discover their properties and abilities.  1900 years after the founding of the Galaxian Unity as a Peaceful Theocracy these new elements had been fully understood and many research projects involving mining and processing the resources began as well as research into building space fairing vessels using these new elements.  In the year 1985 a new ship class for exploration named the Glorious Heritage was designed.  In 1990 the first ship of this class was created at one of the shipyards that had been constructed around Cur.  The mission of this new ship the EX Glorious Heritage 001 was to go out and explore other solar systems in search of other species.  It had been outfitted with high power electromagnetic and thermal sensors as well as a powerful gravitational sensor and a jump drive.  1998 the EX Glorious Heritage 001 entered a new system named Sol and began its normal routine of searching each gravity distortion for jump points when it picked up a large thermal signal emanating from one of the planets in the system.  It began to approach the planet to inspect the sources of this signal.  All of the Unity waited with bated breath when they heard the news to see if they had indeed finally found a new race of sentient beings.  As the ship neared the strange planet it continually sent back reports to Cur on its current position relative to the planet as well as the details of what they could find out about the planet.  Suddenly the Glorious Heritage detected a small electromagnetic signal emerging from the planet.  They were unable to detect exactly what the object was but reported it was headed towards them at a slow but accelerating speed.  After it moved a small distance away from the planet they were able to detect its thermal signature apart from the planets.  With the incoming data they were able to conclude that it was a small craft capable of carrying a very small crew, it had an engine in the back that was constantly firing giving it a constant acceleration.  The crew of the Glorious Heritage began to become worried as the craft continued to accelerate to ever greater speeds as it grew closer and closer to them.  When the craft was far too close to stop in time the captain of the Glorious Heritage commanded to begin evasive maneuvers, but it was too late.  A wave of confused terror swept over the entire populace of the Unity as the Glorious Heritage was struck and destroyed by an unknown object.  For 2 hours no one was able to understand what had just occurred.  The religious leaders then stated that the entire population would need to go through a time of silence and then prayer to discern the next steps to take.  As another Explorer was built as previously mandated by the leaders the Unity began a full month of silence followed by many more months of solemn prayer both for those who had died as well as what direction to head in this time of uncertainty.  At the end of 1999 it was decided that the Unity would need to move into a new age.  They would begin research into military technologies which had been forbidden for centuries.  They would then construct warships capable of fending off this new threat in order to discern the true nature of this new race and, if given no other choice, eradicate the threat.  All research would need to be done quickly in order to meet these demands meaning that they could no longer take their leisurely pace in order to understand every facet of each new idea they found.  This would be a difficult age, but hopefully it would lead to an even greater golden age of peace, prosperity and knowledge for not only themselves, but also other sentient life forms as well.

Federation January 1st 2000:

Reece Bennett wins the election for governor of Earth with his campaign to increase the security of Earth’s forces as well as immediately begin efficient mining of the TNE’s.  His strongly held Atheistic beliefs are met with some concern from religious leaders, but he assures that it will have no impact upon his time as Governor of Earth.

Sophie Harris is assigned to the position of commander of fleet headquarters.  Her wide range of skills and insightful thinking puts her above her peers in ability making it an easy choice.

In his first commands Bennett begins training a new armour division in the newly created Ground Forces Training Facility or GFTF.  He then tasks the new Ship Yard the Infinite Dawn with adding a new slipway in order to speed up the process of expansion in the future.  After deliberating with his advisors he decides to invest all industry into creating and upgrading financial centers to improve the economic supply of the newly founded government.  Finally he places Liam Gough, a budding researcher, in charge of understanding the exact methods and uses of these new TNE’s which Liam promises will lead to an entirely new and huge field or research.

After these developments are aired all over the world the internet explodes with millions of people both supporting and opposing the United Terran Federation.

Unity January 1st 2000:

Cha’Lholitef is appointed to the position of governor of Cur under the guidance of the religious leaders because of his superb abilities in relation to his peers.  His ambitious nature showed promise, but the leaders cautioned him to keep his aggressiveness in check at all times.

