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Author Topic: Pastblasters - Adventures in Wizardry (Turn 55)  (Read 93216 times)


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Re: Pastblasters - Adventures in Wizardry (Turn 0)
« Reply #45 on: March 30, 2015, 12:59:43 am »

Zikal sighed at the deception. Typical. Well, I suppose this lie was understandable. People who have nothing must do what they can to simply survive.
He looked back at the shack, memories of his past aspirations from Saltar resurfacing. All that I've left behind, may it one day grow anew. Shaking the thoughts away, he focused on the task at hand. The harsh weather makes tracking the ruffians a near impossibility for most humans. Luckily, adepts were not most humans.

Shape-shift into a wolf and begin tracking the ruffians scent around the road.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2015, 01:18:10 am by HighEndNoob »
(5) You manage to struggle free of the guards and sprint to a safe distance before tossing a knife at one! (5 + 1 = 6) The throwing knife zips through the air, slitting a guard's throat! It then travels around the group of guards like a boomerang. It (5) Slits another throat, (Three 6's in a row!) decapitates three more (!), (4) slices open the last guard's arm, and (2) narrowly misses a random bystander. It then flies back into your hand. Holy crap.


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Re: Pastblasters - Adventures in Wizardry (Turn 0)
« Reply #46 on: March 30, 2015, 02:48:51 am »

Omg so much text  :o
my main lang is russian. Still i hope we understand each other :3


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Re: Pastblasters - Adventures in Wizardry (Turn 0)
« Reply #47 on: March 30, 2015, 07:48:58 am »

Willhelm stood up at full height, towering over the prone man. He ran his hand over his short hair as he looked at the trampled schrubbery, resting his hand at the spot where a large scar remains as a constant reminder of his accident. When he speaks he does so in a slow and deliberate manner, words do not come easily to Willhelm anymore.

"Blessed are we all to be alive in His creation, for every day is a gift."

He points to the trampled shrubs, and looks at the prone guy.

"His faithful nourish and shape the land. Truly wicked are those who would so carelessly destroy their labour. What reasons could they have, that their haste takes precedence over the work of honest men?"



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pastblasters - Adventures in Wizardry (Turn 0)
« Reply #48 on: March 30, 2015, 12:41:13 pm »

Leaving the cutpurse's items on the ground, I pick one fairie that is near my face and watch it very closely... until I suddenly blow a puff of air at it before hopping backwards and then take the direct route to the rooftops, moving from the snow-patches to the tar shingles, and lying down near where they meet to watch the people wandering by below, and listen to them talking.
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


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Re: Pastblasters - Adventures in Wizardry (Turn 0)
« Reply #49 on: March 30, 2015, 02:48:27 pm »

((I had already lost hope in joining and I was going to use the character concept for a FEF game, but it's good to see I was accepted still.))

Dressed in eye-catching clothes - as Landsknechte are wont to - colored blue with silver trim which provide a stark contrast to his darkened metal armor, Leonhard stands up to get to Klein and see what's wrong. "Klein, sometimes I swear ya're a kitten still. Did ya just eat that?" he asks the cat, checking the black furball's mouth and trying to see what exactly his friend's meowing at. The chilling wind coming from outside doesn't give him any enthusiasm to leave the relative warmth of the inn to search for whatever may be the source of the bubbles.

Check whether the cat swallowed up the crystal and what exactly he seems to be meowing at.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pastblasters - Adventures in Wizardry (Renaissance/Fantasy) (Open)
« Reply #50 on: March 31, 2015, 02:04:43 am »

Willhelm stood up at full height, towering over the prone man. He ran his hand over his short hair as he looked at the trampled schrubbery, resting his hand at the spot where a large scar remains as a constant reminder of his accident. When he speaks he does so in a slow and deliberate manner, words do not come easily to Willhelm anymore.

"Blessed are we all to be alive in His creation, for every day is a gift."

He points to the trampled shrubs, and looks at the prone guy.

"His faithful nourish and shape the land. Truly wicked are those who would so carelessly destroy their labour. What reasons could they have, that their haste takes precedence over the work of honest men?"