As many in the Unity are still uncertain of fully placing hope into weapons and aggression Cha decides to take a more subtle approach in his first decree as he has Da’Luwekis begin researching cloaking theory.  He then continues to give control of researching high density duranium armour to Vi’Disiyoc.  Realizing the need for organization in the military he finishes by appointing Qa’Phafawozh the leader of research into mobile infantry battalions.

Seeing the multiple needs for their industry he begins construction of a new naval shipyard complex as well as a ground force training facility and a military academy.

His final order is to send the newly built Glorious Heritage 002 to explore the other solar systems that the Procyon system leads too.

As his commands are made known to the populace all of the Unity becomes quiet and diligent.  None are happy at this new age they enter into, but most understand the need to adapt from the old ways to meet the ever changing universe's challenges.  Still small groups begin questioning if the decisions of the religious leaders truly follow the doctrine of Qu'Eran their goddess and if Cha’Lholitef is really a prophet or a deceiver in disguise.

This is the current state of Humanity:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

This is the current state of the Unity:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
As you can see the Unity has a clear advantage having far superior numbers of labs and industry, they also have a large amount of research into economical and research oriented projects already done, however their extreme desire to avoid conflict and place peace as a paramount ideal may be their downfall in many ways.  At the same time the road for the Federation will not be an easy one at all with the huge obstacle of the Unity to overcome.  Keep in mind that even though the Unity knows where the Federation is they currently have no way of contacting them or knowing anything about them.  Finally this is the current galactic map for the Unity (because the Federation hasn't explored any other solar systems yet):


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Humanities Fight an Aurora 4X community Let's Play
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2015, 05:22:26 pm »

I'll support the unity. Armor tech is required. As are very long range missiles. Point defense lasers would be nice after missiles.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Humanities Fight an Aurora 4X community Let's Play
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2015, 06:31:47 pm »

Damn, 4 years to research Trans-Newtonian tech? Talk about being underdogs. I'm sufficiently interested to see where this will go.
This sentence contains exactly threee erors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Humanities Fight an Aurora 4X community Let's Play
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2015, 01:06:04 am »

Seeing as how I have gotten some replies and it's going to take a bit before much starts happening in the game I went ahead and did 5 years of time.

Federation November 4th 2000:

The 5th Low Tech Armour Division is trained and Colonel Andrew Cooke is given command over them.

Federation January 4th 2001:

As the new year passes the Infinite Dawn has an extra slipway added and Kane Davidson, the intelligence officer of Fleet Headquarters is promoted to Commander.

Federation July 4th 2001:

The 6th Low Tech Infantry finishes training and is assigned to the command of Declan Schofield.  Reece Bennett chooses to suspend training of more ground forces as the pool of potential Colonels has run dry.  He also encourages the training of new colonels for the military to allow for more commanded units.  At the same time Zachary Collier Public Affairs officer of Fleet Headquarters is promoted to Captain.  (Also insert comment about it being independence day and how the entirety of the Federation does not celebrate this holiday because it is an American holiday).

Federation December 4th 2001:

The financial centers that Bennett had ordered are completed and realizing the difficulty of their current situation he orders 6 new financial centers to be constructed to use the industry until research into TNE's is complete.

Unity February 1st 2000:

As the Unity takes their eyes from solely being concerned with higher knowledge they begin to realize that their planet has become overcrowded.  Families are placed together in small houses and there is barely enough food for everyone because of the immense population.  Realizing that their complete focus upon learning and religion blinded them to other important facts many begin to speak in whispers about the ignorance of the religious leaders.  Small groups of prayerful protest begin to form questioning both the insight and intentions of the religious leaders as well as the path they have set the Unity upon through Cha’Lholitef.

Unity February 4th 2000:

As the Glorious Heritage 002 jumps through JP1 it discovers a new system named Giclas 99-49.  Cha'Lholitef then allows the Glorious Heritage to continue its normal operations of surveying each of the jump points.

Unity March 4th 2000:

Unrest increases even further as the populace continues to realize the full extent of their overpopulation and the consequences of it.  Cha'Lholitef realizes that this has become a very serious issue and begins to plan with his advisers on how best to handle the situation.  It is quickly decided that plans for a new colony will need to be made and much of the industry will need to be diverted to develop infrastructure to produce a fast colony on a nearby planet as with the current population it would be impossible to build enough infrastructure on Cur to sustain them all.  A large portion of the industry is diverted from naval shipyard construction into infrastructure construction.  It is discovered that unfortunately none of the planets orbiting their star had suitable gravity for colonization, but in orbit around the second star is a planet named Inidlite-B II which has a suitable gravity.  Plans are immediately made for the colonization of this planet approximate 570m km away.  A design for a new cargo hauler is created for moving the infrastructure to the new world and 3 are queued to be created at Varnedos-Armentros shipyard.
Code: [Select]
Fingers of Dawn class Cargo Ship    79,850 tons     70 Crew     506 BP      TCS 1597  TH 400  EM 0
250 km/s     Armour 1-165     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
MSP 4    Max Repair 100 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months    Spare Berths 2   
Cargo 75000    Cargo Handling Multiplier 10   

400 EP Commercial Magneto-plasma Drive (1)    Power 400    Fuel Use 5.3%    Signature 400    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 10.6 billion km   (491 days at full power)

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
The civilian corporations are trusted with the task of moving civilians to the new colony as soon as infrastructure begins placement on the new world.  Research is also diverted into colony cost reduction which unfortunately won't be completed until the end of the next year.  In the mean time Cha'Lholitef tries to find some way of quelling the unrest.

Unity April 4th 2000:

As unrest continues to rise the beginning of the infrastructure is built, it fits a dual role of lowering unrest increase while it sits at Cur and being prepared for transport once the cargo ships are created late in the year.

Unity May 4th 2000:

Vi'Disiyoc finishes research into High Density Duranium Armour.  Some of the resources he was using are added to the colony cost reduction project and the rest are put into his next project on Composite Armour.  He promises a usable material in a little over a year.  Cha'Lholitef is then alerted by his advisers that the Glorious Heritage is overdue for shore leave.  Frustrated by the immense work a Governor is tasked with he orders its return as he retires to his quarters to think and rest.

Unity July 4th 2000:

The Glorious Heritage completes its shore leave and heads back to its duties of mapping the stars.

Unity October 4th 2000:

The first 3 Fingers of Dawn are completed and set to begin a cycle of moving infrastructure.  Another 3 are set to be constructed by command of Cha'Lholitef.

Unity January 4th 2001:

As the new year dawns Cha'Lholitef continues to worry over the increasing unrest on Cur and gives money to the Fey Colony Limited to help them in their colonization effort.

Unity May 4th 2001:

Qa'Phafawozh finishes research into Mobile Infantry Battalions.  All of his resources are given to Ve'Lhophegogh for research into short range intercontinental explosive devices.  Ve'Lhophegogh promises results within around a year.  Looking at some initial notes and designs Cha'Lholitef begins to question if this device is perhaps related to the device used to bring down the original Glorious Heritage.

The Fey Colony Limited construct their first colony ships for sending the populace to a new and interesting world.  Few question the reason behind this movement as most are simply content to relieve the extreme overcrowding and death rate.

Unity July 4th 2001:

The Fey Colony Limited launches freighters.  Cha'Lholitef questions as to the need of these freighters since he has not mandated any need for infrastructure transportation to the new colony, but he welcomes the help.

Unity September 4th 2001:

3 more Fingers of dawn are finished and set to assume the same cycle as the others.  Cha'Lholitef decides not to continue production of the freighters due to the assistance from the Fey Colony Limited.

Unity October 4th 2001:

Cha'Lholitef breathes a sigh of relief as he sees the reports about a reduce unrest increase.  The movement to a new colony is working and the overpopulation is slowly fading away.  He realizes this is no time to rest, but rejoices in the fact that he can finally return his focus to more militarily pressing matters.

Unity December 4th 2001:

Nearing the end of the year So'Wutocom (known as So'Wut by his friends :D) finishes research into reducing the colonization cost by 5%.  Part of his resources are pumped into speeding up research into ICBM Missiles.  A large portion of the remaining resources are given to Zho'Ribikoz for research into a greater maximum engine power modifier and the last is given to Da'Luwekis to speed up his research into cloaking theory.

Unity January 4th 2002:

Ve'Lhophegogh finishes his research into ICBM Missiles.  He is given the award of Solemn Duty for being the first to enter into this new age of weapon use.
So'Wutocom is then given the resources to begin construction into a Gun-type Fission Warhead with additional explosive power.