[4][2] The prone man's accomplice helps him up as you make your speech, each of the vandals whispering into the other's ea under your voice. As you cast your final judgement, they both turn and flee into the snow field. You observe that the one who fell is limping as he runs, slowing him down.

Perhaps they ran into the snow because they knew they could not outrun you on open road. At least it looks like they know their place!

You are outside in the cold. [4][3] The weather is calm and the morning fog is clear, allowing you to see long distances. The ruffians seem to be heading toward the so-called "barony of Ardour" mentioned by the sign, but all you see in the distance are the ruins of an old castle, set in a clearing among thorny snow-pines.


You have a large greatbow (Attack power: 3 (charged), 1 (uncharged)) (charging takes one turn of preparation)
You have 14 arrows in your quiver (Attack power: 1)
You have an important scroll in a copper cylinder
You have a moderate sum of cash

Zikal sighed at the deception. Typical. Well, I suppose this lie was understandable. People who have nothing must do what they can to simply survive.
He looked back at the shack, memories of his past aspirations from Saltar resurfacing. All that I've left behind, may it one day grow anew. Shaking the thoughts away, he focused on the task at hand. The harsh weather makes tracking the ruffians a near impossibility for most humans. Luckily, adepts were not most humans.

Shape-shift into a wolf and begin tracking the ruffians scent around the road.

The colors of winter--the red blossoms on the banks of the road and the teal vines smothered underneath patches of melting snow--all fade to an ugly brown as you take on the aspects of a fierce canine. Your javelin melds into your body, as does your clothing and other possessions. Your field of view stretches outward, but you've done this many times before with a variety of animals. The dizziness lasts only a few seconds.

[6][6] Now that you are ready to move on, however, you hear a wimper from behind. You tilt your head to see what happened, and as it turns out, you've created a whole family of pups to take care of! What a calamity, putting these innocent creatures out in the cold! You look around to see if you have subconsciously procured a she-wolf to help manage the pups, but it seems you are alone with them. Five pups, with nowhere to go.


You have a Beech Javelin (Attack power: 3 (thrown), 1 (stab)) (thrown attacks must be recovered)
You have 10 Javelin memories (strong)
You have a small amount of cash

Archae affectionately pets his faerie, and smiles. He wanders around for a bit, looking for a couple of essential items.

Archae finds a stick, and than walks into the marketplace, looking for equipment such as backpacks, food, and simple weapons.

[3][2] You find a big tree just outside the gate with plenty of branches, all thorny though. The species Coniferum Spica, like all pines, grows a thick cyan-colored bark to protect itself from the piercing light of the Ashstorms. The coating is made up of small needles which fit snugly together to thicken the surface by about half an inch, while extending small thorns about a fourth of an inch. This coating dissolves during the ashstorm, but the last time an ashstorm occurred was during the night, and thus the current layer is even thicker and thornier than usual. The spines are half an inch long.

You wrapped a tarp around the stick to help yourself hold it, but it's not a perfect solution.

[4][4] You find more success in procuring rations for your next journey. A peasant girl was selling oranges, lemon juice, and sandwiches wrapped in longland leaf (a natural preservative). The prices were pocket-change, and she mentioned that her family grew quite an excess during the last summer.

[2][6] Finding an equipment store, you purchase a cheap leather backpack to hold all of your essentials, then turn to the weapon rack and gaze upon the shiny things.
A boy with clean hands and pristine apron greets you.
"G'day traveler. I trust everything is going well? Would you like a demonstration of some of the finest weapons Tyron has to offer?"

He removes a silvery-white falchion from its sheath and brandishes it, showing off a banded steel pattern and the extreme sharpness of its blade, enough to cut a feather falling on it in two.


You have a spiny walking stick (Attack power: (attacking head) 2, (attacking other parts) 1)
You remember your time in the wilderness well
You have some sandwiches and citrus
You have a fair sum of cash

[2][1] Blast! He has already swallowed the trinket. You see no sign of it in his mouth.
As for the meowing, it ends when you approach Klein. The cat glances outside, then looks back at you, before marching to your feet and cuddling around your boot.