Unity April 4th 2002:

Vi'Disiyoc finishes research into Composite armour and is instantly transferred into researching Ceramic Composite armour despite his objections due to the long duration of time he insists it will require to finish this project.  Cha'Lholitef understands his concerns and promises to transfer more resources to the project as soon as they become available.

January 4th 2003 is where I finish it for tonight.  I know I promised a full 5 years, but its time to get some sleep.  So I leave you with this (I will go ahead and upload the empires' current status' tomorrow).  As you can see the Federation has had a rather uneventful few years (to be expected) and the Unity has been fighting to keep control of their population.  As it currently stands the Unity only have a Political Stability Modifier of 27.68% and their Manufacturing Efficiency Modifier has dropped to 37.27% so they are in a kind of tight spot while they try to colonize the other planet.  I hope you guys have enjoyed this little installment.  I hope that the next one can bring more of a spotlight on the Federation and I look forward to your guys ideas for the different races.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Humanities Fight an Aurora 4X community Let's Play
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2015, 04:51:07 am »

Locate potential terraforming targets. Research basic terraforming tech and build a ship for such, might take a while to bear fruit but useful. Locate additional potential colonies. Begin colonizing. Additional missile tech.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Humanities Fight an Aurora 4X community Let's Play
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2015, 11:01:16 am »

Overcrowding huh? Why aren't the Unity adapted to their own homeworld?
This sentence contains exactly threee erors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Humanities Fight an Aurora 4X community Let's Play
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2015, 11:21:01 am »

Overcrowding huh? Why aren't the Unity adapted to their own homeworld?
Because they nuked it to shit in a war.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Humanities Fight an Aurora 4X community Let's Play
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2015, 03:36:58 pm »

I couldn't have put it better myself Kevak.  Just to help everybody understand about the Unity here is a little deeper history on them (also I just like creating stories sometimes).  As it says the Unity used to be a race at constant war, which by the way their race is actually called the Inidlite (that's why the system's name changed to that).  They were pretty much like Humans in that there were a bunch of different factions constantly fighting over resources or for power or whatever.  Eventually the war ended with the near extinction of the Unity.  The weapons used to cause this are not know, though it can be assumed it was probably similar to nuclear missiles.  There were small groups of survivors that manged to be in the right areas to not be killed by the destruction.  One of these survivors then began moving across the world bringing these survivors together into a religion focused on knowledge rather than power.  They slowly began the process of rebuilding the population as well as society in general and at the same time they were bringing their planet back to life (because that huge extinction event didn't have the best affects on the planet).  Now of course the planet could never be fully revived to what it had once been, but they did what they could.  The unfortunate thing is that their religion had the same problem that a lot of religions do.  The members become so consumed by the religion and following its practices that they were blinded to what was going on around them.  Imagine being so engrossed by some research project you have been working on at home for years that you don't even realize that every day you go to the market you can barely get enough food to feed yourself.  Of course on Earth our religions don't get that far, but imagine a planet where the entirety of the inhabitants all believe the same thing.  On a side note the Medal of Solemn Duty has two purposes:
  • I just wanted to make a medal
  • It was created back near the beginning of the Unity for a terrible, but necessary purpose
As I said after the war ended their were small pockets of survivors who had escaped the terrible events that had occurred, however not all of them were above ground.  Near the beginning (somewhere around 20 years after the war) of the Unity a bunker was opened by its inhabitants.  They were, for obvious reasons, afraid to leave their safe bunker, but they began communication with the outside world, namely the Unity.  Unfortunately these people were still used to the old ways and wanted power rather than knowledge.  Seeing as how their religion forbids unnecessary violence the Unity could not stop the underground people, but it was commonly agreed that if they were allowed to enter into society it would cause corruption and everything would begin to revert to the old ways.  The religious leader knew something had to be done, but to ask for anyone to take action against these unwelcome visitors would be on the verge of heresy and extremely hypocritical.  As the Unity feared what was to come a single man who shall not be named under punishment of death approached the leader.  He asked if he might go out and destroy the entire population of this underground bunker as he had been an amazing, but retired, fighter in the old days.  The leader warned him that this action would be punished with death and that it could not be condoned, but he would not be stopped if he chose to do this.  The man understood and went out and slaughtered the entire bunker leaving none alive.  At his execution the leader came forth and awarded him the medal of Solemn Duty to show a hero who had done the unthinkable to save and preserve the future of the Unity.  During the coming years more bunkers were opened and more heroes were awarded this medal at their execution as they slaughtered those inside.  While I'm not sure Ve'Lhophegogh quite lives up to the history of the medal I have to repeat that I just wanted to give out a medal.

Anyhow I'm gonna go ahead and do the next 7 years to try to get us back on track with this 5 year plan.  Hopefully the Federation will have a more interesting time in the coming years.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Humanities Fight an Aurora 4X community Let's Play
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2015, 03:45:20 pm »

Anyhow I'm gonna go ahead and do the next 7 years to try to get us back on track with this 5 year plan.  Hopefully the Federation will have a more interesting time in the coming years.
I doubt it. I take upwards from 20 years to actually accomplish anything from a conventional start.
This sentence contains exactly threee erors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Humanities Fight an Aurora 4X community Let's Play
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2015, 06:23:16 pm »

There seem to be no posts for the federation? Are you autoing them engineer13?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Humanities Fight an Aurora 4X community Let's Play
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2015, 11:32:29 pm »

There seem to be no posts for the federation? Are you autoing them engineer13?
First off I will point out that, although few, there are some posts for the Federation in my second post.  Second no I'm not autoing them, they just aren't having that many interesting events to post about.  Finally I'm getting close to the end of 10 years which I'm trying to finish today before I go to bed (I have had a few things involving cars I had to do today, but I should be able to finish it) and this post has a larger number of updates about the Federation.  There still is quite a few more for the Unity, but that is to be expected since the Federation started with a conventional start.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Humanities Fight an Aurora 4X community Let's Play
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2015, 12:26:50 am »

Federation October 30th 2003:

Liam Gough contracts a serious disease as he is researching TNE's.  Some people begin to wonder if the cause of this mysterious disease is from the TNE's themselves and how safe this future Bennett speaks of may be.

Federation March 30th 2004:

Construction of the Financial Centers is completed, but it is complete overshadowed by the finishing of research into TNE's.  Liam Gough is immediately awarded the Nobel Physics Prize for his amazing work even through his sickness.

In the wake of this Sarah Wood Commander of the 4th Low Tech Armour unit is promoted to Brigadier.

With so many new fields and industries now opened Reece Bennett confers with his advisers as to the best initial steps to take.  Many agree that the alien race must be at least somewhat farther advanced than the Federation leaving only two options for warfare, either masses of low tech units or a smaller number of units highly specialized in a specific technology.  It is generally agreed that, although a specialized technology may initially provide a large advantage over their opponents, it would be countered soon after leaving the Federation in an even worse place.  It is agreed to begin research into fighter production and carriers in order to swarm the enemy.

Liam Gough is started on a new project into Flag Brigade research.  It is agreed that a large portion of the CI should be converted into new TNE Construction Facilities in order to allow research labs and fighter production facilities to be built much faster.  Although the time it takes to finish this conversion is tremendous Bennett is assured that as new industry is created it will speed up the process.  A small amount of the industry is also set to be converted into mines and fighter factories.

Federation October 26th 2004:

Liam Gough finishes research into Flag brigade and is immediately placed into research on Infrared lasers.

Federation April 26th 2005:

Liam Gough finishes research into Infrared Lasers and is placed on a team for researching a 10cm laser focal lens.  Bennett smiles as he reads the reports coming in showing the years shaving off of the required time to convert the CI into TNE construction facilities.  Though progress has been slow and who knows what the enemy may be doing with this time, at least things are beginning to look up for the Federation.

Federation March 10th 2006

Liam Gough finishes research into 10cm laser focal lenses and is given the project of Visible Light Lasers.  He cautions Bennett that this will take over a year to complete showing that research is beginning to slow due to a lack of research facilities.  Bennett discusses with his advisers this dilemma that they are coming too.  It is generally agreed that the current projects should not be altered, however once the construction facilities are completed research facilities will need to become a high priority.