There is a bang from the ceiling, from one of the upper rooms. You've heard that noise enough times to recognize that it was a gunshot. Some guests scream, others reach for their arms. The people of this city are more proactive, it seems, than the apathetic men of the country taverns.
"The cat knew it all along. Why else would it be a screamin?" a guest remarks.


You have a Zweihänder slung on your shoulder (Attack power: 4) (can only be swung every other turn)
You have a Katzbalger in your sheath (Attack power: 2)
You have an arquebus (Attack power: 3) (Your opponent gets an extra positive die to dodge)
You are wearing light plate armor (incoming attacks lose 1 attack power if over 1)
You have a decent sum of cash

The faerie spins around in the vortices of the air, snickering gleefully.

[4][2] You become one with the roof, and watch. There is still a trickle of snow blown up like dust from the trees and other rooftops, but not enough to accumulate on top of you, which would reveal you. ((speaking of which, do you even have a body temperature?))

[6][4] A rich nobleman with several followers walks by, dressed in a quilted doublet of white and blue, with a knee-height shoulder cape on one side and an ornate sheath on the other, holding a medium-length bastard sword within. [5][6] He notices the faeries, and sniffs loudly, telling his entourage to stop and follow him. The entourage consists of three women wearing sumptuous dresses trimmed with golden highlights, and two men, one of the Astrologer's Guild with a black fedora and a formal set of white shirt under a black vest and pants, unarmed. The other man appears to be a burgher, in cheap flannel, hammer at his side.

Nobleman: I say! That is most distinctly the smell of blood.
Astrologer: The faeries can attest.
Woman in Blue: Dear, why would the faeries be interested in a fresh kill? Don't they have children to be luring off into the wilds?
Woman in Red: Don't be silly! That's all just a mother's tale, for women to watch their kids closely.
Woman in Green: My son likes to catch the faeries in a hemp net and tear off their wings.
Woman in Blue: Watch him closely...

Nobleman: Enough! Bern, you stay watch over here, and shout if anything goes wrong. Sir Arnold, I need you to come with me, and tell what else you can gleam from the faeries.
Arnold: I think you overestimate my trade.
Nobleman: Nonsense! You are a fine asset to the team!
Arnold: My position as court astrologer of Duke Ferdinand is prestigious indeed, but not quite useful. The peasants will believe anything we tell them. It's the formulation of theories, our creativity, which makes up my job.
Nobleman: Well, prestige is all you need these days. A natural shield against murder, I would say. A bandit dare not end your life if they can make a fortune off releasing you.
Arnold: How considerate of them...

As the men and women talk in their respective circles, a band of four peasants pulling a cart approach. The cart is filled with straw and unsaleable goods, mostly spoiled fruit. The cart itself looks like it was fitted to be drawn by horse, but perhaps they've sold the horse.


You can use a switchblade (Attack power: (on stealth attacks) 3, (normally) 1)
You have a small sum of cash

It is the 2nd hour after noon, and the Twin Suns are obscured by a cloudy blanket.
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pastblasters - Adventures in Wizardry (Turn 1)
« Reply #51 on: March 31, 2015, 02:30:40 am »

Haggle the boy for the price of the falchion by using fingers.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pastblasters - Adventures in Wizardry (Turn 1)
« Reply #52 on: March 31, 2015, 04:35:28 am »

Willhelm nods, people often got scared of him. At least these ruffians know that they were in the wrong now.

Continue on my way to deliver the scroll


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pastblasters - Adventures in Wizardry (Turn 1)
« Reply #53 on: March 31, 2015, 12:01:47 pm »

I travel from rooftop to rooftop, advancing on the cathedral and looking for gaps in the walls or unwatched sections of it. If I see a opportunity to make it through unnoticed, then I take it. once I reach the area surrounding the cathedral, I, staying on the rooftops, look for a way inside.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2015, 12:04:51 pm by Lenglon »
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pastblasters - Adventures in Wizardry (Turn 0)
« Reply #54 on: March 31, 2015, 12:29:45 pm »

((I almost forgot, but ))

"Pal, if cats could detect shots before they fired, then ya can be sure I'd have more than one." he says humorously as he scoops Klein up with a hand, scritching behind the feline's ears before looking around at the startled men and raising his eyebrows. "So, shots any common around here? No one's checking or calling the guards?"

Anything strange happening outside and any more sounds from upstairs?
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pastblasters - Adventures in Wizardry (Turn 1)
« Reply #55 on: March 31, 2015, 04:02:42 pm »

Zikal pondered his predicament. I can't just leave these poor pups to die... wait a moment, I created these pups from memory. His head perks up in realization I could just remember the parents! I hope...

Remember the parent wolves and summon them to take care of the puppies.
(5) You manage to struggle free of the guards and sprint to a safe distance before tossing a knife at one! (5 + 1 = 6) The throwing knife zips through the air, slitting a guard's throat! It then travels around the group of guards like a boomerang. It (5) Slits another throat, (Three 6's in a row!) decapitates three more (!), (4) slices open the last guard's arm, and (2) narrowly misses a random bystander. It then flies back into your hand. Holy crap.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pastblasters - Adventures in Wizardry (Renaissance/Fantasy) (Open)
« Reply #56 on: March 31, 2015, 08:25:43 pm »

Willhelm nods, people often got scared of him. At least these ruffians know that they were in the wrong now.

Continue on my way to deliver the scroll

[2][8] You let the encounter serve as a lesson to these troublemakers, knowing the they won't dare to mess with the work of the monks again after that.

You pass by a winter wolf sitting on the side of the road, its pups gathered in the grass. This comes across as surprise to you, since you've never seen this before, but now you have.

In the distance, you spot another wolf, with a noticeable red scar on its left side. It appears to be limping along the field, occasionally sitting down and rubbing its side against the snow.

There is an unsightly hovel at this point on the road. You took a detour to get to where you are, through the heart of the Black forest in order to avoid the bulk of the tolls. Patrolling guards have been known to extort money, especially from messengers whom they deem important enough. And why give up the Church's money to line greedy men's pockets?


You have a large greatbow (Attack power: 3 (charged), 1 (uncharged)) (charging takes one turn of preparation)
You have 14 arrows in your quiver (Attack power: 1)
You have an important scroll in a copper cylinder
You have a moderate sum of cash

Zikal pondered his predicament. I can't just leave these poor pups to die... wait a moment, I created these pups from memory. His head perks up in realization I could just remember the parents! I hope...

Remember the parent wolves and summon them to take care of the puppies.

[5][1] It appears that you are the papa-wolf of this family. The she-wolf, you recall, had been wounded by fire (perhaps to an encounter with a pond salamander), and succumbed to its burns mere days later. You do not remember the wolf as it was before its injury, but you search for it within your mind... and find it out in the field, in the distance, its crimson scar appearing an ugly brown in the canine vision.

You hear a mystical noise with your keen hearing, the sound of a hollow chime, but ethereal. It comes from a mound of snow just a couple of yards off the roadway.


You had a Beech Javelin (Attack power: 3 (thrown), 1 (stab)) (thrown attacks must be recovered)
You had 10 Javelin memories (strong)
You had a small amount of cash

Haggle the boy for the price of the falchion by using fingers.

[3][5] The boy misunderstands your silence at first, thinking you to be a criminal. Then he realizes what you are trying to do.

"Well, since you're interested, I will have to consult the maker of this fine weapon. I will be back shortly."
The smith walks in, a man hardly taller than the boy, but with burns along his arms and fingers. He wears an apron scorched by the fires of industry.

"Well I'll be, if it isn't a man that made himself with all the odds against him. You want this falchion? My starting price is what's written on the board: thirty Hours. You seen better for less?"
The weapon's pattern-welding suggests it was handmade. Nothing like that can come out of the elven forges, those places with church-sized machines powered by the rising of steam. They can produce blades by the dozen a day, but the quality leaves much to be desired.
You feel around for your coinpurse. Thirty Hours... you've got well over a hundred, but it will take a bite out of your future funds.

The falchion's attack power is 3, but it drops to two every other swing.


You have a spiny walking stick (Attack power: (attacking head) 2, (attacking other parts) 1)
You remember your time in the wilderness well
You have some sandwiches and citrus
You have a fair sum of cash

"Pal, if cats could detect shots before they fired, then ya can be sure I'd have more than one." he says humorously as he scoops Klein up with a hand, scritching behind the feline's ears before looking around at the startled men and raising his eyebrows. "So, shots any common around here? No one's checking or calling the guards?"