Federation April 10th 2006:

Declan Schofield, C.O. 6th Low Tech Infantry Division develops a serious medical problem.  Small groups of TNE protesters blame it on the new use of TNE's, but most agree that it was just bad luck.

Federation January 26th 2007:

Conversion of CI into Fighter Factories has finished allowing more industry to be used on the other two conversions.

Federation March 26th 2007:

Seeing the large new flock of Ground Force commanders that have come from the Training Facility, Bennett decides to renew training of Ground Forces.

Federation October 28th 2007:

The 7th Low Tech Infantry Division is trained and Colonel Ellen Barlow is given command of them.

Federation November 28th 2007:

Liam Gough finishes research on Visible Light Lasers.  He cautions Bennett to not be so careless with creating Ground Forces willy nilly.  After a short discussion Liam Gough is placed into research on a Garrison Battalion.

Federation June 28th 2008:

Liam Gough finishes his new research quickly.  Bennett finally decides to give him a break and instead gives the resources to Adam Holt to research Duranium Armour.

Federation August 28th 2008:

Jordan Young, C.O. 1st Low Tech Infantry is promoted to Brigadier.

Federation October 28th 2008:

Adam Holt finishes his research and is given the project of researching Alpha Shields.

Federation July 1st 2009:

Adam Holt finishes his research into shielding.  Liam Gough is once again called upon for research.  This time he is given the task of designing a Pressurized Water Reactor.

Federation August 1st 2009:

A shortage in Duranium slows the conversion of CI's.  Bennett quickly changes industry to prioritize conversion to mines to increase the TNE's being collected.

Federation January 1st 2010:

The Federation celebrates a decade since its founding.  Parties and fireworks are seen all over the planet.  The citizens look back upon the progress they have made in these short 10 years as well as the promising future that is too come.  Bennett understands the difficult choices and time that are to come, but he looks forward to the tremendous leaps they will make in the next decade.

Unity January 4th 2003:

Inside Cha'Lholitef's office:
Cha'Lholitef: I'm sure you are wondering why I called you in here.
Vi'Disiyoc: I'm hoping you are going to tell me about all the resources you are appointing to my project.
Cha'Lholitef: I'm afraid not.  I actually need to pull some of them from your research.
Vi'Disiyoc: ...What?
Cha'Lholitef: I have been speaking with my advisers and we have agreed that, for the long-term survival of our people we need terraforming technology in order to create more suitable colonies for our people.
Cha'Lholitef: I understand, but this is a necessary move to reach our long-term goals.
Vi'Disiyoc: I told you not to even BEGIN this research.  Missiles are needed for our long term survival.  Explosive power, range, maneuverability.  I told you to give me any of those and instead you decided we needed better armour and now you tell me that this 19 year project needs to turn into a 57 year project.  THIS IS INSANITY.
Cha'Lholitef: QUIET.  I have made my decision.  You will continue your work on this improved armour and in the future I will give you the necessary resources to complete it quickly, but for now I will take some of those resources to create a project in terraforming.
Vi'Disiyoc: [Stomps out the door slamming it behind him]
Cha'Lholitef: [Sigh]

Happy to change to something less violent Ve'Lhophegogh is assigned to research a terraforming module for use on ships.

Unity May 4th 2003:

Realizing how badly the unrest is affecting the work in industry, Cha'Lholitef stops all creation of a military accademy to increase production of the Ground Forces Training Facility in the hopes that trained forces might quell the populace.

Unity July 30th 2003:

The Glorious Heritage finishes searching the Giclas 99-49 system to find that it is a dead end.  It is then ordered back to Cur for some much needed R&R and overhaul before being sent to another unexplored system.

Beginning to really fear how low the political stability is becoming, Cha'Lholitef diverts industry from infrastructure to the Ground Forces Training Center.

Unity December 30th 2003:

Construction of the Naval Shipyard is complete and almost all industry is diverted to creating the Ground Forces Training Facility which nears completion.

Unity January 30th 2004:

The Ground Forces Training Facility is finally completed and Cha'Lholitef immediately begins training of a Mobile Infantry Battallion.  Unfortunately it will take a full year, but Cha'Lholitef is confident this will help keep the Unity alive.  All industry is then diverted into construction of infrastructure.