Anything strange happening outside and any more sounds from upstairs?

"There ain't no guards here," says a drunkard, leaning against a support pole.
"Yeah, I'd beat it if I were you!" says another, arms crossed, drink foaming around his beard.

There is no strangeness outside, but a child, perhaps new to the city, is running around shouting "faeries!" repeatedly. Upstairs, you definitely hear thrashing and beating on the walls and floor. Some kind of fight is happening.

Klein, on the other want, tries to climb out of your arms. He really wants to go outside, it seems.


You have a Zweihänder slung on your shoulder (Attack power: 4) (can only be used offensively every other turn)
You have a Katzbalger (Attack power: 2)
You have an arquebus (Attack power: 3) (Your opponent gets an extra positive die to dodge)
You are wearing light plate armor (incoming attacks lose 1 attack power if over 1)
You have a decent sum of cash

I travel from rooftop to rooftop, advancing on the cathedral and looking for gaps in the walls or unwatched sections of it. If I see a opportunity to make it through unnoticed, then I take it. once I reach the area surrounding the cathedral, I, staying on the rooftops, look for a way inside.

[1][1] You leap to the next rooftop, disregarding the noble and his entourage. That turns out to be a mistake. The astrologer spotted you, even though you made no noise. He must have looked up at the last moment, just after you were sure nobody was watching.

Arnold: I saw a tail. Legs and a tail. There's something on the rooftops.
Nobleman: Vile scourge! Find me a way up, I shall track this murderous creature down and bring its head to the Kaiserin's throne! What work of sorcery is this?
Arnold: It may have been the magicians. I'll tell Bern to contact the authorities.
Nobleman: This one is mine.
Arnold: I meant to take care of the body.
Nobleman: Good call. I shall find a way up myself then.

The recognition of the magician's guild has been met with stark opposition from the street performers (who see it as a threat to their livelihood) and the city councils. The city's official stance on street magic is that thoughtform is much too difficult for the common men, and those who can use it would have applied for a scholarship to the University by now.

Recently, several crimes have been committed against popular street performers and magicians, and one famous musician (known more for his radical infidelity than his music) was recently murdered by a giant sand manta, which dematerialized promptly in the face of authorities. The magicians claim it was a hoax, and that the performers themselves have been assisted by high-ranking adepts in the bureaucratic heiarchy.

It is the 2nd hour after noon, and the Twin Suns are obscured by a cloudy blanket.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2015, 01:08:27 am by _DivideByZero_ »
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Everyone cries, the question is what follows it.
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Re: Pastblasters - Adventures in Wizardry (Turn 1)
« Reply #57 on: March 31, 2015, 09:12:19 pm »

bah, it doesn't matter that much, just apply some speed to the problem. If he needs assistance getting up here then he'll have trouble going from roof to roof. I continue going on my way, unfurling my wings and using them to help myself stay far ahead of my pursuer. same movement target as before.
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


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Re: Pastblasters - Adventures in Wizardry (Turn 1)
« Reply #58 on: March 31, 2015, 09:51:14 pm »

Archae nods slowly, and hands over the payment. Using the falchion, he shears the thorns from a portion of the branch, to allow a better handhold.


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Re: Pastblasters - Adventures in Wizardry (Turn 0)
« Reply #59 on: April 01, 2015, 12:51:28 pm »

Spoiler: OOC (click to show/hide)

"Sure no one should check what's going on? Pal, just be cool. I'm not looking for trouble, but whatever's happening upstairs seems to be plenty of it. Anyone who can still walk should follow me to take a look." Leonhard replies. It's his time off so he really isn't in the mood for getting into a fight he won't get paid for and may land him in a bad situation with the justice system. Besides, drunk men are not the kind of people you should take offense to.

Try to convince the men into being less hostile and calming down. If it fails, just leave the tavern with Klein and head where he wants to. If successful, carefully try to check what's going upstairs. Carefully doesn't mean sneakily, but "deliberate and alert, ready to bolt or fight if necessary".
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.
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