Unity April 13th 2004:

The Glorious Heritage enters a new jump gate in the Procyon system to find the system Ross 47.  A system without any planets, but plenty of gravitational anomalies to be possible jump points.

Unity February 26th 2005:

The 10th Mobile Infantry Battalion is completed allowing Cha'Lholitef to relax ever so slightly.  Although they do not bring down unrest as much as it increases they do provide enough leverage to allow more units to be created as to keep the populace in check.  Also the Fey Colony Limited creates yet another Colony Ship for transferring the population to the new colony.

Unity May 26th 2005:

Cha'Lholitef becomes confident enough in their current infrastructure that he decides to build a military academy, however the projected time it would take to construct this facility is absurd so after consulting his advisers he instead chooses to place part of the industry into construction of new construction facilities to reduce build time of all structures in the future.

Unity July 26th 2005:

So'Wutocom finishes his research into Gun-type Fission Warheads.  Seeing that all of his current research projects will take decades to complete Cha'Lholitef places the resources into the Cloaking Theory project to speed it up so he can use its resources to speed up other projects.  This sucessfully halves the required time of the project.

Unity December 10th 2005:

As the end of the year approaches Cha'Lholitef is astounded by the number of jump points being found in the new system they found.  Already 3 new jump points have been found.  Although military is an unfortunate focus of the Unity right now, it's nice to be able to see that exploration is still a part of the Unity.

Unity April 10th 2006:

The 11th Mobile Infantry Battallion completes its training.  Cha'Lholitef reads the reports on unrest levels.  The Ground Forces have not fully met the full impact of the unrest, but they nearly are there.  One more unit should be able to overcome the effects of the overpopulation allowing the stability of the Unity to increase to its full potential again.  Cha'Lholitef is not particularly happy that this is the method he was forced to use, but he understands it was a necessary move.  For the briefest moment he questions if it was truly the only option or if his aggressive nature got the best of him, but he quickly banishes the thought as he has no time to dwell on the past.

Unity June 10th 2006:

Cha'Lholitef receives the report that due to the large number of colonists moving to the other colony the Mobile Infantry Battalions are finally lowering unrest more than it is being raised by overpopulation.  After careful deliberation he decides to continue training of one more Battalion to decrease unrest faster.

Unity August 26th 2006:

The Glorious Heritage finishes its survey of the Ross 47 system.  There are a total of 5 new jump points to explore.  Surprisingly one of these jump points has a strange construction around it that seems to allow travel without the need of a jump drive named a jump gate.  The Glorious Heritage is sent back to Cur for a overhaul and shoreleave.  After this Cha'Lholitef plans to have the strange jump gate system explored.  In the meantime a design for a Geological Survey Vessel is created to find the resources in the nearby stellar bodies.
Code: [Select]
Seven Pillars class Geological Survey Vessel    3,300 tons     45 Crew     333 BP      TCS 66  TH 400  EM 0
6060 km/s     Armour 1-19     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/2     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
MSP 63    Max Repair 150 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months    Spare Berths 0   

400 EP Commercial Magneto-plasma Drive (1)    Power 400    Fuel Use 5.3%    Signature 400    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 257.3 billion km   (491 days at full power)

Improved Geological Sensors (1)   2 Survey Points Per Hour

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
The Laura Graving Dock is retooled for this vessel and begins construction on 3 of them.

Unity April 26th 2007:

The training of the 12th Mobile Infantry Battalion marks the end of Cha'Lholitef's military training.

Unity June 28th 2007:

The Glorious Heritage enters the jump gate and finds a new system named Gliese 205.  Another system with no planetary bodies, but plenty of potential jump points.  There is also a jump gate on this side of the jump point.  A very curious sign that some of Cha'Lholitef's advisers begin to wonder upon.

Unity July 1st 2009:

Fey Colony Limited launches yet another freighter.

Unity December 1st 2009:

Da'Luwekis completes research into Cloaking Theory.  Cha'Lholitef looks at the current research and decides to give the resources to all 3 projects.  Vi'Disiyoc, though still grumbling, is relieved to watch his projected timeline drop dramatically.  Also Cha'Lholitef is relieved to receive the report that unrest has been reduced to minimal levels.  Although he does not enjoy the method by which he has done this, he is glad to see that the Unity is no longer in imminent danger.

Unity January 1st 2010:

The Unity has a full day of silence and prayer to contemplate the previous decade and the actions they have taken as well as those that are planned for the future.  It is asked of all the populace that they seriously contemplate how they feel and think of the path they have been set upon and to weigh upon the deeds that may be necessary in the future.

Sorry busy day so no picture updates, but basically the Federation is doing about as well as you might expect.  There minerals are a little short and they are beginning to lose a little money, but nothing major.  The Unity is finally back to being pretty stable.  There industry is still kind of shot, but otherwise they are alright.  I promise tomorrow I will have picture updates on the status of each faction after I do the next 5 years (7 years took up too much time to be able to go through the process of getting the images ready to be put on here).  Regardless now that the Federation has TNE research I hope somebody will go ahead and give some advice for them because although my plan had some logic behind it it definitely could use some more work.

I do have to say even though I'm writing the stories its very interesting to see the differences in the responses of each race to similar circumstances.  Anyhow have a good day/night.


I wish there were some way to automatically have your ships come back and shoreleave/overhaul every time they exceeded their deployment time.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Humanities Fight an Aurora 4X community Let's Play
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2015, 01:58:21 am »

Hold on, are the research projects assigned the scientists that will give them the best bonuses? If not. Assign them properly. First and second level military tech shouldn't take decades to research. Also why the shit is cloaking a research? It's pretty useless when you have missiles. It's only good for plasma and similar closerange ships.

Actually. Pause all current topics and research improved facilities. Put two levels into that then resume what was going on.

Edit, actually, can we get a list of scientists and their respective bonuses?

And build more research facilities.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Humanities Fight an Aurora 4X community Let's Play
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2015, 12:02:42 pm »

Why is the Federation bothering to research lasers and shields? Priorities should be Construction/Production, and maybe propulsion techs.
This sentence contains exactly threee erors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Humanities Fight an Aurora 4X community Let's Play
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2015, 04:07:25 pm »

Hold on, are the research projects assigned the scientists that will give them the best bonuses?
I'm assuming we are talking about the Unity in which case:
Currently each research project is assigned to a scientist who specializes in that field with the exception of a terraforming module which is assigned to Ve'Lhophegogh because the Unity has no scientists in the field of Biology/Genetics and he had the highest bonus at the time it was began.

Also why the shit is cloaking a research?
I began cloaking as a research at the beginning just because it kind of fit with the Unity's way of thinking at the time.  I don't know what happened to make it take so damn long, but at least its done and over with and we don't have to worry about it anymore.

Edit, actually, can we get a list of scientists and their respective bonuses?
Yeah, you would have had that if I had the time to upload the photos yesterday, but I'll go ahead and give you a quick rundown:
  • Zho'Ribikoz - PP30%
  • Ve'Lhophegogh - PP20%
  • Vi'Disiyoc - DS5%
  • Da'Luwekis - DS55%
  • So'Wuticom - CP30%
  • Qa'Phafawozh - LG0%
  • Ju'Ghalodazh - CP0%

As you can see Da'Luwekis would be far better suited for the terraforming research, but he with something else when I began the research and I think the other two that have better bonuses were either busy or have advanced their bonuses since then.

Why is the Federation bothering to research lasers and shields? Priorities should be Construction/Production, and maybe propulsion techs.

From a game standpoint, yes.  In fact looking at the long-term their current strategy might be ok, but it could definitely be better.  Since I currently have no one helping them out, I'm basically just going on a kind of story based strategy.  The Federation has no idea when the Unity might show up with massive ships with a lot of firepower (since that seems to be how we see aliens).  Obviously if they knew more about the Unity and their current situation they would plan for the long-term and build up their construction capabilities (which they are doing to a small extent by focusing most of their CI into Construction Factories), but for all they know they will be attacked really soon so they are building weapons and defenses to protect themselves.  While Construction/Production is still an important fact to them, they can't focus a huge amount on it because they are in constant fear that they will be overpowered by the Unity.

I'm going to go ahead and finish another 5 years then I will post everything along with photo status reports.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2015, 04:09:02 pm by engineer13 »
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